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Frequency of Developmental Dental

Anomalies in the Indian Population

Kruthika S Guttala
Venkatesh G Naikmasurb
Puneet Bhargavac
Renuka J Bathid

Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of developmental dental anomalies in the Indian population.
Methods: This prospective study was conducted over a period of 1 year and comprised both clinical
and radiographic examinations in oral medicine and radiology outpatient department. Adult patients
were screened for the presence of dental anomalies with appropriate radiographs. A comprehen-
sive clinical examination was performed to detect hyperdontia, talon cusp, fused teeth, gemination,
concrescence, hypodontia, dens invaginatus, dens evaginatus, macro- and microdontia and taur-
odontism. Patients with syndromes were not included in the study.
Results: Of the 20,182 patients screened, 350 had dental anomalies. Of these, 57.43% of anoma-
lies occurred in male patients and 42.57% occurred in females. Hyperdontia, root dilaceration, peg-
shaped laterals (microdontia), and hypodontia were more frequent compared to other dental anoma-
lies of size and shape.
Conclusions: Dental anomalies are clinically evident abnormalities. They may be the cause of vari-
ous dental problems. Careful observation and appropriate investigations are required to diagnose the
condition and institute treatment. (Eur J Dent 2010;4:263-269)

Key words: Dental anomalies; Hyperdontia; Microdontia; Taurodontism.

Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and
Radiology, SDM Dental College and Hospital, Developmental dental anomalies are marked
Sattur, Dharwad, India. deviations from the normal color, contour, size,
Professor and Head, Department of Oral medicine and
number, and degree of development of teeth. Lo-
Radiology, SDM Dental College and Hospital,
Sattur, Dharwad, India. cal as well as systemic factors may be responsible
Former Postgraduate, Department of Oral medicine for these developmental disturbances. Such influ-
and Radiology, SDM Dental College and Hospital, ences may begin before or after birth, hence de-
Sattur, Dharwad, India.
ciduous or permanent teeth may be affected. Ab-
Former Professor, Department of Oral medicine and

Radiology, SDM Dental College and Hospital, errations in the normal number of teeth include
Sattur, Dharwad, India. supernumerary teeth (hyperdontia), i.e. excess
teeth or hypodontia (teeth missing from the nor-
Corresponding author: Kruthika S Guttal
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology mal compliment) while oligodontia is a develop-
SDM Dental College and Hospital, Sattur, Dharwad, mental absence of six or more teeth excluding the
Karnataka, India. 3rd molars.
Phone: +91 836 2468142 Fax: +91 836 2467612
Anomalies of shape of teeth include microdon-
tia and macrodontia. Microdontia refers to teeth

July 2010 - Vol.4 European Journal of Dentistry

Developmental dental anomalies in adults

that are physically smaller in size than usual and the outpatient department were screened for the
macrodontia in turn refers to teeth that are physi- presence of anomalies. A comprehensive clinical
cally larger in size than normal. Anomalies of examination was carried out to identify the pres-
shape include dens invaginatus (DI), talon cusp, ence of hyperdontia, hypodontia, talon cusp, fused
dens evaginatus, gemination, fusion, root dilac- teeth, gemination, concrescence, dens invagina-
erations, taurodontism, and concrescence.1 DI is tus, dens evaginatus, macro- and microdontia and
an anomaly resulting from invagination in the sur- taurodontism.
face of a tooth crown or rarely the root and which Radiographs such as intra-oral periapical ra-
is lined by enamel and dentin.2 Dens evaginatus diographs, orthopantomographs, and occlusal ra-
is a focal area of the crown, projecting outward diographs were advised if the condition demanded.
and giving rise to a horn-like protuberance on the In addition, radiographs referred to the radiology
affected surface that appears as an extra cusp.3 section were also examined for the presence of
Talon cusp is an accessory cusp usually located on anomalies.
the lingual surface and rarely on the facial surface
of permanent or deciduous incisors. It arises from Exclusion criteria
the cingulum area, or cemento-enamel junction The following groups were excluded from the
(CEJ) of maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth, study:
in both the primary and permanent dentition.4 Patients belonging to the pediatric age group
Fusion and gemination have been referred to as (under the age of 14 years).
double teeth which appear as larger than normal Patients with syndromes such as Downs
sized teeth. Gemination is defined as a single en- syndrome, ectodermal dysplasia, etc.
larged tooth or joined (double) tooth in which the Patients having cleft lip and palate.
tooth count is normal when the anomalous tooth Dental anomalies secondary to structure, i.e.
is counted as one.3 Fusion is defined as a single hypoplasia secondary to amelogenesis imperfec-
enlarged tooth or joined (double) tooth in which ta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, or dental fluorosis.
the tooth count reveals a missing tooth when the
anomalous tooth is counted as one.3 RESULTS
Taurodontism is a developmental anomaly of A total of 20,182 patients were screened and
molar teeth in which the body of the affected teeth of these, 350 patients had dental anomalies. This
is very large and the associated roots are short- group was composed of 201 (57.43%) male patients
ened, with bifurcation near the apex.3 Concres- and 149 (42.57%) females. The distribution of vari-
cence is the union of two adjacent teeth by cemen- ous anomalies among male and female patients
tum.5 Dilaceration is an abnormal bend in the root is outlined in Table 1. Hyperdontia was the most
or crown of a tooth. The bend is more frequent in common dental anomaly followed in descending
the root but may be present anywhere along the order by root dilacerations, taurodontism, micro-
length of the tooth.3 dontia, hypodontia, talon cusp, fusion, dens evagi-
These anomalies not only affect the esthetic natus, dens invaginatus, concrescence, gemina-
appearance of teeth but also pose difficulties dur- tion and macrodontia. The distribution of various
ing dental treatment and sometimes are the cause anomalies is outlined in Figure 1.
of dental problems. The present study was per-
formed to evaluate the frequency of occurrence DISCUSSION
of dental anomalies of size, number, and shape in Dental anomalies of developmental origin re-
the adult population and their implications in the flect a change either in the number, size, shape, or
treatment of such conditions. location of teeth, or structural changes.


This prospective study was conducted dur- Various reports of hyperdontia are mostly in
ing the period from December 2004 to November children or the adolescent population.6 Its preva-
2005 and was composed of both clinical and ra- lence ranges from 0.1 to 3.8%6 but it is increas-
diographic examinations. All patients attending ingly common in patients with cleft lip and cleft

European Journal of Dentistry

Guttal, Naikmasur, Bhargava, Bathi

palate. Salcido-garca et al have reported a higher port of Ranta8 where supernumerary teeth and
prevalence in males than in females.6 This was agenesis of teeth were observed simultaneously
also noted in the present study. Among the various more often in permanent dentition than in decidu-
supernumerary teeth, mesiodentes are the most ous dentition.
commonly found followed by 4th molars, premo-
lars and maxillary lateral incisors.6 In the present Microdontia
study, there was a higher occurrence of paramo- Teeth commonly affected are maxillary lateral
lars followed by mesiodentes and supernumerary incisors and third molars. The prevalence of this
teeth in the anterior region. Impacted supernu- condition ranges from 0.8% to 8.4% in various
merary teeth had equal occurrence in maxilla and populations.1 When lateral incisors are affected,
mandible and occurred in the anterior rather than there is a reduction in mesiodistal diameter and
the posterior region. convergence towards the incisal edge and this is
referred to as peg shaped incisors. The condition
Hypodontia is largely of genetic origin. In the present study,
This occurs in permanent dentition in 0.3% of microdontia constituted 9.14% of total anomalies
the population.7 In the present study, it was noted with a majority of peg shaped lateral incisors.
that missing teeth constituted 10.6% of all of the
anomalies. Congenitally missing teeth most com- Macrodontia
monly occur with maxillary laterals, 2nd premolars Typically only a few teeth are larger than nor-
and mandibular central incisors and can be unilat- mal. Diffuse true macrodontia is observed in pi-
eral or bilateral. Radiographs confirm the absence tuitary gigantism and pineal hyperplasia.1 In this
of missing teeth. The etiology is believed to be he- study, only one patient presented with macrodon-
reditary or developmental. In this study, mandibu- tia affecting the maxillary central incisors.
lar central incisors dominated the list compared
to premolars and it was noted more in females. Dens invaginatus
Missing third molars were not considered in the This presents clinically as pit or fissure on the
study sample. lingual surfaces of anterior teeth. The classical
Treatment generally requires a multidisci- radiographic appearance of coronal DI is as a pear
plinary approach including orthodontic correc- shaped invagination of enamel and dentine with a
tion, or prosthetic replacement with a removable narrow constriction at the opening on the surface
or fixed appliance. Age of the patient, number of of the tooth.9 The infolding of the enamel lining
missing teeth, carious teeth, and condition of sup- is more radiopaque than the surrounding tooth
porting tissues, occlusion and interocclusal space structure aiding easy identification. The crown is
are the important factors determining treatment almost always malformed if the coronal invagina-
planning. tion is extensive.
Hypodontia and hyperdontia were not noted Oehlers et al9 grouped coronal DI into three
concomitantly in the present study unlike the re- types according to radiographic appearance:
1. Enamel lined invaginations confined to the
crown of the tooth;
2. Extending towards the root but not crossing
the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ);
3. Penetrating the surface of the root and
bursting apically or laterally to produce a second
foramen in the root.
The majority of cases are located in maxilla
and in lateral incisors. When affecting the maxil-
lary lateral incisors, the incidence among several
population groups ranged from 0.25 to 5.1%.9 Fol-
lowing the maxillary lateral incisors, in decreas-
ing order, the central incisors, premolars, canines
Figure 1. Distribution of various dental anomalies.

July 2010 - Vol.4 European Journal of Dentistry

Developmental dental anomalies in adults

and molars are generally affected. DI involving containing varying extensions of pulp tissue. It may
mandibular teeth is rare. In the present study, DI connect with the incisal edge to produce a T-form
accounted for 1.14% of anomalies and types 1 and or, if more cervical, a Y-shaped crown contour. It
2 were noted with maxillary lateral incisors. There is also known by other names such as interstitial
was a higher prevalence in male patients. cusp, tuberculated premolar, evaginated odon-
The possibility of the pulp being affected with- toma, occlusal enamel pearl, occlusal anomalous
out a clinically detectable lesion as a result of tubercle or supernumerary cusp.4 Hattab et al4
tortuous lingual anatomy makes DI clinically sig- classified anomalous cusps into three types based
nificant9 since the enamel is thin and close to the on the degree of cusp formation and extension:
pulp, and so there can be easy involvement. Pulp 1. Talon: A morphologically well-delineated
sensitivity testing has to be performed if radio- additional cusp that prominently projects from the
graphically apical periodontium is unremarkable palatal surface of a primary or permanent anterior
in clinically suspicious teeth. If the tooth is vital tooth and extends at least half the distance from
then it should be restored to prevent access of the the CEJ to the incisal edge.
DI to the oral environment. Steffen et al10 have 2. Semi talon: An additional cusp of 1 mm or
stated that if no entrance to the invagination can more, but extending less than half the distance
be detected and there are no signs of pulp pathol- from the CEJ to the incisal edge. It may blend with
ogy, no treatment is required other than fissure the palatal surface or stand away from the rest of
sealing or a minimally invasive filling. Awareness the crown.
of this anomaly when present is essential espe- 3. Trace talon: An enlarged or prominent cin-
cially in a case of pulpitis in the absence of any gula in any of its variants (i.e. conical, bifid or tu-
history of trauma or clinical evidence of caries or bercle-like) originating from the cervical third of
restorations. DI with pulpal involvement is usually the root.
managed by conventional endodontic treatment or Its prevalence ranges from less than 1% to
special endodontic techniques capable of induc- 8% of the population11 with a higher frequency in
ing an apexification if the condition necessitates. males than females. The anomaly has a greater
Surgical treatment should be considered in cases predilection for the maxilla, and maxillary lateral
of endodontic failure and in teeth which cannot be incisors are commonly affected in the permanent
treated non-surgically due to anatomical prob- dentition followed by central incisors and canines.
lems or failure to gain access to all parts of the In the present study, this anomaly accounted for
root canal.10 4.28% of dental anomalies and the semi-talon
form was observed.
Talon cusp Juan et al4 have emphasized that early diagno-
This is composed of normal enamel and dentin sis and management of talon cusp is important to
Table 1. Distribution of dental anomalies in male and female patients. prevent complications such as occlusal interfer-
Anomalies Males Females ence, compromised esthetics, caries and periapi-
Hyperdontia 59 28 cal pathologies, and periodontal problems. Pre-
Hypodontia 12 18
vention of accidental cusp fracture and attrition
has also been stressed.
Microdontia 14 18

Macrodontia 1
Dens evaginatus
Fusion 13 4
This is a relatively rare dental anomaly and pri-
Gemination 1
marily affects the premolars but can also occur on
Concrescence 1 3 molars, canines, and incisors. In premolars and
Dens in dente 4 molars, the anomaly is usually seen on the occlu-
Dens evaginatus 9 1 sal surface, while in canines and incisors, it arises
Talons cusp 5 10 from the cingulum area of the lingual or palatal
Taurodontism 34 29 surface.3 In the present study, dens evaginatus
Accessory roots 4 3 comprised 2.85% of the total dental anomalies. It
Root Dilaceration 45 34 is clinically significant as it can lead to occlusal in-

European Journal of Dentistry

Guttal, Naikmasur, Bhargava, Bathi

terference and subsequent loosening or displace- has a prevalence of 0.5% and 0.1% in deciduous
ment of the involved tooth.3 The tooth may remain and permanent dentitions, respectively.15
asymptomatic for a considerable period of time.3 In the present study, fusion accounted for
4.85%, and gemination constituted 0.28% (only
Taurodontism one patient) of all of the dental anomalies. Fusion
Teeth affected by this dental anomaly pres- was observed to occur unilaterally in accordance
ent with elongated pulp chambers and apical with other studies.15 Mandibular teeth were affect-
displacement or bifurcation or trifurcation of the ed more than maxillary. Fusion can be suspected
roots. This leads to a greater apicoocclusal height when the number of teeth in the arch is found to
and lack of constriction at the level of the CEJ.2 So be reduced and/or two roots are seen radiographi-
the distance from the bifurcation of roots to the cally.2
CEJ is greater than the occluso-cervical distance. Double teeth will appear similar clinically and
Taurodontism may be unilateral or bilateral and are larger than normal teeth, but by definition fu-
affects permanent teeth more frequently than sion must involve dentin.2 Gemination can usually
primary teeth. It is commonly observed among be distinguished from fusion by the presence of a
the Eskimos and Natives of Australia and Cen- full compliment of teeth and an incompletely di-
tral America. Taurodontism may be classified as vided tooth.
mild, moderate or severe (hypo, meso and hyper, Double teeth may adversely affect esthetics,
respectively) based on the degree of apical dis- and may lead to dental crowding and difficulty in
placement of the pulpal floor.2 Mandibular molars eruption of adjacent teeth. Treatment consists of
are found to be affected more often than maxil- managing asymmetry, either by extirpation of the
lary molars. Its prevalence has been reported to unwanted dental portion in conjunction with root
range between 5.67% and 60% of subjects.12,13 In canal therapy, or restoration of the exposed area.
the present study, it accounted for 18% of all of Orthodontic intervention completes the treatment
the anomalies. plan.
As a taurodont shows wide variation in the size
and shape of the pulp chamber with varying de- Accessory roots
grees of obliteration and canal configuration, root These are commonly known to occur in man-
canal therapy becomes a challenge. dibular canines, premolars and molars (often in
3rd molars).16 There are no reported studies on the
Fusion and gemination prevalence or occurrence of accessory roots in
These anomalies are also referred to as double different populations except for individual case re-
teeth, formed as result of total or partial union in ports.16 In the present study, accessory roots were
dentin and possibly their pulps. They are known noted in mandibular premolars and 1st molars with
to occur in both deciduous and permanent denti- higher numbers in males and comprising 2% of
tions.2 the total anomalies. This abnormality is a definite
Fusion may be partial or complete and may hindrance for successful endodontic treatment
present with two independent root canals or less leading to perforations and also poses difficulty in
often, a single root and one or two pulp cham- extractions. The radiographic signs of accessory
bers.14 As a result, the tooth may be of normal size roots include double periodontal spaces on one
or larger than normal. Fusion of central incisors side of the root, periodontal space crossing roots
and canines is more frequent than that of lateral and abrupt diminution of the root canal spaces.16
incisors and canines. The prevalence ranges from
0.5% to 5% based on geographic, racial or genetic Concrescence
factors.14 The incidence of concrescent teeth is reported
Gemination is an incomplete division of one to be highest in the posterior maxilla. In the pres-
tooth germ, resulting in the formation of two par- ent study, only four patients had concrescence
tially or completely separated crowns formed on constituting 1.4% of all of the dental anomalies. It
a single root.2 It is more frequent in the anterior may influence surgical procedures, periodontal,
teeth, but can also affect molars and bicuspids. It endodontic and even orthodontic treatment.5

July 2010 - Vol.4 European Journal of Dentistry

Developmental dental anomalies in adults

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July 2010 - Vol.4 European Journal of Dentistry


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