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Week Long Lesson Plan


Information: 10th grade, English. Two months into the year. 1-and-a-half-hour class.


Standard- Key Ideas and Details.

Learning Objectives-

Finding key ideas in readings. DOK 2

Reading comprehension. DOK 2

The ability to summarize a reading after reading the whole thing. DOK 3


Students will come into class having already read the poem that I assigned them. (10:00)

Students will write down what they thought the main points were in the poem. (10:00-


Students will write down what they thought the poem meant to them. (10:40-11:30)


Standard- Comprehension and Collaboration.

Learning Objectives-
Reading comprehension. DOK 2

How to work in groups and with other students. DOK 2

Comparing and contrasting ideas. DOK 3

Converging all thoughts into one idea as a group. DOK 3


After analyzing and writing down what the student thought the poem was saying, the

students now work in groups of five to see what other students think (10:00-10:30)

Each student in the group will have 5 minutes to tell their group what they thought of the

poem (10:30-10:55)

After everyone speaks, they all have a group discussion, comparing and contrasting all of

their opinions (10:55-11:20)

Theyll come up with one main point that they all agree is the strongest point of their

conversation (11:20-11:30)


Standard- Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Learning Objectives-

Public speaking

Gathering and organizing thoughts


Compare and contrast opinions


Now that the students have discussed in their groups what the poem meant to them, each

group gets to compare with all the other groups in one big class discussion. (10:00-11:10)

We will all sit in a circle (like a socratic seminar) and discuss what each group thought

about the poem.

After the discussion, the whole class will come up with the main idea that they think was

agreed on the most. (11:10- 11:30)


Standard- Production and Distribution of Writing

Learning Objectives-

How to construct thoughts into a poem. DOK 2

Forms of writing poetry. DOK 2

Not copying, but imitating a skill that they just read and talked about. DOK 3


Students will write their own original poem. (10:00-11:30)

Try to use what theyve read and talked about as a guide for writing their poem

They will have all class to write a poem, length does not matter, just needs to be a full,

finished poem that conveys emotion of some sort.


Standard- Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Learning Objectives-

Public Speaking

Expressing themselves

Sharing thoughts with the class

Conveying feeling/emotion when reading poetry DOK 2


Now that students have written their own poem, they will read it out loud to the class.


While reading it, they will try to convey whatever feeling they meant to in their poem

They do that by voice change, tone, and mood or the reader

Every student will read their poem, then turn it in for me to grade (if they wrote one and

read it, it will pretty much be a completion grade unless I can see effort was not given)

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