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TF 10:30 AM1:30 PM
GSB 403(LAB)

Manzon, Michael Angelo L.
Manguiat, Daryl S.
Millan, Jireh Oleary M.
Sederio, Christine Jade
November 24, 2017

Experiment 1: Chemical Reactions of Organic Compounds

1. Ester Formation
(+) 0.5 mL of the ff:
Test tube 1 - Ethanol
Test tube 2 - n-butyl alcohol
Test tube 3 - Glycerol
Test tube 4 - Benzyl Alcohol
Test tube 5 - Phenol

1 2 3 4 5

(+) 5 gtts of acetyl chloride

(+) 1 mL of H2 O

Neutralize with about 5 gtts 10% NaHCO3 solution

Note the odor

Ester Formation

n-butyl Benzyl
EtOH alcohol Glycerol Alcohol Phenol

Ethanol Sour Odor

n-butyl alcohol Sour Odor
Glycerol Vanilla Odor
Benzyl alcohol Sour Odor
Phenol Plastic Balloon Oodr
2. Test for Enol Structure

Test tube 1 - Ethanol

Test tube 2 - n-butyl alcohol
Test tube 3 - Glycerol
Test tube 4 - Benzyl Alcohol
Test tube 5 - Phenol

1 2 3 4 5

(+) 10 mL Distilled Water

(+) 10 gtts 10% of FeCl3 solution

Note the color

Test for Enol Structure

EtOH n-butyl Glycerol Benzyl Phenol

alcohol Alcohol

Ethanol Pale Yellow

n-butyl alcohol Pale Yellow

Glycerol Formation of 3 layers: Upper Potion: Yellow, Middle Portion:

Brown, and Below Portion: Clear

Benzyl alcohol Formation of 3 layers: Upper Portion: Clear, Middle

Portion: Brown, and Below Portion: Cloudy

Phenol - Formation of 2 layers: Upper Portion: Black and Below Portion:

Brick Red
3. Rate of Oxidation
(+) 2 mL 0.1% KMnO4
(+) 2 drops of 6N NaOH
Test tube 1 - 5 gtts of n-butyl alcohol
Test tube 2 - Se-butyl alcohol
Test tube 3 - Tert-butyl alcohol
Test tube 4 - Control

1 2 3 4

Shake the test tube and

Observe any change in color

(+) 2 mL KMnO4
(+) 2 drops of 6N H2 SO4
Test tube 1 - 5 gtts of n-butyl alcohol
Test tube 2 - Se-butyl alcohol
Test tube 3 - Tert-butyl alcohol
Test tube 4 - Control

1 2 3 4

Shake the test tube and

Observe any change in color
Rate of Oxidation

n-butyl Se-butyl Tert-butyl

alcohol alcohol alcohol Control

5 gtts of n-butyl alcohol Light Pink to Light Brown

Se-butyl alcohol - Violet to Dark Green
Tert-butyl alcohol - Mint Green
Control Light Pink
n-butyl Se-butyl Tert-butyl
alcohol alcohol Control

5 gtts of n-butyl alcohol Dark Violet to 2 layered dark brown

Se-butyl alcohol Formation of 2 layers: Upper Portion:
Light Brown and Lower Portion: Dark Brown
Tert-butyl alcohol Dark Violet
Control Dark Violet
Aldehydes and Ketones
1. Oxidation

2 gtts acetone 2 gtts acetaldehyde

(+) 2 mL Tollens reagent (+) 2 mL Tollens reagent

Observe change in color Observe change in color

2 gtts acetone 2 gtts acetaldehyde

(+) 2 mL Benedicts reagent (+) 2 mL Benedicts reagent

Observe change in color Observe change in color


Acetone & Aldehyde &

Tollens rgt Tollens rgt

Acetone+Tollens= Colorless to pinkish

Aldehyde+Tollens= Colorless to Colorless
Acetone & Aldehyde &

Benedicts rgt Benedicts rgt

Acetone + Benedicts= Colorless to Dark Blue

Aldehyde + Benedicts= Colorless to Dark Blue
1. Formaldehyde Milk Test

2 mL of dil. whole milk

(+) 2 gtts Formalin
(+) 2 gtts 10% FeCl3

Add carefully
1 mL of conc. H2 SO4
Observe the interface
*Compare with milk without any formation

1. Resin Formation

3 mL 6N NaOH + 10-15 gtts acetaldehyde

change in

0.5 mL 6N NaOH + 10-15 gtts acetaldehyde

Formaldehyde Milk Test

Milk without Milk with

Formalin Formalin

There is a formation of coagulation for the formalin that was

added to the milk while in milk without formalin it didnt change.
Resin Formation

3 mL 6N 0.5 mL 6N
NaOH + 10- NaOH + 10-
15 gtts 15 gtts
acetaldehyde acetaldehyde

3 mL 6N NaOH + 10-15 gtts acetaldehyde: Formation of 2 layers is formed:

Upper Portion: Light Orange,Below Portion: Dark Orange

0.5 mL 6N NaOH + 10-15 gtts acetaldehyde: Formation of 3 layers is

formed: Upper Portion: Dark Orange, Middle Portion: Light Orange Below
Portion: Colorless

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