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Name: _______________________

Date: ____________

1. The formula which best represents photosynthesis is:
a. glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
b. oxygen + water carbon dioxide + glucose
c. glucose + carbon dioxide water + oxygen
d. water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen

2. To the human eye, the majority of plants appear green because plant pigments
a. absorb all green light that strikes them
b. reflect wavelengths of the visible spectrum that are perceived as green
c. radiate green light that is in excess of the plant's requirements for photosynthesis
d. convert some of the energy of white light into chemical energy plus green radiant energy

3. The function of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to

a. produce oxygen
b. split water molecules
c. trap the energy of light
d. produce carbon dioxide

4. What is a stack of thylakoids called?

a. Grana
b. Stroma
c. Lumen
d. Stoma

5. Among the raw materials which must be present in order for photosynthesis to occur are
a. ATP and O2
b. H2O and O2
c. ATP and CO2
d. H2O and CO2

6. During the process of photosynthesis, light energy is used directly in the

a. formation of ATP
b. reduction of NADP
c. excitation of electrons
d. splitting of carbon dioxide molecules

7. The oxygen given off by a green plant is derived from

a. water
b. chlorophyll
c. carbon dioxide
d. glucose

8. The presence of accessory pigments is important because these pigments
a. are used to build chlorophyll
b. can use oxygen to carry out photosynthesis
c. function in exactly the same way as chlorophyll
d. allow the plant to use other wavelengths of light

9. In an experiment which measures the rates of production for both oxygen and carbon dioxide, the
plant which is photosynthesizing most effectively will exhibit
a. a decrease in production of oxygen and a decrease in consumption of oxygen
b. a decrease in production of oxygen and an increase in consumption of carbon dioxide
c. an increase in production of oxygen and a decrease in consumption of carbon dioxide
d. an increase in production of oxygen and an increase in consumption of carbon dioxide

10. In photosynthesis, the energy released by the excited electrons in the electron transport system is
used to move hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane against the concentration gradient.
This is called
a. osmosis
b. chemiosmosis
c. exocytosis
d. electron transport

11. Photosystems I and II are located in the

a. stroma of the chloroplast
b. cytoplasm of the plant cell
c. thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast
d. inner matrix of the mitochondrion of a plant cell

12. A suspension can be made of isolated whole chloroplasts in water to which is added NADP, ADP and
inorganic phosphate. If this suspension is placed in light in the absence of carbon dioxide, the
creation of what substances may occur?
a. PGAL and starch
b. NADPH and ATP
c. Glucose and oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide and water

13. During photosynthesis, water molecules are split in the

a. Calvin cycle
b. Photosystem I
c. Photosystem II
d. Light independent reactions

14. In photosynthesis, the energy released by the excited electrons in the electron transport system is used
to move hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane against the concentration gradient. The
movement of hydrogen ions in this case is an example of
a. osmosis
b. diffusion
c. exocytosis
d. active transport
An investigator wanted to determine the rate of photosynthesis at different wavelengths of light. Aerobic
bacteria were evenly distributed in a test tube of Spirogyra, a species of green algae. The Spirogyra is
exposed to various wavelengths of light as shown on the diagram above. The results show the growth of
bacteria (black dots), after one day.

15. The manipulated (independent) variable in this investigation is

a. the type of bacteria grown in the test tube.
b. the wavelength of light.
c. the amount of oxygen produced.
d. the intensity of light.

16. The synthesis of glucose in plants

a. occurs in the light-dependent reactions.
b. requires ATP and NADPH.
c. occurs in the citric acid cycle.
d. occurs during photosystems I and II.

Use the following information to answer the next question.

A student conducts a series of tests on a plant and discovers that, according to his data, plants absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen during the day. At night the student finds the
opposite to be true.

17. The best explanation for these results is that

a. plants carry out photosynthesis during the day and cellular respiration at night.
b. the carbon dioxide produced by plants during the day is used immediately by the plant during
c. there must have been numerous experimental errors because these results are wrong.
d. during the day, in plants, cellular respiration occurs at a faster rate than does photosynthesis.

18. Identify the input and outputs for each of the different parts of photosynthesis. ( 5.5 marks)
a. Light dependent reactions: (.5 FOR EACH)

Inputs Outputs

b. Light independent reactions (Calvin-Benson cycle): (.5 FOR EACH)

Inputs Outputs

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