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Tutorial on how to calibrate the HBV model

Abstract: This document provides a description of how to calibrate the HBV model

DRIHM (G.A. n 283568) is co-Funded by the EC under 7th Framework Programme

1 Introduction

The HBV calibration process consists on determining the parameter values that allow the
model to match as closely as possible the observed behavior of the real basin.

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of hydrological response simulation with the HBV-modelling
concept. The land-phase of the hydrological cycle is represented by three different
components: a snow routine, a soil routine and a runoff response routine.

Figure 1 Schematic view of the relevant components of the HBV model

2 Model Parameters

In the process of the calibration there is a need to have appropriate values for the model
parameters, and the model will be able to produce adequate discharge values. The calibration
is performed by simulataneous model runs for the the different set of parameters against
observed discharge. The model parameters are listed with the calibrated values for the Bisagno
river basin.

FC.tbl Field Capacity (260.0) [mm]

BetaSeepage.tbl exponent in soil runoff generation equation (1.8) [-]
LP.tbl fraction of Field capacity below which actual evaporation=potential evaporation
K4.tbl Recession constant baseflow (0.02307)
KHQ.tbl recession rate at flow HQ (0.09880)
HQ.tbl high flow rate HQ for which recession rate of upper reservoir is known (3.27)
AlphaNL.tbl measure of non-linearity of upper reservoir (1.1)
PERC.tbl Percolation from Upper to Lower zone (0.40) [mm/day]
CFR.tbl Refreezing efficiency constant in refreezing of free water in snow (0.05)
Pcorr.tbl Correction factor for precipitation (1.0)
RFCF.tbl Correction factor for rainfall (1.0)
SFCF.tbl Correction factor for snowfall (1.0)
Cflux.tbl Maximum capillary rise from runoff response routine to soil moisture routine
ICF.tbl Maximum interception storage (in forested AND non-forested areas) (2.0)
CEVPF.tbl Correction factor for potential evaporation (1.0)
EPF.tbl Exponent of correction factor for evaporation on days with precipitation(0.0)
ECORR.tbl Evap correction (1.0)
TTI.tbl critical temperature for snowmelt and refreezing (1.000) [oC]
TT.tbl defines interval in which precipitation falls as rainfall and snowfall (-1.41934)
Cfmax.tbl Melt constant in temperature-index ( 3.75653) [-]
WHC.tbl fraction of snow volume that can store water (0.1) [-]

Initial state for the NWP run was obtained for the basin for the model by running simulations
using one week of forcing precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration data. The list of
maps in Model State is presented:

self.SurfaceRunoff Surface runoff in the kinematic wave reservoir [m3/s]

self.WaterLevel Water level in the kinematic wave reservoir [m]
self.DrySnow Snow pack [mm]
self.FreeWater Available free water [mm]
self.UpperZoneStorage Water in the upper zone [mm]
self.LowerZoneStorage Water in the lower zone [mm]
self.SoilMoisture Soil moisture [mm]
self.InterceptionStorage Amount of water on the Canopy [mm]

For Bisagno river calibration was performed for the period from 2006 till 2009. The
precipitation and temperature data were collected from automatic weather stations on the


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