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of Pages: 1

Register Number: 7270

Name of the Candidate:
December) Maximum: 100 Marks (Time: 3 Hours
Answer any THREE Questions (320=60)
Answer questions carry equal marks
1. Write notes on the dangers of excessive use of:
a) Chemical Fertilizers (5)
b) Plastic (5)
c) Fuel Oil (5)
d) Detergent (5)
2. Give examples of Toxic elements commonly present in waste waters, their sources and adverse effects
on people.
3. What are the sources for
a) Water Pollution (5)
b) Air Pollution (5)
c) Soil and Land Pollution (5)
d) Noise Pollution (5)
4. Write brief notes on
a) Mist and Fog (5)
b) Acid rain (5)
c) Global warming (10)
5. What control methods are adopted by industries to bring down Noise and Vibration? What is the
adverse effect of Noise and vibration on human being?

Answer any FOUR Questions (410=40)
Answer questions carry equal marks

6. Mention the good and bad effects of Ozone gas.

7. Describe with diagram the following natural cycles taking place in environment.
a) Nitrogen Cycle b) Sulphur Cycle
8. Explain the following terms ad the methods adopted in waste treatment.
a) By Chemical Oxidation b) Activated sludge process.
9. Mention the requirements as per standards for :
a) Drinking water b) Tolerance limit for the discharge of effluent water on inland surface water
10. Briefly mention the importance and need for :
a) Forests b) Avoidance of land degradation with respect to our country
11. Discuss Legal aspects of pollutions.
12. What methods are adopted to treat
a) Solid waste from municipal area b) Nuclear Solid Waste

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