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Title : Leveling Process

Chapter : Process Improvement

Date : 19 September 2017

Name Student ID Contribution Photo

Nurul Fitriani 1201142442 100%

Leveling Process: Donatsu

1. Primary Activities
a. Inbound Logistics
1) Receiving raw materials
Procurement provides raw materials already obtained
Inbound logistics receives the raw material
2) Saving raw materials
Receiving required raw materials
Store the raw material to a storage area
3) Distribution of raw materials
Operation requests raw materials for making donuts
Inbound logistics provides the raw material to operations
Operations receive raw materials required

b. Outbound Logistics
1) Deliver finished goods to customers
Take a ready-made donut
Deliver the donut to the customer
Customers receive the donut
The customer pays the donut
2) Tracking the finished product to the customer
Delivering finished donuts
Check if there is a donut vacuum
If there is a vacuum, outbound logistics takes the finished
donuts from the operations
Keep it in a cabinet-like place for other employees to reach for
ready-made donuts

c. Operations
1) Make a donut
Take basic ingredients to make donuts to Logistics
Put ingredients in the lobbin
Mix ingredients that have been included
The mixed dough, add to the refrigerator for the dough to
Take the already expanding dough from the refrigerator
Print the dough into a donut shape
Fried donuts until cooked
2) Decoration on donuts
Take the ready-made donuts
Sprinkle toppings or finish with various flavors
Keep the donut in place provided
3) Create a recipe book
In order to make the donut stick the way you want it, you can
plan to create a company recipe book
Make a recipe book from the donut
Maintain the confidentiality of the recipe
Only company employees can know the recipe

d. Marketing and Sales

1) Determine the sales plan
Determine how many targets
Counting potential markets
Counting available markets
Determining the target market
Counting the target market
Counting sales targets
Calculates the volume of products made
2) Determining inventory costs
Knowing the need to make the product
Know the price of the need
Calculate inventory costs
3) Determine the sale price of the donut
Calculate the number of labor required in making the product
Calculate direct cost
Calculate overhead cost
Calculate operational cost
Calculate product volume
Calculate the selling price of the product
Calculating the price per unit
Calculating company profits
Acquired the selling price per unit
4) Promote the donut
Follow an exhibition or go to a street that many people pass by
Introduce donut products to the community
Provide promotions for people who buy donuts

e. Service
1) Customer call center
Include customer call center number
Customers can contact customer service
2) Serving customers who buy donuts
Customers come to the store
The customer goes to the cashier
Staff will greet
Customers choose the desired donuts
Staff pick up donuts on request
Staff notify the total price
The customer pays for it
Staff receives payment
Staff gives donuts
Customers get the desired donuts
Staff thanks to the customers
3) There is a problem from the customer
Customer calls or talks to staff
Customer notifies the problem experienced
Staff will find solutions to the problem
The problem is solved
Customers are happy with the work of staff
4) Requires surveys from customers
Staff determines questions for survey
Staff makes surveys
Staff gives the survey to the customer
Customer receives the survey
Customers fill out the survey
Customer provides a completed survey
Staff received the survey
Staff thanks to the customers

2. Support Activities
a. Firm Infrastructure
1) Organize and lead the company
Controlling employees in their work
If there is a problem, firm infrastructure regulates the problem
Organize employee jobs to keep them in line with their work
Manage the existing finances in the company
Arrange planning for the future
Leading the company well
Manage to keep it in sync
Command to employees according to their position
Provide rules to employees so employees can manage their lives
Always check the quality of management

b. Human Resouce Management

1) Conducting recruitment
Make plans in recruitment for new employees
Prepare the need for recruitment such as posters and so on
Disseminate posters to various places
Applicants see the poster
Applicants apply for jobs provided
Interview the applicants
Selection of applicants who fit the criteria
Congratulate accepted applicants
Describe the work they get
2) Conduct training
Make plans to conduct training
Setting up the need for training
Notifying employees that training will be held in accordance
with the position
Conduct training in accordance with positions
Provide tests to employees after the job title
Provide appreciation such as certificates for training
Training is complete
3) Payroll
Setting up payroll for employees
Provide salaries to employees in accordance with the position
Employees receive salary according to the position they hold
4) Consultation for employees
Every employee has his or her personal affairs
The company provides consulting services to all employees
Employees can be consulted about their careers, their lives and
so on
HR will provide some advice that suits their problem

c. Technology
1) Provide machine for making donuts
Plan to buy the required machine
Design the machines to be used
Looking for machine suppliers
Ordering machine according to the design made
Pay the machine
Supplier gives to company staff
Staff receives machines that have been made
Bring the machines to the company
Using a machine already made to make a donut
2) Provide credit card
Plan a purchasing system such as a credit card
Ordering machine for credit card to supplier
Pay the machine
Receiving credit card machine
Bringing to the company
Service provides the credit card machine
3) Provide the website of the company
Plan to create a company website
Design the desired website
Website is complete
Companies and customers can use it

d. Procurement
1) Negotiation of raw materials
When purchasing raw materials, the company's staff offer the
necessary raw materials that can be sold at a low price to the
If agreed, company staff can pay to the supplier
2) Purchase of raw materials
Find out the raw materials used
Make a list of required raw materials
Go to suppliers that provide the required raw materials
Selecting quality raw materials
Buy the raw materials
Obtain the desired raw material
Bringing to the company

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