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Your digital footprint can be wiped clean 10/14 correct responses OF Couse, you 4 (28.6%) ¥ Not realy, yo 40(71.4%) There is proper etiquette for using social media 18/14 oomect responses No, ny pages. 4 (0.1%) # Yes, stoud. 13,829) oo 25 50 75 00 25 150 Personal social media is okay to use at work 12/1 corect responses ‘Sue twit make, (7.1%) Noneven| 1 (71%) 4 tecepens en. 42 (657%) 00 25 50 7s 100 5 160 I can promote my job on social media 18/18 comect responses ¥ Oni tte co. 43 (100%) ‘tts my person...|-0 (0%) Astong ast doi.|-0(0%) 00 26 50 18 100 128 180 What is digital footprint? 14/14 comrect responses How many natu. |-0 (0%) ‘our shoes szel 0 (0%) The cighalim, 4 (100%) 00 25 50 15 100 128 160

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