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1. Few days after surgery the wound is seeping brown liquid- nec fasc, superficial infection?

2. Broken femur tsticking out of skin whats the intial treatment? Iv abx and closure?
3. Use SB tube to stop acute bleeding in esophageal varicies
4. Tx for rectal pain and bleeding with prolapsing hemmoroid- increases fiber, colonoscopy, sitz
5. What does ileus look like on CT- dilated colon and small bowel, dilated stomach and bowles,
dilted small bowel and collapsed colon,
6. Which form of metabolic acidiosis doesnt increase something(pure?l) acid-dka,
7. Biliary colic vs acute cholecystis- the pain in chole is constant?
8. Splenectomy is primary tx for- hereditary spherocytosis, hereditary elliptososis, sickle cell
9. Pt had itp and under gone splenectomy but the platelest are still low- plasmaporesis and
steroids(pt prolyl has ttp)
10. Peripheral vascular disease
11. Tx for variceal bleeding-see ppt
12. Parathyroid tumors are in MEN1, parathyroid hyperplasia is in MEN2a
13. Review online med post op fever
14. Ways to tx ascites due to liver cirrohis- salt restriction, Lasix,
15. Correct name for inginal hernia- herniaectomy, herniostmy, hernoplasty
16. Achalasia tx- surgical tx is Heller myotomy
Mammogram benefits-> 40 to 50% decrease in deaths in screened population
Child melds liver function for preop? Based on serum bilirubin, creatine and INR
Dripps American surgical association classification most commonly used preop elvation
Zemker diverticulum splitting of cricopharngeal
Tx for zenker is myotomy of the cricopharyngeal muscle and diverticulotomy or
Pt with blue second toes but has good pt and dr pulses and popliteal pulses- I said possible DVR with
phelgmasia cerula dolens

Imaging for pulmonary emoblism- CT pulmonary angiogram is gold standard.

Pulmonary preop factors- pco2, fev1, mvv, fiO2,

Least risk factor for gall stones- sickle cell, fam hx, high cholesterol, dramatic weight loss after bariatric

Break throughs in surgery

1. Anatomy and discestion by vacilisis. Chanllenged anatomy by gallen

2. Stopping bleeding. First used cautery and then Used boiling oil. Perry amputataed limbs came
up with amputation devices. Solution to blood loss is ligature
3. Anesthesia. First used ether but flammable. Simson used chloroform. Dr. snow made choloform
4. Control of infection by doctors. Dr. simmelweis hand washing in chloride lime. Dr.Lister used
carbolic acid to sterilize surgical tools.

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