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Baker 1

Austin Baker

Instructor: Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

December 1st, 2017

How was our universe really created? We may be smaller than you think.

There is a theory some scientists believe in: its that our universe exists inside of a black

hole. The same applies to black holes within our universe and also, what would be our parent

universe. This theory also applies to black holes within our universe, as well as the universe

parent to ours. Think of black holes as a small closet that you would see in movies, where they

open it up and its incredibly massive on the inside. There isnt really a name for this theory as of

yet, but it is growing more and more popular. There is a lot of information that can back this

theory up and a lot of scientists that support it. Some scientists that believe in this theory are

Razieh Pourhasan who is a PhD student at Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo,

Niayesh Afshordi - an associate professor at the University of Waterloo, and Ethan Siegel who is

an astrophysicist as well as an author. This theory actually supports The Big Bang theory. This

theory suggest that our universe began at an infinitely small point called a singularity, that

contains a high concentration of matter, which exploded and expands outwards into what we see

today (Poplawski). This happens when a star of a great mass, dies and can no longer continue to

burn. This is also how black holes are created. As our universe expands, scientists suggest that

this is our black hole that we reside in, sucking in more matter. Before anyone is able to grasp
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why some scientists believe so strongly in this theory, we have to understand what black holes

really are.

What are black holes?

Black holes are incredibly dense., compacted with matter. They have such a strong

gravitational force that they can warp space and time. Not even light can escape from a black

hole and light is the fastest moving thing that is known in our universe, traveling at 299,792,458

meters per second/s. To give you a good estimate on how dense black holes are, imagine a black

hole the size of the head of a pen. The weight of that black hole would equate to about as much

as a mountain, before it evaporated through Hawking Radiation. Hawking Radiation is what is

emitted out of a black hole. It holds the same concept as light except it is emitting a black

body radiation. Technically, you can consider a black hole to be emitting light, except this light

is black. Scientists cant monitor or track this black body radiation. This is how small black holes

cant exist. They are too small to combat Hawking Radiation and they evaporate within seconds.

When a star dies, approximately 10 times the mass of our sun or more, it runs out of gasses to

burn, and leaves behind a small dense core., Ifif the core is a little more than about 3 times

denser than our sun it will collapse and produce a black hole (Nasa Science). It can be

theoretically proven that there is nothing that can keep a star like this from collapsing into a

black hole. As a star is collapsing, there is something called an event horizon (Poplawski).

This is an imaginary surface that the collapsing star will reach during the process. As it collapses,

if you were to observe it, it would appear to be collapsing slower and slower until it looks like it

freezes. This is the event horizon. The star looks like it cannot cannot collapse any further than

this. Its the same concept of dividing something in half over and over again, but it will never

reach zero. Gravity, at this point in the process, has become so strong that time is altered, and it
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appears that the object is frozen in time, but it is infinitely collapsing. What we see, by looking at

a black hole, is its event horizon. We see how dense it is based on how much matter that it has

consumed. The event horizon is the black that we see. The more matter, the larger the event

horizon. The singularity, however, remains the same. Heres one interesting thing that people

usually ask: what would it look like to go inside of a black hole? Scientists can prove that the

closer you get to a black hole gravity increases greatly and time slows relative to the distance

between you and the black hole, while away from one, time moves faster, closer to its normal

rate. Imagine two people were to go to a black hole, assuming that they both had immortality.

Well name one of them Bob and the other Bill. Picture Bill being right outside the black hole,

while Bob goes toward it. As Bob is moving closer and closer, Bill would see him move slower

and slower until he came to a dead stop, which is the event horizon. Bob would be seeing

everything normally. He wouldnt see himself stop moving, but he would see Bill do everything

at a greater speed as he got closer. Bill would see Bob slowly fade and disappear on the edge of

the black hole, but he would never actually see Bob go inside the black hole. Bob would still see

everything normally. To Bill, it would look like Bob just disappeared from existence. Bob could

see where he went inside, and the further inside he moved, the smaller the opening that he came

in from would be. This is what scientists could say would happen if anything were able to

withstand the extreme temperatures, gravity, or radiation. What would actually happen, is the

two of them would go through a process called spaghettification. This means that their atoms are

being ripped apart and squeezed down into a singularity. Their atoms would be stretched so thin

it would look like a long spaghetti noodle. This is what happens to stars and other objects as they

enter into a black hole.

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However, scientists cant directly observe a black hole just by looking at it with a high

powered telescope its black, you cant see it. No light, radiation, or any other form of

wavelength is emitted except the black body radiation which is not able to be monitored by

scientists and researchers. The only way scientists observe black holes, is by studying the way

that matter is affectedeffected around them. If a star were to pass close by a black hole, the star

would break down and be torn apart by the black hole. The particles of the star would accelerate

and heat up, emitting x-rays into space. Powerful gamma ray bursts from events like this could

create new stars in some areas as well as suffocate them. As far as observing black holes go,

black holes can also vary tremendously in size as well. Stellar mass black holes are the typical

ones that that come about from a dying star, more than 10 times the mass of our sun. There are a

projected ten million to a billion black holes of this kind, in the Milky Way alone. On the other

hand, black holes can be as large as millions if not billions of times the size of our sun. These are

called supermassive black holes. Scientists believe that at the center of our galaxy, The Milky

Way, there is a supermassive black hole. This has been named Sagittarius A* on February 13th

in 1974 by Robert Brown and Bruce Balick.. Even before they named this supermassive black

hole, there was already a belief that our universe was rotating around something massive.

Something that is so dense and large, that it can keep our solar system in orbit with it. It is

currently extremely difficult to view what is actually at the center of our galaxy because of all

the stars and gasses that block the view. Nasa and plenty of other astrology teams have looked

into seeing what is at the center of our galaxy. There have been pictures released of what these

teams have found. The results are conclusive to each other and they all demonstrate the same

thing. There is a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. There also is another type

of black hole; this one is a little bit scarier. Its called ultramassive black holes. In 2009 a team
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of astronomers used the Swift Spacecraft to observe a Quasar named S5 0014+81. They actually

found a black hole thats 10,000 times the size of Sagittarius A* at the center of our galaxy

(Goddi). This ultramassive black hole in 2009 was about 1,582 AU, (Astronomical Unit) this is

more than 236 billion Kilometers in diameter. Our solar system is about 39.5 AU, extending

from the sun to pluto. Thats almost 6 billion Kilometers. Sagittarius A* is about 44 million

Kilometers in diameter. This ultramassive black hole that they have discovered can fit a little

over 40 of our solar systems (extending to pluto) on a 2D picture of the ultramassive black hole.

Being able to observe a black hole is still difficult. If you were to look directly at a black hole,

you would see nothing. However, if a ring of gas was circling the black hole, you would be able

to see the gas behind the black hole. Since black holes can warp space and time, it would bend

the light of the burning gasses around the black hole, but only the light that was not consumed by

it the black hole. It would appear as if the black hole was contained within a circle of light, but

what you are really seeing is the burning gas circling it.behind it.

Is our universe inside a black hole?

Theres a lot of unanswered questions about how our universe was formed with The Big

Bang theory, which would suggest that our universe began as a singularity. The Big Bang theory

is the theory of inflation where everything expanded incredibly fast into existence. However,

inflation has ended, what caused inflation to end?what ended inflation? WhatAlso, what caused

the universe to expedite its expansion? These questions are answered with the theory that our

universe exists inside a black hole. This theory was founded by Nikodem Poplawski who is a

theoretical physicist at the University of New Haven in Connecticut, and itIt also references two

very important theories in physics: general relativity and quantum mechanics.

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General relativity is what describes everything that happens at a point in

spacetime. A large object in the universe like our sun, or a black hole, curves and bends

spacetime. This curve in spacetime is what we call gravity. Quantum mechanics is what

describes the motion and interaction of subatomic particles. Scientists want to combine these two

theories, in order to study the subatomic particles within black holes. There is a variation of

general relativity that was adapted in the 1960s called the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory

of gravity. This variation has the quantum property known as spin. Spin exists in all things.

Atoms have spin, even with their respective protons and electrons. The speed of the spin on a

particle creates a property called torsion.The spin in a particle interacts with spacetime and

allows for a property called torsion. Torsion is the ability for something to be twisted and

warped. If you were to twist spacetime, it would be an extremely significant event. Torsion in

spacetime would reverse the gravitational pull in the spacetime curve. Torsion is a very powerful

property in spacetime. To help understand torsion, imagine a thin steel rod. Steel is a very strong

and durable metal. You may be able to bend this steel rod but it would require a lot more strength

to twist. However, even if you were able to bend it, it has still twisted but only so slightly that

its not recognizable. The amount of twist on the rod is torsion. In the early stages in our

universe, the extreme gravitational pull from the spacetime curvature would overpower torsion,

and collapse matter into small regions in space. Eventually, torsion would become so strong that

it would prevent matter compressing into a point of infinite density (Poplawski). The incredibly

high gravitational energy of all this mass in one space, would cause a fierce production of

particles that would greatly increase the mass of the black hole. The released particles spin adds

to the existing torsion and enhances it greatly. This would cause the collapsing to stop and

reverse the process. The black hole would expand greatly like an emergency inflatable raft. This
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type of expansion directly mimics the shape of our own universe. This theory of torsion suggests

that every black hole may contain itsits own universe. This is how torsion provides theoretical

evidence that the inside of a black hole contains a new universe (Poplawski). This would also

mean that the matter in our universe came from somewhere else. It could be an infinite stack of

black holes, from below ours, to plenty up the chain. Every amount of matter that falls into a

black hole is how much that actually does go into it. It still holds a 1:1 ratio. We can still exist

inside another black hole, if we were able to go inside of one. The relationship of time inside

another black hole, however, would be a lot faster than time in our universe now. As stated

earlier through the theory of general relativity, time is only relative to where and when you are.

Inside a black hole, time would be much faster because of the black holes gravity. Also, asAs

light cant escape a black hole, neither can our eyesight. We cant see whats going on outside

our universe just like no one could see inside. Everything that is proven true, like the continuous

string of time that we exist in, is all inherited from the parent universe. The laws of physics, the

laws of motion, etc., is all inherited from the universe that our black hole is contained in. This is

how torsion provides theoretical evidence that the inside of a black hole contains a new universe

(Poplawski). However, heres another interesting thing to think about: In space, there is no up

and down, left or right, or forward and backward. Ive heard this plenty of times in my science

classes. Obviously, looking at a black hole, you can see the top and the bottom of the black hole.

You can see all the way around it. Clearly, if this theory can be proven true, our universe

technically does have a top and bottom, left or right, and a forward or backwards. Black holes

also have a polar north and south. Nasa released a map of the universe in March of 2013 using a

Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope. The ESA and the Planck Collaboration are to credit for

the picture. It clearly shows the north and south poles of our universe. Objects that are closer to
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the poles appear to be stretched and thinned out, which leads to believe that they were

undergoing spaghettification. This discovery backs this theory greatly and demonstrates that with

The Big Bang theory alone, theres no way to explain where the matter at the poles came from.

Poplawski did propose one questionproposed some questions: to ask, including How can we test

that our universe exists inside a black hole? He answered this question himself, by stating that

all stars and black holes have an axis of rotation. Its also been reported that over 15,000 galaxies

in one hemisphere of our universe, rotate clockwise. Meanwhile, in the other hemisphere, the

majority are rotating counter-clockwise. Here, he is referencing the part of his theory that

explains how our universe inherits its laws from the parent universe. Nikodem Poplawski

believes that adding torsion in geometry of spacetime is the right step into figuring out where we

are exactly, and understanding how our universe was created.

This theory however, greatly contradicts a lot of religions, including Christianity. The

belief that God created the heavens and the Earth contradicts what a lot of scientists believe to be

true. When The Big Bang theory was actually first introduced in 1927 by a Catholic Priest

named Georges LeMaitre, people began to become skeptical about religions and believed in

science. Charles Darwin helped to fuel this with the theory of evolution when he studied finches

on the Galpagos Islands.. The questions that surround The Big Bang theory are answered with

this theory that Nikodem Poplawski has introduced. However, these theories and current day

religions, are at heads with each other because of the vast majority that believe in the Bible along

with many other religions. Many can say that God created everything that we see and know

today, while many people my stray and say that the only true way to know how our universe

came to be, is to look to science and what they can find. Technology is advancing rapidly and of
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course, as it develops, we can find answers to many things that we didnt have the answers to


Works Cited

Black Holes. NASA Science Beta, NASA Science, n.d., Accessed October 3, 2017.

Intense 5. Space Documentary 2016 - A Look Inside Black Holes. NASA, YouTube, 20

Nov. 2016, Accessed October 3,

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Poplawski, Nikodem. Every Black Hole Contains a New Universe. Inside Science,

American Institute of Physics, 23 Aug. 2016,

hole-contains-new-universe. Accessed October 3, 2017.

Smith, Heather R., Edited by Flint Wild What Is a Black Hole? NASA, Brian Dunbar, 4 Formatted: Font: Italic

Aug. 2017,

hole-k4.html Accessed October 3, 2017Smith, Heather R., Edited by Flint Wild What Is

a Black Hole? NASA, Brian Dunbar, 4 Aug. 2017,

Accessed October 3, 2017



THE CENTER OF OUR GALAXY Black Hole Cam, Ciriaco Goddi 17 May 2017,

times-more-massive-than-the-black-hole-at-the-center-of-our-galaxy/. Accessed

November 27th, 2017

Baez, John, and Ilja Schmelzer. Hawking Radiation. Hawking Radiation, 1997, Originally

Created in 1994. Accessed November 27th, 2017

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