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GNG1106 Winter 2016 - Assignment 3 Solution

Deduct 0 to 5 points for not submitting assignment according to instructions (in a zip file,
directory, with source code, etc.)
Question 1 (15 marks)
(a) (10 marks)

Marking Scheme:
Variables in working memory for main 2.5 marks
1 for structure variable
1.5 for values (0.25 for each correct value and ? in netResistance.)
-0.5 for adding ? in members initialised
Variables in working memory for function computeNetResistance 3.5 marks
1 for parameter
1 for parameter structure member values
1.5 for values of netResistance variable (0.5 for ? and 0.5 for updated values)
-0.5 for adding value in netResistance member of parameter other than ?
-0.5 for adding ? in members other than netResistance
Exchange of values between working memory 2 marks
1 for each arrow
-0.5 if multiple arrows shown for updating values of the parameter
Console Output
1/3 mark for each output message 2 marks
-0.5 if formatting of values are not correct (only 2 decimal places in fraction)
Total 10 marks
(b) (5 marks)

Marking Scheme:
Defining the structure array in memory 1 marks
-0.5 if 10 elements are not present (ex. only 5 elements)
Array initialization 1 mark
0.5 for first five elements (0.1/value), 0.5 for zeros in last element
Defining variable x in memory with values 1 mark
0.5 for variable, 0.25 for ? and 0.25 for 8.9 value
Results for each operation 2 marks
(1 for each update to elements in the array)
Total 5 marks
Question 2 (10 marks)

File: A2_Q3.c
Author: Gilbert Arbez, Fall 2016.
Computes the increase in temperature in a
room with students.
#include <stdio.h>

//Symbolic constants
#define CV 718.0 // J/(kg K) - heat capacity
#define M 28.97 // kg/kmole - molecular weight
#define R 8.314 // kPa m^3/(kmole K) - idle gas constant
#define P 101.325 // kPascals - 1 atm pressure
#define T_CONV 273.15 // Conversion Kelvin/Celsius
#define V_STUDENT 0.075 // Volume of each student
#define H_STUDENT 80.0 // Heat from students (J/s)
#define NUM_SECONDS 60.0 // number of seconds in a minute
// Structure for dimension of room and number of students
typedef struct
int numStudents;
double height;
double width;
double length;
double temp_init;
double time;
// Prototype
double computeFinalTemp(ROOM);
Function: main
Description: Gets input from the user, calls
computeTempRise to compute the
rise in temperature and displays
results to user.
void main()
ROOM theRoom;
double final_temp;
// Get values from the user
printf("How many students in the room: ");
scanf("%d", &theRoom.numStudents);
printf("Please provide height, width, and length of the room (in meters).\n");
scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &theRoom.height, &theRoom.length, &theRoom.width);
printf("What is the initial temperature (Celsius): ");
scanf("%lf", &theRoom.temp_init);
printf("At what time do you want to know the temperature: ");
scanf("%lf", &theRoom.time);
final_temp = computeFinalTemp(theRoom);
// Output the results
printf("For a room with dimensions %.2f X %.2f X %.2f\n",
theRoom.height, theRoom.width, theRoom.length);
printf("starting at temperature %.2f with %d students\n",
theRoom.temp_init, theRoom.numStudents);
printf("the temperature after %.2f minutes will be %.2f degrees Celsius\n",
theRoom.time, final_temp);
Function: computeFinalTemp
room - contains values provided by the user
Returns: The final temperature in the room after time room.time.
Description: Uses the information in the structures to compute
the final temperature in the room after room.time.
double computeFinalTemp(ROOM room)
//Declaration of variables
double tempK;
double volume;
double mass;
double temp_final;
double q;

tempK = room.temp_init + T_CONV;

volume = (room.height*room.length*room.width) - (room.numStudents*V_STUDENT);
mass = P*volume*M/(R*tempK);
q = room.numStudents*H_STUDENT*room.time*NUM_SECONDS; // Gives Joules of heat
temp_final = tempK + q/(mass*CV);
temp_final = temp_final - T_CONV;
Marking Scheme:

C Program
Symbolic Constants 1.75 marks
0.25 mark each for required for total of 1.5
(Required: CV, M, R, P, V_STUDENT, H_STUDENT)
0.25 total for additional constants, i.e. do not use magic numbers
Structure definition 2 marks
0.25 for each member declaration (total 1.5)
0.5 for typedef struct { } ROOM; (type name does not need to be ROOM)
Main function (4.5 total marks))
Comments (header) 0.5 mark
Variable Declarations 1 mark
Input from user 1 mark
Calls to computeFinalTemp 1 mark
Display results 1 mark
Function angle (5 marks total)
Comments (header) 0.5 mark
Function header/prototype 1 mark
Variable declarations 1 mark
Calculations (1 mark for correctness, 1 mark for clarity) 2 marks
Return instruction 0.5 mark
Output (0.25 per output) 1.75 marks

Total 15 marks

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