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Testing Lorentz symmetry with planetary orbital dynamics

A. Hees,1, Q. G. Bailey,2 C. Le Poncin-Lafitte,3 A. Bourgoin,3

A. Rivoldini,4 B. Lamine,5 F. Meynadier,3 C. Guerlin,6, 3 and P. Wolf3
Department of Mathematics, Rhodes University, 6140 Grahamstown, South Africa
Department of Physics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
3700 Willow Creek Road, Prescott, AZ 86301, USA
SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University,
CNRS, Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ. Paris 06,
LNE, 61 avenue de lObservatoire, 75014 Paris, France
Royal Observatory of Belgium, Avenue Circulaire, 3, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgium
IRAP, Universite de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, CNRS, F-31028 Toulouse, France
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS-PSL Research University, CNRS,
UPMC-Sorbonne Universits, Collge de France, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
(Dated: August, 2015)
arXiv:1508.03478v1 [gr-qc] 14 Aug 2015

Planetary ephemerides are a very powerful tool to constrain deviations from the theory of General
Relativity using orbital dynamics. The eective field theory framework called the Standard-Model
Extension (SME) has been developed in order to systematically parametrize hypothetical violations
of Lorentz symmetry (in the Standard Model and in the gravitational sector). In this communication,
we use the latest determinations of the supplementary advances of the perihelia and of the nodes
obtained by planetary ephemerides analysis to constrain SME coefficients from the pure gravity
sector and also from gravity-matter couplings. Our results do not show any deviation from GR
and they improve current constraints. Moreover, combinations with existing constraints from Lunar
Laser Ranging and from atom interferometry gravimetry allow us to disentangle contributions from
the pure gravity sector from the gravity-matter couplings.

PACS numbers: 04.50.Kd,04.80.Cc,11.30.Cp

I. INTRODUCTION came from string theory [12], Lorentz violations can also
appear in loop quantum gravity, noncommutative field
The Solar System has proven to be an efficient labora- theory and others [13, 14]. The SME is an eective field
tory to discover new phenomena from gravitational ob- theory aiming at making phenomenological connections
servations. Historically, one can mention the discovery between fundamental theories and experiments.
of dark components (such as the planet Neptune pre- In particular, a hypothetical Lorentz violation in the
dicted by Le Verrier) or evidence towards non-Newtonian gravitational sector naturally leads to an expansion at
gravity theories (for example the perihelion advance of the level of the action [11, 15] which in the minimal SME
Mercury which pointed towards General Relativity writes
GR). The Solar System remains the most precise lab- Z p
oratory to test the theory of gravity, that is to say GR. Sgrav = d4 x R 2 + s R T
+ t C
Constraints on deviations from GR can only be
obtained in an extended theoretical framework that +S 0 [s , t , g ] , (1)
parametrizes such deviations. The constraints that are
obtained from observations are framework-dependent. In with G the gravitational constant, g the determinant
the last decades, two frameworks were widely used in the of the metric, R the Ricci scalar, R the trace-free
literature at the scale of the Solar System, namely the Ricci tensor, C the Weyl tensor and s and t
Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism [1] and the Lorentz violating fields. To avoid conflicts with the
the fifth force framework [2]. Stringent constraints have underlying Riemann geometry, we assume spontaneous
been obtained for these formalisms [1, 38]. More re- symmetry breaking so that the Lorentz violating coef-
cently, other phenomenological frameworks have been de- ficients need to be considered as dynamical fields. The
veloped like the Standard-Model Extension (SME). The last part of the action S 0 contains the dynamical terms
SME is an extensive formalism that allows a systematic governing the evolution of the SME coefficients. In the
description of Lorentz symmetry violations in all sec- linearized gravity limit, the metric depends only on s
tors of physics, including gravity [911]. Violations of which is the vacuum expectation value of s [15]. The
Lorentz symmetry are possible in a number of scenarios so obtained post-Newtonian metric diers from the one
described in the literature. While some early motivation introduced in the PPN formalism [15]. In addition to
the minimal SME action given by Eq. (1), there exist
some higher order Lorentz-violating curvature couplings
in the gravity sector (non-minimal SME) [16] that have been constrained by short range experiments [17]. These

terms are not considered in this communication. vious results obtained by Lunar Laser Ranging analysis
In addition to Lorentz symmetry violations in the pure- and atom interferometry gravimetry. Finally, in Sec. V,
gravity sector, violations of Lorentz symmetry can also we discuss our obtained results and present several ideas
arise from gravity-matter couplings. In [18], it has been that may improve the current analysis.
shown that gravity-matter couplings violation of Lorentz
symmetry can be parametrized by the following classical
point mass action II. EFFECTS OF SME ON ORBITAL
Smat = d m g + 2c u u (ae ) u , (2)
In the linearized gravity limit, the gravity sector of

where u is the four-velocity of the particle, m is its mass SME is parametrized by a symmetric trace free tensor

and c and (ae ) are Lorentz violating fields. In this s [15] and by the (ae ) coefficients which depend on
action, spin-coupled Lorentz violation is eectively set the composition of the dierent bodies. The components

to zero. The new fields c and (ae ) depend on the of these coefficients depend on the observer coordinate
composition of the point particle [18]. This modification system. The standard frame used in the SME formal-
of the action produces two dierent types of eects: (i) ism labeled by (T, X, Y, Z) is comoving with the Solar
a modification of the way gravity is sourced and (ii) a System and the spatial axes are defined by equatorial
violation of the three facets of the Einstein Equivalence coordinates (see Fig. 1 of [15]). The planetary orbital el-
Principle. The first eect will result in a modification ements are defined with respect to the ecliptic coordinate
of the space-time metric solution of the field equations. system. The two coordinate systems dier by a rotation
Modifications of the metric in the linearized approxima- R of angle " = 23.44(the Earth obliquity) around the
tion depend on aSe coefficients, the background values X axis. Therefore, the transformation of the tensor s

of the coefficients (ae ) from the source body [18]. On is given by sij = RiI RjJ sIJ and s0i = RiI sT I where
the other hand, the violation of the equivalence princi- capital letters refer to the equatorial reference system
ple generated by the action (2) leads to a deviation from and lower case letters refer to the ecliptic one. Simi-
the geodesic motion depending at first order on the co- larly, the transformation of the (ae ) vector is given by
i I
efficients c T (ae ) = RiI (ae ) .
T and ae , the background values of the
Lorentz violating fields of the test mass. SME modifications of gravity induce dierent types
Up to now, several studies have constrained the pure- of eects (for an extensive review, see [15, 18]). Two
gravity SME coefficients s like for example Lunar Laser important eects can have implications on planetary
Ranging [19], atom interferometry gravimetry [20, 21], ephemerides analysis: eects on the orbital dynamics and
short range experiment [22], planetary orbital dynam- eects on the light propagation. Simulations using the
ics [23], Gravity Probe B [24] and recently binary pul- Time Transfer Formalism [34] based on the software pre-
sars [25]. The (aw e ) coefficients are currently poorly
sented in [35] have shown that only the sT T and (ae )
constrained by [2629]. On the opposite, some of the coefficients produce a non-negligible eect on the light
c coefficients are severely constrained (see for exam- propagation (while it has impact only at the next post-
ple [26, 27, 30, 31]). A list of current constraints on all Newtonian level on the orbital dynamics [15, 18]). Since
SME coefficients can be found in [32]. In this study, we in this analysis we concentrate on orbital dynamics, these

will concentrate on the impact of s and (aw e ) coeffi-
coefficients are not considered and will be neglected. This
cients on planetary orbital dynamics and neglect the c can safely be done since the signatures from the sT T and
coefficients and leave them for future work. (ae ) coefficients on the light propagation are similar
In this communication, we show that planetary or- to the logarithmic standard Shapiro delay, which is not
bital dynamics can be used to derive stringent constraints correlated to orbital dynamics eects.
on the SME coefficients. Indeed, SME modifications of The equations of motion in the SME formalism are
gravity induce a secular variation of some orbital el- given in [15, 18]. Neglecting the c contributions, the 2
ements [15, 18] such as the longitude of the ascend- body equation of motion reads
ing node and the argument of perihelia. These varia-
tions are introduced in Sec. II. In Sec. III, we compare d2 r j GN M j GN M jk k 3 kl rk rl j
= r + s r s r
these variations with the present level of residuals com- dt2 r3 r3 2 r2
ing from INPOP10a (Integrateur Numerique Planetaire !
m X nw
0k 2 w k
de lObservatoire de Paris) ephemerides [33]. We use a +2 s + (ae ) v k rj
Bayesian inversion to infer the posterior probability den- M w=e,p,n
sity function (pdf) on the SME coefficients. From the ! #
m X nw
pdf, we estimate correlations between the coefficients. 0j 2 w j k k
2 s + (ae ) v r ,(3)
We estimate realistic confidence intervals and also de- M w=e,p,n
termine linear combinations of the SME coefficients that
can be determined independently from planetary orbital where GN is the observed Newton constant (the coeffi-
dynamics. In Sec. IV, we combine our results with pre- cients sT T and (aw
e ) are unobservable in this context

since they have been absorbed in a rescaling between G orbital plane

and GN , see the discussion in [15, 18, 24]), M = m1 + m2
is the total mass of the two bodies, m = m2 m1 is the P~ = (cos cos ! cos i sin sin !) ~ex (8a)
dierence of the two masses, rj = r1j r2j is the relative + (sin cos ! + cos i cos sin !) ~ey + sin i sin !~ez ,
position of the two masses and ~
Q = (cos sin ! + cos i sin cos !) ~ex (8b)
nw w
N2w , + (cos i cos cos ! sin sin !) ~ey + sin i cos !~ez ,
2 = N1 (4)
~k = sin i sin ~ex sin i cos ~ey + cos i~ez , (8c)
with N1,2 the number of particles of species w in the body
1, 2. where ~ex,y,z define the basis of the ecliptic reference sys-
In Eq. (3), the sums on w need to be done on the tem. The relations (7) are generalisations of Eqs. (168-
electrons, protons and neutrons. In the case of a Sun- 171) from [15] that do not include the (aw e ) terms.
planet system, we have M = mp + m m , m =
m mp m and nw 2 = Np
N w N w . The fact
that we are neglecting Np means that we are neglect- III. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
ing eects produced by the violation of the universality
of free fall. Under these assumptions, the equations of Planetary ephemerides analysis use an impressive num-
motion depend on ber of dierent observations to produce high accurate
planetary and asteroids trajectories. The observations
X Nw j used to produce ephemerides comprise radioscience ob-
S 0j = s0j (aw
e ) , (5a) servations of spacecraft that orbited around Mercury,
Venus, Mars and Saturn, flyby tracking of spacecraft
j j
s0j 0.9 ae+p
e 0.1 (ane ) , (5b) close to Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune and op-
tical observations of all planets [4, 6, 7, 33, 3643]. Esti-
where we used a simple model for the composition mations of supplementary advances of perihelia with the
of the Sun characterized by N e /m = N p /m Russian Ephemerides of Planets and the Moon (EPM)
0.9 (GeV/c2 )
and N n /m 0.1 (GeV/c2 ) as de-
1 are presented in [6, 42]. The INPOP ephemerides have
produced estimations of supplementary advances of per-
scribed in [18] (with c the speed of light in vacuum). In
j ihelia and nodes. Tab. I gives estimations obtained by
this paper, (aw 2
e ) is always expressed in GeV/c and INPOP10a [33] on supplementary longitude of nodes
and on supplementary argument of perihelia1 !.
j j
e = (aee ) + (ape ) . (6)
TABLE I. Values of supplementary longitude of nodes and
Using the Gauss equations, secular perturbations in-
argument of perihelia estimated by INPOP10a (see Tab. 5
duced by SME on the orbital elements can be computed from [33]). These values are estimated in [33] as the interval
similarly to what is done in [15, 23]. The two orbital el- in which the dierences of postfit residuals are below 5 %.
ements needed for our analysis are the longitude of the (mas cy 1 )
Planet ! (mas cy 1 )
ascending node and the argument of the perihelion !.
The secular change in these two elements is given by Mercury 1.4 1.8 0.4 0.6
Venus 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
d n h"
= skP sin ! EMB 0.0 0.9 0.2 0.9
dt sin i(1 e2 )1/2 e2 Mars 0.05 0.13 0.04 0.15
(e2 ") 2na" k Jupiter 40 42 41 42
+ 2
skQ cos ! S cos ! , (7a)
e ec Saturn 0.1 0.4 0.15 0.65
d! d (e 2")
= cos i n (sP P sQQ ) Since sT T and (aw
dt dt 2e4 e ) do not play any role in the orbital
dynamics and s is trace free, the observations depend
2na(e2 ") Q
+ 3 S , (7b) on 8 independent fundamental coefficients: sXX sY Y ,
ce (1 e2 )1/2 sQ = sXX + sY Y 2sZZ , sXY , sXZ , sY Z and S T J (these
where a is the semi-major axis, e the eccentricity, i parameters will be denoted as pi in the following). In
the orbit inclination (with respect to the ecliptic), n = this communication, we perform a Bayesian inversion to
(GN m /a3 )1/2 is the mean motion and " = 1 (1 e2 )1/2 .
In all these expressions, the coefficients for Lorentz vio-
lation with subscripts P , Q, and k are understood to 1 In [33], ! is noted $ which is commonly used for the longitude
be appropriate projections of s along the unit vectors of the perihelion but the estimated values correspond to supple-
P , Q, and k, respectively. For example, S k = k i S T i , mentary argument of perihelia and not to longitude of perihelia
sP P = P i P j sij . The unit vectors P , Q and k define the (usually noted by $) [44].

infer knowledge on these 8 independent coefficients using

TABLE II. Estimations of the SME coefficients. These esti-
a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) algorithm. The
mations are still correlated and the correlation matrix is given
approach is very similar to the one used for binary pulsar in Tab. III. The uncertainties correspond to the 68% Bayesian
data [25]. The observations are assumed to be indepen- confidence levels of the marginal pdf.
dent and the errors to be normally distributed. The pdf
SME coefficients Estimation
describing the likelihood (i.e. the probability to obtain
XX YY 10
observations Oi given certain values of the SME parame- s s ( 0.8 2.0) 10
2 Q XX YY ZZ 10
/2 s = s + s 2 s ( 0.8 2.7) 10
ters pk ) is given by L(Oi |p1 , p2 , . . . pn ) = cst e where
the is computed by sXY ( 0.3 1.1) 10 10

sXZ ( 1.0 3.5) 10 11

X (! pl,SME (pk ) ! pl,INPOP )
= (9) sY Z (5.5 5.2) 10 12
pl !
pl S T X ( 2.9 8.3) 10 9

2 S TY
(0.3 1.4) 10 8
pl,SME (pk ) pl,INPOP
+ , S T Z ( 0.2 5.0) 10 8

where the index pl of the sum is running over the six dif-
ferent planets from Tab. I, pl,INPOP , ! pl,INPOP and the
8 8 Unit Box
corresponding are from Tab. I and where ! pl,SME (pk )
0 0

s XX-s YY 10-10
and pl,SME (pk ) are simulated values depending on the -8 -8 s Q 10-10
SME coefficients by (7). The posterior pdf of the SME 4 4 s XY 10-10
s XZ 10-10

s XY
coefficients is given by 0 0
s YZ 10-11
-4 -4 TX
S 10-8
1 1 TY
S 10-8
P (p1 , p2 , . . . pn |Oi ) = C L(Oi |p1 , . . . pn )(p1 , . . . pn ) ,
s XZ

0 0 S
(10) -1 -1

where (p1 , . . . pn ) = (p1 ) . . . (pn ) is the prior pdf on 2 2

s YZ

0 0
the SME coefficients pk and C a constant. We use a uni-
-2 -2
form prior pdf on the SME coefficients and the MCMC 4 4
algorithm used is a standard Metropolis-Hasting algo-

0 0

rithm [45]. We run the Metropolis-Hastings sampler un- -4 -4

4 4
til 106 samples have been generated. The convergence

0 0

of the MC is ascertained by monitoring the estimated

-4 -8 0 8 -8
-4 0 8 -4 0 4 -1 0 1 -2 0 2 -4 0 4 -4 0 4
Bayesian confidence intervals of the parameters. Finally, 2 2
to diminish the eect of the starting configuration, we

0 0

discard the first 1000 samples. -2 -2

-8 0 8 -8 0 8 -4 0 4 -1 0 1 -2 0 2 -4 0 4 -4 0 4 -2 0 2
The marginal pdf of a single SME parameter pj is given s XX
-s YY
sQ s XY s XZ s YZ
Z Z FIG. 1. 2D marginal posterior pdf (useful to assess the corre-
P (pj |Oi ) = dp1 dp2 . . . P (p1 , . . . , pn |Oi ) , (11) lations). On the 2D plots, the blue dotted contours represent
the 67 % Bayesian confidence area, the red continuous con-
tour represent the 95 % Bayesian confidence area and the
where the integrals are performed over all the SME coef-
dashed green contours represent the 99.7 % Bayesian confi-
ficients pk except pj . dence area. The histograms represent the marginal pdf of the
A first run shows that the parameters of our model SME parameters.
are highly correlated, see Fig. 1. We have used the cor-
relation matrix estimator to assess the strength of the
parameters correlations, see Tab. III. These correlations can be done numerically by performing a normalized
are mainly due to the fact that all planets have very sim- Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
ilar, low inclination, orbital planes. Nevertheless, we can
produce marginal 1D posterior distribution for each of C = K T D2 K , (12)
the 8 SME coefficients. The histograms corresponding to
these distributions are presented on Fig. 1. The corre- where C is the covariance matrix of the SME coefficients
sponding Bayesian confidence intervals are presented on estimated from our first run, K is an upper triangular
Tab. II. matrix whose diagonal elements are unity and D is a
Another approach (based on the first run) to avoid diagonal matrix. Then the linear combinations b of the
highly correlated parameters is to find the independent fundamental SME coefficients (noted p) given by
linear combinations of the SME coefficients that can
be determined by planetary ephemerides analysis. This b=K p, (13)

TABLE III. Estimations of the correlations coefficients be- TABLE IV. Estimations of the independent linear combina-
tween the dierent SME coefficients: sXX sY Y , sQ , sXY , tions bi of the SME coefficients. The expressions of the com-
sXZ , sY Z , S T X , S T Y and S T Z . binations bi are given by Eqs. (14). The uncertainties corre-
spond to the 68% Bayesian confidence levels of the marginal
1 pdf.
0.99 1 SME linear combinations Estimation
0.99 0.99 1 10
b1 ( 0.8 2.0) 10
0.98 0.98 0.99 1 11
b2 (2.3 2.3) 10
-0.32 -0.24 -0.26 -0.26 1 12
b3 (3.0 9.7) 10
0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 -0.32 1 12
b4 (0.2 1.1) 10
0.62 0.67 0.62 0.59 0.36 0.60 1 13
b5 ( 0.3 2.4) 10
-0.83 -0.86 -0.83 -0.81 -0.14 -0.82 -0.95 1 9
b6 (0.2 1.1) 10
b7 ( 0.6 2.3) 10
T 9
with K the inverse of the transpose of K, can be deter- b8 (0.3 1.7) 10
mined completely independently by the analysis of plan-
etary orbital dynamics. In our case, this Cholesky de-
composition (K T ) is given by
b1 = sXX sY Y , (14a)
b2 = 1.37b1 + s , (14b)
Q XY 8 8
b3 = 0.15b1 0.31s + s , (14c) Unit Box
0 0
Q XY XZ b1 10-10
b4 = 0.013b1 + 0.064s 0.48s + s , (14d) -8 -8 b 10-11

b5 = 0.26b1 0.31sQ + 0.81sXY 1.67sXZ 4 4 b3 10-11

0 0 b 10-12

+sY Z (14e) -4 -4
b5 10-12
b 10-9
4 4
b6 = 35.5b1 + 9.35sQ 22.67sXY 33.95sXZ b7 10-9
0 0

b 10-9
+7.83sY Z + S X , (14f) -4 -4
1 1
b7 = 1641.4b1 2101.1sQ + 4939.9sXY 8846.8sXZ 0 0

+4810.6sXZ 0.89S X + S Y , (14g) -1 -1

4 4

b8 = 44.5b1 + 47.1sQ 580.1sXY + 1041.3sXZ 0 0


-4 -4
+231.5sY Z + 3.43S X + 2.56S Y + S Z , (14h) 6 6
0 0

with the expression of S J given by Eq. (5). We can now -6 -8 0 8 -8

-6 0 8 -4 0 4 -4 0 4 -1 0 1 -4 0 4 -6 0 6

use the linear combinations bi as fundamental parameters 6 6

0 0

for our analysis. Performing a new MC run (using the -6 -6

same prior and likelihood as previously) by considering -8 0 8 -8 0 8 -4 0 4 -4 0 4 -1 0 1 -4 0 4 -6 0 6 -6 0 6
these parameters show that they can be estimated with- b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8

out any correlation. This can be seen on Fig. 2 where the

2D marginal posterior pdf on the bi parameters are pre- FIG. 2. 2D marginal posterior pdf (useful to assess the corre-
sented. More quantitatively, the computation of the cor- lations) of the linear combinations bi of the SME coefficients
relation matrix show that the bi combinations are com- given by Eqs. (14). On the 2D plots, the blue dotted contours
pletely decorrelated by planetary ephemerides analysis represent the 67 % Bayesian confidence area, the red continu-
since the absolute values of the correlation parameters ous contour represent the 95 % Bayesian confidence area and
never exceed 0.03. The 1D posterior pdf of the bi com- the dashed green contours represent the 99.7 % Bayesian con-
binations are also represented on Fig. 2. The estimated fidence area. The 1D histograms represent the marginal pdf
of the SME linear combinations bi .
mean and standard deviation are given in Tab. IV. The
obtained uncertainties are much smaller than those given
in Tab. II.
We want to emphasize the fact that the results from
both approaches presented above are completely equiv-
alent. They are two ways to represent the same results. Tab. III) in the analysis or to work with uncorrelated
One is free to choose which approach is more appropri- linear combinations of the SME coefficients that are de-
ate: to work with the fundamental SME coefficients de- termined by Tab. IV. The results provided by both ap-
termined by Tab. II at the price of including the covari- proaches describe the same physical information. There-
ance matrix (or equivalently the correlation matrix from fore, they are completely equivalent.

IV. COMBINATION WITH LUNAR LASER Similarly, the inclination of the Moons orbit with re-
RANGING AND ATOM INTERFEROMETRY spect to the equator oscillates around = 23.44. As a
GRAVIMETRY consequence, the transformation of the LLR linear com-
binations to the standard SME coefficients is given by
It is interesting to combine the results obtained in the
last section with constraints available in the literature. In sA 11
s22 = 0.92 sXX sY Y
LLR = s (15a)
particular, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data have been
used to constrain the pure gravity sector of SME [19]. +0.08 s + s 2s 0.73s ,
Similarly, atomic gravimetry data have also been used to sB 12
= s = 0.92s XY
+ 0.40s , XZ
constrain the s coefficients [20, 21]. We will firstly com-
LLR = s02 = 0.92sT Y + 0.40sT Z , (15c)
bine our results from Sec. III with LLR results to produce
constraints on the SME pure gravity sector alone. This sD
LLR = s01 = sT X , (15d)
will highlight the improvement brought by the planetary sE
LLR = s c = 3.21sT Y 1.39sT Z , (15e)
ephemerides data. In a second step, we will consider both
LLR = s s = 3.50sT X . (15f)
the pure gravity sector and the gravity-matter couplings
coefficients. We will demonstrate that the combination of Note that the above transformations are dierent to
planetary ephemerides data, LLR data and atom interfer- those used in [21]. In that paper, the authors have used
ometry gravimetry data allows to completely disentangle = 125, which correspond to the transformation be-
J tween the lunar plane and the ecliptic plane at the date
all the SME coefficients s and (aw e ) .
The procedure to combine dierent types of analysis is J2000 while the reference frame used in the SME frame-
standard and consists of performing a global least squares work is the equatorial plane (and not the ecliptic one).
fit of all the estimations available. Obviously, the plan- Therefore, the value of and need to be taken with
etary estimations given by Tab. II are not independent. respect to the equatorial plane at the moment where the
To take inteo account the correlation between the pa- experiment was performed, or as their average value if
rameters estimated in Sec. III, we use the parameter co- they vary during the experiment.2
variance matrix from Tab. III as a weight in the least In [19], Battat et al have fitted the amplitudes re-
squares fit. Similarly, the parameters estimated in the lated to the signature of the 6 SME combinations (15)
LLR analysis are weighted by their standard deviation on residuals of LLR analysis. As a result, they obtained
in the least squares fit. Since no covariance matrix can constraints given in Tab. V.
be found in the literature, we assume these estimations
to be independent (this corresponds to a worst case sce- TABLE V. Estimations of the SME coefficients derived from
nario). Instead of working with results given in Tab. II LLR analysis from [19].
that are correlated, we can equivalently use the linear
SME linear combination Estimation
combinations given by Eqs. (14) and we then use the es-
timated standard deviations from Tab. IV to weight the sA
LLR (1.3 0.9) 10 10

least squares fit. In that approach, the weight matrix sB

LLR (6.9 4.5) 10 11

in the fit is diagonal. We insist on the fact that both sC

LLR ( 5.2 4.8) 10 7

approaches lead to the same results. In the following we sD

LLR ( 0.8 1.1) 10 6

provide the mean and the standard deviation of the SME sE (0.2 3.9) 10 7
parameters as given from the least square fit.
LLR ( 1.3 4.1) 10 7

Combining these constraints with those obtained in the

A. Pure gravity sector
previous section from planetary ephemerides lead to es-
timations of the pure gravity SME coefficients given in
First, lets focus on the pure gravity sector alone and Tab. VI. One can see that the sXX sY Y and the three
neglect the (awe ) coefficients. It has been shown in [15] coefficients sJK (with J 6= K) are improved by the com-
that the main oscillations in the radial distance between binations of the data. This is mainly due to the fact that
the Earth and the Moon due to the s coefficients de- the correlations are reduced. It is also worth to mention
pend on 6 linear combinations: s11 s22 , s12 , s01 , s02 , that this combined analysis improves the combined LLR
s c and s s . They can be expressed in terms of the and atom interferometry gravimetry analysis from [21]
standard SME coefficients expressed in an Earth equato- by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude.
rial frame and in terms of the longitude of the ascending
node and of the inclination of the Moons orbit with
respect to the equator. These combinations are given by 2 Note that [15] advised caution on this point: For definite-
Eqs. (107-108) from [15]. The longitude of the ascending ness and to acquire insight, we adopt the values = 125and
node with respect to the equator oscillates around 0. = 23.5. However, these angles vary for the Moon due to
This oscillation is due to the secular advance of the lon- comparatively large Newtonian perturbations, so some caution
gitude of the ascending node with respect to the ecliptic. is needed in using the equations that follow.

B. Gravity sector and matter-gravity couplings

TABLE VI. Estimated mean and 1 uncertainty of the SME
coefficients s by combining planetary ephemerides analysis
from Sec. III and LLR analysis [19]. It has been assumed that
the (aw
e ) coefficients vanish.

SME coefficients Estimation

sXX sY Y (9.6 5.6) 10 11

s = s + s 2 s (1.6 0.78) 10
sXY (6.5 3.2) 10 11
In order to use LLR analysis to constrain simultane-
sXZ (2.0 1.0) 10 11
ously the s and (aw
e ) coefficients, we need to identify
sY Z (4.1 5.0) 10 12
the contributions of the (aw
e ) coefficients to the ampli-
sT X (4.3 2.5) 10 9
tudes of the Earth-Moon distance oscillations. The SME
sT Y (1.1 1.1) 10 8

TZ 8
contribution to the equations of motion of the Moon-
s ( 3.8 3.0) 10 Earth system can be found in [15, 18] and is given by

" !
d2 r J GN M JK K 3sKL rK rL rJ X 2 nw K
= s r + 3 sT K (aw
e ) V K rJ V K rK sT J V J sT K rK (16)
dt2 SME r3 2r2 w=e,p,n
3 M
! ! #
3V K sT L rK rL rJ m X nw K m X nw J
TK 2 2
+ +2 s + (aw
e )
v r 2 s TJ
+ (aw
e )
v r ,
r2 M w=e,p,n
m M w=e,p,n

where M = m$ + m , m = m m$ m , rJ is changed)
the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth, v J
is the relative velocity of the Moon with respect to the X nw
2 2
Earth, V K is the heliocentric velocity of the Earth-Moon sC
LLR = s
+ (aw
e )
Barycenter and w
X Nw 2
s02 (awe ) , (18a)
X nw 1
LLR = s01 + (aw
e )
= N$ N N , w w
(17a) w
w X Nw 1
N$ Nw s01 (awe ) , (18b)
3 = M + Nw , (17b) w
m$ m
X nw Y

3 w Z
LLR = s c + 2 cos (aw e ) + sin (ae )
X Nw Y
s c + 2 cos (aw e )
where Niw is the number of particles of species w in the
body i. Following the approach described in Appendix + sin (aw
e ) ,(18c)
A of [15] (see also [46, 47]), we expand the equations of X nw
3 X
motion around a reference circular orbit and perform a sF
LLR = s s + 2 (aw e )
Fourier analysis to obtain the contributions of the (aw
e )
terms to the oscillations of the Earth-Moon distance. The X Nw X
s s + 2 (awe ) , (18d)
term proportional to V K rJ in the first line of Eq. (16) m
leads to an oscillation at the Earth orbital frequency .
The (awe ) coefficient modifies the expression of s ,1
in Eq. (A20) from [15]. Similarly, the modifications of where s c and s s are given by Eq. (108) of [15] or
the terms proportional to m in Eq. (16) changes the by Eqs. (15e-15f). A simple model for the composition
expression for s01 and s02 . To summarize, we find that of the Earth leads to N e /m = N p /m N n /m
J 1
the (aw
e ) coefficients will modify the combinations ap- 0.5 (GeV/c2 ) [18]. Using these values, the combina-
pearing in LLR oscillations as (sA B
LLR and sLLR being un- tions (15c-15f) appearing in LLR data analysis are mod-

ified by the (aw
e ) coefficients as follow: estimations for a Caesium atom interferometer lead to
e p 1
C TY e+p Y n Y
NCs /mCs = NCs /mCs = 0.44 (GeV/c2 ) , NCsn
/mCs =
sLLR = 0.92 s 0.5 ae 0.5 (ae ) (19a) 2 1
0.63 (GeV/c ) . Finally, the values for the Earth are

Z Z given in [18] and are mentioned above after Eq. (18).
+0.4 sT Z 0.5 ae+p e 0.5 (ane ) ,
Using these values gives
LLR = s
0.5 ae+p 0.5 (ane ) , (19b)
e sA
AI = s
+ 1.12 10 5 TY
s (22a)
LLR = 3.21sT Y 1.39sT Z + 0.92 ae+p
e (19c) 5.43 10 6
5.96 10 6
(ane )
n Y e+p Z n Z
+0.92 (ae ) + 0.4 ae + 0.4 (ae ) , sB
AI = s YZ
1.12 10 5 TX
s (22b)
LLR = 3.50sT X + ae+p
e + (ane ) . (19d) +5.43 10 6
e + 5.96 10 6
(ane )
Atom interferometry gravimetry has also been used J
to constrain SME coefficients [20, 21]. A violation of with ae+p
e given by Eq. (6).
Lorentz symmetry induces periodic variations of the lo- Therefore, the experiment from [20, 21] is sensitive to
cal acceleration that can be measured by atom gravime- the last two combinations and not to sXZ and sY Z alone.
try. Amplitudes of these oscillations have been partially The results from [21] are presented on Tab. VII
computed in [15] for the s coefficients (see Table IV)
and in [18] for the (aw
e ) coefficients (see Table IV). An
J TABLE VII. Estimations of the SME coefficients derived from
improved calculation shows that the (aw e ) coefficients atom interferometry gravimetry by [20, 21].
modify only two of the amplitudes constrained in [20, 21]:
SME linear combination Estimation
i4 XZ VL s s (4.4 11) 10
C! = s sin 2 2 i5 sT Y s XY
(0.2 3.9) 10 9
2 c
4VL X sA 9
NTw 3 Nw Y AI ( 2.6 4.4) 10
+ i + (aw
e ) sB ( 0.3 4.5) 10 9
3c w=e,p,n mT 2m AI
sT X ( 3.1 5.1) 10 5
= sA sin 2 , (20a) sT Y (0.1 5.4) 10 5
2 AI sT Z (1.4 6.6) 10 5
i4 VL
D! = sY Z sin 2 + 2 i5 sT X
2 c
In our final analysis, we combine the three analysis
4VL X NTw 3 Nw X J
i + (aw
e ) with both the s and (aw e ) coefficients: (i) plane-
3c w=e,p,n mT 2m tary ephemerides analysis given by Tab. II with the cor-
i4 B relation matrix from Tab. III (or equivalently the re-
= s sin 2 , (20b) sults from Tab. II on the linear combinations given by
2 AI
Eqs. (14)), (ii) LLR data analysis from [19] summarized
where i = I /(m R2 ) 1/2 (with I the Earth
on Tab. V with linear combinations given by Eqs. (15a-
spherical inertial moment and R the Earth radius),
15b) and (19) and (iii) atom interferometry gravimetry
i4 = 1 3i 1/2, i5 = 1+2i /3 4/3, the subscripts
analysis from [20, 21] presented on Tab. VII with the lin-
T refer to the test body, VL = ! R sin is the velocity
ear combinations given by Eq. (22). The (marginalized)
of the laboratory due to Earth rotation (! being the
results of this fit are presented in Tab. VIII.
angular velocity of the Earth rotation) and is the geo-
The resulting estimations do not show any significant
graphical colatitude of the location where the experiment
deviations from GR. The combinations of the three data
is performed. In the last expressions, we introduced two
analyses allow to estimate each of the coefficients individ-
linear combinations given by
ually. The spatial part of sJK is completely determined
4 VL T Y by the combination of planetary ephemerides and LLR
AI = s
i5 s (21a)
i4 sin 2 c data. The atom interferometry gravimetry is not accu-
8VL 1 NTw 3 Nw Y rate enough to provide any significative improvement on
+ i + (aw
e ) , the uncertainty of these coefficients. With an improve-
3c i4 sin 2 w=e,p,n mT 2m
ment of 2 orders of magnitude, the atom gravimetry data
4 VL T X would become significative to estimate the sJK coeffi-
AI = s
+ i5 s (21b)
i4 sin 2 c cients. On the other hand, the three datasets are re-
8VL 1 X Nw 3 Nw X quired in order to decorrelate the sT J and the (aw
e ) co-
i T
+ (aw
e ) . TJ
efficients. The uncertainties on s are much larger than
3c i4 sin 2 w=e,p,n mT 2m J
those shown in Tab. VI where the coefficients (aw e ) have
For the experiment performed by [20, 21], we have = been neglected. This reflects the fact that the individual
42.3and VL /c 1.04 10 6 . Moreover, numerical coefficients are still highly correlated.

required for that planet to play a significant role in this

TABLE VIII. Estimated mean and 1 uncertainty of the SME
analysis. Therefore, the improvement of Jupiters tra-
coefficients obtained with a fit combining results from Sec. III,
LLR data analysis from [19] and atom interferometry gravime- jectory expected from the analysis of Junos radioscience
try experiment [20, 21]. and very long baseline interferometry data [50] may im-
prove the result of our analysis. In particular, it will
SME coefficients Estimation reduce some of the correlations which will lead to an im-
XX YY 11
s s (9.6 5.6) 10 provements of the estimations of the SME coefficients. In
s = s + s 2 s (1.6 0.78) 10 the same spirit, the influence of Saturn is weak but nev-
sXY (6.5 3.2) 10 11 ertheless highly important to decorrelate the coefficients.
sXZ (2.0 1.0) 10 11 Furthermore, an improvement of Mercurys orbit by a
sY Z (4.1 5.0) 10 12 factor 10 (which can be regarded as the improvement by
Messengers data that are not yet included in INPOP10a
sT X (1.1 1.5) 10 6
analysis [33]) will lead to an improvement on the estima-
sT Y ( 0.39 2.5) 10 5
tions of sY Z by a factor 2 and to a 10% improvement on
sT Z (1.1 5.8) 10 5
the coefficients S T Y and S T Z (but to no improvement at
(ae ) + (ape )X
e X
(0.93 1.2) 10 6
GeV/c2 all on the other coefficients). In summary, the best way
(aee )Y + (ape )Y ( 5.9 9.5) 10 5
GeV/c2 to improve the current analysis is to improve the trajec-
(aee )Z + (ape )Z (1.4 2.2) 10 4
GeV/c2 tory of the badly determined planetary orbits in order
(ane )
(2.9 3.9) 10 6
GeV/c2 to improve the decorrelation instead of improving more
(ane )
(4.9 8.2) 10 4
GeV/c2 the planets that are already very well determined.
n Z
(ae ) ( 1.1 1.9) 10 3
GeV/c2 As mentioned in Sec. II, the influence of the sT T and
the (aw e ) coefficients on the orbital dynamics only ap-
pears at the next post-Newtonian order and these coeffi-
cients are therefore not constrained by our analysis. Nev-
ertheless, these coefficients will play an important role
in the light propagation [51, 52]. Therefore, planetary
First of all, the accuracy of the constraints on the SME ephemerides may potentially constrain this coefficient by
coefficients obtained in Tab. II (planetary orbital dynam- considering the eect of sT T on the light-time of the ra-
ics alone) are of the same order of magnitude as the bi- dioscience Range observables used in the analysis. Other
nary pulsars [25] constraints on the SME coefficients with opportunities to constrain this parameter are to consider
an improvement of one order of magnitude on the coeffi- a conjunction experiment like the one performed with the
cients sY Z . Nevertheless, it is known that non perturba- Cassini spacecraft [3] (or to analyze Cassini data within
tive eects (similar to those computed in [48]) may arise the SME formalism as proposed in [53]) or to consider
in binary pulsars systems. Therefore, the results from Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations similarly
[25] are eective constraints on the strong field version to what has been done for the post-Newtonian param-
of the s that may include non-perturbative strong field eter [5].
eects and one should be careful when comparing strong The multiplication of the numbers of SME coefficients
field tests and weak field tests as the one performed in that need to be considered leads to an increase in the
Sec. III. The results shown in Tab. IV improve the cur- uncertainties on each individual coefficients. This is due
rent Solar System constraints [32] by 1 to 3 orders of to the correlations between the dierent parameters that
magnitude. Furthermore, the analysis combining plane- appear when their number is increased. Therefore, it is
tary orbital dynamics and LLR from Tab. VI improves highly important to increase the number of analyses to
by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude the previous results that constrain SME. In this communication, we have shown
combined LLR and atom interferometry. This shows the how a combination of three analyses can disentangle the
high impact provided by planetary ephemerides analysis. dierent coefficients. Nevertheless, the coefficients shown
As mentioned in Sec. III, our result show that the es- in Tab. VIII are still highly correlated, especially in the
timated SME coefficients are highly correlated. The cor- (aw
e ) sector. One way to reduce these correlations is to
relations are due to the similarity of the orbital planes use more observations that are sensitive to other combi-
of all the planets. Therefore, one way to improve the nations of the (awe ) coefficients. This can be done in two
results by reducing the correlations is to use bodies with ways: (i) to consider dierent source bodies that generate
dierent orbital planes like e.g. asteroids. This can be the gravitational field and (ii) to use more orbital geom-
achieved for example with Gaia observations similarly to etry like e.g. asteroids dynamics as already mentioned.
what is proposed in [49]. J
The first point is related to the fact that the (aw
e ) coef-
The constraints obtained in Sec. III are mainly due to ficients enter the equations of motion essentially through
the internal planets. For instance, Jupiter has absolutely the properties of the source body. In this communica-
no influence on the results shown in Tab. II. This is a tion, only two source bodies have been used: the Sun (in
consequence of its not so well known orbit. An improve- the planetary orbital dynamics analysis) and the Earth
ment by a factor 10 on the knowledge of Jupiters orbit is (in LLR and in atom interferometry gravimetry). Con-

sidering more source bodies with dierent compositions Sec. III, we use the current limits on supplementary ad-
can help to reduce correlations. In this sense, a test us- vances of perihelia and nodes provided by INPOP10a [33]
ing the satellites around the dierent planets would be J
to estimate the SME coefficients s and (aw e ) . In
highly relevant. this analysis, the coefficients c
have been neglected
Finally, we would like to soften the results presented since they are already constrained with a high level of
here. First of all, we insist on the fact that the con- accuracy [32] but they can be considered in a future
straints obtained in Sec. III correspond to the intervals work. Our analysis has been performed using a standard
in which the dierences of INPOP10a postfit residuals are Bayesian inversion. Results on the SME coefficients are
below 5 %, as they are obtained directly from the limits given in Tab. II. No significative deviation from GR is
of Tab. I coming from [33]. As such, they do not directly observed. As mentioned in Sec. III, these estimations are
represent the usual 1 confidence interval. A cleaner ap- highly correlated (see Tab. III or Fig. 1). We have iden-
proach would be to include the SME equations of motion tified numerically the linear combinations of the SME
directly in the planetary ephemerides software and to es- coefficients that can be estimated independently from
timate the SME coefficients directly from the raw data, planetary ephemerides. The estimations on these combi-
which corresponds to the approach usually used for esti- nations are given in Tab. IV. These two results are com-
mating the PPN coefficients [4, 6, 7] or more recently to pletely equivalent (as long as one uses the correlation
constrain the MOND theory [54]. Our analysis demon- matrix with the first estimation). Our results produces
strates the impact of such an analysis and therefore, pro- uncertainties similar to those obtained from binary pul-
vides a strong incentive. sars data [25] on most of the coefficients and improve the
In addition, the LLR data analysis has been performed constraints on sY Z by one order of magnitude. More-
by fitting some oscillating signatures in the LLR data over, we improve the current best weak field tests by 2
residuals. This approach is not optimal since it suers to 3 orders of magnitude.
from two drawbacks. First, the oscillating signatures de- We also perform a combined estimation of the SME co-
rived in [15] have been computed analytically using sev- efficients using results from three dierent analyses: (i)
eral approximations. They can be used to estimate an the planetary ephemerides analysis performed in Sec. III,
order of magnitude on the dierent eects produced by (ii) the LLR data analysis performed in [19] and (iii)
SME but they are not optimal for a real data analysis the atom interferometry gravimetry analysis realized
(furthermore, the signatures used in [15] includes only in [20, 21]. The combination of LLR and planetary
the dominant oscillations, several other frequencies are ephemerides leads to the best current estimations on
produced by SME and ignored in the data analysis). Sec- the pure gravity SME coefficients as shown in Tab. VI
ond, fitting in the residuals is not optimal since it does (when neglecting the (aw
e ) coefficients). In these three
not allow to analyse the correlations between the SME analyses, we also take into account potential eects pro-
coefficients and the other parameters that are usually fit- duced by a Lorentz violation in the matter-gravity cou-
ted in a standard LLR data analysis. For these reasons, J
pling which is parametrized by the (aw e ) coefficients.
a cleaner analysis would include the SME equations of
Finally, the combinations of the results from the three
motion directly in the software used to reduce LLR data.
data analyses leads to the first independent estimations
Results obtained in [19] and in this communication gives J
of the s and (aw
e ) coefficients. The results are pre-
strong motivations to perform such an analysis.
sented in Tab. VIII. The obtained uncertainties are rel-
Finally, the atom interferometry gravimetry analysis
atively large, which is due to the numbers of parameters
should be interpreted with caution. The atom interfer-
considered and to the remaining correlations. Some ideas
ometry gravimeter results from [20, 21] assume a model
to reduce these correlations are proposed in Sec. V.
of the local solid Earth tides. While such models can be
partly analytically based, it is known that the many fre-
quencies of the Earth tides include all of the frequencies
in the SME signal [55]. If any aspect of the tidal model ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
includes fitting sinusoidal functions to local gravimetry
measurements or global measurements of, for example, A.H. acknowledges support from Fonds Special de
the ocean heights [56], the signal for the SME may be Recherche through a FSR-UCL grant, thanks A. Fienga
partly subtracted due to the strong correlation with the for interesting explanations about the estimations of the
tidal signal. supplementary nodes and perihelia with INPOP plane-
tary ephemerides and thanks N. Mohapi about interest-
ing discussions on the Bayesian inversion. Q. G. B. is sup-
VI. CONCLUSION ported by the NSF grant PHY-1402890. Q. G. B., C. G.
and P. W. acknowledge financial support from Sorbonne
In this communication, we have shown that the plan- Universites through an Emergence grant. C.L.P.L. is
etary orbital dynamics allow to constrain a violation grateful for the financial support of CNRS/GRAM and
of Lorentz symmetry with an impressive accuracy. In Axe Gphys of Paris Observatory Scientific Council.

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