Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

Reserved Names These names have a workbook scope.

Therefore, when we
Acct #N/A use the name in the Examples, we must use a version that's
AcctList #N/A workSHEET scoped. This method ensures that formulas in one
Amt #N/A of the Examples don't accidentally use data from another
BalAccts #N/A Example.
BalSign #N/A
CriteriaList #N/A
Date #N/A
IncAccts #N/A
IncSign #N/A
Margin #N/A
Office #N/A
OfficeList #N/A
Prod #N/A
ProdList #N/A
Region #N/A
RegionList #N/A
RegList #N/A
Sign #N/A
Start #N/A
Stmt #N/A
Stop #N/A
Test #N/A
Total #N/A
Example 1: Sales Database
Date Prod Amt Test CriteriaList
Jan-2020 Hats 13 x Hats
Jan-2020 Coats 4 Shoes
Jan-2020 Ties 5
Jan-2020 Shoes 1 x
Feb-2020 Hats 12 x Hats 36
Feb-2020 Coats 4
Feb-2020 Ties 3 List Total 42
Feb-2020 Shoes 3 x Test Total 42
Mar-2020 Hats 11 x
Mar-2020 Coats 5
Mar-2020 Ties 3
Mar-2020 Shoes 2 x
Example 2: Sales Database with Dates
Date Prod Amt Test CriteriaList
Jan-2020 Hats 13 x Hats
Jan-2020 Coats 4 Shoes
Jan-2020 Ties 5
Jan-2020 Shoes 1 x
Feb-2020 Hats 12 x Start 1/1/2020
Feb-2020 Coats 4 Stop 2/1/2020
Feb-2020 Ties 3
Feb-2020 Shoes 3 x List Total 29
Mar-2020 Hats 11 Test Total 29
Mar-2020 Coats 5
Mar-2020 Ties 3
Mar-2020 Shoes 2
Example 3: Regional Sales
Date Office Amt OfficeList RegionList
Jan-2020 Smith 13 Smith North
Jan-2020 Jones 4 Jones South
Jan-2020 Doe 5 Doe North
Jan-2020 Buck 1 Buck South
Feb-2020 Smith 12
Feb-2020 Jones 4 North 47
Feb-2020 Doe 3 South 19
Feb-2020 Buck 3 Total 66
Mar-2020 Smith 11
Mar-2020 Jones 5 Grand Total 66
Mar-2020 Doe 3
Mar-2020 Buck 2
Example 4: Income Data
Date Acct Amt Test AcctList Sign
Jan-2020 Sales 13 1 Sales 1
Jan-2020 COGS 4 -1 COGS -1
Jan-2020 Admin 5 -1 Admin -1
Jan-2020 Taxes 1 -1 Taxes -1
Feb-2020 Sales 12 1
Feb-2020 COGS 4 -1 Start 1/1/2020
Feb-2020 Admin 3 -1 Stop 2/1/2020
Feb-2020 Taxes 3 -1
Mar-2020 Sales 11 0 Profit 5
Mar-2020 COGS 5 0 Test 5
Mar-2020 Admin 3 0
Mar-2020 Taxes 2 0 Gross Profit 17
Example 5: Summarize by Type of Financial Statement
Date Acct Amt Accts Stmt Sign
Jan-2020 Sales 13 Sales Inc 1
Jan-2020 Expenses 10 Expenses Inc -1
Jan-2020 Assets 203 Assets Bal 1
Jan-2020 Liabilities 189 Liabilities Bal -1
Feb-2020 Sales 27
Feb-2020 Expenses 19 Start 1/1/2020
Feb-2020 Assets 213 Stop 2/1/2020
Feb-2020 Liabilities 201
Mar-2020 Sales 42 Profit 11 Inc
Mar-2020 Expenses 29 Equity 26 Bal
Mar-2020 Assets 226
Mar-2020 Liabilities 212
Example 6: Gross Profit from Sales Data
Date Prod Amt ProdList Margin
Jan-2020 Hats 13 Hats 60%
Jan-2020 Coats 4 Coats 50%
Jan-2020 Ties 5 Ties 55%
Jan-2020 Shoes 1 Shoes 45%
Feb-2020 Hats 12
Feb-2020 Coats 4
Feb-2020 Ties 3 Start 1/1/2020
Feb-2020 Shoes 3 Stop 2/1/2020
Mar-2020 Hats 11
Mar-2020 Coats 5 Gross Profit 25.2
Mar-2020 Ties 3
Mar-2020 Shoes 2
Example 7: Multi-Criteria Lists To see the effect of each option, copy the ligh
Regions Products Values RegList ProdList
North Hats 3 North hats North hats A. Returns values for ma
North Coats 4 South Ties South Ties
North Ties 9
South Hats 3 Total 5
South Coats 9 Count 2 North Hats B. If one of the two item
South Ties 2 Average 2.5 South
West Hats 7
West Coats 2
West Ties 8 North Hats C. A wildcard returns all
South *

North Hats D. Two exact sets double

North Hats
each option, copy the light-blue area below to the light-blue area at the left.

A. Returns values for matched sets, row by row. Not case sensitive.

B. If one of the two items is missing, the pair is ignored.

C. A wildcard returns all of the items for the category.

D. Two exact sets double the results

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