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The most Expensive Cow In The World

Belgian Blue

Sapi Belgian Blue merupakansapipedaging yang
kekardanberototsertamemilikihargajual yang sangattinggi. Hal
inidisebabkankarenasapimampumenghasilkandaginghingga 10 kali lipatdarisapilokal.
Hal iniberartimenunjukkanbahwa Indonesia
jumlahternak. Adanyailmudanteknologibaruyaknimasuknyasapi Belgian
Adanyapeningkatanbobotbadan yang signifikandariternaksapiakanmembuat
Indonesia mampuberdikaridalam dunia peternakansapi.

Belgian blue cow is a beef cattle which has a stocky muscle and has a high
level price. It is due to Indonesia can produce beef with a high quality cattle not
amount of quantity cattle. With the new science and technology that is Belgian blue
cow can memberdikari in the world of cattle farms.

Nama Latin danAsal


As the name suggests, Belgian Blue's cows are from Belgium. This cow is a
crossfarm of FreisianHosltein dairy cattle with Durham Shorthorn cows that have
double muscle traits. These crosses produce cows that have faster muscle growth
properties resulting in more meat with less fat. Belgian Blue cow is believed to occur
a natural gene mutation that encodes myostatin, a perotein that plays a role in muscle
development. Mutation of genes occurs naturally, not genetically engineered as some
have thought. The properties of myostatin inhibit muscle growth. This cow is
believed to have no myostatin so maximum muscle growth.
Although Kementan claimed his cow was the first Belgian Blue in
Southeast Asia, we noted LIPI and PT. KAR has succeeded in producing Belgian
Blue in 2015. The development is done in the cattle farm owned by PT. KAR located
in Rumpin, Bogor. According to LIPI the cow is a result of a crossbreeding of
Belgian Blue artificial insemination with female cow sumbaongole. The results of
this crosses are believed to produce cows that are genetically more resistant to the
condition of Indonesia.
Superior cattle seeds are obtained through long research, about 15-20 years.
Not to mention the process of breeding which takes 3-5 years. In order for superior
cow seeds can be disseminated to the public, at least necessary until the genetic level
reaches 90% and has been lowered to F4. The physical features of Belgian Blue are
easily recognizable by their large size and their protruding muscles. The average size
of this cow as high as 1.2-1.5 meters with a weight of 1100-1250 kg, can even grow
up to 15oo kg. This size is about 2-3 times the size of cattle in Indonesia. Another
uniqueness of this cow is the weight of the skin and internal organs (innards) are only
15%. So there is not enough room to digest the grass in his stomach. Consequently
this cow is more suitable given the feed in the form of concentrate, grains and
soybean meal.


This cow is from Belgium and has been able to be born in Indonesia. Belgian
Blue Cow was born in Cipelang Livestock Embryo Hall (BET Cipelang) Bogor.
Cows born from Artificial Insemination with Holand Frequency Phrase, Limousin
and Simmental can be born of 6 tails. Embryo Transfer with a donor from Belgian
Blue cow is capable of being born with a weight of 62.5 kg. The weight is equivalent
Simental age 2 month old cattle. This cow is called "GatotKaca" which is expected to
be like Gatot Glass is Strong, Gagah and Besar.
This success is one form of government in meat self-sufficiency. An embryo
transfer cow is brought directly from Belgium to Indonesia with Simmental sibling.
The success of the Belgian Blue embryo transfer technique is the first successful
embryo transfer technology in Southeast Asia. Cattle ranchers in Belgium continue to
boost the number of cows on farms to meet the growing market demand. Now they
succeeded in developing super muscular beef muscular bodybuilder. The farmers in
Belgium have a special program to develop the burly cow varieties. However, they do
not use the help of chemical drugs. Belgian blue cattle are derived from local beef
cattle with Shorthorn cattle originating from the UK.


Belgian blue cows do not use building sightings, because their large, muscular
and well-built bodies would be better if the Belgian blue cows were loose on the
pasture. The grazing area is an area where the crops of livestock feed are available for
livestock and can grab them according to their needs in a short time. The existing
system of grazing is a combination of livestock release in free pastures by feeding.
The feed is on the shepherds of the superior forage crops that are intentionally grown
for the needs of the cow so it will provide high nutrition and suitable for the belgian
blue breeding system
Excess grazing
1. Does not require a lot of manpower
2. Nutrition of livestock feed will be maximal and good because the feed is
consumed directly from the land
3. Livestock is not easy to stress because it can move freely
Lack of grazing
1. Requires a lot of capital
2. Requires a large area
3. Lack of disease detection of livestock
4. Transmission of livestock disease is easier


Sapiinihanyamakanpakanolahansepertijeramidankonsentrat yang
terbuatdaribiji-bijiandankedelai. Meskipundemikian, pencernaansapiinisangatefektif.
Sapiinimenghasilkanlebihbanyakdagingdansedikit lemak. Hal
initerlihatdaritingginyapersentasedaging yang
dihasilkansetelahdipotongdandihilangkantulangnya yang mencapai 82%.
hatauhasilsamping (kotoran, kulit, organ dalam, dll). Kekurangandarijenispakan yang
dikonsumsisapiadalahlebih mahal dibandingkandengansapibiasa,
halinidikarenakannutrisisapi Belgian blue dipenuhiolehkonsentrat yang
terbuatdaribiji-bijiandankedelai yang memilikihargalebih mahal

This cow only eat food such as straw and concentrate that made by seed and
soybean. Nevertheless, the digestion is very effectively. This cow produce more beef
than a fat. As we can see from a high percentage cattle, that produce after cutting the
beef and lose the bone until 82%. It means that this cow produce more beef and less
the waste or a cow dung (cow dung, cow-hide, internal organ, etc). The weaknesses
from this kind of food that are eaten by this cow is more expensive than an ordinary
cattle. This is cause the nutrition of the Belgian blues cow is full of concentrate that
contain of seed and soybean with a high price than the grass.


Congenital Muscular Dystonia type 1 (CMD) 1

MDI1 is a fatal congenital nonprogessive condition of belgian blue calves. the
disease is characterized by exercise-induced pronounced episodes of generalized
muscle contacturess. During such episodes the effected calf has stiffenen limbs and
is unable to move or may even flip over with the extremities extended. Impaired
swallowing has also been reported, and affected calves usually die in the first weeks
of life as result of respiratory complications.

Penanganan penyakit pada sapi belgian blue yaitu sama dengan sapi pada
umumnya yaitu diadakannya penanganan jika salah satu sapi terserang/terjangkit
penyakit yaitu langkah-langkah yang dilakukan adalah:

Identifikasi Penyakit dengan pemeriksaan lab yaitu pengidentifikasian

penyakit hewan dan menetapkan jenis penyakit hewan, peta dan status situasi
penyakit hewan, serta penyakit eksotik yang mengancam kesehatan hewan,
manusia, dan lingkungan. Tindakan pencegahan dan penularan lebih lanjut
dilakukan beberapa langkah sesuai dengan peyebab penyakit tersebut.
Isolasi merupakan tindakan preventif terhadap penularan penyakit dengan

cara memindahkan ternak yang sakit ke kandang khusus yang jauh dari

komunitas ternak sehingga meminimalisir penyebaran penyakit.

Handling disease

Handling disease of Belgian blues cow is same with the way to handling

disease of ordinary cow.

- Disease identification


a. Penyimpana daging
Daging sangat memenuhi syarat untuk pertumbuhan dan
perkembangbiakkan mikroorgansime, karena mempunyai kadar air atau
kelembaban yang tinggi, adanya oksigen, tingkat keasaman dan kebasaan
(pH) serta kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi sehingga mudah mengalami
kerusakan. Cara penyimpanan daging yang baik yaitu pada suhu dibawah -
100C agar bisa bertahan selama lebih dari satu minggu.
b. Pengawetan daging
Pengawetan , bertujuan untuk memperpanjang masa simpan daging.
Pengawetan daging dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu :
1. Curing yaitu pengawetan daging dengan cara membari garam ,
larutan penguat waena dan mencampurkan bahan rempah-rempah
alami yang bertujuan untuk memberi sifat unuim pada produk
akhir. Bahan yang digunakan seperti NaCL, Nitrat, Gula, asam
asetat, phospat

2. Pengasapan (smoke meat) yaitu pengawetan dengan cara daging

diasapi menggunakan asap konvensional atau asap cair yang
bertujuan untuk menanamkan aroma yang unik, meratakan warna
yang seragam dan untuk menambah serta mempetahankan kualitas.

PendistribusianSapi Belgian Blue

Sapi yang memilikiberatlebihdari1 toninimemangmasihsangatjarangditemui di

halinidikarenakanpendistribusiandarisapimaupunhasilolahandarisapibelgian blue di
Indonesia masihsangatsedikit, halinidikarenakanhanyaperusahaan
perusahaantertentu yang mengembangkansapibelgian blue.
Namunpadanegaraasalnyasapibelgian blue
pibelgian blue maupundalambentukdaging yang masihmentah.

Di negaraasalnyapendistribusiansapibelgian blue
dapatditemukanpadabeberapapasar modern
danpasartradisionalselainitudagingsapibelgian blue juga
banyakdidistribusikanpadarestoranlokal yang
menyajikanolahandaridagingsapibelgian blue. Padaawaltahun 2017 pemerintah
Indonesia telahberhasilmemproduksisapibelgian blue di BalaiEmbrioTernak yang
berada di Cipelang Bogor.


Produk yang dihasilkandarisapi Belgian Blue adalahsperma. Spermapertama

yang didapatkanadalahspermaseharga 15.000.000, sapitersebutdinamakanGatotkaca.
Embrio transfer dengan donor darisapi Belgian Blue tersebutmampulahirdenganbobot
62,5 kg. Bobotitusetarasapiketurunan Simental umur 2 bulan. Selainsperma, produk
yang dihasilkandarisapi Belgian blue adalahdaging.
Sapiinimampumenghasilkandaginghingga 10 kali lipatdarisapilokal.
Sapiinimenghasilkanlebihbanyakdagingdansedikit lemak. Hal
initerlihatdaritingginyapersentasedaging yang
dihasilkansetelahdipotongdandihilangkantulangnya yang mencapai 82

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