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Topic Name

[Writer Name]

[Instructor Name]

Table of Contents

Diagnosis and Reflection ................................................................................................................ 3

Johari Window ............................................................................................................................ 3

Big Personality Test Trait ........................................................................................................... 5

Assertiveness Self-Assessment Questionnaire ............................................................................. 6

Communication Questionnaire ................................................................................................... 7

Myers Briggs Test........................................................................................................................ 8

Professionals Interactions ............................................................................................................... 9

Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 9

Introversion ............................................................................................................................... 10

Agreeableness............................................................................................................................ 11

Action Plan.................................................................................................................................... 12

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 14


Communication style plays an important role as it supports the idea of communicating in a way to

make the other understand about any certain criteria (Brink & Costigan, 2015). This paper will be

discussing the evaluation of the communication style and it will identify the important elements

that are responsible for influencing the communication style. The paper will illustrate five

diagnostic tools which can help in improving communication style. The paper will also reflect the

effectiveness of my communication style with the identification of my key challenges in it.

Additionally, it will be accompanied with the action plan that will execute certain tasks in order to

enhance my communication skills.

Diagnosis and Reflection

The use of diagnostic tools and methods helps in identifying and evaluating scopes where the

communication style can be either influenced or differed. The following diagnostic tools are

explained that will help in reflecting my communication style:

Johari Window

The diagnostic tool called Johari Window is a method that helps in understanding and

identifying easily their certain problems that are linked with the communication issues. It also

assists in re-evaluation and understand the link with other individuals and the dealings with others.

The techniques was used primarily to assist individuals with self-aid (Dwyer, 2016). The

diagnostic tools is an exercise where the topics are assigned particular objectives that needs to be

fulfilled. Such objectives often comprises of four departments:


The four departments or rooms that includes open, hidden, blind and unknown rooms.

Source: (Gabbot & Hogg, 2001)

The open department consists of objectives that are sustained by the interactive element and

participant that can be included in the quadrant. The hidden department comprises of objectives

that are sustained by the participants with the limitation of interactive elements or peers that can

be located in this quadrant. The blind department consists of objectives that has interactive

elements with the exception of participant and placed in this quadrant. The last department is the

hidden departments that consists of objectives that has evaluation that is not selected by the

participants or by the interactive elements and such objectives are located in this quadrant

(Gkorezis, Bellou, &Skemperis, 2015).

With respect to the evaluation in accordance with the Johari window, I find my communications

skills to be located in the open quadrant. This is because I am a person who is extrovert in nature.

I know myself and I let others to know me well.


Big Personality Test Trait

Big personality test trait is a diagnostic tool that helps in evaluation and identification of the

characteristics of communication skills. The reason why I chose this tool as it is FFM (five Factor

Model) that helps in distinguishing the five traits of communication in the human personality and

also provides the view where the behavioural communication activity can be improved (Gabbot &

Hogg, 2001). The big personality test trait consists of following factors in personality:

Source (Gkorezis, Bellou, &Skemperis, 2015)

With respect to the diagnostic tool, I find that my communication style relates to the openness to

experience. The main reason for choosing the factor is that I am very open to people and I am

always ready to answer any question. In addition, I find there is a room for improvement in my

communication styles, and I can locate myself in improving my agreeing capability. For this

purpose, I need to build the element of agreeableness in my personality.


Assertiveness Self-Assessment Questionnaire

The diagnostic tool called Assertiveness Self-Assessment Questionnaire is considered to be one

of the most effective diagnostic tools that helps greatly in exploring the communication style of a

person. This is because, assertiveness permits an individual to find opportunities and assistance

and resist pressure from peer. The questionnaire helps in appraising the communication qualities

and identifies the gaps in the communication styles. The tool is very significant as it leads a person

to perceive things in a diverse direction than other people and the impact on the person by the

questionnaire is evident (Dwyer, 2016).

The assertiveness self-assessment questionnaire helps in reflecting the level of assertiveness of a

person and highlights the influential capability in communication style. The results with respect to

the diagnostic tool yields that my speaking style are as follows:

The results yield that I express myself quite freely that asserts my personal rights with confidence

and trust on self.


Communication Questionnaire

The communication questionnaire is a tool that comprises of a set of questions that assist in

assessing the participant with respect to the communication skills that is possessed by that

participant. It can also be said that this test helps on yielding the personal characteristics by the

help of questionnaire and measured accordingly in reference to the style of communication. The

questionnaire is equipped with questions that needs to be completed by the participant in order to

reach towards an objective in assessing the style of the speaker. The questionnaire is capable of

perceiving the personal qualities of the participant (Keyton, 2013).

The questionnaire calculated the total of 44 where the score interprets that I am person who is

capable of communicating my thoughts. But sometimes I find problems in expressing my ideas to

the audience. The questionnaire also yield results that I am an assertive person and evaluated that

my communication style can be improved thoroughly, if I keep working on my listening skills and

focus on the received messages by the audience.


Myers Briggs Test

The Myers Briggs Test consists of questions that is based on the development of a self-report in

particular manner. The diagnostic tools helps in assessment of preference and perspective of a

person and assists in perceiving their view on the world around them. The test also assists in

exploring the views of the participants in terms of making decisions in certain scenarios. The test

identifies the personality traits and the personal deficiencies such as the degree or extent of

reliability and validity. The theory helps on approaching the focus of a persons decision making

activity with respect to certain parameters that are linked around that person. The test inquires the

impact of diverse elements that are present is the environment and how it affects that particular

individual in the environmental setting (Lloyd, Boer, Keller et al, 2015).

The test helped me in clarifying my deficiencies in my communication style. The results revealed

that I belong to the A category and I am a campaigner. The following chart displays the results

of my test that highlights my strengths and weaknesses as a speaker.


Professionals Interactions

Communications skills are one of the things which needs continuous attention and there is is

always something that can be improved in the communicating style. With respect to the

development in the communication style, my skills as a speaker were tested by some of the

professionals. I interacted with them where I found two of my professionals saying that I need to

be an introvert to some extent. They identified that I am too open for my audience and that can be

negative. This is because I end up giving too much information to the audience that even goes to

personal extent.

Through the interactions with the professionals, I also learnt to focus on the material that needs to

be communicated and to accept and respect even if the opposite person contends to my

communicated content. This means they asked me to put more agreeableness in my attitude as a


Another issue identified through the interactions were to explore my inner capabilities and flourish

the inspiring skill in the communication style. This will help me to gather more attention from the

audience and my words will be more meaningful in an effective manner.

Literature Review

The literature review helps in collecting the ideas and the theoretical concepts that links them

together. The literature collected on a particular subject creates useful information that helps to

derive unique understanding on the subject. Hence, this section will collect literature review, here

the behavioural theories will be defined with respect to the communication style (Roebuck, Bell,

Raina et al 2015). The literature will also help in creating understanding of the issues expressed in

the reflection given by the professionals. The literature will be aligned accordingly with respect to

the gaps expressed in the communication skills.


It has been identified in the relationship theory among the social and personality attributes that the

people who are introvert in nature are more religious and they are capable to meet the conditions

easily on the grounds (Henderson and Mathew Byrne, 2016). The theory was further administered

by the research analysts that said DRS (Deka Religiosity Scale) and EMPI (Eysenck Modestly

Personality Inventory) were applied to a group survey where there were 90 research respondents

belonging to college (Kurtz, Silverman, and Draper, 2016; Stevens, 2005). It was examined that

the psychological accounts conflicted with the relationship among introversion and neuroticism.

The main outcome of the research said that there is no link among introversion and neuroticism

(Gordon, 2016).

It has been identified by another researcher named Koegel, Ashbaugh, Navab et al (2016) that

introverts helps in creating a balance in the logical and creative methods. People who are introvert

have balance on their words and they have a confident personality. The independent work of

introverts is more secured as they belief on working on the whole task solely. The introverts are

said to be more creative as their minds fill up spaces by being quiet and observing the setting of

the environment. They plan accordingly and logically (Ting-Toomey and Dorjee, 2017).

The findings suggested that the ability to authenticate the idea by extroverts are different as

compared to the introverts. In other words, the introverts have fundamental interests and different

comfort zones than extroverts such as the introverts try to see them in a calm and quiet place where

they can concentrate on their thoughts while the extroverts learn things in open environment and

they like to be around people all the time (Koegel, Ashbaugh, Navab et al, 2016).

Although, introverts do face trouble in missing the opportunities in speaking up and they usually

think a lot before speaking. On the other had extroverts gain attention as they never lose a chance

to speak up and gain more attention in the surrounding (Stevens, 2005).


Agreeableness is a trait listed in the FFM (Five Factor Model) that signifies the personality traits

of humans. It has been identified by Gordon (2016), that there are 19000 personality terms that

have been used since the beginning. Ting-Toomey and Dorjee (2017) who were pioneers in

discovering personality trait approach viewed the traits of personality as an organised mental

structure that varies from people to people. It was also stated that the personality trait theory is an

attempt in order to consolidate the different personality theories recorded in the history. The most

important personality trait is said to be agreeableness and extraversion (Roebuck, Bell, Raina et al


Agreeableness is a trait of personality that enables the dynamic organisation within the person of

acquiring agreeableness determines the characteristic thought and behaviour. Agreeableness

differs than communal and pro social orientation towards other people with antagonism. It is

inclusive of the personality traits like tender mindedness, altruism, modesty and trust. The

agreeableness of a person is also known as the factor II in the FFM (Five Factor Model (Kurtz,

Silverman and Draper, 2016). The factor II also appears to emerge under the names like social

adaptability, friendly compliance, likability, love and agreeableness. The factor-II also covers the

fundamental themes like gentle, affectionate, warm (warmth), soft-hearted, kind, sensitive,

sympathetic (tender mindedness), helping, generous and praising (altruism), forgiving and trusting

(Trust) as compared to Distrust, Criticality and Hostility (Lloyd, Boer, Keller et al, 2015).

The agreeableness should be developed in a communication style as it is very necessary to have

the mentioned personality traits. It also helps the person to be adaptive and flexible to accept things.

Contending or debating on things are also necessary but they should be done in a manner that they

may not seem rigid to the audience (Henderson and Mathew Byrne, 2016).

Agreeableness helps to create a dimension that appears to be indulged in humane activity. This

includes personality attributes likes nurturance, altruism, emotional support and caring at one end

while the other dimension lead to indifference to other people, self-centeredness, spitefulness,

jealousy and hostility. Hence the positive dimension is found to be linked with the agreeableness

factor that is inclusive of being kind, sympathetic, appreciative and forgiving (Keyton, 2013).

Action Plan

The action plan includes the activities and the events that will be planned for the next six months

and needs to be implemented within the communicating style. The action plan leads to execute the

improvement in a certain situation in an effective manner. It is a plan that requires future planning

in order to resolve issues or overcome the challenges. It can also be said that an action plan leads

to fix the problems and comprises of list of activities for solving the issues.

The plan below consists of a list of activities that is provided to fix the issues in my communication

style as referred by the communication professionals. The following steps will helps to develop an

essence of the introvert behaviour and agreeableness in my communication skills:

In order to learn the skills of controlling my expressions and thoughts, it is important for

me to create an understanding of the significance of introversion.

I will build learning skills by reading books and journals that will helps me to gather and

develop learning skills with respect to introversion.


By listening in speaker session will also help in building the skill to assess the amount of

words and then speak accordingly.

In order to bring agreeableness in the behaviour, it is very important to get rid of rigidity

in personality. Hence, it is important for me to learn the agreeing capability on the right

things and respect the contending views as it will help in bringing harmony and politeness

to my communication style.

It is very important to maintain a checklist in order to assess which goals have been attained

in the action place. Therefore, the checklist will help in maintain timeframe of the action


In the last phase, I will learn to self-practice on the skills that I learnt to develop

agreeableness and introversion.

The following action plan is given where the format of Gantt chart is followed in order to provide

relevance to the action plan:

Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr Jun Jul

Months 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
Developing an understanding of introversion

Build skills of self-learning

Listening in sessions to build listening

Learn to agree and bring harmony in
communication style
Self-practice the learnt skills


The paper expresses five diagnostic tools and it is equipped with test results that leads to my

communication style. The paper also signifies the importance of two personality traits that were

identified as key issues in my communication style by two professionals. The literature review is

based on the significance of agreeableness and introversion, where it is supported by behavioural

theories. In addition, the study mentions an action plan that is based on the development of two

personality traits that I lack in communication skills. It is supported by a Gantt chart in order to

provide relevance to the action plan.



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