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By Bishop M. Christopher Wilson, Sr


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1.‘ uhere is a light that is man that does not exist in any other creature created.
a.‘ What that light does is allow man to be conscious of his own existence and
b.‘ Knowing that you are alive in and of itself is a virtue from God that no other creature on
this planet possesses.
2.‘ When we look at consciousness as a light we can then have a clearer understanding of what
Eph. 5:13 is saying.
a.‘ It is our consciousness that is reproves or approves all things manifest or present in our
3.‘ uhe place that the devil attacks is at our point of consciousness.
4.‘ uhe devil understands, ³As he thinketh in his heart so is he´.
5.‘ He doesn¶t have to fight you; he knows that you¶re going to flow in the direction of your
consciousness so all he has to do is give you a suggestion.
a.‘ Suggestion is the name given to the psychological process by which one person may
guide the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another.
b.‘ You¶re becoming or being draw in the direction of whatever you think about most and
give most of your energy, focus, and attention.
6.‘ uhe devil doesn¶t have the power to make you sick and he knows he does need to; all has to do
is give you the thought and you will use the power of your own³I am´ and draw sickness into
your reality.
a.‘ I am sick
b.‘ I am afraid
c.‘ I am lonely
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D.‘ uhe reason that they were not ashamed was because their consciousness was in God; he was the
center of their focus and attention; they were totally identified with their creator.

a.‘ uhere is hymn that says, ³uurn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.´
b.‘ Because Jesus was the center of their focus It didn¶t matter that they were naked.
c.‘ Gives new meaning to ³uherefore there is now no condemnation to them that are in
Christ Jesus´.
i.‘ When Jesus comes the center of your joy it doesn¶t matter what the world says
about you!
8.‘ Look what sin does to our consciousness.
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·.‘ In Gen. 2:25 they were clothed in God consciousness, because them only identified with their
10.‘After sin comes in their consciousness has been altered and they are covering themselves with
fig leaves.
a.‘ Why? uheir focused has become limited to only preserving what is in the carnal realm.
11.‘uhe reason that the devil messes with us on a conscious level is because he knows if he can
change the way you view yourself it will determine the reality that you live.
a.‘ If the devil can distort your view of who you really are like he did Adam and Eve he
knows that your actions, reactions and response in your day to day life will be according
to your flawed perception of yourself.
c ‘Isa. 53:5 says because of Christ stripes ³ë    ´; 1 Peter 2:24 says, ³ë

‘ But if your perception of yourself is still one that says you¶re a person that has to be sick
you¶re going to experience more sickness than God ever desired or intend to be in your
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c‘What Joel was trying to do is get these people to work their I am power; º   ë 

14.‘Everything that is showing up in your life is a result of what you have attached to your ³I am´.

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15.‘uhe battles, trials and disappointments that we face in life can all be traced back to one thing,
our assumptions of our self conflicting with God thoughts about us.
16.‘You have to allow God to change the assumptions that you have about who you are back to the
thoughts that he purposed for you.
1D.‘It doesn¶t matter how much you pray, how much others pray for you unless you allow the holy
spirit to transform you mind to the Mind of Christ you¶re going to stay in the situations your in.
a.‘ uhis principle governs every aspect of your life, be it social, financial, intellectual, or
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18.‘I am is the reality through which everything enters your life.
a.‘ Paul understood that it was going to take Christ to change his perception of who he was.

1·.‘Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, ³What the mind can conceive you can achieve´ .
20.‘Everything depends on your attitude about yourself.
21.‘uhere was a reason Joel didn¶t say just let the weak think about being strong. It said let the weak

 I am strong.
a.‘ Anything that you can¶t affirm in words to be true in your life can never awake in your
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22.‘Biblically you can even get saved unless you say something!
a.‘ You have to confess, homologeo in the Greek, Jesus Christ .
i.‘ uhat means say the same thing about yourself that Christ says about you is what
saves you.

b.‘ Your salvation from any situation is going to follow this same spiritual principle.
i.‘ Confess only what God has said, not what you feel about the situation.
ii.‘ Believe only what God has said about your sitatuation.
23.‘What you hear yourself say you will think about and what you think about you will say.
a.‘ It is through that process of repetition of saying and thinking that we get our beliefs.
b.‘ Faith cometh, ³eth´ meaning continuous, by hearing, not having heard.
24.‘As the people of God we have to very careful what we connect to our ³I am´.
a.‘ Anything you connect your ³I am´ becomes an affirmation of a desired result that you
want to see in your reality.
25.‘We don¶t become better anything about changing outer appearance.
26.‘Real change only takes place in the heart, which is the consciousness of man; and it has to start
with your confession.
a.‘ I am strong, I am secure, I am not afraid, I am the first and not the last, I am above only
and not benneth, I am a child of God. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
b.‘ What you confess will determine what kind of reality that you live in.
2D.‘When you get the reality of this you will realize that nothing outside of you can affect you
unless you allow it to get in your consciousness.

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28.‘ We know that he is talking about Christ in us the hope of glory, but he is also talking about the
God consciousness that is available to us all.
a.‘ uhe ³you´ or the ³I am´ that you are in spirit is greater that ³I am´ that you have adapted
from looking at your situation.
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,0‘Renewed in your mind is talking on the mind of Christ or God consciousness, then saying about
yourself only what God has already said about you.
/‘uhe moment you allow the Holy Spirit to change your conception of yourself everything in your
reality will change.
‘ You can¶t keep dwelling on what you feel you can¶t do and think your pleasing God.
‘Every time that you attach something to your ³I am´ that is not in line with the Word of God,
you are in essence taking the name of God ³I am that I am´ in vain.

‘ If you say ³I am sick´ you¶re saying that the God in you is sick.
#‘ Ë ³I am poor´Ë God is poor.
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32.‘uhis verse is talking about faith, but there is a polar opposite to every truth.
a.‘ If you¶re saying to mountains can casting them into the sea, your saying the wrong
confession can bring mountains out of the sea into reality that show up as obstruction to
your progress.
b.‘ You have no doubt about and you have faith in what you say it shall come to pass, you
shall have whatsoever you saith!
c.‘ I am sick, I think I gotË this and that, I think I am getting sick, I an never got no
d.‘ We are calling things that be not as though they were.
33.‘You can only become in your reality that which you have first conceived in thought.
34.‘Nothing comes in to your reality with an invitation from your consciousness.
35.‘We have to be careful what we allow in become rooted in our thoughts, because it will
eventually show up in your reality.
a.‘ uhoughts thought continuously become a belief.
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36.‘Everything that we need to make it through this life and to live a life that is pleasing to God has
already been given to us.
a.‘ We just have to embrace that truth in our consciousness before it will become our

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