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A ctive Compensation for High-Frequency Effects

in Op-Amp Circuits with Applications to
Active RC Filters

Abstruci-The use of active compensation in precision electronic range of interest, o >> w,,, we have
circuits employing modern IC op amps, whereby the op amps in a circuit
provide self-compensating effects to mitigate their finite bandwidth
limitations is discussed. In particular, several rather subtle applications
in the field of RC active filters are presented.A number of novel integrator
circuits having high performance are presented, and experimenta! results
which support the theoretical derivations are given. Using theseintegrators
considerably extends the useful frequency range of the leap-frog and
coupled-biquad active filters, at no extra cost.


N MANY APPLICATIONS of operational amplifiers We shall direct our attention to the active compensation
I (op amps) to high quality and precision electronic
circuits, such as active-RC filters, the frequency response
of op amp integrators which find wide use in many applica-
tions and in particular in certain types of active-RC filters
characteristic of the op amp becomes the primary limiting [l]-[5]. The concept of the integrator Q-factor introduced
factor in circuit performance [I], [2]. There are several in [l] will be extensively used. Specifically, if the op-amh
well-known passive compensation techniques which make frequency response is taken into account the transfer
use of additional passive components to introduce a con- function of an integrator circuit may be expressed as
trolled amount of phase lead that cancels the excess phase
lag due to the amplifiers limited bandwidth [l], [3]. The T(jo) =
main difficulty with passive compensation is that the R(w) + jX(o) .
additional compensating elements must be individually Then the integrator Q-factor is defined as
tailored to the given op amp and adjusted at specific
ambient conditions of temperature and power supply Q = x(w)
voltage. Consequently, under changing ambient conditions R(o)

the compensation will no longer be satisfactory. Fig. 1 is a compilation of seven different op-amp integrator
With the introduction of low cost dual and quad circuits (both inverting and noninverting), a number of
op amps having closely matched characteristics which which are new. Also given on Fig. 1 are approximate expres-
track with changes in temperature and voltage, it becomes sions for the Q-factor of each integrator. These expressions
feasible to consider active compensation methods where- are derived assuming operation at frequencies w,, << w << o,
by op amps in a circuit provide compensation for other and in case of multiple op amps matching has been assumed.
op amps in the same circuit. As will be shown, the A number of observations follow.
AcKerberg-Mossberg biquad [ 111, [ 121 employs, in effect, 1) Fig. l(a) shows the familiar Miller integrator (invert-
this concept. In many cases, however, the techniques for ing) whose Q-factor, derived in Cl], is negative and approx-
achieving this active compensation are quite subtle and it imately equal to the op amp gain, IAl.
is the object of this paper to describe a number of such 2) Fig. l(b) presents the most obvious way of realizing a
techniques as well as some of their applications. noninverting integrator namely, by a Miller-inverter cascade.
In the following sections we make use of a single-pole Note that due to the additional phase shift contributed by
model of the op amp response, that is the op amp gain is the inverter the Q-factor is considerably reduced in mag-
given by , - nitude to &41.
3) The Deboo integrator [6] shown in Fig. l(c) is a
A(s) = A,w, = ~ wt
s + cop s + cog single amplifier noninverting integrator with a grounded
capacitor. Although its Q-factor is higher than that of the
where o, is the unity-gain bandwidth. In the frequency Miller-inverter integrator the Deboo integrator is quite
sensitive to resistor ratio matching [7] and therefore, has
limited practical use.
Manuscript received January 20, 1975; revised Octobei 1, 1975.
This work was supported in part by the National Research Council of 4) Fig. l(d) shows a novel noninverting integrator found
Canada under Grant A-7394. in the biquad circuits of Ackerberg and Mossberg [II],
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S lA4. [12] and which we shall call the phase-lead integrator.




vMo v$p$++-gv;

T 7

r Q zp
k I-(40/1A1)


r= RC
Qk -.-.A--


Fig. 1. Seven op-amp integrators and their Q-factors.


Ok a
In this circuit active compensation, through a matched
amplifier in the feedback path, is used to obtain a Q-factor
equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of the invert-
ing Miller integrator.
5) The feedback active compensation technique is
employed in the circuit of Fig. l(e) to realize an inverting f BIPUAD USING HIGH-Q AND MODIFIED HIGH-O INTEGRATORS
integrator having an ultra-high Q-factor, namely, Q N I R I

-JA13. This improvement of many orders of magnitude is ?-= RC

obtained assuming amplifier matching. We have termed this Ok 0

integrator circuit high-Q integrator.
6) Another form of active compensation is the feed-
forward compensation technique employed in the non-
inverting integrator of Fig. l(f). This is a modified Miller-
inverter integrator which achieves a three-fold increase in Fig. 2. Biquads using two-integrator loops and their nonideal Q-
the Q-factor magnitude by changing only one connection. factors, Qk.
Specifically, the summing junction potential of A, is fed
to the noninverting input of A, causing the inverter to have
a transfer function V,/V, given by III. APPLICATION TO THE DESIGN OF BIQUADRATIC

As an example of the use of the tabulation of integrators

given in Fig. 1 we briefly consider the design of a biquad-
which for matched amplifiers, of arbitrary frequency ratic filter section as a two-integrator loop [3], [S]. Fig. 2
response, becomes V,/V, = - 1. Note that the inverting shows a block diagram of the loop consisting of two
input terminal of A2 becomes a true virtual ground. It integrators, one inverting and one noninverting. If the
should be obvious that this compensation scheme is integrators are not ideal but have finite Q-factors, Q, and
applicable, wherever a signal inversion is required, in- Q2, the realized pole-Q is given by
dependent of the function the first amplifier is performing
(integration in this case). 1
Qb = (1)
7) Both the feedforward and feedback compensation
techniques are combined to obtain the modified high-Q
integrator of Fig. l(g). This is a noninverting integrator
Q QI Q2 1
having an ultra-high Q-factor; Q, N JA13. where 0, and 0, are evaluated at u-,.
IO 1976

To implement the two-integrator biquad, we select TABLE I

different combinations of inverting and noninverting OPERATIONAL SIMULATIONS OF LC LADDER FILTERS. DIFFERENT
integrators from those in Fig. 1 and use Fig. 1 to evaluate COMBINATIONSOF INTEGRATORS(FROMFIG. 1) ARE USED TO SIMULATE
the actual realized pole-Q. A number of such realizations
together with their Qk values are given in Fig. 2. Note that
the drastic Q-enhancement exhibited by the circuits b, c,
and d in Fig. 2 results from choosing integrator implemen-
tations whose Q-factors have the same sign. In circuit e,
which is the one proposed by Ackerberg and Mossberg
[ll], [IZ] the two integrators ideally have Q-factors of
equal magnitude and opposite sign leading to cancellation
of the error terms. Thus, theoretically the realized pole-Q is
equal to its nominal value. However, detailed analysis of
this biquad shows that both o,, and Q change to wok and
Qk where

where z(w) is the filters group delay, Im denotes imaginary

part, and p1 and pZ are the front and back reflection co-
and efficients. In an active operational simulation one needs
Q . integrators of both signs and it has been common practice
Qk = to use inverting integrators to simulate capacitors and non-
(1 + S) 1 - 4SQ t)
inverting integrators for the inductors. Equation (2) can
thus be used, together with the integrator Q-factors given
These deviations are quite small and of the same order as in Fig. 1, to predict the expected deviaton in the filter
those obtained with state-of-the-art biquad sections [8]. attenuation corresponding to different choices of integrator
The final biquad circuit in Fig. 2 uses the high-Q circuit circuit implementations. It should be noted that in most
(Q N - j,413) for the inverting integrator and the modified classes of filter networks the first term on the right side of
high-Q circuit (Q N - IAl) for the noninverting integrator. (2) dominates in the passband and in the transition band
The result is a pole-Q that is closer to the design value than where z(o) is large and we can use the approximation
that obtained in any other circuit. The present circuit,
however, is wasteful in its use of amplifiers and hence its A& N 4.34(& + &) UK(O). (3)
practicality is doubtful. It is included to illustrate a point
and for completeness. On the other hand, the second term dominates in the stop-
band where the reflection coefficients Bre large.
IV. APPLICATION TO THE ACTIVE OPERATIONAL Table I provides the results of evaluating the deviation
SIMULATIONSOF LADDER FILTERS Aa for four different combinations of integrator circuits.
The second application of the results of Fig. 1 is to the Case 1) is the usual implementation and the results agree
realization of active operational simulations of ladder filters. with those in [l]. We note the large deviation in the pass-
Basically there are two such methods: the leap-frog band attenuation. Case 2) which results by a simple modifi-
technique [5] which is useful for low-pass filters and other cation of the Miller-inverter integrator results in reducing
filters derived from low-pass prototypes via reactance trans- the passband distortion term by a factor of two while the
formations, and the recently introduced [2], [14] direct stopband distortion term is ideally reduced to almost zero.
simulation technique which applies to any arbitrary LC A dramatic improvement in performance is obtained in
ladder structure. In both schemes a one-to-one corres- case 3) which uses the Ackerberg-Mossberg integrator.
pondence is maintained between the reactive elements in Here the passband deviation is reduced to almost zero (for
the LC ladder and the integrators of the active operational perfect matching). Thus using the compensated integrator
simulation. Consequently, the sensitivity formulas of LC of Fig. 1(d) in a leap-frog or more general simulation [ 141
ladders [9], [IO], [13] can be applied directly to the active of an LC ladder tremendously extends the useful operating
analogs. frequency range of this form of active-RC filter realization.
Specifically, for an LC ladder filter having a semi-uniform Therefore, active filter realizations using integrators to
dissipation with QL denoting the Q-factor for the inductors simulate doubly terminated LC ladders do not have
and Q, that for the capacitors, the deviation AU in the inherent high-frequency limitations as has recently been
attenuation function CIis given by [9], claimed [ 11.
Finally, case 4) makes use of the two high-Q integrators
Aa = 4.34 ((& + &) we of Fig. 1. The resulting improvement in performance is

+i(&-&)Im(pl +pl))dB(2) 1 In [l] the approximation (3) was used. However, as noted above,
the second term cannot be neglected in the stopband specially when
QL and Qc are of opposite signs.


evident from the extremely small value for Aa. This is,
however, obtained at the expense of an additional amplifier IS-

per integrator. Furthermore, the high-Q values are obtained 16 -

only if very close amplifier matching and tracking is
1.4 -
maintained. Thus the practicability of this realization
remains to be evaluated. 1.2 - 300

IO - 250
0.8 - 200
To verify some of the results of the previous sections we
0.6 - 150
present experimental data obtained for an active leap-frog
ladder network. The network chosen for the tests is a 0.4 100

Sth-order Chebyshev low-pass filter having a 1-dB passband 02 50

ripple. This is the same filter considered in [l]. Fig. 3
0.0 0
illustrates the ideal attenuation and group delay response
for this filter. The element values of the passive prototype,
shown in Fig. 4(a), are C, = Cs = 2.135 F, C, = 3.001 F, Fig. 3. Sth-order Chebyshev low-pass filter characteristics.
and L, = L4 = 1.091 H, which correspond to a cutoff fre-
quency of 5.333 kHz.
The standard leap-frog simulation of Fig. 4(b) using
the Miller integrator of Fig. l(a) for capacitor simulation
and the Miller-inverter cascade of Fig: l(b) for inductor
simulation was constructed using 1458 op amps (which are
dual 741s). These devices have a nominal gain-bandwidth
product of f, = 1 MHz. No attempt at matching the
amplifier packages was made. Amplifiers A, and A,
simulating L, were from the same package, and amplifiers
A6 and A, simulating L, were also in the same package.
Amplifiers A, and A, simulating C, and C, were from the (b)
same package, but amplifier A, simulating C, was a single Fig. 4. (a) LC ladder implementing Sth-order Chebyshev and
amplifier from an additional dual package. All integrating (b) its leap-frog active realization.
capacitors are of polystyrene dielectric, and were assigned
a nominal value of 5.1 kpF, and subsequently measured to
0.1 percent accuracy on an impedance bridge. The corres-
ponding resistors were metal film types, and were selected -
to provide the appropriate RC products to 0.2 percent
accuracy. Thus the errors in the transfer function due to the
passive component tolerances are quite negligible.
At this point, the transfer function of the filter across the
passband was measured, and is shown in Fig. 5 as plot
number 1. We note the severe Q-enhancement as predicted,
and the resulting passband distortion is Act = 0.69 dB
which confirms the results of [l], and is very close to that
predicted from Table I.
Next, the noninverting inputs of A, and A, were un-
soldered from ground and connected to the inverting inputs
of A, and A,, respectively, to form the modified Miller
inverters of Fig. l(f). As shown in Table I, this should
reduce the passband distortion by a factor of 2. The plot Fig. 5. Measured loss responses for Sth-order Chebyshev filter for
various integrator combinations.
labeled number 2 of Fig. 5 is the curve measured for this
case. Note that the worst case distortion is now only
Act = 0.32 dB, almost exactly one half that of the standard so small that it is completely masked by the effect of passive
leap-frog network. component tolerances!
Finally, amplifiers A, and A5 were wired in the feedback As a further practical example, we next present experi-
paths of A, and A,, respectively, and the inputs to A, and mental results obtained for a 12th-order 20-kHz SSB channel
A, were reversed, resulting in the phase-lead integrators of filter designed to pass the lower sideband (17 to 19.7 kHz)
Fig. l(d). This again does not involve any new components with a maximum passband ripple of 0.2 dB. This filter has
but is merely a wiring change. Plot number 3 of Fig. 5 is two loss poles at each of zero and infinite frequency with
the resulting measured transfer function. Here the distortion four finite nonzero loss peaks, three of which are in the
is very nearly zero as predicted by Table I, and is in fact upper stopband. Fig. 6 is a plot of the ideal attenuation and




15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Fig. 6. Ideal response of 12th-order 20-kHz SSB channel filter. Fig. 8. Ideal and measured passband response of channel filter.
Dual 741-type op amps were used and each two-integrator loop
was resonant tuned by adjusting one resistor.

The authors wish to acknowledge the work of K. Martin
Fig. 7. LC ladder realization of the channel filter. Note that in
at the University of Toronto in the design and construction
active simulation three reciprocators [2] are required at locations of the 20-kHz channel filter.
group delay characteristics of this filter, and Fig. 7 is the [l] L. T. Bruton and A. I. A. Salama, Frequency limitations of
schematic diagram for the prototype passive LC ladder coupled-biquadratic actiae ladder structures, IEEE Trans. J.
Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-g, pp. 70-72? Apr. 1974.
which was simulated using the techniques of [2]-[14]. [2] P. 0. Brackett and A. S. Sedra, Applicatton of signal flow graphs
For those interested in further details, three reciprocatorP2 to the synthesis of linear systems: Part I-A general theory of
network simulation, Part II-Design of active ladder filters, in
were required in the design and placed in the locations Proc. 1975 IEEE Znt. Symp. Circuits Syst., Apr. 1915, pp. 242-249.
denoted by r in Fig. 7. The maximum natural mode [3] L. C. Thomas, The biquad: Part I-Same practical design con-
siderations, Part II-A multipurpose active filtering system,
pole-Q is approximately 150 at a frequency of approximately IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-18, pp. 350-361, May 1971.
20 kHz. The op amps used throughout were 1458s (dual [4] J. Tow and Y. L. Kuo, Coupled biquad active filters, Proc.
1972 IEEE Znt. Symp. Circuit Theory, pp. 164167, Apr. 1972.
741s) with no conscious attempt made at matching 0,s. [5] F. E. J. Girling and E. F. Good, Active filters-7. The two
The complete filter was constructed using l-percent resistors integrator loop, Wireless World, pp. 76-80, Feb. 1970; Active
Filters-8. The two integrator loop, continued, pp. 134-139,
and 2-percent capacitors and was tuned by simply resonat- Mar. 1970; Active Filters-12. The leap frog or active ladder
ing the two integrator loops by trimming one resistor per synthesis, pp. 341-345, July 1970.
[6] G. J. DeBoo, A novel integrator results by grounding its
loop. The integrators used were those of Fig. l(a) and (d). capacitor, Electron. Des,. vol. 15, June 7, 1967.
Fig. 8 illustrates the experimental results obtained across [7] P. R. Geffe, RC-amplifier resonators for active filters, IEEE
Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-15, pp. 415-419, Dec. 1968.
the passband at an input (and output) level of approximately [8] A. S. Sedra and J. L. Espinoza, Sensitivity and frequency
0 dBm. As can be seen, the worst case loss deviation here limitations of biquadratic active filters, IEEE Trans. Circuits
Syst., vol. CAS-22, pp. 122-130. Feb. 1975.
is about 0.25 dB illustrating the excellent performance that [9] M. L. Blostein, Sensitivity analysis of parasitic effects in resistance
can be obtained at high frequencies using these methods. terminated LC two-ports, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-14,
pp. 21-25, Mar. 1967.
[lo] G. C. Temes and H. J. Orchard, First-order sensitivity and worst
VI. CONCLUSIONS case analysis of doubly terminated reactance two-ports, IEEE
Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-20, pp. 567-571, Sept. 1973.
In conclusion, we see that in precision applications of [ll] D. Akerberg and K. Mossberg, Low sensitive easily trimmed
op amps, such as in the field of active RC filters, active standard building block for active RC-filters, Electron. Lett.,
vol. 5, pp. 528-529, 1969.
compensation of op amps is not only possible but highly [12] D. Akerberg and K. Mossberg, A versatile active RC building
desirable. We have demonstrated theoretically the advan- block with inherent compensation for the finite bandwidth of the
amplifier, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-21, pp. 75-78,
tages of such techniques, and have confirmed the results by Jan. 1974.
actual measurements. These techniques allow the limited [13] G. C. Temes, The effects of semi-uniform losses in reactance
two-ports, Electron. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 161-163, Mar. 1972.
bandwidth effects of the op amps to be self-compensating [14] P. 0. Brackett and A. S. Sedra, Direct SFG simulation of LC
and extend the useful operating frequency range of active ladder networks with application to active filter design, this
issue, pp. 61-67.
filters designed as operational simulations of doubly
terminated LC ladders. P. 0. Brackett, for a photograph and biography please see page 67 of
this issue.

Z For the definition and implementation of the reciprocator see A. S. Sedra, for a photograph and biography please see page 67 of
121,D41. this issue.

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