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Universidad de La Serena

Facultad de Ingeniera
Departamento de Ingeniera Mecnica
Transferencia de Calor

Heat Transfer in
Induced flow in a square cavity
Homework No. 5



October 25, 2017

A study of heat transfers and fluid mechanics of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid with
constant properties in a laminar flow at low and high Reynold and Richardson numbers in a
square cavity with an inner solid body was carried out, solving the system of coupled partial
differential equation with the finite volume method (FVM) in SIMPLE2D, IDEAL2D and
ANSYS fluent. A decomposition of the main problem in sub problems was made, analyzing
grid independence and the effect of the under-relaxation coefficient in the compute time. It
was found that a decrease of this coefficient increase this time, and that the IDEAL algorithm
is faster than SIMPLE for bigger grids and high Reynolds numbers.

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2. Physical layout ................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Problem 1: lid driven cavity flow ................................................................................. 3
2.2 Problem 2: mixed convection in a square cavity .......................................................... 4
2.3 Problem 3: lid driven cavity with an internal solid body ............................................. 4
2.4 Problem 4: mixed convection in a square cavity with an internal solid body .............. 5
3. Mathematical Model ....................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Lid driven cavity flow .................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Mixed convection ......................................................................................................... 6
4. Methodology................................................................................................................... 6
5. Computational Implementation ...................................................................................... 6
6. Results presentation ........................................................................................................ 7
7. Results analysis and discussions .................................................................................. 13
8. Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 14
9. References .................................................................................................................... 14

2. Physical layout
1. Introduction
Lid driven cavity flow is a classic example 2.1 Problem 1: lid driven cavity flow
of non-developed fluid flow that is very The steady isothermal flow in a square
useful to test numerical methods, its means cavity of dimensions , with a moving
that is a benchmark for almost every top lid at 0 velocity is presented in figure
numerical method for fluid flow and, if it 1. This problem has the following
is introduced a temperature gradient, heat assumptions:
transfer. Many studies with a huge variety
Newtonian fluid
of Reynolds number were made for this
Incompressible fluid
problem [1][3] using as reference for the
Steady state
validation the work of Ghia et al.[4]. In
this kind of problems, it is expected that in 2-D
the center of the cavity its form a principal Constant properties
vortex and two or more vortex depending Laminar flow
of the Reynolds number. Isothermal

In this work another situation will be

considerate, the mixed convection in a
square cavity, that is a problem similar to
the lid driven cavity flow, but it has a hot
square solid body in its interior and the
walls of the cavity are at a cold
temperature as it is illustrated in Moraga et
al.[5]. This problem will be decomposed
in three problems, including the lid driven
cavity flow, to see the behavior of the
fluids mechanic and heat transfer,
separately and together.

The general objective of this work is Figure 1. Lid driven cavity flow.
describe the heat transfer and fluids
Due to the rectangular geometry of the
mechanics in the situations indicated
problems Cartesian coordinates will be
before, and as specific objectives has, use
different algorithms to solve the system of
coupled partial differential equations and This problem will be analyzed with two
compare it, use commercial software and different Reynolds numbers, 1000 and
free source codes, and finally analyses 5000.
parameters like the under-relaxation

coefficient, and in the case of IDEAL2D =1 =0 =0 =0
the number of inner doubly iterative times.

2.3 Problem 3: lid driven cavity with an

=1 =0 =0 =0
internal solid body
This problem is the same as the problem 1

=1 =0 =0 =0 but with a square solid body of side

dimensions d=1/4 in the interior of the
2.2 Problem 2: mixed convection in a cavity. The effect of the position of the
square cavity solid in the streamlines will be studied,
Other case study in this work is the mixed first it will be located in the middle of the
convection in a square cavity. Its similar cavity and then in the center of the right
to the lid driven cavity flow, but in the upper quadrant. The assumptions of this
vertical walls it has an imposed problem are the next:
dimensionless temperatures, = 1 in the
left wall and = 0 in the right and top Newtonian fluid
wall, the bottom wall is adiabatic. This Incompressible fluid
problem has the following assumptions: Steady state
Newtonian fluid Constant properties
Incompressible fluid Laminar flow
Steady state Isothermal
Constant properties
Laminar flow
Boussinesq approximation

Figure 3. Lid driven cavity with a square solid

This case will be analyzed for a Reynolds
number equal to 100.
Figure 2. Mixed convection in a square cavity
This problem will be studied with a
Reynolds number = 100 and two
different Richardson numbers = 0.1 ; 10

2.4 Problem 4: mixed convection in a 3. Mathematical Model

square cavity with an internal solid
body 3.1 Lid driven cavity flow
The final case is a medley of the previous The problems 1 and 3 are governed by the
described cases; this means its the lid continuity equation, and the steady state
driven cavity flow with an internal square two-dimensional momentum transport
solid at dimensionless temperature = 1, equation, or also called Navier-stokes
the walls of the cavity are at temperatures equation due to the incompressibility and
= 0 but the bottom wall that is adiabatic. the Newtonian behavior of the isothermal
fluid. In this work these equations are
The assumptions for this problem are the treated in a dimensionless form as follow:
following one:
Newtonian fluid

Incompressible fluid +

=0 (1)
Steady state
Constant properties 1 2 2
+ = + ( + ) (2)
Laminar flow 2 2

Boussinesq approximation y-Momentum:

1 2 2
+ = + ( + ) (3)
2 2

Where is the Reynolds number defined


= (4)

Where is the velocity of the top wall.

The scales for the dimensionless
parameters are the following:

= ; = ; = ;

Figure 4. Mixed convection in a square cavity
with a hot internal solid body.
= ; = 2
This problem will be studied with a
Reynolds number = 100 and two
The boundary conditions of these
different Richardson numbers = 0.1 ; 10.
problems are shown in the figure 1 and 3.

3.2 Mixed convection 4. Methodology

In this case for the problems 2 and 4 the In each case the system of coupled
system of partial differential equation has nonlinear partial differential equations
in addition the energy transport equation with the boundary conditions was solved
due to the temperature differences present using the finite volume method (FVM) in
in the physical situation, and the y- the open source software SIMPLE2D and
momentum equation has the term of the IDEAL2D [6], and the commercial
buoyancy given by the Boussinesq software ANSYS Fluent.
approximation for the density:
The problems will be treated in a
Boussinesq approximation: dimensionless form, to analyses the effect
of the non-dimensional numbers Reynolds
= 0 [1 ( 0 )] (5)
and Richardson in the behavior of the
Continuity: fluids mechanics and heat transfer.

+ =0 (6)
Problem 1 1000; 5000 -
Problem 2 100 0.1; 10
x-Momentum: Problem 3 1000; 5000 -
1 2 2 Problem 4 100 0.1; 10


= + ( +
2 2
) (7) Table 14. Summary of the cases to be analyzed.
For the problem 1 it will be studied the grid
independence for the SIMPLE and IDEAL


1 2 2
+ ( + ) + (8)
algorithms. And the effect of the under-
2 2
relaxation coefficient in the number of
Energy: iterations.

1 2 2 For the IDEAL algorithm the effect of the

+ = ( 2 + 2)

number of inner iterative cycles in the
Where: iterations and the CPU time will be

= (10)

5. Computational
= (11)
2 Implementation
The finite volume method was
= (12)
implemented in SIMPLE2D and IDEAL
with the following parameters.
3 ( )
= (13)
With the boundary conditions shown in the
figures 2 and 4.

U 0 0

V 0


Table 15. Computational parameters for the T
It will be used uniform grids for all cases
of the following resolutions in number of
Figure 5. Under-relaxation coefficient vs
Iterations number in SIMPLE
20x20; 32x32; 52x52; 82x82;
Problem 1 52x52; 90x90;110x110;120x120
Problem 2 -
Problem 3 82x82
Problem 4 52x52; 82x82
The under-relaxation for the equations:

In Fluent the algorithm used was SIMPLE

with double precision. With an absolute
convergence criterion of 106 for
Continuity and Momentum equations.
Figure 6. Under-relaxation coefficient vs
Iterations number in IDEAL.
For the solution of the problems in IDEAL
it was considered a convergence criterion For validating the results in the problem 1,
of 108 for Continuity and Momentum it will be compared with the solutions of
equations. Sun et al.[3].

In SIMPLE, for the majority of the cases The independence of the grid was studied
the under-relaxation coefficients used are for this case; the results are showed in the
= = 0.6 and = = 0.8. figures 9-12.

6. Results presentation
The first problem was solved for Reynolds
numbers of 1000 and 5000 in different
grids in SIMPLE2D, IDEAL2D and
ANSYS Fluent.

Analyzing the under-relaxation coefficient

of the velocity vs iteration numbers in
SIMPLE and IDEAL algorithms, the
following results were obtained.

Figure 7. U(y) in = . for four uniform grids Figure 8. U(y) in = . for four uniform grids at
at Re=1000 with SIMPLE Re=5000 with SIMPLE

Figure 9. U(y) in = . for four uniform grids Figure 10. U(y) in = . for three uniform grids at
at Re=1000 with IDEAL Re=5000 with IDEAL

Figure 11. U(y) in = . at Re=1000 using

Fluent Figure 12. U(y) in = . at Re=5000 using Fluent

= 1000 = 5000

Table 16. Streamlines for the problem 1. For Re=1000 in SIMPLE, IDEAL and fluent the grid was of 52x52,
and 120x120 for Re=5000

Figure 13. Streamlines for the lid driven cavity at Figure 14. Streamlines for the lid driven cavity at
= [3]. = [3]

The problem 3 was only solved using IDEAL for two Reynolds number.

Figure 15. Streamlines of lid driven cavity with an Figure 16. Streamlines of lid driven cavity with an
inner solid body at = 1000 inner solid body at = 5000
The problem 4 and its comparison with the literature are showed next.

= 0.1 = 10

This Work in IDEAL

Moraga et al. 2017


Table 17. Streamlines and isotherms for the mixed convection with an internal solid at = ;and
= . and =

This work using IDEAL Moraga et al. 2017

Table 18. Velocity and temperature profiles at the center of the cavity.
Isotherms Streamlines
This work on SIMPLE

Table 19. Mixed convection at = and = . on SIMPLE.


7. Results analysis and the size of the lower right vortex, which is
discussions bigger in the IDEAL calculations
In the problem 1, first was analyzed the coinciding with Sun et al..
effect of the under-relaxation coefficient in For the problem 3 it can be seen that the
the number of iterations for the SIMPLE increase of the Reynolds number increases
and IDEAL algorithms. In where it can be the number of vortex around the inner
seen that if the under-relaxation coefficient solid body, and similar to the problem 1
is diminished the number of iterations the size of the corner vortex.
increases, because the values of the
velocity are being pondered in each In the final problem, mixed convection
iteration, both algorithms for this case with an inner solid body the influence of
didnt converge when = 0.1. the buoyancy forces is analyzed varying
the Richardson number, when = 0.1 it
The independence grid study indicates that was expected that the natural convection
for the case with = 1000 the best has a low influence in the flow, its mean
choice of the grid listed before is the its forced convection, it can be seen in the
82x82, because the lower difference of vortex at the top of the solid body due to
U(y) between grids is of an approximate this recirculation zone is product of the
11% for SIMPLE and less than 5% for movement of the lid.
When the Richardson number is equal to
In the case with = 5000 grid with 10 the natural convection is the dominant
more nodes has to be used due to the heat transfer mechanism it can be seen in
complexity of the high Reynolds number. the table 17 where there are two
The best choice for the SIMPLE algorithm recirculation zones at the both sides of the
is the 110x110 because its expected errors hot solid, it situation is similar to the
of a 6% between this grid and the 90x90. classic natural convection problem, where
For IDEAL a good choice is the 90x90, a there is a hot temperature at one side and
due to the difference of this grid and the a cold temperature in the another side of
the cavity producing the recirculation of
110x110 is of a 3.4%, thus is unnecessary
to use a bigger grid. the fluid by the density change due to the
temperature gradient.
In the figures 7-12 it can be seen that in the
For this problem, SIMPLE and IDEAL
three way the problem was solved, the
results present the same behavior, and the gives practically the same results which
Fluent results coincide with the coincides with the literature.
SIMPLE2D results.

The streamlines can be compared with the

results of [3] to see that the behavior
correspond to the reality, only varying in

8. Conclusions technique for solving heat

The heat transfers and fluid mechanic in a convection-diffusion and phase
change problems, Int. Commun.
steady state flow in a square cavity with a
Heat Mass Transf., vol. 88, pp. 108
hot inner solid body was studied. 119, Nov. 2017.
[6] D. L. Sun, Z. G. Qu, Y. L. He, and W.
The IDEAL algorithm was much faster
Q. Tao, An Efficient Segregated
than SIMPLE for high Reynolds number Algorithm for Incompressible Fluid
and bigger grids. Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
IDEAL (Inner Doubly Iterative
Decrease the value of the under-relaxation Efficient Algorithm for Linked
coefficient affect directly in the number of Equations) Part I: Mathematical
iterations, but is necessary due some Formulation and Solution Procedure,
problems didnt converge with high under- Numer. Heat Transf. Part B Fundam.,
relaxation. vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 117, Oct. 2008.

9. References
[1] C.-H. Bruneau and M. Saad, The 2D
lid-driven cavity problem revisited,
Comput. Fluids, vol. 35, no. 3, pp.
326348, Mar. 2006.
[2] C. H. Marchi, R. Suero, and L. K.
Araki, The lid-driven square cavity
flow: numerical solution with a 1024
x 1024 grid, J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci.
Eng., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 186198,
[3] D. L. Sun, Z. G. Qu, Y. L. He, and W.
Q. Tao, An Efficient Segregated
Algorithm for Incompressible Fluid
Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
IDEAL (Inner Doubly Iterative
Efficient Algorithm for Linked
Equations) Part II: Application
Examples, Numer. Heat Transf. Part
B Fundam., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 1838,
Oct. 2008.
[4] U. Ghia, K. . Ghia, and C. . Shin,
High-Re solutions for
incompressible flow using the Navier-
Stokes equations and a multigrid
method, J. Comput. Phys., vol. 48,
pp. 387411, 1982.
[5] N. O. Moraga, M. A. Marambio, and
R. C. Cabrales, Geometric multigrid

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