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Rate of Capillary Rise in Porous Media with Nonuniform Pores

F. A. L. D U L L I E N , M. S. EL-SAYED, AND V. K. B A T R A 1
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Received June 21, 1976; accepted September 24, 1976

An equation for the rate of capillary rise in porous media with nonuniform pores has been derived
on the basis of a three-dimensional network model of pore structure, consisting of a repeating capillary
element with step changes in its diameter. The measured rates of capillary rise of water in a number
of sandstone samples have been accurately predicted by the model. The apparent capillary diameter
for the rate of the capillary rise has been found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than the
pore diameter corresponding to the peak of the mercury intrusion porosimetry curve. The perme-
ability of the sandstone samples has been found to be approximately directly proportional to the
apparent diameter of the rate of capillary rise. This approximate proportionality has been shown to
follow from the capillary network model of the pore structure used in this work.

INTRODUCTION the above way of looking at the pore structure

Various mass transport phenomena in con- has been quite fruitful in interpreting and
solidated porous media can seldom be inter- predicting transport properties involving
preted in terms of a single "effective" or viscous flow. The applications so far include
hydraulic capillary diameter because of the D a r c y permeabilities (1) and the "paradox,"
complexity of pore structure in such systems pointed out by Klinkenberg (5), of calculating
(e.g., (1-3)). In consolidated porous media the smaller pore sizes in sandstone from a miscible
pore structure is probably best modeled by displacement breakthrough profile than b y
three-dimensional networks of capillary tubes conventional mercury intrusion porosimetry
of different diameters which are distributed (6).
over the network according to some rule. In the present paper these pore structure
Regular two-dimensional networks of this type, concepts have been applied to the rate of
with the capillaries of different diameters being capillary penetration (capillary rise, imbibition,
randomly distributed over the network, were infiltration, wetting, etc.) in consolidated
introduced the first time by F a t t (4). porous media.
As pointed out by Dullien (1-3), in pore The rate of capillary rise in vertical cylin-
networks there are parallel paths (in the sense drical capillaries, after a very short initial
of the word used in electrical circuitry) of unsteady-state period (7), is given b y the
different effective mean diameters and con- equation (22)
ductivities and, along each path, capillary dh r2pg (he -- h)
segments of different effective diameters alter- -- = - - , [i]
dt 87 h
nate serially, in a quasi-periodic manner. Owing
to the well-known sensitivity of flow to the where h and ho are the height at time t and the
value of the pore diameter, in Poiseuille flow equilibrium height of the capillary rise,
it varies as the diameter to the fourth power, respectively; r is capillary radius; p and ~ are
liquid density and viscosity, respectively; and
i PEDCO, Cincinnati, Ohio. g is the constant of gravitational acceleration.

Copyright ~ 1977 by Academic Press, Inc. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved, ISSN 0021-9797

For packing of narrow sieve fractions of
coarse, rotund particles, order-of-magnitude
agreement between values of k calculated from
capillary rise measurements via Eq. [2-] and
those predicted by Eq. [-3-] has been reported
It is well known (e.g., (9)) that the Carman-
?. Kozeny equation and the hydraulic radius
concept seldom apply to consolidated porous
media. As the permeabilities of a number of
sandstone samples had been determined in
these laboratories (10, 11) it was logical to
test the consistency of Eqs. ['2-] to [-4"] in the
case of sandstones. The rate of capillary rise
measurements performed with the same sand-
stone samples, however, resulted in hydraulic
diameters (in this work the term "apparent
diameter" will be used instead) that gave
completely unrealistic permeabilities via
Eqs. [-21 to [-4"].
FIG. 1. Capillary rise in a cylindrical tube with The expression derived in this work for the
periodic step changesin its diameter.
rate of capillary rise in a cylindrical tube with
periodic step changes in its diameter has
By equating d h / d t to the Dupuit-average
predicted the rates of capillary rise observed
pore velocity, van Brakel (8) has suggested
in various sandstone samples with a remarkable
that the corresponding equation for porous
accuracy, in most cases. The input for the
media (at least for packings of course, rotund
model consists of two pore size distributions,
particles) is
determined by two independent methods, i.e.,
dh he - - h (a) mercury porosimetry, and (b) photo-
- = k - - , [-2"]
micrography of polished sections, evaluated
dt h
by using the principles of quantitative stere-
where e is the void fraction of the packing ology or geometrical probability (12-16).
and k is a Darcy permeability with the dimen-
sions of velocity, and k is given by the Carman- RATE OF CAPILLARY RISE IN A
k = . [-31 The tube considered here consists of a basic
n k'(1 -- ~)2S~
unit which is repeated a very large number of
The Kozeny constant k' ~ 5 (3) and S is the times in a macroscopic system (see Fig. 1).
specific surface of the packing, ho is the equi- The basic unit has been assumed to consist of
librium height of the capillary rise, given by a series of cylindrical segments of different
the relationship diameters Dj (j = 1, 2, . . . , n).
The lengths li of segments j have been
ho = ~ cos O/rhog, [-4]
normalized on the arbitrary basis lm~,~ = Dm~,,,
where ~, is the surface tension of the liquid, 0 is where Dm~ is the diameter of the largest seg-
the contact angle; and rh is the hydraulic ment, i.e., l~ = ( V f f V ..... )(Dm~x3/Dj2), where
radius of the medium. Vj and Vm~ are the volumes occupied in the
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3. July 1977

sample by "pores" of diameter Di and D . . . . sample can be simulated with regular cubic
respectively. It is important to point out that networks of arbitrary orientation with respect
the values lj (j = 1, 2, . . . , n) are not neces- to the macroscopic flow direction. The theo-
sarily in the same proportions as the lengths of retical value of the geometrical tortuosity
the individual "pores" of diameter Dj. in the factor is equal to 3 for both random and cubic
sample which have been found photomicro- networks (3).
graphically (10, 13, 17) to be of the same order This result is assumed in the present work
of magnitude as the corresponding Di. The and, for simplicity, the rate of capillary rise is
length of the basic unit is negligibly small as calculated in a single tube of random orienta-
compared with the macroscopic height of
tion with periodic step changes in diameter,
capillary rise, h, at any time during the
as shown in Fig. 1.
capillary rise experiment.
The rate of capillary rise in a consolidated
porous medium is modeled by a three- Derivation of Rate Expression
dimensional interconnected network consisting
of tubes shown in Fig. 1. It has been shown (1) The average rate of capillary rise, v,v, in a
that in isotropic media the random or irregular tube such as that shown diagrammatically in
network of capillaries present in an actual Fig. 1, is defined as

dheff length of periodically repeating basic unit

~)av - - [51
dt time it takes the liquid meniscus to travel the length of basic unit '

where heff is the effective distance traveled in of the basic unit, ~slj is the length of the basic
the tube by the liquid meniscus from time unit, and heff is that tube length, consisting of
t = 0 when it was at the same elevation as the a large number of basic units, over which the
bulk liquid surface. In Eq. [-51 it has been pressure drop is AP. It has been shown (e.g.,
assumed that the length of the basic unit is (8)) for cylindrical capillaries of uniform
very small as compared with the dimensions diameter, D, that the Hagen-Poiseuille equa-
of the macroscopic system and, therefore, v~v tion adequately represents the rate of capillary
will be treated as a point function of hell. In a rise if AP is expressed as
random network in general, heff> h, where h
is the macroscopically observed depth of A P = 4"y/D -- pgh, [.71
penetration measured perpendicularly with
respect to the front of the liquid advancing in where complete wetting by the liquid has been
the sample. assumed.
If the Hagen-Poiseuille equation is applied It is assumed here that Eq. [-7~, if used in
to each capillary segment, it can be readily conjunction with Eq. [-61, will result in the
shown that the volumetric flow rate Q, correct Q for the tube shown in Fig. 1.
through the tube shown in Fig. 1, is It is noted that the step changes in D result
in predicting stepwise variations in Q as the
7r zXP meniscus passes into a segment of a different
Y'~ l~/Y~ ( l j D i 4) [-6-] diameter; i.e.,
Q = 12s, ,
7r 4~,/Dk -- pgh
where li and Di are the length and diameter, Qk = - - lj/Z (ljD/) , [.8-]
respectively, of segment j (j = 1, 2 , . . . , n) 1287 s i heff
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977

where Qk denotes the flow rate when the Thus, Eq. [12] can be expected to approximate
meniscus is in a capillary segment of diameter the physical reality reasonably well.
Dk (k = 1, 2 , . . . , n ) . The time spent, tk, by It was found convenient to test Eq. [-12-] by
the meniscus in segment k is found by com- performing capillary rise experiments in sand-
bining Eq. [8] with the relation stone samples, using water at room tempera-
tures, and calculate the "apparent capillary
D21r lk [9] diameter," D~pp from the measured rates by
Q~ = - - -
4 t, the customary (Washburn) equation (e.g.,
resulting in the expression dh/dt = 3"Dapp/Snh, [13-]
t~ = 32~lhoulk Y~. (lHD~)(Dk/D~)3/ where the term pgh has been dropped because
1-107 in the laboratory capillary rise experiments
(43' -- pghDk) ~_, lj.
i with sandstones it was found small compared
with the capillary pressure 47/D, i.e., h << he.
Combining the definition of the rate of capillary Making the same approximation in Eq. [123,
rise v,~ (Eq. [5]), using the appropriate comparison between Eqs. [12] and [13] results
symbols, i.e., in the following theoretical expression for the
apparent capillary diameter.
~av ~- .... X ldZ, t~, [n] hdh
dt k Dcpp = - - ( ~ lk)2
he,dh., k
with Eq. [-10] results in the following expres-
Z t~ Z q/Dj) (nk/Di)3] -'. [14]
sion for va~. k k

dhaf By the usual definition of "tortuosity," T,

v~ = - - = (E l~)~
dt k houdhaf/hdh = T. [15-]
X [ 3 2 . h e f f ~ lk Z J (lJ/nj)(Dk/n$)3] -1 For random or regular cubic networks of
capillaries it has been shown that T = 3
[12] (e.g., (3)). Hence, Eq. ['14] becomes
A few remarks are in order in connection (n,vp),~,ca = -~(Y'. lk)~
with Eq. [12-]. First of all, since the capillary k
segments in actual porous media are short, X [ E lk Z (lffn~)(Dk/n~)3-] -I. [163
often with a length-to-diameter ratio of order 1, k i
it is not likely that Qk will be given accurately
Equation [16] gives the apparent capillary
by Eq. [8] because insufficient time is spent
diameter in terms of pore structure data, based
by the meniscus in the individual segments for
on the model shown in Fig. 1. Values of the
a new steady state to be reached. It is evident
apparent diameter calculated by Eq. [16-],
from Eq. [10], however, that tk increases very
(D, pp)eal~, are compared below with the
rapidly with Dk. Hence, Y~.ktk in Eq. [11] is
corresponding measured values, (D~pp). . . . ,
determined by the time spent by the meniscus
obtained by Eq. [13-].
in the largest segments. On the other hand,
physically speaking, the relatively long time
Pore Structure Data for Eq. [16]
spent by the meniscus in the widest segments,
corresponding to the lowest value of Qk, can The type of pore structure data required to
be expected to determine the rate of a near evaluate Eq. [-16] was not available until
steady rise throughout a basic capillary unit. recently. Dullien and co-workers (12, 14, 17)
Journalof Colloidand InterfaceScience,Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977

have determined the pore size distribution of

i'~ I 2 5 4 5 6 Di
7 8
many sandstone samples by two different and i

independent techniques: (a) the conventional

E I 0.8 1.0 3.9 9.2 8.1 6.4 4.5 1.4!4.25
mercury intrusion porosimetry, and (b) a 2 0 0.3 5.4 9.5 8.6 6.6 3.1 i1.0 9.'/5
photomicrographic method, based on scanning 5 0 0 1.5 I0 8.6 6,0 4.5 1,9 15.5
polished sections of the sample and the use of
Dj 4.259.'/5 15.5 5 0 50 70 90 I10
methods of quantitative stereology to calculate
the distribution of three-dimensional pore Fio. 2. Bivariate pore size distribution of a sandstone,
sizes (e.g., 12, 14-16). For a few sandstones a calculated from the m e r c u r y porosimetry and the
more detailed "bivariate" pore size distribution photomicrographic pore size distribution (D in
has also been determined (13). The size distri- micrometers).
bution of such pores as have been invaded by
a nonwetting phase (in these experiments: lowest saturation (usually 10-15~o of the pore
Wood's metal) has been measured for various space) at which the mercury first forms a
values of the capillary pressure. (For more continuous conducting phase in the sample.
details see Ref. (13).) An example for a The capillary paths penetrated at this point
bivariate pore size distribution estimated on are relatively few and far apart. The second
the basis of the mercury porosimetry and point is the point of inflection on the cumula-
photomicrographic pore size distribution (1) tive intrusion curve, corresponding to a very
detailed penetration of the pore network
is shown in Fig. 2. Index i (i = 1, 2, . . . , m)
denotes the pore of entry and index j (j = 1, (usually around 50% saturation).
2 , . . . , n ) denotes any pore; D~ is the pore It has been assumed in this work that the
entry diameter and Di is the diameter of any rate of capillary rise of a completely wetting
pore. Vii is the pore volume percentage in thefluid is controlled by those pores which have
sample of "pores" having diameter Dj that been penetrated by the mercury (a nonwetting
were penetrated by the invading nonwetting fluid!) at the point of inflection of the mercury
phase through necks of size Di. The bivariate porosimetry curve. The physical reason for
pore size distribution concept is used in the this assumption is that whereas the rate of
numerical evaluation of Eq. 1-163. capillary rise is fastest in those capillaries
which are penetrated by the mercury at the
Rather than using the length, lj in the basic
(first) "critical," or "breakthrough," point,
capillary unit of capillary segments j, often it
is easier to visualize instead the length-to- most of the liquid rising in these is lost to the
diameter ratio as: neighboring narrower capillaries which make
up much of the network.
a ~ - l i D i. 1-17~ Hence the lower limit of capillary diameters
to be used in Eq. [-18~ is the value at the peak
After the introduction of aj., Eq. 1-163 of the mercury porosimetry curve, whereas
becomes the upper limit was found from the photo-
(D~pp)~lcd = ( E akDk) 2 micrographic pore size distribution of the
k sample. Both values were taken from Batra's
dissertation (17) and they are listed in Table I.
X E~-~akDk Z a~(Dk/Dj)3] -'. E18~
k j The coefficients aj have been estimated as
follows. The sum of the coefficients Vii in any
Cumulative mercury intrusion porosimetry column j of the bivariate distribution (Fig. 2),
curves of sandstones and many other porous summing from the bottom of the table up to
media exhibit two important characteristic the particular value of the pore entry diameter
points. The first one is the "critical," or (in the table denoted by D0 corresponding to
"breakthrough," point, corresponding to the the point of inflection, gives the volume
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977

Summary of Results
Sandstone h2/t Di~f pt /)max (Dapp)meM (D*pp)eal*d * k k/(Dapp)m~)
(cm2/sec) (~m) (~m) (~m) (zm) (fraction) (cm~ X l0 n) (pm)

Bandera 0.0010 5.0 120 0.0055 0.0069 0.191 8.6 1.564

Clear Creek 0.0055 8.0 110 0.031 0.029 0.191 95 3.065
Noxie 129 0.0060 8.5 120 0.033 0.035 0.283 148 4.485
Cottage Grove 0.010 11.0 120 0.056 0.073 0.216 116 2.071
Big Clifty 0.010 9.0 100 0.056 0.061 0.192 164 2.929
Torpedo 0.020 12.0 110 0.11 0.10 0.246 184 1.673
St. Meinrad 0,025 14.1 120 0.14 0.14 0.247 210 1.500
Berea 108 0.025 26.0 180 0.14 0.47 0.178 613 4,378
Boise 0.60 47.0 180 3.3 3.1 0.232 5372 1,628

percentage of all pores of diameter D~. which The normalized coefficients aj. are shown in
are p e n e t r a t e d b y the nonwetting phase a t Table I I for one of the sandstone samples.
this point. This sum of V~i, denoted here b y Vy,
is thus calculated as EXPERIMENTAL

(Di) inf pt
T h e rate of the capillary rise of aqueous
Vi= X Vii. [-191 2 % NaC1 solutions in rod-shaped sandstone
(D~),..~ samples was measured. As one end of the
sample was contacted with the solution, con-
Assuming cylindricalcapillaries,
tained in a large, tightly sealed glass vessel,
V~ = (Dj2~r/4)li. [-203 an electrical timer was started. A cathetometer
Thus, was used to determine the position of the
a~ = l/D~ = ( 4 / ~ ) ( V j / D ? ) . [21~ b o u n d a r y of the solution rising in the sample.
T h e b o u n d a r y was sharp in all samples. The
T h e coefficients a~-, obtained b y Eq. [21-], level of the solution in the vessel was used as
have been normalized b y multiplying every d a t u m ( h - - - 0 ) . All the readings were taken
one of them b y (1/aj), corresponding to the
along a straight vertical line drawn on the side
largest pore diameter, (D~-)..... in the sample.
of the sample, parallel to its axis. I t was
observed visually, however, t h a t often the rate
TABLE II of rise was n o t uniform a r o u n d the circum-
Sample Calculation Showing Dependence of ference of the sample. The irregular b o u n d a r y
(Dapp)~lcdon the Coefficients aja
Di (..m) (Dapp)ealed TABLE II[
11 60 120 Rate of Capillary Rise in Boise Sandstone

54b 20b 1b 0.064 t h h~/t

(sac) (cm) (cm~/sec)
20 6 1 0.038
10 3 1 0.030 2 0.75 0.3
5 2 1 0.033 8 1.75 0.4
3 1.5 1 0,038 16 2.75 0.5
2 1 1 0.041 24 3.75 0.6
1 1 1 0.073 38 4.75 0.6
56 5.75 0.6
a Sandstone: Cottage Grove; (D.pp)me.~= 0.056 zm. 115 7.75 0.5
b These values were calculated by Eqs. [-19-]to [-21-] 162 8.75 0.5
from the bivariate distribution function.
Journal of Collold and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977

5"2 -



. 3 6

ta 3 2

0 2'8
.c 2.0





o / ' I ' [ ' T T [ 1

0 0'1 0.2 0,3 0"4 0"5 0.6 0.7 0"8 0"9 1.0
I/h, cm-I

FIG. 3. Typical dependence of rate of capillary rise on reciprocal height of rise (Boise sandstone).

of the rising solution projected a very graphic and, therefore, neglecting the term pgh beside
picture of the inhomogeneity of the sample. 4~/D was justified.
I t is easy to show that if pgh m a y be neglected
compared with 47/D then the experimental RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
data m a y be reduced to the form The experimental apparent diameters,
h2 ~(D~.,) ..... (Dapp) ..... for the rate of capillary rise were
-- = - constant. ['22] calculated by Eq. [223, using the values h2/t
t 47
listed in Table I. The values obtained for
Otherwise, the quantity h2/t will decrease with (Dapp) ..... are also listed in the table.
time t. The h~/t data showed no trend indicat- The apparent capillary diameters, (D, pp)~l~,
ing inadmissibility of the above approximation. calculated from pore structure data, using
An example, for the sandstone with the largest Eq. [-183, are listed in Table I alongside the
pores (Boise), is shown in Table I I I . The best corresponding experimental value, (D, pp) ......
values of h~/t for the samples studied in this The agreement between the calculated and
work are listed in Table I. experimental values is generally good, actually
Another check was also run on the data, better than can reasonably be expected from
consisting of plotting dh/dt vs 1/h. A straight the still very crude model of pore structure
line could be fitted to the data in every case, used here.
as shown in Fig. 3. Extrapolating the line to When calculating (D,pp)~alcd it was dis-
dh/dt = 0 gave near zero intercept, 1/h,, in covered that practically the same values were
every case. obtained if all the coefficients aj were set equal
On the basis of the above results it was to 1 in Eq. [-187, resulting in the expression
concluded that the equilibrium height of
(D~pp)~l.d = ~ (E Dk)2['E Dk E (Dk/DJ)3-]-'.
capillary rise, h,, was much greater than the k k j
heights h observed in these rate experiments, [-231
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, V o l . 60, N o . 3, J u l y 1 9 7 7

FIG. 4. Photomicrograph of polished section of "Berea 108" sandstone. (Magnification: X 118.8).

It was also found that it made but a negli- tude smaller than Din~ pt; indeed, it is probably
gible difference if only three capillary diam- smaller than the diameter of the narrowest
eters, Dinf pt, D ...... and (Dinf pt -~- Dmax)/2, capillary in the sample. The explanation of
were used instead of the more detailed distribu- this curious phenomenon is that whereas the
tion such as that shown in Fig. 2. resistance to capillary rise is determined by
The effect of the values of coefficients aj on the smallest diameter along the capillary
the calculated values of (Dapp)calod is illustrated ("neck" diameter), on the other hand, the
by a sample calculation in Table II. The trend driving force is determined by the largest
displayed by these results is typical of all the diameter ("bulge" diameter), resulting in the
other samples as well. As is evident from the observed abnormally low rates of capillary rise.
table, the coefficients aj obtained from the The photomicrographs of sections through
bivariate pore size distribution resulted in good Berea 108 samples saturated with Wood's
agreement with (Dapp)..... On decreasing the metal show a different type of pore structure
a~. gradually toward unity, (D~pp)caloa also than those of the other sandstones (see Fig. 4),
decreased until, after reaching a shallow mini- which may help to explain the discrepancy ob-
mum, (D~pp)o~loa started to increase again. served in Table I for this sample. There was
In the end, for a y = 1 ( j = 1 , 2 , . . . , n ) , also an abnormally great formation factor
(Dapp)~l~a was again quite close to (D~pp)...... (electric resistivity factor) found for this
The simplification offered by Eq. ['23] per- material (21) (see also Ref. (2)).
mits considerable economy of labor, and it is As is evident from Table I, there is an
also important to be aware of the fact that an approximate proportionality between Dapp and
accurate knowledge of aj. is not essential to the measured permeability. The mean value
obtain a good agreement with experiment. of the ratio k/(D~pp). . . . is 2.6 #m with a mean
It is evident from the data in Table I that deviation of 4-40%. This ratio shows no trend
D~pp is, in most cases, several orders of magni- as (Dapp)..... changes over a range of 600. The
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 60, No. 3, July 1977

permeability of a medium, however, is usually for the various sandstone samples (17). Hence,
proportional to some mean-square capillary the approximate proportionality between k
diameter (e.g., (3)) and, therefore, the simple and D~pp has a plausible explanation in terms
proportionality found here calls for an explana- of the model used.
tion. It was pointed out to the senior author
(F.A.L.D.) by his colleague, Dr. I. F. Mac- CONCLUSIONS
donald, that this result suggests the existence
of a linear dimension which is of about the The rate of capillary rise of 2% NaC1 solu-
same magnitude in all the sandstone samples. tions in various sandstone samples has been
This can indeed be shown to be the case by measured. The "apparent" capillary diameters,
comparing Eq. El8] with the expression (Da,p) ..... obtained from the measured rates
derived for the permeability ki in Ref. (1). by the Washburn equation, were found to be
Written for that part of the pore space several orders of magnitude smaller than the
which is penetrated by the mercury at the pore diameter corresponding to the point of
point of inflection of the cumulative porosim- inflection of the cumulative mercury intrusion
etry curve, and using Eq. [19], this expres- porosimetry curve. The measured apparent
sion takes the form capillary diameters were found to be approxi-
mately proportional to the Darcy permea-
kin~ pt = - - (~_, Vk/Dk~)2/Y:~ Vk Z (Vk/Ok 6) bilities, k, of the samples.
96 k ~ A theoretical expression was derived for the
rate of capillary rise in cylindrical capillaries of
XSinf pt, [24] arbitrary orientation with periodic step changes
where Sinf pt is the fractional saturation of the in their diameters. By comparing the result
sample with respect to mercury at the inflection with the Washburn equation, a theoretical
point. expression was obtained for the apparent
Equation [18] can be readily brought into capillary diameter, (D~pp)cal~d,in terms of pore
the following form by using Eq. [21]. structure data. Two pore size distributions,
the mercury intrusion porosimetry and the
(D~pp)~,~a = (Y:~ Vk/Dk2)2/
k quantitative photomicrographic pore size dis-
tribution, were used to calculate (Dapp)~aCd.
Y:~ VkDk ~_, (Vk/Dk6). [25~ No adjustable parameters were used in the
k k
calculations. Assuming that the diameter of a
Comparing Eqs. E24] and [25] results in the rate-controlling capillary ranged from a mini-
following simple relation between kinf pt and mum value, given by the point of inflection of
the mercury porosimetry curve, to a maximum,
given by the largest pore size obtained from
(D~vv)al,te the photomicrographs, the values obtained
~ i n f pt - -
32 for (Davp)~l~ were generally in good agreement
with the corresponding values of (D~p,)......
X S~, pt ~ V,Dk/Y~ V,. [26] According to the model, the abnormally low
k k
values of D~pp result from the fact that the
As the size of the large pores (bulges) varied in resistance to capillary rise is controlled by the
all the samples only from 100 to 180/~m, the ex- "necks," whereas the driving force (capillary
pression ]~,kVkD~/~kVk is approximately con- pressure) is determined by the "bulges" in
stant for the samples. Similarly, e varies only the capillaries.
from 0.191 to 0.283. The relative (mercury) The approximate proportionality between
permeability at the point of inflection, ki,f ,t/k (Day,) . . . . and k was shown to follow from the
and Si~e ,~ are also approximately constant model of pore structure used for predicting
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, VoL 60, No. 3, July 1977

both the rates of capillary rise and the permea- 11. AZZAM,M. I. S. AND DULLIEN, F. A. L., I ~ EC
bilities of the sandstones. Fundam. 1S, 281 (1976).
12. DOLLIEN, F. A. L. AND DI-IAWAN,G. K., J. Colloid
Interface Sci. 47, 337 (1974).
The financial support of the National Research Interface Sci. 52, 129 (1975).
Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged. F.A.L.D. 14. DULLIEN, F. A. L. AND DHAWAN, G. K., Powder
wishes to thank Dr. E. G. Baker of the Exxon Research Technol. 7, 305 (1973).
and Engineering Company for directing his attention 15. UNDERWOOD, E. E., "Quantitative Stereology,"
to the problems of the rate of capillary rise. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1970.
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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 60. No. 3. July 1977

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