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6.1 Pre-test scores of the pupils when grouped using transition-action-detail strategy and

lecture method.

The result of figure 4 show the percentage distribution of the pretest scores of the pupils using

transition-action-detail strategy and lecture method. In the group of transition-action-detail strategy,

93.3 percent of the pupils did not meet the expectation which has scores of 14 and below, 3.3

percent of the pupils got a score of fairly satisfactory that ranges from 15 to 17 and 3.3 percent of

the pupils has scores which ranges from 18 to 20 which means satisfactory.

In the group of pupils which are exposed to lecture method, 90 percent did not meet the

expectation which has scores of 14 and below and 10 percent of the pupils are fairly satisfactory

which has scores from 15 to 17 and none of them got the score that ranges from 18 to 30.

6.2 Posttest scores of the pupils when grouped using picture word inductive model strategy

and lecture method. (leave)

The result of figure 5 showed the percentage distribution of posttest scores among the pupils

using picture word inductive model strategy and lecture method. In the group of picture word

inductive model strategy, the scores of the pupils were being distributed. 10 percent of the pupils

did not meet the expectation which has scores 14 and below, 33.3 percent of the pupils got the

scores of fairly satisfactory which ranges from 15 to 17, 43.3 percent of the pupils are satisfactory

which ranges from 18 to 20, 6.7 percent got the scores of very satisfactory which ranges from 21

to 23 and 6.7 percent got the scores of outstanding which ranges from 24.30.
6.3 Difference between the pretest score in English of the pupils when grouped using transition-

action-detail strategy and lecture method.

Table 2 shows the difference in the pre-test score between the Transition-Action-Detail

strategy and Lecture Method. The analysis reveals that there is no significant difference in pre-

test score in Transition-Action-Detail strategy and lecture method since the t-value which is -1.02

that correspond to the p-value which is 0.3135 greater than 0.05 level of significance. Therefore

the null hypothesis is not rejected.

6.4 Difference between the posttest scores in English of the pupils when grouped using

transition-action-detail strategy and lecture method.

Table 3 shows the difference in the posttest score between the Transition-Action-Detail

strategy and Lecture Method. The analysis reveals that there is a significant difference in posttest

score between Transition-Action-Detail strategy and lecture method in favor of Transition-Action-

Detail strategy, since the t-value which is 12.86 that correspond to the p-value which is 1.26X10-

18 is lesser than 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.

6.5 Difference between the pretest and posttest scores in English of the pupils in transition-

action-detail strategy and lecture method.

Table 4 shows the difference in the Transition-Action-Detail strategy between Pre-test and

posttest. The analysis reveals that there is a significant difference in Pre-test score and Posttest

score in favor of posttest, since the t-value is -25.70 that correspond to the p-value which is

1.67X10-21 is lesser than 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.

Table 5 shows the difference in the Lecture Method between Pre-test and posttest. The

analysis reveals that there is a significant difference in Pre-test score and Posttest score in favor
of posttest, since the t-value which is 4.23 that correspond to the p-value which is 0.0004 is

lesser than 0.05 level of significance. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.

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