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Parents love

Sungduan, Gladys A.

Parents wanted their child to be disciplined as they grow and they have
different way of disciplining them. Some would discipline their child by inflicting pain
on the child; some would ground their child or punish them. For me, a child should
not be disciplined in such a harsh way.

Discipline is one way to show the love of a parent to his/her child because they
wanted their child to grow up in a nice manner. But disciplining a child in a harsh
way will not discipline a child. According to some parents that I asked, when they do
that, the child will rebel against them because the child will think that the parent does
not love him/her. They might also be afraid of their parents who can affect them
psychologically and emotionally. A child that was disciplined in a harsh way will grow
up that has a relationship gap with his/her parents. The child might be disciplined
since he/ she is afraid to make a mistake but a fear is planted in his/her heart.
Especially if it is a child he/ she should not be treated that way because it might lead
to trauma. In social aspect, if a child is raised in that way, he/she might be harsh to
other people. I remembered my late grandfather who told me that when I will have
family I should not be hurting them or discipline them in a harsh way because they
will also be doing it in their child.

It is still best to talk to your child if he/she made a mistake and explain his/
her mistake. Knowing that he/she is still a child, explaining to him/her the things
that he/she is doing will help them to know what is right and not to do it again. Also,
talking to them means you are giving the child a chance to explain his side in doing
such things. If you will hurt them they will disrespect you because if you will treat a
child nicely, he/she will treat you in the same way. A good example is, try to hold dry
sand tightly. When you will observe it the more you tighten your grip in the sand, the
more it will escape in your hand. Your hand represents the harsh way of discipline
while the sand represents the child. Now based on the example given, the more you
will be harsh in disciplining a child, the more it will rebel against you. So just talk to
your child nicely and they will listen to you and you will have a good relationship.

Being harsh will not help discipline a child, instead it will worsen the situation.
Just explain to them the consequence of the childs action. Sir Roger Sacyaten who is
a parent said that It is better to discipline a child in a sweet way by words and
action. By doing the harsh way, we are showing that we condone barbaric and cruel

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