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Hailan Salamun, UMT (

Leadership is one of the factors that promote the development of a civilization. Close
contact with the leadership of knowledge have been able to promote emergence of a culture
of knowledge. Knowledge is considered a trigger to progress and civilization. Community
reflect a civilized society that has reached the stage of life advanced in terms of culture,
development, civilization and prosperity.

Many studies of leadership associated with 'power', 'rank' or 'position' belongs to a

person in an organization as a principal in the organization school. A powerful person
reserves the right to use its power to influence others to meet specific goals. People who are
able to influence others by their leadership. Leadership is a process of influencing the
behaviour of others to encourage them to work towards the achievement of a goal set
(Robbins, 2003; Dictionary Hall, 2002 Leithwood & Janti, 1999). Briefly review leadership
often see the influence of a person in authority in the organization of others work towards the
achievement of a goal.

However, not all the powers referred only to those who have position in the
organization. Sometimes the power held by a person associated with individual expertise,
such as a person who possesses charisma, experts in particular, has certain advantages which
can be a resource as well as recognized by others. Recognition of the expertise of the human
race is power that can be used to influence others to work towards the achievement of goals.
This means the ability to influence others is fundamental to leadership.

Saeeda (2009) states that leadership ability associate with the role of educators. A
person capable of transmitting knowledge and the benefit is considered as a leader. A natural
educator is a leader because they responsible for the spread of knowledge and also expand
benefits to the students. At the same time, history has proven the role of teachers on the rise
awareness before and after the independence era. Community has recognized teachers as part
of the driving agent in the community. Their leadership capabilities have long been
recognized and deeply ingrained in the Muslim community. Some of the people have great
expectations of the role of teachers, including teachers of Islamic Studies at school is able to
produce excellent human capital (Ab. Halim FAITH AND PROPHET and Khadijah Abdul
Razak, 2003). Some may think of teachers as trainers only focus on academic achievement.
Responsibility in educating students of particular lead associated with Islamic and moral
education is not emphasized. Teachers are seen less inner strength to forget the trust build a
culture of knowledge, human development and fight for justice and truth.

Empowerment, leadership teachers enhanced through efforts to improve the

professionalism and knowledge sharing with affect morale enhance student learning process
(Tajul Ariffin, 2002; Mohd. Arif Kasmo, 1993; Chan, 2000; Durrant & Holden, 2006).
Teachers can share the taste with building and awareness raising friends and teachers will
encourage their students have positive thoughts and confidence to share the mission of
making changes for the better. If the mission of kindness can be shared to create a group of
teachers who can show examples set of a good example in particular can affect students in the
classroom. This illustrates how close relationships between the students and teachers. There
are studies prove that the moral problems that exist among the students associated the
effectiveness of teachers in schools (Ab. & Khadijah Abdul Halim FAITH AND PROPHET
Razak, 2003; Burr Hussin, 2005). Studies done by Syed Hassan Syed Najmuddin (2009)
refers to school students' perceptions Mara Junior Science made to see the level of
professionalism Islamic Education teachers throughout Malaysia. Islamic Education
Leadership visits of aspects; i) the image and integrity, ii) teaching and learning, iii)
Leadership religious, and iv) the interaction with the students. The study found that teacher
education Islam has a high level in all aspects of leadership.

Some studies have found the fact that principals play an important role for developing
leadership capacity in schools. This situation is related to factors teacher leadership can
influence the existence of an effective school (Alma Harris, 2003; Katzenmeyer and Moller,
2001; Frost and Durrant, 2002; Leithwood, Jantzi, and Steinbach, 1999). National Conference
on Islamic Education 2012 held at the Royale Bintang Seremban on 3rd. Until July 6, 2012
had concluded that leadership is an important aspect and should be emphasized in the training
module teaching in Teacher Education institutions across the country. Some participants
suggested that all prospective teachers are exposed and courses related to teacher leadership.

Teachers who have the leadership skills to be able to carry out are trust to manage the
educational affairs which includes the advantages of living in this world and the hereafter.
leadership from an Islamic perspective is associated with the responsibility to conduct trust
God s.w.t. to lead humanity and fostering this world with justice in order seek the pleasure of
Allah (Moh'd Ali Jubran, 2004; Haron Din, 1988; Ibn Taymiya (661-728); Al-Mawardi (957-
1058); and Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406). Teachers are able to feel the heart gratitude that lead
will always take into consideration the moral practice leadership. His heart is always inclined
to do something which can be related to the education based on academic and faith-based
education. Leadership ability teachers can be improved through efforts to build leadership
skills, increase professionalism, and commitment to building work.

Some studies have found the fact that principals play an important role for develops
teacher leadership in schools. This situation is related to factors teacher leadership can
influence the existence of an effective school (Alma Harris, 2003; Katzenmeyer and Moller,
2001; Frost and Durrant, 2002; Leithwood, Jantzi, and Steinbach, 1999). Teachers can be
improved if their skills of professionalism which they can strive to improve themselves and
improve the weaknesses, such as that: (i) support the principal, (ii) communication and
administrative skills, (iii) understand the culture of the organization, and (iv) re-evaluate the
traditional pattern of power system and its role in the school. In this case, a teacher of Islamic
education should be enhancing relationships with principals in schools. Principals will always
give support for programs or activities. Principals also always are support teachers to follow
any kind of staff development programs (Boles, 1992).

Communication skills will help teachers improve professionalism skills in school. The
ability of teachers to interact well, keep behaviour and speech will increase cohesion among
teachers. Teachers can control the situation with climate control through force of persuasion,
prudent appropriate height and style when interacting with other teachers. Knowledge wide in
many areas that can be brought up can affect image teachers. Not just owning good
communication, but the teachers can prove through good management administration.
Sometimes teachers are given the responsibility the administration at the school, whether at
the level of senior assistant teacher, chief or head of the field committee. They can prove the
ability to manage the department or done a good job. Unity among the supervision and
responsibility of their work will be better. All matters relating to the administration run
smoothly. It reflects positively on the ability of teachers Islam education has leadership skills
through effective governance. To encourage teachers to be leaders outside the classroom
should be a part culture in educational leadership. Schools are now moving towards the
concept of community learning requires teachers to develop leadership to produce
professional work environment at the school. Learning community, teachers can act as a
community leader by showing love learning attitude. Teachers and colleagues should be able
to lead others through the creation of an atmosphere involvement and cooperation in all

Professionalism is defined as the ability of attributes, skills, methods of execution

things as are necessary or is done in a professional manner (Assembly Language, 2002).
Form of meta-analysis studies concluded that teachers are indicators impacting student
achievement. Teachers should adopt leadership learning in their profession as a leader should
be expressed in becoming the leader (Durrant & Holden, 2006). McEwan (2003) saw a
person who considers teaching is a role outside of the concept of leadership altogether
inaccurate. This is because leadership that focuses on teaching requires support and
collaboration among teachers, especially from the leadership of the teachers. Suranna and
Moss (2000) has identified several leadership characteristics of teachers, who: a) Involved in
process of professional development that act as i) a mentor to new teachers, ii) a committee
members at the school or district level or state level, b) increase professionalism and
knowledge sharing such as: i) provide guidance with respect to skills and techniques, ii)
increased fighting force, iii) expectations high students, iv) focuses on students' self-strength,
v) is involved in policy decisions, vi) is concerned with the development of the latest
educational research. c) A stand on the issue of education; i) be able to showcase what is
believed to right to interest students, ii) injecting the idea of management. d) To act as
facilitators such as: i) an experienced classroom teacher, ii) strive to work together with a
friend workers, iii) have a good relationship with principals, iv) shared goals school
improvement by principals.

In this case, teachers should take the initiative to improve professionalism in schools.
They can increase their knowledge in the field specialization such as teaching methods,
learning styles of students or classroom management. Skills acquired will help them upgrade
their skills specialization according to their interests and aptitudes. Advantages make them
more confident and able to provide guidance to new teachers. Sometimes they can be a
resource that has always been a source of professionalism among the teachers in school.
Skills that is also able to assist teaching to produce students who excel.

Commitment is defined as involvement in earnest and full responsibilities in the

execution of a commitment (Oxford, 2002). Decline lead responsibility among teachers is to
involve partnerships responsibility to work as a team. Leadership not only in the hands of an
individual (leader) at the top but other school staff also entitled to be authority to make a
decision. Frost and Durrant (2002) and Durrant (2004) characteristics suggest improvements
that can be played by the school teachers lead change when principals lead by putting
teachers; i) a clear focus, i). use the evidence in the context of schools and classrooms, iii)
collaborate to improve professional of knowledge and the improvement of strategic planning,
iv) the trust, v) provide a discussion and insights, vi) planning, vii) leadership. Frost and
Durrant (2002) proved that teacher performance can enhanced when a leader can play a role;
i) detecting performance with a teacher. Practice in class, b. individual capacity, c.
communication capabilities of principals with teachers. ii) detecting the school as an
organization that is in a. structures and processes, b. culture and capacity (ability). iii) track
beyond school teachers: a. critics and debate, b. architecture and the exchange of professional
knowledge, c. capital improvements relationships in the community. iv) The effect of a
student's learning. achievement, b. character, c. meta cognitive. Schutz (1994) expressed the
need to create a work environment that can provide motivation, cooperation, and
accountability is key elements in an organization. There are three human relations should be
improved to meet above requirements, namely: i) (inclusion) a sense of self-recognition,
engaged, and received ii) (control) a sense of responsibility in performing tasks, and feelings
to influence iii) (affection), a fine sense of honour, support, tried to approach a friend in

Commitment of teachers to provide optimal work commitment can be enhanced when

they are given an injection of motivation. Teachers should have the motivation high work and
can influence other teachers. When motivation is associated with the responsibility of
worship can restore power to work more diligently. Teachers may also be asked to work
together to achieve excellence in school. Partnership aims to achieve a noble ambition can
boost morale to work with more dedication.

Teachers are given the responsibility of leading the field, or a particular unit always
encouraged to meet the targets as planned. Teachers will work together to enhance the
performance of the unit committee of Islamic education in planning activities and a good
academic record. Teachers are also encouraged to seek opportunities collaborating with
outside parties to improve school performance. Determination and patience is a characteristic
that should go hand in hand among teachers if each time the target set is not achieved. These
features will give strength and confidence in the ranks of teachers to improve the ability to
lead other teachers.
Efforts to improve teacher empowerment, leadership are a practice to provide
guidance among the school population. Teachers are able to lead to encourage other school
staff to recognize the importance of improving skills lead, improve self professionalism, and
commitment to work in a school increases. Improve leadership skills are the foundation that
will enhance teacher confidence as one who represents a range of school leadership. Good
recommendations for each teacher involved to make decisions and be involved in the
administration of the how best to expose them to its leadership. Teachers should be exposed
to lead in the work of the school, as well as opportunities to identify the problems of school
management in all activities and meetings casual encounters.

Teachers have worked in a professional manner to increase their image. Teachers

should have the ability to improve technique teaching, and understanding of students'
learning styles to improve the understanding of the students in the class. Teachers have high
expectations of students' ability to give confidence to strive harder. Dedication of teachers
adjust teaching objectives with the school's mission will help the school to achieve what
planned together. Commitment to increase the professionalism of teachers will give
confidence to other teachers to make their school as a teacher resource.

Teachers' work commitment can also be enhanced by developing self-motivation, and

hard to achieve the standards of excellence of the school. Teachers always work to reach the
target group to improve school performance. They are always patience when done co
unsuccessful, and they are not always easy despair.

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