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Lesson 1 Translation
1.Absolutely.. 1. Tentu saya
2.Absolutely impossible! 2. Tentu saja tidak mungkin
3.All I have to do is learn English. 3. Yang harus saya lakukan ialah belajar bahasa
4.Are you free tomorrow? Inggris
5.Are you married? 4. Apakah kamu libur besok?
5. Apakah kamu sudah menikah?
6.Are you used to the food here?
6. Apakah kamu terbiasa dengan makanan di sini?
7.Be careful. 7. Hati-hatilah
8.Be my guest. 8. Jadilah tamu saya (Berkunjunglah ke rumahku)
9.Better late than never 9. Lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak datang sama
10.Better luck next time. sekali.
11.Better safe than sorry. 10. Semoga anda sukses/beruntung di waktu yang
12.Can I have a day off? akan datang
13.Can I help you? 11. Lebih baik aman dari pada menyesal kemudia.
12. Dapatkah saya lebur sehari?
13. Dapatkah saya membantumu?
Lesson 2 Translation
14.Can I take a message? 14. Dapatkah saya medapatkan pesan?
15.Can I take a rain check?
16.Can I take your order?
17.Can you give me a wake-up call?
18.Can you give me some feedback?
19.Can you make it
20.Can I have a word with you?
21.Catch me later.!
22.Cheer up!
23.Come in and make yourself at
24.Could I have the bill,please? 25.Could
you drop me off at the
ai rport?
26.Could you speak slower?
27.Could you take a picture for me?
28.Did you enjoy your flight? 29.Did you
have a good day today?
30.Did you have a nice holiday? 31.Did
you have fun
32.Dinner is on me..
33.Do you have a room ava ilable?
34.Do you have any hobbies?
35.Do you have some change
36. Do you mind my s moking? 37.Do
you often work out
38.Do you speak Englis h?
39.Dont be so modest.
Lesson 3
40.Dont bothe r.
41.Dont get me wrong.
42.Dont give up. ng t b .
43.Dont jump to conclusions. 44.Dont
let me down.
45.Dont make any mistakes. 46.Dont
me ntion it.
47.Dont miss the boat
48.Dont take any chances.
49.D ont take it for granted. 50.Dont
worry about it.
51.Easy come,easy go.
52.Enjoy your meal.
53.Easier said than done.
54.First come,first served.
55.For here or to go?
56.Forget it. Qun i !
57.Forgive me.
58.Give me a call.
59.Give my best to your family
60.Have him return my call.
61.Have you ever been to Jap an?
62.Have you finished yet?
Lesson 4
63.Have you got anything larger?
64.Have you got that?
65.Have you heard from Mary?
66.He is in confe rence.
67.Help yourself,please.
68.Hold your horses.
69.How can I get in touch with you?
70.How do I look?
71.How is it going?
72.How late are you open?
73.How long did it last?
74.How long will it take me to ge t there?
75.How much is it?
76.How often do you eat out?
77.I apologize.
78.I appreciate your invitation.
Lesson 5
79.I assure you.
80.I bet you can..
81.I can manage.
82.I cant afford it
83.I cant believe it.
84.I cant resist the temptation.
85.I cant stand it
86.I cant tell.
87.I couldnt agree more.
88.I couldnt get through.
89.I couldnt help it.
90.I didnt mean to.
91. I dont k now for sure.
92.I enjoy your company.
93.I enjoyed it ve ry much.
94.I envy you.
95.I feel like having some dumplings.
96.I feel terrible about it.
97.I feel the same way.
98.I have a complaint.
99.I have nothing to do with it.
100.I havent the slightest idea.
101.I hope youll forgive me.
102.I know the feeling.

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