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Marina Estrada

LBS 203 /Tuesday

Philosophy of Education

Purpose of Education

The purpose of education in America is to empower students to reach their full potential

intellectually in a diverse environment, and to establish a worthy objective to live as a member

of society. Education is not only to prepares them for life when they are adults but also to

guides them through as children and adolescence. Students need to learn to think for

themselves and question everything, and be able to demonstrate solutions and explain their


Learning Environment

In the classroom the children should feel cared about by teachers and other students. If

they do not feel emotionally or physically accepted, then they will not share their thoughts and

feelings. The learning environment should be free from harassment, and bullying. Children

learn best when they are motivated to pursue learning on their own than students who are fed

pre-organized information that they are expected to learn in a safe, healthy and supportive

environment which develops compassion and mutual respect ember (Stripling, 2008)). Lastly,

learning should be student centered and fun. Using positive quotes daily will assist with

philosophical thinking with the students with will result in a positive learning environment.
Commitment to Social Justice

A classroom can be a place of hope, where students can get an insight of the

kind of society we could live in. They can create an atmosphere that is equal and respectful to

all others. America is full of people that are culturally diverse, with different languages, and

religions, and more specifically different culture groups. It is important to embraces these

differences and guide the students to using diversity as a positive tool in real life. A teacher can

use a culturally-centered approach in the classroom, and it can help facilitate cultural pride

among diverse students.


The curriculum in schools need to reflect the needs and vision of the future for students.

Common Core and Project based learning is key to success in the schools curriculum. If children

are allowed to use their problem-solving skills and empower them to think creatively, they will

produce changes and new insights in our world, which is very much needed (Larmer &

Mergendoller, 2010). A nation full of children that reach their full potential intellectually, will

establish a worthy objective for them to live as productive members of society. Learning needs

to be more than content knowledge: Students need to know how to demonstrate

independence, problem solve, think critically, use their voice, and seek out answers to their

own questions. Project based learning is the key for student success, and it should be achieved

not by taking rigorous tests, but rather by students demonstrating and being active in their

work. This is important for a teachers successful pedagogical repertoire.


Teachers must be flexible, knowledgeable, patient, organized, and always anticipating

the needs of the students and the classroom. Effective teachers, need to develop contexts that

will support the learning of all their students. Also, teachers are morally responsible to provide

a meaningful learning opportunity for all students (Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005).

Darling-Hammond, L., Bransford, J., & LePage. (2005). Introduction. In Preparing teachers for a

changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do (pp.1-39). San Francisco,

CA: Jossey-Bass.

John Larmer, & John R. Mergendoller. (2010). The Main Course, Not Dessert: How are students

reaching 21st century goals? With 21st century project based learning. Retrieved from

Stripling, Barbara, (2008) Inquiry: Inquiring minds wants to know. School Library Media

Activities Monthly, 25, 50-53.

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