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Solution and Bio-Organic Concept

Redox and electrochemical principles

Compiled By :
Ulfa Dinata Damanik (4163312029)


Praise we pray to God Almighty. Because by grace I can finish the paper of engineering
idea on time. This paper made to meet one of the tasks of Solution and Bio-Organic Concept .I
would also like to thank Dr as lecturer of Solution and Bio-Organic Concept.

The author realizes that the task of this paper has many deficiencies and is still far from
perfection. Therefore, the author hopes that readers generally everything in order to provide
criticism and suggestions that are build to perfection task of this paper is mainly to
improvements in the future. Hopefully this paper useful, especially for me, generally for readers

. Medan, 19th 2017

Ulfa Dinata Damanik

ID: 4163312029
The principle of redox reactions

Bleach clothes

Figure 10

White Clothes shirt becomes uniform mandatory for school children. The more white the clothes
we wear, we will be more comfortable and confident to wear them. Conversely, if our white
clothes are no longer white often make us inferior. Well, today many products sold detergent or
bleach that can restore the brilliant white color of our shirt / uniform, as we can see in Figure 10.
The workings of these bleach products can not be separated from the redox concept that we are
discussing . Here are the redox principles that exist in a bleach shirt. Previously, we remember
the first physics lesson about white color. White color is a composite of all colors from sunlight.
The sun itself as we know has various colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
When all the colors in sunlight are combined it will be the white light caught by our sighting
senses. Every object has the ability to absorb or reflect the color of the sun. An object that
absorbs all colors in sunlight except red for example, then our eyes will catch that the object is
red. However, if the object has a tendency to absorb one of the colors such as blue, while the
other color is reflected then the color we catch by our sense of vision lacks the blue color as the
yellow color. If by chance the above-mentioned object is a stain attached to our white shirt, of
course the clothes should be brilliant white to yellow berwana, making our white clothes are no
longer white. Quickly we will use bleach to restore the white color of the shirt. A colored object
is the result of it absorbing the energy of sunlight. All colored objects have electrons in them.
Recall class X chemicals about atomic structures. Electrons have a certain energy level. When an
object absorbs the energy of sunlight, it's actually the electrons that absorb that energy. Electrons
with low energy levels that have absorbed the energy of sunlight make it move (promotion) to a
higher energy level. Now, when the electron returns to its original energy level (low), it is
accompanied by the release of energy with a certain degree of color. This is the basis of the work
of bleach clothes that we use to whiten clothes. The molecules of bleach will devour (bind) the
electrons in the stain of the shirt. When the clothes stain has no electrons, then the stain will not
be able to make the yellow white shirt. The ingredients used in bleach are called oxidizing agents
(oxidizers). The commonly used oxidizers are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). This sodium
hypochlorite will capture the electrons that are in the stain of clothing so that the color of the
shirt returns white. The reaction is an oxidation reaction. OCl- + H2O + 2e- Cl- + 2OH In the
circulating bleach on the market there is a sodium hypochlorite of 5.25% dissolved in plain
water. The more we use bleach, the more electrons are automatically captured and our shirts
become brilliant white.

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