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Statements on Management Accounting



Implementing Activity-Based
Management: Avoiding the Pitfalls


This statement was approved for issuance as a Special thanks go to Randolf Holst, CMA, Knowledge
Statement on Management Accounting by the Manager at Arthur Andersen, for his continuing oversight
Management Accounting Committee (MAC) of the during the development of the Statement. IMA also
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). IMA appre- thanks the members of the Management Accounting
ciates the collaborative efforts of the Cost Management Committee for their contributions to this effort.
Competency Center at Arthur Andersen LLP and the
work of Dr. C. J. McNair, CMA, of Babson College, who
drafted the manuscript.

Published by Copyright 1998

Institute of Management Accountants Institute of Management Accountants
10 Paragon Drive
All rights reserved
Montvale, NJ 07645-1760
Statements on Management Accounting


Implementing Activity-Based
Management: Avoiding the Pitfalls

I. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exhibits
II. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exhibit 1: General Uses of ABM Information . .3
III. Key Differences between ABC and ABM . .2 Exhibit 2: Relationship of Cost of Data Collection
IV. Uses and Benefits of ABM . . . . . . . . . . .3 to its Potential Revenue . . . . . . . . .9
V. The Role of the Management Accountant Exhibit 3: Hoffman-La Roche Activity-Based
in ABM Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Management Training Schedule . .11
VI. ABM Implementation Phases . . . . . . . . .6 Exhibit 4: Value-Added Decision Rankings . .14
VII. Common ABM Pitfalls and Solutions . .10 Exhibit 5: ABM and the Strategic
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Management Process . . . . . . . . .19
Analyzing Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 In Appendix:
Expanded CAM-1 ABC Model . . . .24
Costing Activities/Products and Services 15
CAM-1 ABM Model . . . . . . . . . . .25
Analyzing Data and Documenting Results 16
Checklist for Evaluating
Developing an Ongoing Data Collection
Software Packages . . . . . . . . . . .27
and Reporting System . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Achieving Full Integration . . . . . . . . . . . .18
VIII. Best Practices in ABM . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
IX. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
X. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Expanded CAM-1 Based
Management Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Checklist for Evaluating ABM
Software Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

I . R AT I O N A L E 3,000 known organizations in 1994 to more

Customers are the driving force for any organiza- than 15,000 today.
tion. While this is not a new insight, it is the
catalyst behind the development of new organiza- However, companies use ABM with varying
tional structures. Reflecting the recognition that results, suggesting the successful application of
interdependent processes are the keys to creating ABM requires the mastery of new management
value for customers, organizations are shifting tools and techniques as well as a management
from managing vertically to managing horizontally. mind shift. Analysis, not control, must become
the focus of managers using financial and non
Creating and improving processes to increase financial information in a process-driven, cus-
customer and shareholder value is the primary tomer-centered organization. Defining, measur-
goal of managers in these new organizations. To ing, and improving the ability of an organization
reach this goal, they need relevant, defensible to create value has to become the stimulus
and transparent information. Yet, the development shaping management information systems, as
of management information systems to track well as the actions and decisions they support.
and provide information about the process-based, Achieving this goal lies at the heart of ABM.
value-enhancing aspects of a business have lagged
significantly behind the needs of its managers. II. SCOPE
The ultimate test of the information system is This Statement on Management Accounting (SMA)
whether the information motivates and assists in is addressed to management accountants and oth-
attaining strategic, operational, and/or tactical ers who may lead or participate in efforts to imple-
objectives in a timely, effective, and efficient manner. ment ABM management in their organizations. It
supplements the Institute of Management
Activity-based costing/activity-based management Accountants Implementing Activity-Based Costing,
(ABC/ABM) fills this information void by providing SMA which describes the basic ABC implementa-
cost and operating information that mirrors the tion process.
horizontal view. ABM identifies the key activities
performed in an organization, providing a defen- From 1993 until today, the emphasis has shifted
sible and transparent measure of their associated from ABC to ABM, or the use of ABC information
costs and causes. ABM bundles value analysis, to manage and improve process performance. In
cost driver assessment, and performance meas- fact, this time period has witnessed several
urement in order to initiate, drive, and support significant trends, including shifts from:
improvement efforts and to enhance decision
making. Focused on shaping the future, not pilot tests to full implementations;
explaining the past, ABM incorporates opportunity manufacturing companies to all industries;
cost analysis into the standard set of estimating single applications of ABC information to
tools used by the finance professional. This creates multiple, integrated applications of ABM cost
an economically rich basis for supporting business. and performance information;
single/select users to multiple users;
Since 1994 the number of companies and organ- reducing costs to creating value; and
izations embracing activity-based management financial measures to process measures.
systems has grown significantlyfrom over


This Statement complements Implementing Activity-based costing is defined as a method-

Activity-Based Costing SMA by incorporating these ology that measures the cost and performance
latest developments. In addition, this Statement of activities, resources, and cost objects.
pinpoints the differences between ABC and ABM, Specifically, resources are assigned to activities,
discusses how to avoid the most common imple- then activities are assigned to cost objects
mentation pitfalls, and illustrates how ABM can based on their use. ABC recognizes the causal
link with other improvement efforts to enhance a relationships of cost drivers to activities.
companys performance. The ABM concepts, tools,
and techniques presented apply to all organiza- Activity-based management is subsequently
tions that produce and sell a product or provide a defined by CAM-I as a discipline that focuses on
service, including all levels of government. the management of activities as the route to
improving the value received by the customer
The following Statement assumes that the read- and the profit achieved by providing this value.
er is already familiar with basic ABC concepts. It ABM includes cost driver analysis, activity analysis,
is written to help management accountants and and performance measurement, drawing on ABC
others to understand: as its major source of data.

the key differences between ABC and ABM; In simple terms ABC is used to answer the
ABM best practices; question, What do things cost? while ABM
uses and benefits of ABM; takes a process view to understand what causes
the roles and responsibilities of management costs to occur. Using ABC data, ABM focuses on
accountants in ABM projects; how to redirect and improve the use of resources
the phases of implementing ABM; to increase the value created for customers and
the key pitfalls in each phase of ABM implemen- other stakeholders. The key differences between
tation and how to avoid them; ABC and ABM are:
the importance of integrating ABM into the
organization; and ABC focuses on understanding costs and their
how to evaluate ABM software packages. drivers; ABM seeks to change them;
ABC can provide information on process, prod-
I I I .K E Y D I F F E R E N C E S B E T W E E N uct, and market performance; ABM finds ways
ABC AND ABM to improve them;
There is significant confusion regarding the seman- ABC is cost centered; ABM lies at the heart of
tics and acronyms associated with activity-based the management process;
information. To clarify these issues, the Consortium ABC is the result of a static analysis of the
for Advanced Manufacturing-International (CAM-1)1 organization; ABM is embedded in the dynamics
has initiated the development of a comprehensive of change;
glossary of ABC/ABM terms. ABC is predominantly historical and focused on
controlling existing costs; ABM is forward look-
1 CAM-1 is a not-for-profit, cooperative membership organiza- ing, seeking ways to avoid unnecessary costs
tion established in 1972 to support research and development
in areas of strategic importance to manufacturing industries. and put existing resources to maximum use;
Since 1972, the membership has expanded to include several ABC reports on internal operational and tactical
industries outside manufacturing. The definitions presented
here for both ABM and ABC are based on the CAM-I Glossary
results; ABM is strategic, focused on under-
originally published in 1990.


standing the key elements of value from the information system that puts teeth into these
customers perspective; improvement initiatives by establishing account-
ABC is a source of explanatory data; and ability, measuring results, and setting priorities.
ABM provides actionable information. ABM information has a wide use and applicability
in process-based organizations.
ABM is not a replacement for existing initiatives
such as total quality management (TQM), busi- I V. U S E S A N D B E N E F I T S O F A B M
ness process redesign (BPR), benchmarking, or ABM refers to the entire set of actions that can
just-in-time (JIT). ItEis,
XH instead,
I B I T part
1: G ofEan
E R A L U S EbeStaken
O F on
A BaMbetter
I N Finformation basis
O R M AT I O N with activ-

Growing/Expanding Business No Growth/Flat Business

Sales Sales

Time Time
Primary Uses of ABM Primary Uses of ABM
To redeploy nonvalue-added work To identify nonvalue-added cost
To improve processes and activities To set priorities for improvement
and effect improvement
To isolate\eliminate cost drivers
To determine product\service costs

Declining Operations Capacity Constrained

Sales Sales

Time Time
Primary Uses of ABM Primary Uses of ABM
To cut cost To determine product\service cost
To downsize To make product\service decisions
To effect lay-offs To determine activity capacity

Source: Miller, 1996: 26.

Source: Miller, 1996: 26.


ity-based cost information. Organizations imple- term objectives and challenges, strategic analysis
ment ABM for different reasons. They believe seeks to impact future costs and improve future
ABM will help them make better decisions, profitability by clarifying the cost of various cost
improve performance, and earn more money on objects such as products, customers, and channels.
assets deployed. As suggested by Exhibit 1, Strategic analysis emphasizes future opportuni-
companies in many situations can find value in ties and challenges, using a combination of both
ABM information. physical and financial measures to explore the
impact of alternative strategic positions. Ways in
Some of the specific uses of ABM in organiza- which ABM supports strategic analysis include:
tions today include attribute analysis, strategic
decision making, benchmarking, operations strategic planning;
analysis, profitability/pricing analysis, and consolidation of operations analysis;
process improvement. acquisition analysis; and
analysis of revenue and profitability growth
Attribute analysis classifies and combines potential.
cost and performance data into manageable,
controllable clusters. ABC/ABM systems can For example, the ABM initiative at Hewlett-
use many different attribute or data tags for a Packard-North American Distribution Organization,
specific cost. Data attributes allow a company to provides both strategic and operational informa-
perform analysis on many different dimensions tion including full customer segment costing, full
of a management problem using the same basic product costing, simple product costing, and
warehouse of data. Some common forms of targeting of improvement opportunities.
attribute analysis are:
Benchmarking is a methodology that identifies
value analysis, which utilizes information an activity as the standard, or benchmark, by
collected about business processes and which a similar activity will be judged. It is used
examines various attributes of the process to assist managers in identifying a process or
(e.g., diversity, capacity, and complexity) to technique to increase the effectiveness or
identify candidates for improvement efforts; efficiency of an activity. ABM supports different
time variability analysis, which seeks to under- types of benchmarking, including:
stand variances in the time needed to
complete an activity or provide a service and to internal benchmarking;
develop ways to reduce these variances; and industry/competitive benchmarking; and
cost of quality, which is a management report- best-in-class benchmarking.
ing technique that identifies and measures
quality costs within an organization using four For example, ABM has been successfully applied
basic categories: prevention, detection, internal within AT&Ts Business Communications Services
failure, and external failure. (BCS) to support its benchmarking efforts. Unit
costs are used as metrics for benchmarking
Strategic analysis explores various ways a internal work groups as well as comparing the
company can create and sustain a competitive BCS to other billing centers. Work groups that
advantage in the marketplace. Emphasizing long- are more cost efficient at performing an activity


can share information with other internal groups and manufacturing associate teams interlock on
and billing centers. By having access to reliable a targeted product cost that is a buildup of mate-
cost data, management can investigate cost dis- rial and activity cost.
crepancies and more effectively plan process
improvements to achieve cost reductions. Process improvement lies at the heart of
modern management techniques. Focused on
Operations analysis seeks to identify, meas- identifying the causes of variation, waste, and
ure, and improve current performance of key inefficiency, process improvement includes both
processes and operations within a firm. Areas incremental and quantum change efforts that
where ABM is useful include: seek to increase the value created per resources
consumed by an organization. Uses being made
what-if analysis; of ABM for process improvement include:
project management;
creation and use of activity-based performance business process modeling;
measures; total quality initiatives;
capacity management; business process reengineering; and
constraint analysis; and analysis of outsourcing and shared service
process-based costing. opportunities.

Profitability/pricing analysis is a key area for The Pennzoil Production and Exploration
any company. ABM assists a company in Company (PEPCO) used ABM as a key measure-
analyzing the costs and benefits of products and ment tool to identify costs by process and to
processes in both the as is and post- support its reengineering efforts. To keep pace
improvement to be scenarios. ABM also sup- with lower crude and natural gas prices and
ports prelaunch analysis and improvement of slowing North American operation, PEPCO needed
product profitability. Areas in which ABM has to find ways to reengineer existing processes to
proven useful in adopting organizations include: streamline and improve efficiency.

product/service profitability analysis; ABM provided the data for PEPCO to change the
business process reengineering; cost structure of its exploration and production
distribution channel profitability analysis; efforts. It achieved this by determining what
market segment profitability analysis; and resources were actually required to support its
target and life-cycle costing. properties based on current operation. In addition,
the reengineering link enabled the company to
ABM is used in a target costing program at AT&T consider those same properties and determine
Paradyne to project future activity and product how it could best meet its economic objectives
costs. An ABM target costing process was estab- with fewer resources through a variety of opera-
lished for all new and major existing products to tions improvement analyses.
facilitate life-cycle cost management. The target
costing process begins with specified features ABM is used to support a broad array of manage-
and functionality that can be sold to achieve a ment initiatives to help organizations create
significant market position. From there, product more value for their customers while reducing


the cost of operations. Benefits derived from meet managements decision-making needs;
ABMs use include: participation on cross-functional teams at all
levels of the organization;
identification of redundant costs; education of line managers on the economics
analysis of value-added and nonvalue-added of business within process settings;
costs; participation in the development of desktop
quantification of the costs of quality by element; decision support tools for line managers;
identification of customer-focused activities; creation and revision of cost estimates as
analysis of the cost of complexity; process changes are made;
identification of process costs and support of target and life-cycle cost and profit analysis;
process analysis; strategic and operational budget and planning
measurement of the impact of reengineering support; and
efforts; tracking the results/benefits of the ABC/ABM
better understanding of cost drivers; initiative.
evaluation of manufacturing flexibility invest-
ments; and In some organizations, management accountants
activity-based budgeting. are driving process management efforts, but this
can result in ABM being seen as another
V. T H E R O L E O F T H E M A N A G E - accounting tool rather than as a management
M E N T A C C O U N TA N T technique to improve profitability and performance
The management accountant plays a central role against customer expectations. If management
in creating and maintaining activity-based cost accounting does drive the ABM project, it is critical
information to support activity-based manage- that a strong champion outside the finance
ment. Serving as the financial expert on cross- group be recruited to support the implementation.
func-tional work teams, management account-
ants support analysis of current performance, V I . A B M I M P L E M E N TAT I O N
identification of improvement efforts, and prioriti- PHASES
zation of potential projects. The role of manage- Pilot efforts to experiment with ABM do not
ment accountants in ABM efforts comprises the always take a company-wide perspective. As a
following activities: result, isolated pockets of ABM knowledge can
develop independent of other management
creation of the ABC database; initiatives. This is not necessarily a negative
maintenance of the ABM data warehouse; situation, but to achieve its full potential ABM
assurance and monitoring of data integrity information systems need to become integrated
within the warehouse; with mainstream information systems and reflect
analysis of the costs and benefits of improve- the organizations cultures and values. As most
ment projects; organizations have learned, a holistic approach
ongoing audit and analysis of project perfor- to ABM implementation is crucial to gaining and
mance against goals; sustaining all of ABMs benefits.
creation and support of management reporting
structures; When a total approach to ABM implementation is
provision of cost estimates and reports to taken, it is important first to complete an overall


assessment of the key processes, activities, and to several plants, facilities, departments, or func-
data availability. The elements to be included in tions, there is no one right way to implement ABM.
the assessment are: In fact, the general steps involved in taking a holis-
tic approach to ABM implementation can be
business process relationship map; expressed in a number of ways and can be per-
documentation and relationship of key busi- formed in different sequences.
ness processes;
preliminary list of key and significant activities; Any approach used should include the same core
identification on a preliminary basis of major set of steps: planning, activity analysis, activity/
activities, including possible performance product costing, documenting results, data
measures and potential cost drivers; gathering and analysis, developing a data collec-
preliminary costing of activities and business tion and reporting system, and achieving full
processes; integration. Choosing a specific model or imple-
estimates of nonvalue-added activities and costs; mentation approach is a matter of personal
linkage of business processes and activities to preference and the specific features and require-
the organizations strategic plan; ments the model is designed to support. Most
application of ABC product/service costing; models, once implemented, yield similar end
availability of data and information required for results. A brief summary of each of the steps in
the installation; ABM implementation follows.
existing system capabilities and ability to
integrate with activity information; Planning
primary uses for activity-based information; The planning phase focuses on identifying the
available resources and implementation purpose, objectives, and expectations for each
requirements; and specific element of the ABM total implementa-
recommendations for implementation, steps to tion. The development of a detailed project plan
be taken, and key time lines. is a critical element of the planning phase. The
project plan should include a time line with
This preliminary information supports the devel- assigned responsibilities for task completion,
opment of an overall implementation plan. Using clear definition of the resources required to com-
a building block approach, the implementation plete each stage of the implementation, the
can be completed for one major segment of the selection of specific individuals to complete the
business at a time. The steps that need to be work, and a precise denotation of the data
completed for each segment include detailed collection methods to be employed.
planning, analysis, data gathering, cost tracing, and
documentation. Total implementation is complete The scope of the project, management expecta-
when a cost-effective, ongoing data collection tions regarding the output of the project, and
and reporting system has been developed. issues surrounding team development are also
important for developing a comprehensive ABM
Whether applied on a small scale to a specific area implementation plan. While planning represents
of an organization, such as a department, function, only a small part of the total time and effort ofan
or applications, or used for a large-scale implemen- ABM initiative, it has a major impact on its over-
tation in a specific plant or applied simultaneously all success.


Analyzing Activities and decisions regarding next steps, documenta-

Activity analysis, lying at the heart of any tion serves as a crucial bridge between planning
ABC/ABM effort, is the second major part of an and operating an ABM system.
ABM implementation. It comprises several key
steps, including cataloguing of specific activities The time spent recording past results and detail-
and business processes, definition of outputs ing required future actions serves to reinforce
and output measures, value-added analysis, the learning process, communicate and assess
identification of cost drivers, and detailed speci- progress, and adjust the detailed implementa-
fication of activity performance. As this list sug- tion plan to accommodate unforeseen problems
gests, activity analysis normally consumes the and concerns. When a building block implemen-
major part (50 to 55 percent) of the time and tation approach is used, it is even more impor-
resources allocated to implementation. tant to record the sequence, results, and issues
surrounding the activity analysis and develop-
Costing Activities, Products, and Services ment of ABC estimates.
Activity analysis provides basic information for
constructing the ABC cost system. Developing the Gathering and Analyzing Data
ABC estimates is the most mechanical part of any During the planning stages of the implementa-
ABM implementation. Focused on identifying and tion, emphasis is placed on gathering information
documenting cost tracing methodologies and core and data to document the purpose, expectations,
assumptions, the costing phase ties the financial and objectives of the initiative. As attention
reporting system to the newly developed activity turns to activity analysis and the creation of the
and process structures of the ABM system. ABC estimating system, data gathering takes on
more importance as the key to understanding
The development or choice of a specific software the existing knowledge base in the organization.
system to export, import, and accept the data To complete the activity/product-costing step,
used to generate the activity-based estimates information about the consumption of resources
and to apply these estimates to create product by activities needs to be collected and analyzed.
and service costs makes up the bulk of the work
completed during this stage. Since the software The recommendations, conclusions, and identifi-
systems selected or developed as part of this cation of next steps that take place during docu-
step are often used for the ongoing reporting of mentation require a significant amount of data
activity information and performance, it is and information. As suggested by Exhibit 2,
important that they be relatively simple to though, data gathering is an integral part of
update and maintain. every phase of the implementation. The payoff to
ensuring that the company can achieve total inte-
Documenting Results gration of the ABM system lies at the heart of
While often neglected, documentation is an maximizing the relevance of the information it
important part of an ABC/ABM implementation. creates. Because it can consume between 25 to
The work completed, significant results, recom- 50 percent of the total effort needed to complete
mendations, and conclusions should all be the implementation, creating efficient and effec-
included in the documented records of the proj- tive data-gathering methods is an essential part
ect. Focused on supporting downstream action of the ABM initiative.




Integrated total
company cost
driver reporting
Number of cost drivers
Level of detail

Cost of
collection curve

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Cost Information Relevance

Source: Originally developed by Chuck Marx, Arthur Andersen. Reprinted in Player and Keys, 1995: 30.

an Originally
Ongoing developed by Chuck Marx,
Data Collection andArthur Andersen.
Player and Keys, 1995:be
must 30.collected

Reporting System and reported on a continuous basis.

The development of a cost-effective, efficient
data collection and reporting system is the final There are two major stages in implementing the
aspect of a holistic ABM implementation. The ongoing ABM information and reporting system:
information gathered during implementation pro-
vides a static snapshot of the activities, and establishing the basic data collection and
their resource usage, at one particular point in analysis procedures and
time. While much is learned from this snapshot, ongoing system maintenance.
ongoing data collection is necessary to reap the
total benefits of the ABC/ABM initiative. To be During the first stage, it is often necessary to
useful for strategic and operational decision create new methods for collecting data and new


driver-based measures to support the systems use. V I I . C O M M O N A B M P I T FA L L S

A hands-on effort, stage one requires the active AND SOLUTIONS
support of the information systems group as well as Understanding the steps in effectively imple-
the collaboration of managers across the organiza- menting ABM is important, but as anyone who
tion as new measures, data formats, and due dates has actually undertaken a project of this magni-
for various measures and reports are developed. tude knows, many pitfalls and problems may
occur during the life of the project and beyond.
In the second stage, the maintenance require- Knowledge of these pitfalls helps an implemen-
ments of the system are addressed. Activities, tation team develop methods to avoid them and
measures, products, and services are constantly to deal effectively with problems as they occur.
added and deleted within an organization; the Each stage of the implementation process brings
system must be adjusted for each major change. with it its own unique challenges, as the follow-
One of the best ways to ensure this is to imple- ing discussion suggests.
ment an ABM-updating process as a core part of
the firms project management protocols. Planning
During the planning phase, a number of distinctive
Achieving Full Integration pitfalls and problems can plague the implemen-
Integrating ABM with existing management prac- tation effort, including:
tices is necessary to achieve its full benefits. If
lack of senior management buy-in and
ABM is treated as a separate, freestanding
management initiative, it will not survive. The
failure to gain complete agreement on
real value of ABM comes from the knowledge
implementation objectives;
and information it provides to support improve-
planning teams inability to articulate why it
ment efforts and the management decision
is doing the project;
process. Full integration of ABM within the fabric
failure to create a dedicated project team; and
of the organizations other information and
lack of understanding of the kinds of financial,
management systems is complete when people
operational, and strategic information the
in the organization embrace activity management,
organization expects.
take ownership, and internalize it as a better way
of doing business and making decisions.
These pitfalls and problems are not insurmount-
able. In fact, getting ABM off the ground is more
Full integration does not occur overnight. Fully
than possibleits probable, especially when the
integrating ABM with current and existing organi-
following solutions are applied to deal with the
zational philosophies, cultures, preferences, and
common pitfalls of the planning phase:
values can take years to complete. Ongoing
efforts are required to drive activity-based think- link the initiative to key business objectives
ing deep into the organization. Attention must be and clearly articulate how the ABM project will
paid to linking ABM with the basic information deliver improvement in that area;
systems used to manage the organization and find an executive who owns the initiative, will
its ongoing operations. Achieving full integration hold an umbrella over it, help it to develop, and
should be the overall goal and the final measure showcase the benefits of using ABM;
of success for any ABM initiative.


expose senior management to potential bene- select a team leader to lead the ABM project
fits of ABM through visits to other successful who understands the business and works well
companies and via benchmarking reports; with people from many functional areas within
find competitors who are using or experiment- the company;
ing with the approach; ensure the time to complete a comprehensive
understand fully the ongoing commitment ABM implementation is not underestimated; and
costs of ABM before adopting it; train employees on how ABM will be used.
ensure the complexity of ABM is not underes-

Responsibility Date

1000 Project Organization

1100 Perform ABM Introduction


1200 Finalize project calendar

2000 Activity Analysis

2100 Perform Activity Analysis


2200 Schedule and conduct

process focus groups

2300 Prepare preliminary Activity


3000 Model Design

3100 Perform ABM Software

Refresher mini-training

3200 Design preliminary model


Source: Player and Keys, 1995: 85.

Source: Player and Keys, 1995: 85.


In regards to training, for example, the New If the implementation team or sponsors can
Jersey subsidiary of Hoffman-La Roche, a major reach agreement on the answers to these
pharmaceutical company, conducted training questions, the critical linkage between ABM and
classes in necessary processes immediately the strategic and operational objectives of the
before the implementation team was ready to organization can be clearly and cleanly defined
perform the particular ABM phase. At the begin- and articulated.
ning of the activity analysis, the project manager
explained concepts such as the activity diction- Having defined the reasons behind the project,
ary, how activities would be defined, and the def- as well as its preliminary objectives, it becomes
inition of drivers. Before the model design phase time to communicate the potential benefits and
began, the project manager walked the members challenges the ABM initiative represents. One
through procedures as they actually built a sam- useful source of convincing information is bench-
ple model on the software. Exhibit 3 illustrates marking. External benchmarking projects can
the training schedule used by Hoffman-La Roche. result in useful straw men models of ABM
implementations and operations. Looking at
Implementing ABM is part of an overall organiza- best-in-class, or best practice, uses of ABM infor-
tional commitment to the continuous improve- mation can help sway an otherwise reluctant
ment philosophy. At the heart of this philosophy management team. Serving as an objective
is the notion of the 5 whys. The essence of source of data and documented results, bench-
this concept is that the driving purpose behind marking can help the implementation team over-
any improvement lies in understanding the root come a significant number of barriers in the plan-
cause of poor performance. Asking team mem- ning and ongoing application of ABM concepts to
bers to answer a string of whys facilitates the the organization.
root cause questions until the basic assumption
or problem is isolated. Regardless of what method is used to gain
detailed information of proven ABM successes
How can the 5 whys be used to deal with plan- and benefits, it is important to factor the
ning pitfalls? By gaining consensus among the Awareness, Buy-in, Ownership (ABO) Continuum2
team members on the problems the ABM imple- into the planning efforts. Specifically, the ABO
mentation will address, and how the planned Continuum is:
improvements will help the organization achieve
its strategic goals. awareness: Executives know something impor-
tant is happening, and they show interest in it.
Specifically, the questions that could be asked Managers seek to learn more about the
and answered are: proposed change, attend meetings, and
challenge traditional methods.
Why is the company undertaking the project? buy-in: Executives begin to take personal
Why will ABM make this a better company? responsibility for the change. They are willing to
Why do we need to understand product costs? commit time, people, and money to the change.
Why do we need to understand what causes costs?
Why is reducing and avoiding costs important? 2 The ABO Continuum is a term coined by Andersen
Consulting and should not be used without the companys
knowledge and appropriate attribution to the original source.


Executives begin to implement the change and the number of activities for which detailed
communicate the benefits of the change to information must be gathered seems over-
other people in the organization. whelming;
ownership: Executives assume ultimate there appear to be no significant activities;
responsibility for the change. Managers recruit resources dedicated to the project are inade-
others to help apply and teach new concepts quate to support the analysis, resulting in the
and initiate efforts to continue the process of project taking a back burner to other, more
change. important work;
there is inadequate attention to training to
In moving through the ABO Continuum with senior build and form internal expertise; and
management, the ABM team can simultaneously failure to communicate to employees the pur-
address the commitment pitfall and gain a better pose behind the project and its questions
understanding of their expectations for the leads to the potential for negative feelings and
financial, operational, and strategic information defensive behaviors.
the system needs to provide. During the planning
phase, then, it is important to gain commitment, An ABM implementation faces many of the same
and that is done by gaining a solid understanding challenges and problems as any major change
of what ABM can and will do for the organization initiative. The lessons learned during earlier
and its stakeholders. Only when these objectives efforts to implement total quality management
and benefits can be articulated and agreed on (TQM) and ISO 9000(+) certification procedures
should the project move into the next phase of and to create a learning organization apply to the
implementation. ABM project. It is critical that earlier lessons be
revisited, both to increase understanding of the
The leadership and composition of the ABC/ABM ABM effort and to build on the successes of and
implementation team should reflect the major knowledge gained from these earlier efforts.
focus of the project. For instance, if the primary Specific ways the pitfalls of the activity analysis
information needs of a company are centered in phase can be addressed include:
marketing and distribution (e.g., customer or
product line profitability), team membership have a clear understanding of why the initiative
should be heavily weighted in favor of these two is being undertaken. What business problem
functions. Similarly, if manufacturing is the area is it trying to solve?;
of major cost and concern, the ABM team should focus on the right level of detail; 10,000 feet
be populated with key representatives of the is too high, but it is just as bad to get too close
manufacturing management team. to the ground early in the implementation
Analyzing Activities involve employees in the selection of activities
While analyzing activities, the structure of the and cost drivers;
project and the implications of its scope for the include information on how activities interre-
organization begin to be felt. The effort can seen late instead of detailed data on individual
unwieldy at times, as suggested by the following tasks; and
common pitfalls: limit the number of activities to those that are


Each layer of detail in an ABM system translates Reaching an agreement on which activities are
to data collection, maintenance, and manage- significant and which are not is a highly political
ment challenges. According to experienced exercise. Everyone feels the work they do is
users, the amount of data to be managed grows important. A failure to accommodate these
exponentially as the level of detail is expanded. beliefs can set the project up for failure. To reach
Unless an organization wants to dedicate signifi- the conflicting goals of controlled scope and
cant resources to storing and retrieving ABM organizational commitment to the ABM effort, it
data, it is critical to pare down the data and is useful to run a series of group brainstorming
detail it collects. and problem solving meetings. During these
meetings, individuals who actually perform
An organizations ABM success depends not on specfic activities can negotiate and compromise
the number of activities or drivers it uses but on openly to arrive at a set of activities, processes,
how relevant that number is to a specific and definitions acceptable to all. Granted, these
business objective. For example, Tektronix has meetings will consume implementation resources
two activities and two drivers in the cost system and may lengthen the project, but the ultimate
utilized in its oscilloscope plant. On the other benefits will greatly outweigh any up-front costs.
hand, Caterpillar uses multiple cost systems,
many cost centers, and several overhead bases. Another way to address problems surrounding
Both companies are leaders in their respective identification and definition of core activities is
industries and have been successful in compet- to ask the management team or a similar group
ing against foreign competition. to think about the organization from the cus-
tomers perspective. What things are done to
One way to effectively reduce or hone in on the service directly, or indirectly, the needs of current
appropriate level of detail is to return to the ques- and future customers? What activities are critical
tions used during the planning phase to set the to ensure the long-term health and competitive-
scope of the project. One of the biggest dangers ness of the organization? Finally, what activities
faced by the ABM project at this stage is runaway are needed to support the needs of other stake-
scope. The plan is important because it provides holders? Categorizing activities by who is served
an ongoing reminder and source of discipline to by their output can help focus attention and gain
keep the scope of the project from creeping. agreement on the things the company must do
E X H I B I T 4 : VA L U E - A D D E D DE C I S I ON R A N K I N GS

VA1: Is the activity of value to external customers?
VA2: Is the activity required to meet corporate requirements?

VA3: Is the activity required for sound business practices?
VA4: Is the activity of value to internal customers?
VA5: Is the activity a waste?


well if it is going to survive, let alone prosper, major benefits is to force the organization to
today and in the future. deal directly with the issues surrounding shared
resources and to determine who uses a resource
Dayton Technologies, a producer of components or activity, why, and how much. This information
for vinyl window manufacturers, determines can go a long way in creating cost consciousness
whether an activity is value-added by asking and in reducing the total costs incurred by the
whether or not the customer receives any bene- organization. What remedies can be used to deal
fit. An even tougher test is, Would the customer with these potential problems? Some approach-
pay for this activity as part of the product or ser- es that have been used in successful ABM imple-
vice transaction? This approach to defining and mentations include:
quantifying value is detailed in Exhibit 4.
making data integrity a high priority;
Costing Activities/Products and Services reconciling ABM data to the financial account-
The costing activities/products and services ing system;
phase of an ABM implementation may be avoiding using revenues as a driver;
mechanical, but that does not mean that it is not avoiding allocating costs when they cannot be
fraught with its own unique challenges and assigned accurately;
potential pitfalls, such as: using ABM methodology that is consistent with
accepted practice;
inaccurate assignment of costs to activities using total cost in decision-making and
and to cost objects; process improvement efforts; and
resource and activity drivers are at too high a using practical capacity to assign costs to cost
level of detail; objects.
activity drivers do not adequately reflect the
consumption rate and pattern of their respec- An ABM systems value lies in its believability
tive activities; and its ability to support and direct the actions
capacity, or potential of the resources in the of the organization and its managers. It is not
pool to support work, is not defined; just another accounting system.
old habits, such as allocation of top-level
costs, are not broken; It is during this mechanical phase of the project
responsibility and controllability of the costs is that the focus can be most easily lost. There is
not cleanly identified; and also significant danger that the ABM initiative,
excessively complex assumptions and assign- advertised as a management tool, will begin to
ments are made. be seen as an accounting project during the cost-
ing activities/products and services phase. The
Reaching the right level of detail in the ABM cost project team must actively and frequently com-
system begins with understanding the core activ- municate the objectives, goals, and scope of the
ities, but it cannot end there. Why? Because the project during this phase, keeping everyones
basic, unavoidable fact is that many, if not most, eyes on the big picture. Succumbing to the
of the resources used by a company are joint, or comfort of the detail at this point in the implemen-
shared among several areas or users. ABM can- tation process can lead to the ultimate failure of
not make this fact go away. In fact, one of its the entire ABM initiative.


Whenever an excessive focus on the detail, or Prior to the data analysis and documenting
myopia, begins to creep into the implementation, results phase, the ABM system is an abstraction,
it is critical to return to the original planning doc- a concept. As the costing phase is completed,
uments and the strategic objectives they define. though, the system begins to operate in a very
The integrity of the data entered into the ABM visible way. Given that the output is good news,
system is clearly a high priority if the system is bad news, or old news, it is very important to
to be accepted by the organization and its man- actively address the implementation pitfalls at
agers, but excessive attention to detail at this this stage. Failure to do so can result in an
point can also be dangerous. It may be useful to implementation that is in name only. Some ways
create a separate permanent team to ensure the these pitfalls can be addressed are:
integrity of the data today and in the future. This
team can report directly to the ABM project require managers to justify inaction as well as
team, which is charged with keeping the imple- action on ABM information;
mentation moving toward its larger goals. focus ABM not just on cost and cost reduction
but also on value and value creation;
The final product of the ABM implementation is monitor the number of changes made using
clearly no better than the quality of the data it the ABM information;
relies on to complete its analysis, planning, and ensure that a large number of people are
reporting functions. Ensuring this quality and receiving and using the information;
reaching sustainable solutions to the knotty hold training and information sessions to dis-
problems of shared resources must be a primary cuss the system and its reports; and
concern of the implementation team. If inade- hold feedback sessions to gather criticisms,
quate attention is paid at this juncture, the old concerns, and problems with the ABM system
adage of garbage ingarbage out can become from affected managers.
a reality.
Personal resistance to change is the major
Analyzing Data and Documenting Results behavioral barrier facing any change effort. ABM
At this point in the ABM implementation, new is not immune to this problem. Inertia, the ten-
information becomes available to managers at dency of a body at rest to remain at rest, is as
all levels of the organization. It is a moment of common a problem to human organisms as it is
truth, one that brings with it its own unique chal- to a rock. It takes energy to move away from the
lenges and pitfalls, including: status quo, to embrace a new way of thinking
about and doing work. With this newness comes
managers do not take action on the ABM infor- the risk arising from fear of the unknown, lack of
mation; understanding of the new system, and uncertain-
no activities are eliminated; ty regarding how ABM will affect their job, perfor-
cost drivers are not evaluated; mance, and standing in the organization.
some parties are adversely affected by the
ABM information; and In many ways, ABM leaves managers feeling they
a high degree of disbelief in the new numbers are playing the same old game with a new set of
develops. rules. Accounting is the language of business, a
dialect that defines success and failure, objectives


and results. ABM changes this language in many An ABM system will provide new information and
subtle and not so subtle ways. The impact of insights, but unless it is acted upon, no benefits
these changes hits hardest the people who knew will be reaped. Effort must be made to empha-
the old game well, the former stars of the size the decisions ABM information can support,
organization. These stars normally have signifi- not the value of the numbers themselves. Time
cant personal power and influence; when they must be spent familiarizing managers with this
are uncomfortable, major barriers to change are information and finding ways to apply it effective-
created. ly to issues that matter to them. Several ways
the nonuse pitfall can be addressed include:
At the departmental level, ABM meets another
implementation challenge. ABM does not focus place more emphasis on involving managers
on departments and functions; it is defined on from across the organization in the design and
activities that are often cross-functional in development of the ABM system;
nature. To managers accustomed to a functional spend more time training managers how to
structure, it is very difficult to understand what use the information;
ABM really means and how it can be used effec- set specific objectives for the ABM system that
tively. The shift to a nonfunctional, interdepart- tie directly to the types of decisions it is meant
mental focus can prove very valuable to the to support;
organization as a whole, but it can also pose a target certain managers who are most likely to
very real threat to the power wielded by individ- use and benefit from the ABM system;
ual departments. identify a champion in the organization who will
use ABM and encourage others to use it; and
One key to overcoming these fears is training. consider a pilot ABM system to generate infor-
The use of role playing, simulation-based sce- mation for specific decisions so early success-
nario analysis, and case exercises can help es can be achieved.
employees learn about a new system and its
impact. Through play, threatened individuals The pitfalls and challenges in the data analysis
can find new ways to succeed using approaches and documentation phase shape the future of
and information more closely tied to the strate- any ABM system. Spending time to familiarize
gic and operational goals of a process-driven people with the system, to deal consciously and
organization. actively with the politics of change, and to medi-
ate the risk and fear individuals experience is as
If the resistance encountered is judged to be too important as getting the numbers right. ABM is
large to manage through training alone, it may an information system; if the information is not
become necessary to add a layer of detail to the used, it is useless.
ABM system at the intradepartmental level.
Activity costs may then be rolled up from the Developing an Ongoing Data Collection and
data at the departmental level. While this solution Reporting System
adds cost and complexity to the ABM system, it
may provide the essential compromise needed Moving from planning to implementation and into
to gain departmental and organizational support. operation is the natural sequence of any suc-
cessful project. As this transition takes place, it


becomes increasingly important to solidify the use graphics and summary figures as the pri-
project and its gains and to create sustainable mary report, providing detailed information in
frameworks for action. While the need to create an appendix or query format;
effective, efficient data collection and reporting use innovative data display and user interfaces;
systems is essential to any ABM effort, it is also and
a stage fraught with its own potential pitfalls, provide users with the flexibility and capability
including: to build customized reports.

driver data collection is primarily manual; Reports that are difficult to understand are not
no provision is made for the regular updating going to be used. Complex formats and excessive-
of the ABM information; ly detailed reports do not reflect favorably on the
reports do not contain the information man- financial department. They simply suggest to users
agers need or want; that whoever prepared the report was not trained to
reports are too long; communicate information effectively and efficiently.
reports contain too many numbers;
a very small font must be used to get all the A report that is easily readable but that arrives
numbers on one sheet, making them unread- too late is also of little value. Interactive, real-
able; time desktop reporting and analysis systems
unnecessary accounting terminology is used in and tools provide a way to reduce the physical
the reports; effort required to get information to managers
it takes too long to capture the data; and who need it. Another way to ensure information
labor collection, if used, is cumbersome. is there when it is needed, and only when it is
needed, is to link report frequency with the deci-
Technologies such as bar coding and imaging sions they support. Strategic decisions do not
can help a company deal with some of these require daily information; the detail would hide
data-driven problems, but the key to their the major trends essential to managers at this
solution lies in good planning. Some ways in level. Monthly reports are too late for operating
which an ABM implementation can plan for and managers who are putting out fires and actively
overcome these data and reporting pitfalls are: managing day-to-day detail.

minimize the effort required to reconcile data Users, the customers of the ABM system, should
and balance reports, as well as to update and be actively recruited to provide guidance in the
maintain the system; creation of reports and the development of deci-
develop a written plan for how the system will sion support tools using the ABM database.
affect decision making. Note what the deci- What information do they, the users, need and
sions are, how the system will help in making want? Have the reports been explained to users
them, whose responsibility they are, and when so they can use and understand them? To find
they will be made; answers to these questions, management
avoid complexity when possible; accountants must get close to the organization,
involve information services systems people leave the safety of their offices, and actively
early in the ABM system design and develop- engage in dialogue with individuals at every level
ment stages; and functional area within the company.


Achieving Full Integration its own, leaving the land of novelty and entering
Full integration of ABM information with the exist- into the world of value creation and continuous
ing data and report structures of the organization improvement. No longer a new tool or interesting
signals a mature implementation. Once integrated, project, a mature ABM system can be linked with
the ABM data can be fine-tuned and directed other forms of information to create a balanced,
toward areas of major need or opportunity, yield- well-developed analysis of past, current, and
ing value-added analysis and decision support. It future performance.
is at this stage that the ABM system comes into

Short & Long-Range Value Propositions &

Planning Business Model

Close gaps Vision/Mission Strategy/

Strategy Objectives/ Operational Plan
analyze gaps
Execution Processes Execution
of strategy
of strategy

Measurements: Process Dimensions ABM

Deploy Benchmark Baseline & SWOT
Choose metrics Assessment

operational plan

Process Dimensions Legend

Technology Delivery SWOT: Strengths, weaknesses,
Quality Capacity opportunities & threats
Facilities Environmental
People Financial QTCPS: Quality, time, cost,
productivity & satisfaction

ABM: Activity-based

Source: Player and Keys, 1995: 155.

Source: Player and Keys, 1995: 155.


While it is difficult to argue with the fact that full marking and target costing;
integration is a desirable goal for the ABM sys- linking the ABM information system directly to
tem, this final stage still suffers its own set of compensation;
unique pitfalls, such as: transferring ownership of the system to line
no formal system exists for documenting sug- implementing and emphasizing continuous
gestions for improvement in the ABM system; improvement;
there is no champion of the ABM system who training managers on how to use the ABM
uses ABM and encourages others to use it; information; and
no one has taken ownership for the system in not defining the implementation as an
decision making; accounting project.
the ABM project is seen as another competing
improvement program, or worse, another man- To stop short of full integration of the ABM system
agement fad; and is to leave the organization open to downstream
excessive emphasis is placed on cost reduc- problems, including the gradual erosion of
tion rather than increasing profits or creating a confidence in the ABM system, its isolation from
sustainable competitive advantage. mainstream operations, and the potential for dis-
agreement between the information generated
An organization at the full integration stage of by the ABM system and other information
ABM implementation is not looking at success or sources in the organization. Careful analysis of
failure but rather the payoff it will receive for the the existing management control process of the
investment made in creating and maintaining organization, its culture, decision-making style,
this new form of information. Since achieving a and related key factors can make it easier to
high payback on every investment made is one match the key features of the ABM system
of the determinants of long-term profitability and against existing structures and practices.
success, reaching the integrated level of perfor-
mance is vitally important. Exhibit 5 details the Only full integration can ensure that everyone
role the fully integrated ABM system plays at receives the same clear, unambiguous informa-
AT&T Paradyne. tion when exploring an area of opportunity or
managing existing processes. Keeping everyone
What solutions can be used when pitfalls are involved with the ABM system and its integrity,
plaguing a company seeking full integration? through rewards, culture, and compensation, can
Approaches include: guarantee the project evolves into a sustained
effort. People support what they create. An ABM
integrating and linking ABM with existing system that is alive, open to change, and improv-
performance measurement systems, improve- ing through the input and direction of the people
ment initiatives, reward systems, value-based who use it is a success.
management, strategic and operations planning,
training and education initiatives, management The pitfalls and solutions described here have
control systems, and core competencies; been developed through the experience of organ-
ensuring that system design specifications izations across the globe that have implemented
take into account techniques such as bench- ABM. Having laid out the path to this accomplish-


ment, what best practices have emerged? These Systems integration can occur at different
lessons from the field complete the picture of levels across one organization (by functions,
what does, and does not, support the successful regions, processes, or the enterprise as a whole)
implementation and operationalization of ABM. or across multiple organizations. Efficient
customer response (ECR) is a good example of
VIII. BEST PRACTICES IN ABM systems integration across the value chain
In 1997, the American Productivity and Quality (suppliers, producers, distributors, retailers, etc.).
Center (APQC) and Arthur Andersen collaborated
to conduct and publish a major research project The Activity-Based Information System (ABIS) at
on ABM implementation. The areas of focus for BellSouth is a large-scale, fully integrated system.
this project were systems, reporting, and trans- The basic system architecture is a database
fer of ownership best practices. (Oracle/Visual Basic application running in a
client/server environment) linked to and integrated
Systems Best Practices with source financial (cost) transactions and
Companies are investing increasing amounts operation information and transactions from
of resources in systems integration and sys- existing information and reporting systems.
tems linkages.
Data integrity is given high priority by best prac- Reporting Best Practices
tice firms. Customization of reports is viewed as an ongo-
Access to information is viewed as a key issue ing part of systems development.
in the successful use of ABM information sys- There is greater recognition of the benefits of
tems. reports comparing costs (and other variables)
Timing and its multiple dimensions are central across multiple units.
in systems decisions. Reports at best-practice companies give high prior-
The information system resource commit- ity to revenue enhancements and value creation.
ments made by best practice companies are Innovative data display/user interface is
appropriate to the decision applications. viewed as a high priority.

ABM best-practice companies place significant ABM information is communicated to the organiza-
emphasis on installing systems, procedures, and tion through reports, reporting capability, and
methods to collect and report activity-based access to information contained in databases.
information on an ongoing basis. Systems inte- Organizations design and implement ABM reports
gration and linkages are emphasized for several and reporting capability to provide cost and perfor-
reasons. The first reason is one of cost. ABM mance information about key and significant activ-
systems not integrated and linked to the existing ities, the cost of products, services, customers,
financial and operations systems of the compa- distribution channels, and other organization-spe-
ny are difficult and expensive to update and cific cost objectives. They also design reports and
maintain. Another reason is one of timeliness. reporting capability to track the resource and
Linkage and integration to existing systems activity drivers used to trace, assign, and allocate
ensures that ABM reports are available at the costs. Reports and reporting capability highlight
same, or nearly the same, time as other financial the costs for nonvalue-added activities and
and operating reports. identify opportunities and cost drivers.


At best-practice companies, reports are sions and effect changes in the organization.
designed so users can view information from Likewise, nothing may be more difficult.
many perspectives, in differing formats, and in
relationship to other data. Many of the best-prac- Many of the ABM best practices developed in
tice organizations use flexible executive informa- leading edge firms reflect the lessons learned
tion systems (EIS) to generate reports and infor- from managing the ABM project through its
mation online to users. Graphical and other inno- stages and their pitfalls. For each of these organ-
vative report displays are used to illustrate izations, the key has been to continue to strive
important aspects of reports. for improvement in the quality, relevance, and
actionability of their ABM systems. Responding
The CIS reporting capability at Caterpillar pro- to customer demands, and seeking out the
vides both summarized reports of product cost criticisms and concerns that can undermine the
by prime vehicle and drill-down capability to offer system, leads to best-practice performance for
all the details of the component making up the adopting organizations. Achieving ABM best
vehicle at the various inventoried levels. Roll-up practice is a journey, not a destination.
reports of prime product cost with supporting
detail are available down to the lowest nut-and- IX. CONCLUSION
bolt level. After many years of experiments, successes, fail-
ures, and learning, ABM systems are proving
Transfer of Ownership Best Practices they are here to stay. Much more than another
Linking ABM information to operational form of accounting, ABM in best-practice firms
goals/objectives and improvement initiatives lies at the heart of the decision-support process.
is crucial for success. Integrating ABM within the total information and
Successful pilot tests/efforts prove the value management control system of the organization
of ABM initiatives through early wins. can lead to quantum improvements as vital links
ABM implementations should be operationally between operations and strategy, processes and
funded and operations driven. customers, value and cost are defined, meas-
Linking ABM information systems to compen- ured, and understood.
sation encourages operational and user owner-
ship. Achieving these results requires an organization
to understand and address the common pitfalls
The real value and power of ABM come from the and barriers to success at every stage of imple-
knowledge and information leading to better mentation. Whether during planning, activity
decisions and improvement. If people in the analysis, costing, documentation, data gathering
organization do not use the information (for and analysis, development of the data collection
whatever reason), the only creations are the and reporting system, or achieving full integra-
sunk cost of development and implementation tion, the ABM system must include and draw on
and the ongoing cost of maintaining the system the insights of the people who will use it. When
until it is retired. Nothing may be more important the people using the system take ownership, the
to a successful ABM implementation than implementation is a success.
achieving ownership and accountability by the
people who use ABM information to make deci-


Successful implementation of ABM will not look As best-practice firms have found, the ultimate
the same in every organization or follow the payback for their ABM investment comes when
same path. Tailored to the unique strategy, struc- the system achieves full integration with other
ture, capabilities, and needs of the firm, ABM is information and management support systems.
a universally useful concept and system that can Integration is not an end point, though. It is,
take on a multitude of shapes and uses. ABM rather, a significant milestone in the ABM journey
data should meet the needs of the companys to create a dynamic and relevant knowledge
decision makers and support their efforts to cre- base on which to build and support a sustain-
ate value for all stakeholders. The final measure able competitive advantage. ABM is intricately
of ABM success, then, is its use. ABM should linked to the growth and long-term health of
drive change across the organization as new the organization.
opportunities and innovative solutions to prob-
lems are revealed.


X. APPENDIX respective databases of drivers. The concept of

a trigger, the link between the occurrence of a
Expanded CAM-I Based Management Model cost driver and the initiation of action in an activ-
Two expanded models for the depiction of ABC ity, is also illustrated in the expanded ABC
and ABM within best-practice organizations have model.
been developed by CAM-I. These models provide
a more realistic view of what actually takes place The next exhibit details the CAM-1 expansion of
in an organization adopting ABM than the earlier the ABM model. It depicts the key relationship
model depicted in the Institute of Management between ABC and the management analysis
Accountants SMA 4T. Depicted in the expanded tools needed for an organization to reap the full
ABC model below are the resource cost assign- benefits of ABM. ABC is a methodology that can
ment and activity cost assignment and their yield significant information about cost drivers,


Cost Assignment View


cost Resource
assignment drivers

Cost Activity Performance

drivers trigger Activities measures

Activity cost Activity

assignment drivers

Cost objects

Source: CAM-I.
Source: CAM-I.



Cost Assignment View

Activity analysis

Cost Activities Performance Cost driver

drivers measures analysis


Source: CAM-I.
Source: CAM-I.

activities, resources, and performance meas- choose the software after the ABM system has
ures, while ABM offers the organization the been designed.
opportunity to improve the value of its products
and services to stakeholders. A key issue for an organization seeking to evalu-
ate and choose a specific ABM software package
Checklist for Evaluating ABM Software is whether to implement the system through a
Packages stand-alone (or networked) PC or to integrate the
Software selection can occur at either the begin- system online with existing financial and opera-
ning or the end of the ABM implementation. tional systems. This stand-alone approach often
Uniformity versus customized fit is the criteri- works best for an initial implementation, provid-
on that should drive the timing of the software ing a means to gain hands-on experience before
choice. If made at the beginning, the software attempting to define the ABM system within the
choice will shape the nature of the ABM models larger information architecture of the firm.
and reports developed. In some organizations,
removing this ambiguity at the early stages of Each of the major software programs for ABM
the project may be desirable, especially if multi- accepts general ledger cost and operations data
site implementations requiring compatible down- and reformats and reports the cost information
stream data are being undertaken. When man- in activity format based on the resource and
agement is more concerned with capturing the activity driver assumptions specified in the sys-
essential nature of the organizations processes tem. Some examples of available software and
and costs, though, it may make more sense to vendors include:


NetProphet II (Sapling Software); The exhibit on the next page details a checklist
Easy ABC Plus/OROS (ABC Technologies); for evaluating ABM software applications. Five
DaCapo Process Manager (ABM-1); key areas of evaluation are captured: vendor
CMS-PC (ICMS); characteristics, general characteristics, docu-
CASSO (Automation Consulting); mentation provided, conversion costs, and cost
HyperABC (Armstrong Laing); of the new system. The individual elements of
TRIACM (Deloitte & Touche); this list may not apply to all settings. Relevant
Activa (Price Waterhouse); criteria should be the focus. It is also useful to
Profit Manager Plus 3 (KPMG Peat Marwick); weight the features based on perceived impor-
and tance to the company, its strategic and opera-
ABCost Manager (Coopers and Lybrand). tional objectives, and the overall success of the
ABM effort. Finally, it is important to assess the
Many of the enterprise resource planning sys- vendor, seeking references and insights from
tems (ERP) are also developing or are incorporat- existing customers wherever possible.
ing ABC and ABM support modules.
The right ABM software decision and subsequent
Criteria to be considered in selecting a software integration is driven by four steps: (1) defining
package include price, available features, the business purposes the system will serve
product and user support, and ease of use and (strategic, financial, operation); (2) determining
user interfaces. If target costing, budgeting, or the implementation approach (stand-alone, one-
customer profitability analysis is to play a central time analysis, ongoing or repetitive analysis, or
role in the ABM systems use, the support of an integrated system); (3) evaluating software
these features must be a key choice criterion. trade-offs; and (4) analyzing the cost benefit of
Finally, the track record of a software provider in selection. Each implementation approach has its
terms of ongoing expansions and updates can place, and each may suggest different software
play an important part in choosing a software solutions.



Vendor Characteristics Documentation Provided

Length of time in business System flowchart
Publicly or privately held Logic diagram
Dollar volume of software sales for Program listings
last financial period File layout(s)
D & B rating (if available) Input/output formats
Size of technical staff Operator manuals
Years of experience
Equipment capabilities Conversion Costs
Language proficiencies
Additional programs needed to
convert/build files
General Characteristics Direct clerical effort
How many times it has been sold Management involvement
Price structure for package Education
What is included in the price
Restrictions on use/sale of package Cost of New System
Minimum equipment configuration Processing cost
required Equipment configuration charges
Language used Additional peripheral equipment
Estimated run times Input preparation
1. Program by program Output handling
2. Total system Audit and control costs
Estimated life of package Continuing education (at any and
all levels)
Program modification
Additional documentation

Source: Miller, 1996: 190.

Source: Miller, 1996: 190.


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