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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp.

16531661, 1998
q 1998 SETAC
Printed in the USA
0730-7268/98 $6.00 1 .00

Environmental Chemistry


Science Applications International Corporation, 10260 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, California 92121, USA

(Received 7 July 1997; Accepted 5 January 1998)

AbstractNine-year (19861995) records of barium (Ba) concentrations in surficial, subsurface, and suspended sediments near
offshore oil and gas platforms in the Santa Maria Basin, California, USA, were analyzed to evaluate temporal trends related to
drilling activities. These trends provide important information on the long-term effects of drilling discharges on geochemical
conditions. Drilling during the 1986 through 1989 (phase II) monitoring period resulted in significant changes in Ba concentrations
in suspended particles and surficial sediments, whereas the relatively shorter 1993 through 1994 (phase III) drilling operations
resulted in only minor increases in Ba concentrations in suspended sediments. Residual excess Ba was present in some sediments
within 500 m of the platforms at concentrations up to an order of magnitude above background. These elevated levels probably
were associated with cuttings particles deposited near the base of the platforms. Calculated excess Ba in sediments within 500 m
of the platforms represented 6 to 11% of the total Ba discharged during the two drilling periods.

KeywordsSediments Barium Offshore oil drilling California

INTRODUCTION phase II, as well as the effects from a discharge phase of

substantially shorter duration and lower mass emissions.
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Minerals Man-
The phase II and phase III drilling operations are sum-
agement Service/National Biological Service sponsored a mul-
marized in Table 1. Phase III drilling occurred at two platforms
tiphase program to evaluate the long-term effects of devel-
(Hermosa and Hidalgo) over an 8-month period, resulted in
opment and production drilling and platform discharges on
drilling or redrilling of five wells, and generated a total of
deep-water (100200-m), hard-bottom, epifaunal communities
4,700 m3 of muds and 875 m3 of cuttings. The drilling oper-
in the Santa Maria Basin region off central California, USA.
ations were sequential; therefore, concurrent discharges from
The conceptual design of the program is described by Brewer
the two platforms did not occur during phase III. Produced
et al. [1], Hyland et al. [2,3], and Science Applications Inter-
(i.e., formation or connate) water discharges to the ocean (0.8
national Corporation (SAIC) and MEC [4]. An integral part
1.6 3 106 L/d) also were initiated during phase III. In contrast,
of this program was measurement of metals and hydrocarbons
phase II drilling occurred over a period of 26 months, gen-
in platform waste sources and in bottom sediment and sus-
erated 39 wells, and resulted in discharges of 40,700 m3 of
pended particles in near-bottom layers. The purpose of these
drilling muds and 5,400 m3 of cuttings; no produced waters
measurements was to determine whether drilling wastes altered
were discharged during phase II. Concurrent discharges from
the geochemical environment and represented a significant
source of contaminants and toxicity to epifaunal organisms. two or more platforms occurred during a significant portion
Phase I of this monitoring program [5] included baseline of the phase II drilling period. This potentially results in im-
studies and recommendations of long-term study sites for hard- portant differences between the two drilling phases in the mag-
bottom communities in the Pt. Conception to Pt. Arguello nitude of drilling waste depositional fluxes.
region (Fig. 1). The phase II program initiated monitoring The purpose of this paper is to describe temporal changes
studies at nine sites near Platform Hidalgo, focusing on po- in Ba concentrations in relation to drilling operations and nat-
tential impacts to epifaunal communities from platform dis- ural processes, primarily during phase III. Results from mea-
charges of drilling muds [6]. Phase II included predrilling, surements of metals and hydrocarbons, and modeling of drill-
during-drilling, and postdrilling periods, with the last drilling ing mud discharges during phase II are described by Hyland
activity occurring in January 1989 (Table 1). The phase III et al. [3], Steinhauer et al. [7], and Coats [8]. Phase II data
field program, initiated in October 1991, represented the con- indicated no significant alterations in hydrocarbons or metals
tinuation of monitoring near Platforms Harvest, Hermosa, and other than Ba, which were attributable to minimal enrichment
Hidalgo (Fig. 1), and included assessments of continued (since of most metals in waste materials, solubility of lower molecular
phase II) postdrilling and during-drilling impacts. Phase III weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in drilling muds, and
provided an opportunity to evaluate further the persistence of large natural variability in background hydrocarbon concen-
chemical residues (i.e., barium [Ba]) from discharges during trations [7]. Phase III results were consistent with these earlier
findings [9]. Consequently, this paper focuses on long-term
* To whom correspondance may be addressed changes in Ba, as the most sensitive indicator of residual chem-
( ical effects from the phase II and phase III drilling operations.
1654 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 C. Phillips et al.

Fig. 1. General location of sampling stations and oil platforms in the Pt. Arguello region of Santa Maria Basin, California.

STUDY AREA materials from rivers and streams, primarily to the north of
The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of Pt. Arguello, and littoral transport of sands from north and
the study area are described by SAIC [5] and Hyland et al. south of the study area [5]. Sediment texture in the study area
[2]. The area consists of a portion of the continental shelf and ranges from approximately 35 to 85% fines and 15 to 65%
slope off central California between Pt. Conception and Pt. sand [6].
Arguello (Fig. 1). The coastal axis and bathymetric contours
in the region are oriented approximately southeast to north-
west. Bottom study depths range from approximately 90 to Detailed descriptions of methods used for collections and
215 m. Distributions of nearshore and offshore sediments are analyses of sediment and suspended particle samples for chem-
influenced strongly by discharges of silts, clays, and sandy ical analyses during phase III are provided elsewhere [4]. Sam-

Table 1. Summary of drilling activities: phase IIa and phase IIIb

Platform discharges

Study Drilling Duration No. Muds Cuttings water
Platform phase period (months) wells (m3) (m3) (L/d 3 106)

Harvest Phase II November 1986May 1988 18 19 16,340 NAc 0

Phase III NA NA 0 0 0 0.80d
Hermosa Phase II January 1987September 1988 20 13 16,373 3,114 0
Phase III September 1993November 1993 2 1 822 136 1.6e
Hidalgo Phase II November 1987January 1989 14 7 7,963 2,294 0
Phase III November 1993May 1994 6 4 3,850 739 0.95e
a Phase II data from [5].
b Phase III data from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Discharge Monitoring Reports and Minerals Management Service (personal
c NA 5 not applicable.
d Starting July 1994.
e Starting September 1993.
Sediment barium inventories from offshore oil drilling Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 1655

ple collection and analytical procedures were in most cases surrogate spikes, and external reference standards that were
identical to those employed for phase II [3,7] to ensure data analyzed with every sample set at a frequency of 10%.
comparability between phases. Monthly platform discharge data were obtained from Dis-
Surface sediments were collected at nine sites near the hard- charge Monitoring Reports submitted by the operators to the
bottom study locations associated with Platform Hidalgo (Fig. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Region
1). Three separate samples were collected at each station with IX. Additional daily discharge reports and drilling mud in-
a 0.1-m2, Kynar-coated Van Veen grab. Portions of the 0- to ventories were obtained from the operators.
2-cm layer of sediment in each sample were removed from Statistical analyses, including linear regression, t tests, and
the sampler with a Kynar-coated scoop, placed in precleaned analysis of variance (ANOVA), were used to evaluate spatial
glass jars, and stored at approximately 2208C until analysis. and temporal trends and relationships between different phys-
The three samples were subsequently combined into a single ical and chemical variables. Excess Ba in sediments near each
composite for each station. Additional samples for analysis of of the three platforms was calculated from measurements in
total organic carbon (TOC) and grain size were stored at 48C. surface and subsurface sediments at the radial array of stations
During October through November 1991 and January 1995, by subtracting the background Ba concentration from the mea-
a 0.015-m2 box corer was used to collect surface and subsur- sured concentration using the procedure developed by Boothe
face sediment samples from a radial array of stations at dis- and Presley [10]. The background concentration was inter-
tances of 50, 125, 250, 500, and 1,000 m from Platforms polated over the near-field region of the platform from sub-
Hidalgo, Hermosa, and Harvest. The surface layer (02 cm) surface sediment concentrations at sites 500 m and 1,000 m
was collected and placed in a precleaned glass jar. The sub- from the platform, to account for the depth-related gradient in
surface layer (1012 cm) then was pushed through the box, sediment Ba concentrations. The volume of sediment contain-
collected with the scoop, and placed in a precleaned jar. All ing excess Ba was calculated by multiplying the area described
samples were stored at approximately 2208C until analysis. by a linear decrease with depth to a presumed background in
Suspended particles were collected in sediment traps de- Ba concentrations by a unit surface area. Linear decreases with
ployed near each of the nine hard-bottom sites. Sediment trap depth represent a reasonable approximation of sediment Ba
arrays consisted of a 1-m-diameter cement base with spring profiles reported by Crecelius [11] from the phase II program.
supports of stainless steel for four individual traps. Each trap Unit volumes were multiplied by the sediment density (as-
was constructed of butyrate tubing having Hexcel baffles with sumed to be 2.6 g/cm3), moisture content (40% by weight),
1-cm cell spaces in the mouth of the tube to reduce turbulence. and excess Ba concentration. Excess Ba (in kg) was summed
The diameter of each trap was 6.6 cm, and the height to di- for all unit areas within 500 m of each of the three platforms.
ameter ratio of the baffle was approximately 7:1. Replicate In two cases, highly elevated Ba concentrations were not in-
traps were seven diameters apart and the openings were 1 m cluded because they artificially skewed the calculation.
above the sea bed. Sediment traps were deployed for periods
of 6 and 12 months, and sodium azide was added to each trap RESULTS
as a preservative. Particles collected by the sediment traps were Compositions and mass emissions of platform wastes
analyzed for total dry weight (for particle flux calculations); Drilling mud formulations used during the phase III drilling
trace metal, hydrocarbon, and TOC concentrations; and grain activities contained approximately 40% by weight of barite,
size distributions. Samples were frozen at approximately 24% bentonite, and ,10% each of potassium chloride and
2208C on board the survey vessel, except that samples for carbonate; other additives comprised approximately 25% of
TOC and particle size measurements were stored at approxi- the total dry weight. These formulations were similar to those
mately 48C. used during phase II drilling operations. Metal concentrations
Field blanks and equipment rinses were collected at an in the phase III muds and cuttings (Table 2) generally were
overall frequency of approximately 5% of the total number of comparable to those in platform waste materials discharged
field samples. In all cases, field quality-assurance (QA) sam- during phase II [3,7], with some differences (e.g, Ba in muds
ples were free from contamination. from the bottom well depths) presumably due to variations in
Drilling mud and cuttings samples were collected by the downhole conditions and changes in the specific drilling mud
operators at Platforms Hidalgo and Hermosa. Samples from formulations. Barium was the only metal in muds and cuttings
multiple wells at each of the two platforms subsequently were that was consistently elevated relative to crustal abundances
composited by well depth into surface, mid-depth, near-bottom (Table 2). Barium concentrations in muds were up to two or-
(muds only), and bottom samples. Produced water and for- ders of magnitude higher than background concentrations in
mation oil samples also were collected from Platforms Hidalgo surficial sediments; concentrations of other metals generally
and Hermosa. were within two to three times background sediment concen-
Sediment, suspended particle, and drilling muds and cut- trations, although elevated lead and zinc concentrations oc-
tings samples for Ba analyses were dried, placed in heat-sealed curred in selected cuttings samples, probably due to contam-
polyvials, and irradiated (thermal neutron flux of 1 3 1013 n/ ination from mud additives. Concentrations of individual met-
cm2/s) with a Triga Reactor. Samples were counted with a high- als in produced waters from Platforms Hermosa and Hidalgo
resolution germanium detector linked to a multichannel ana- typically were below 1 mg/L, with the exception of Ba, which
lyzer used in pulse height mode. Analyses of procedural ranged from 5.2 to 16 mg/L.
blanks, duplicates and matrix spikes, and certified reference Mass emissions of Ba from phase II and phase III muds
materials were performed with each sample batch with an and cuttings discharges at Platform Hidalgo were 400,000 kg
overall frequency of 10%. and 120,000 kg, respectively (Table 3). Produced water dis-
The TOC analyses were performed using a combustion charges from Platform Hidalgo represented additional emis-
method and infrared spectroscopy. Quality-assurancequality- sions of 5,720 kg Ba/year during phase III. Assuming pro-
control (QAQC) analyses consisted of duplicate analyses, portional mass emissions from Platforms Harvest and Her-
1656 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 C. Phillips et al.

Table 2. Mean concentrations of barium and selected metals in drilling muds and cuttings and surficial and suspended sediments during phase
III. Concentrations are mg/kg dry weight

Near-field sites
(PH-I, PH-J, Far-field sites
Drilling muds Cuttings PH-K, PH-N, and PH-R) (PH-U and PH-W)

Platform Platform Platform Platform Surficial Suspended Surficial Suspended

Hidalgo Hermosa Hidalgo Hermosa sediment sediment sediment sediment

Barium 53,900 12,500 15,084 1,180 923 736 869 687

Silver 0.37 0.39 0.50 0.63 0.14 0.17 0.15 0.18
Arsenic 10 9.3 10 13 8.7 6.5 6 6.2
Cadmium 1.17 1.75 2.89 3.62 0.45 0.59 0.47 0.61
Chromium 91 84 104 94 115 99 120 98
Copper 24 24 70 56 10 16 12 16
Mercury 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.07
Nickel 39 42 47 17 34 45 38 48
Lead 23 40 356 32 14 13 14 14
Vanadium 76 46 100 72 87 72 90
Zinc 167 235 664 972 78 93 76 93

mosa, discharges of muds and cuttings during the phase II and constant over time with a few exceptions, presumably related
phase III drilling operations combined represented total Ba to natural sediment resuspension and transport events. Tem-
emissions of approximately 1.8 3 106 kg. Mass emissions of poral and spatial variability appeared to be unrelated to drilling
metals other than barium, lead, zinc, and mercury associated operations. The highest fluxes at the 110- to 120-m stations
with platform discharges were up to several orders of mag- occurred between October 1989 and May 1990, coinciding
nitude lower than mass inputs associated with flow from the with a postdrilling phase and relatively low river flow. Rela-
Santa Maria River and other, smaller rivers and creeks (Table tively higher fluxes occurred at stations PH-K and PH-N during
3) [6]. August 1993 through January 1994, overlapping with drilling
operations at Platform Hidalgo (from November 1993 to May
Particle fluxes 1994); however, due to the short period of overlap, and limited
During phase III, particle fluxes (mass dry weight per unit emissions, this relationship to drilling is probably coincidental.
area and time) in sediment traps at the nine monitoring stations Similarly, trends in concentrations of suspended particles in
ranged from 18 to 91 g dry weight/m2/d (Fig. 2). Shallower near-bottom waters were observed during phase III that were
sites typically exhibited relatively greater fluxes, as well as unrelated temporally with periods of drilling [9].
smaller median grain size and higher percentages of ,62-mm-
diameter particles, than deeper stations. Depth-related trends Barium in surficial and suspended sediments
are expected due to the generally finer grain size and predicted With the exception of Ba, surficial and suspended sediment
higher rate of sediment resuspension at the shallower than the metal concentrations generally were equivalent to the respec-
deeper sites. Particle fluxes measured during 1986 through tive background concentrations as reported from other studies
1990 (2090 g/m2/d) [6] were consistent with those measured in the Santa Maria Basin [2,7], western Santa Barbara Channel
during phase III, and fluxes at five sites near Platform Hidalgo [1214], and Southern California Bight [1517]. Over the nine-
were comparable to or less than those at intermediate (PH-E year monitoring period, changes in Ba concentrations in sus-
and PH-F) and far-field (PH-U and PH-W) sites. pended particles were the most prominent geochemical effect
Fluxes at individual monitoring stations were reasonably attributable to drilling discharges (Fig. 3). Peak concentrations

Table 3. Total barium and metal mass emissions from drilling operations at Platform Hidalgo during
phases II and III and from natural sources

Mud discharge (kg) Cutting discharge (kg) water Riverine
discharge inputb
Phase IIa Phase III Phase IIa Phase III (kg/year) (kg/year)

Barium 370,000 91,000 31,000 29,000 5,720 670,000

Silver 1.0 0.7 3.6 1.0 ,0.35 88
Arsenic 22 17 6.0 19 ,83 6,700
Cadmium 4.2 2.0 13.7 5.6 ,0.35 460
Copper 104 41 290 130 ,3.5 12,000
Chromium 300 154 910 200 3.5 99,200
Mercury 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.1 29 56
Nickel 140 66 400 90 ,6.9 33,600
Lead 66 39 11,000 684 ,10 12,000
Vanadium 250 130 630 190 ,3.5 45,600
Zinc 1,000 280 8,000 1,300 13 57,600
a [7].
b [5].
Sediment barium inventories from offshore oil drilling Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 1657

Fig. 2. Mean particle fluxes (g/m2/d) at near-field (PH-I, PH-J, PH-K, PH-N, and PH-R), intermediate (PH-E and PH-F), and far-field (PH-U
and PH-W) sites during phases II and III.

reached 2,800 mg/kg during October 1988 (phase II) [7]. How- ranged from 582 to 815 mg/kg, consistent with expected back-
ever, during phase III, Ba concentrations in suspended and ground levels [2,5] during the post-phase II drilling period
surficial sediments at the nine monitoring stations were rela- (October 1989August 1993), and from 404 to 913 mg/kg
tively constant. For example, Ba in suspended sediments during surveys coinciding with the subsequent (phase III) drill-
ing period (September 1993May 1994). Concentrations in
suspended particles collected during January 1994 through
January 1995 at near-platform stations PH-I, PH-K, and PH-
N were relatively higher (867913 mg/kg) than those at the
other monitoring stations (653757 mg/kg). However, differ-
ences between surveys that coincided with phase III drilling
for five pooled near-field stations (PH-I, PH-J, PH-K, PH-N,
and PH-R) were not statistically significant (ANOVA, p .
0.05), and indicated minimal effects from drilling mud fluxes.
Using the approach of Hyland et al. [3], drilling mud de-
positional fluxes over the nine-year monitoring program were
calculated from the excess Ba concentrations in sediment trap
materials (Table 4). The phase II depositional fluxes were re-
computed based on the lowest Ba concentration measured dur-
ing the combined phase IIphase III periods. Mean and max-
imum depositional fluxes for moderate and high flux (i.e., near-
platform) stations during the phase III drilling period were
substantially lower than those estimated for the phase II drill-
ing period. Phase III depositional fluxes at the high flux stations
were only two times greater than postdrilling fluxes, and de-
positional fluxes at the low and moderate flux (i.e., up to sev-
eral kilometers from the platform) stations during the phase
III drilling period were essentially unaffected by the platform
During October 1991 through January 1995, Ba concen-
trations in surface sediments at the five near-field stations
ranged from 724 to 1,090 mg/kg. The highest concentrations,
averaged over three phase III monitoring surveys, occurred at
stations PH-I and PH-J (950990 mg/kg). Compared to pred-
Fig. 3. Mean Ba concentrations (mg/kg) in suspended and surficial rilling levels (i.e., approximately 700800 mg/kg) [5,7], mean
sediments during phases II and III. concentrations were consistently higher at most stations during
1658 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 C. Phillips et al.

Table 4. Drilling mud depositional fluxes (mg/m2/d) computed from excess barium concentrations in sediment traps. Phase II data from Hyland
et al. [6] were recomputed based on the lowest phase IIphase III barium mean concentration

Phase II postdrillingphase III predrilling Phase III drilling

Phase II drilling
Octo- Janu-
May October May October May ber October April October August ary January
1988 1988 1989 Mean 1989 1990 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 Mean 1994 1995 Mean

Low flux
PH-W 97 135 93 108 a 45 20 82 99 0 49 13 20 16
PH-U 213 158 185 63 0 9 58 37 29 33 4 56 30
Moderate flux
PH-R 451 211 162 275 62 23 27 46 9 28 0b 28 0 19 10
PH-F 276 245 260 33 37 15 54 27 0 28 60 58 59
High flux
PH-K 461 107 284 43 28 5 27 18 0 6 18 60 44 52
PH-E 481 229 355 72 53 55 0 60
PH-N 571 357 101 343 25 25 30 21 14 0 19 61 48 54
PH-I 483 432 310 408 92 104 58 104 130 0 81 153 153
PH-J 572 506 167 415 67 31 12 63 17 0 32
Mean 439 326 175 60 41 25 58 16 45 4 33 57
a 5 No data available.
b Anomalously low Ba concentration discarded; depositional flux assumed to be 0.

drilling and postdrilling surveys (Fig. 3). However, differences Also, the relative change in Ba concentrations at the 50-m sites
between surveys for the phase III period were not statistically near Platforms Hidalgo and Hermosa, where drilling occurred,
significant (one way ANOVA on ranks; p . 0.05). was comparable to that of Platform Harvest where no phase
Measurements of Ba concentrations in surface and subsur- III drilling occurred.
face bottom sediments at near-platform locations were per-
formed to evaluate residual inventories and residence times of
excess Ba. During November 1991, Ba in surface and sub-
surface sediments near Platform Hidalgo ranged from 770 to
1,700 mg/kg and from 570 to 1,170 mg/kg, respectively. The
highest Ba concentrations occurred within 50 m of the platform
(Fig. 4). The magnitude of the Ba concentrations, as well as
the barium to aluminum (Ba/Al) ratios, indicated the presence
of residual Ba within 1 km of the platform. Elevated Ba/Al
values (approximately 200300 3 104) were apparent in sur-
face sediments at distances up to 125 m from the platform in
alongshore and offshore directions. In contrast, Ba/Al values
for subsurface sediments were consistently ,200 3 104 and
essentially equal to the baseline Ba/Al (pollution-free) range
of 125 to 175 3 104 defined by Finney and Huh [16,17] for
San Pedro and Santa Monica basins.
In January 1995, Ba in surface and subsurface sediments
near Platform Hidalgo ranged from 853 to 9,699 mg/kg and
from 667 to 964 mg/kg, respectively (Fig. 4). With the ex-
ception of two surface sediment samples from the 125-m radius
of stations, Ba/Al values in all other core samples were ,200
3 104. Concentrations of Ba .1,600 mg/kg also occurred dur-
ing October 1991 and January 1995 in surface and subsurface
sediments within 125 m of Platforms Hermosa and Harvest.
Several of the samples with the highest Ba concentrations,
including a subsurface sediment sample with 30,510 mg/kg
Ba collected 125 m from Platform Harvest, likely contained
cuttings particles coated with drilling muds.
Differences between the 1991 and 1995 samples in Ba con-
centrations in surface and subsurface sediments within 1,000
m of the three platforms are shown in Figure 5. Negative
differences, indicating decreases in mean Ba concentrations
between 1991 and 1995 occurred at most platform, depth, and
distance combinations except in surface sediments $250 m Fig. 4. Mean Ba concentrations (mg/kg) in surficial and subsurface
from Platform Hidalgo. The greatest change in surface Ba sediments at sites distributed radially near Platform Hidalgo during
concentrations occurred at sites within 50 m of the platforms. October 1991 and January 1995.
Sediment barium inventories from offshore oil drilling Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 1659

Table 5. Total excess barium in sediments within 500 m of Platforms

Hidalgo, Hermosa, and Harvest

% Total Ba
Total excess Ba (kg)
November January ber January
Platform 1991 1995 % Change 1991 1995a

Hidalgo 31,800 32,400 11.9% 7.9 6.2

Hermosa 35,900 29,900 217% 11 8.5
Harvest 45,700 33,000 228% b
a Total of phase II and phase III Ba emissions.
b 5 Cannot be determined due to incomplete phase II data.

discharged would be advected out of the study area and, there-

fore, would not contribute substantially to the drilling mud
deposition flux [5]. These estimates appear to be reasonable
given the generally high water content and predominant fine
Fig. 5. Mean percent difference in Ba concentrations in surface and grain sizes of the drilling muds and the vigorous currents off
subsurface sediments from Platforms Hidalgo, Hermosa, and Harvest Pt. Arguello that disperse and transport suspended particles
between 1991 and 1995. Percent differences are calculated as
(concn.1991 2 concn.1995/concn.1991) 3 100. Note discontinuous scale [5]. Of the total mass of drilling muds predicted by the model
for the subsurface sediment plot. to be deposited within the study area, only the coarse fraction
would be deposited near the platforms. Silt and clay-sized
particles were predicted to be widely dispersed. Coats [8] also
DISCUSSION assumed that 20% of the muds discharged from Platform Hi-
dalgo would be deposited near the base of the platform. Fur-
Effects of platform wastes on sediment geochemical
ther, based on actual phase III discharges at Platforms Hermosa
and Hidalgo, and corresponding current patterns, mean de-
During the phase II drilling period, platform discharges positional thicknesses of drilling mud were predicted to range
resulted in increased Ba concentrations of 10 to 40% in surface from 1.5 to 7.3 mm over relatively large areas of ocean bottom.
sediments and 200 to 300% in suspended particles [7]. Ele- Estimated maximum depositional thicknesses of 59 and 456
vated Ba concentrations in suspended sediments persisted mm were associated with discharges at Platforms Hermosa and
throughout the drilling period, and then decreased within a Hidalgo, respectively.
period of 1 to 1.5 years to background concentrations. In con- The mean drilling mud deposition thickness would result
trast, Ba concentrations in surface sediments did not return to in upper limit increases in sediment Ba concentrations of ap-
predrilling levels, but remained approximately 10% above proximately 1%, based on assumed drilling mud and sediment
background. Phase II and phase III drilling operations did not densities of 4.5 g/cm3 and 2.6 g/cm3, drilling mud and back-
significantly alter concentrations of other metals or hydrocar- ground sediment Ba concentrations of 50,000 mg/kg and 800
bons in surficial sediments or suspended particles [3,7]. mg/kg, respectively, and a sediment mixed layer of 10-cm
Discharges of muds, cuttings, and produced waters from thickness [11]. Increases in Ba concentrations up to 1.5 times
phase III drilling and production operations had minimal ef- above background (i.e., 1,200 mg/kg) would be associated with
fects on chemical characteristics of bottom and suspended sed- the predicted maximum depositional thicknesses. Based on
iments [5]. The exception was slightly elevated Ba concen- measured Ba concentrations in drilling muds, suspended sed-
trations in sediments, presumably from previous phase II dis- iments, and surface sediments, Hyland et al. [3] estimated that
charges of cuttings, in the immediate vicinity of the platforms. discharged drilling muds comprised 2.0% of the suspended
Because average Ba concentrations in waste materials were up particle flux and 0.32% of the surface sediments at station PH-
to 150 times higher than background levels, and Ba is relatively J during phase II. Relative to the phase III estimates, the higher
insoluble, subsequent deposition of barite or Ba adsorbed to phase II contributions probably were due to concurrent dis-
natural or cuttings particles likely would be evident from mea- charges from multiple platforms. Boothe and Presley [19] also
surements of the Ba signature in bottom or suspended sedi- noted that effects from multiple well discharges on the mass
ments [18]. The absence of altered metal concentrations other of excess Ba in near-platform sediments were directly additive;
than Ba is attributable to several factors. Concentrations of whereas Continental Shelf Associates [20] concluded from
metals in the drilling muds and cuttings, except for enriched studies in the Gulf of Mexico that discharges from multiple
Ba and occasionally elevated lead and zinc in contaminated wells affected the thickness of deposited particles but not the
cuttings, generally were comparable to background concen- magnitude of Ba enrichment in surficial sediments.
trations for bottom sediments. Consequently, platform wastes The calculated total excess Ba in sediments within 500 m
were not expected to substantially alter the concentrations of of Platform Hidalgo in November 1991 and in January 1995
metals other than Ba [7]. was 31,800 kg and 32,400 kg, respectively (Table 5). The total
mass of Ba discharged during the combined phase II and phase
Barium inventories III drilling operations at Platform Hidalgo was 520,000 kg.
Modeling of drilling mud discharges, based on the actual Thus, the calculated excess Ba in sediments within 500 m of
discharge rates and particle sizes of muds used during phase the platform during October 1991 and January 1995 repre-
III, predicted that approximately 50% of the total mass of muds sented 7.9% and 6.2% of the original discharges associated
1660 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 C. Phillips et al.

with phase II and phases II and III combined, respectively. CONCLUSIONS

These values probably overestimate the residual Ba because Only minor alterations of the geochemical environment
contributions of Ba associated with drilling mud particles ad- were attributable to phase III platform drilling operations off
vected from Platforms Harvest and Hermosa are significant P. Arguello. The Ba signal in suspended particles, which was
[8]. Boothe and Presley [10,19] reported inventories of excess the most sensitive chemical signature of platform waste dis-
Ba within 500 m of platforms in the Gulf of Mexico ranging charges during phase II, was minimal during phase III. The
from 1.5 to 12% of the total Ba used in drilling operations. absence of significant changes in the chemical compositions
They concluded that depth-related differences in the magnitude of suspended and surficial sediments likely was due to several
of sediment resuspension and transport were the primary vari- factors, including relatively low discharge volumes, high dis-
ables controlling the magnitude of excess Ba in bottom sed- persion of drilling muds, and the absence of simultaneous
iments; a relatively greater mass of excess Ba was retained in discharges from multiple platforms associated with phase III
the vicinity of deeper compared to shallower platforms. The drilling. Inventories of residual excess Ba in sediments within
length of time since drilling operations ended had little effect 500 m of the platform represented approximately 10% of the
on the magnitude of the excess sediment Ba. total Ba mass discharged during the phase II and phase III
Differences between the November 1991 and January 1995 drilling periods. Residual Ba likely was associated with dis-
excess Ba inventories near Platform Hidalgo were negligible, charged cuttings particles.
suggesting that the net loss in Ba due to sediment mixing or
resuspension and transport was essentially equal to the Ba
accumulation associated with phase III discharges. The total AcknowledgementThis program was funded by the U.S. Department
of the Interior, Minerals Management Service/National Biological Ser-
excess Ba, and percentages of the total Ba mass emissions, in
vice under Contract 14-35-0001-30584 to Science Applications In-
sediments near Platform Hermosa were comparable to those ternational Corporation. The authors wish to acknowledge the support
at Platform Hidalgo (Table 5). The absolute change between and help of the operators of the vessels M/V Independence and M/V
1991 and 1995 in excess Ba (217%; Table 5) was appreciably Rambo; T. McDonald (TAMU/GERG) for coordinating the chemical
greater than that at Platform Hidalgo, reflecting the relatively analyses; D. Heilprin for assistance with the graphics; Eugene Brom-
ley for assistance in providing copies of platform Discharge Moni-
lower Ba emissions during phase III. Because no phase III toring Reports; and Dan Knowlson for assistance obtaining platform
drilling occurred at Platform Harvest, the difference between waste samples and daily platform discharge logs. Helpful comments
the 1991 and 1995 excess Ba inventories was relatively higher were provided by A. Lissner, J. Brooks, D. Boesch, S. Benech, and
(228%), and represented an apparent loss of 12,300 kg of Ba two anonymous reviewers on an earlier version of this manuscript.
This manuscript is dedicated to the memory of our colleage, G.D.
from sediments within 500 m of the platform.
McNabb, Jr.
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