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Synopsys VCS Commands for Verilog Compilation


For simple designs the major steps are:

1. Compile the design

2. Run the Simulation
3. Generate Code Coverage Report

Compiling Verilog design using VCS

vcs -lca -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+path+assert -cm_line
contassign -cm_cond allops+anywidth+event -cm_noconst
-debug_all +v2k -PP +lint=all -Mupdate -l vcs.log -f list.f

Included Options
-cm coverage-type: specifies the type of coverage information to collect. The line, tgl,

cond, fsm and path options enable statement (line), toggle, condition, FSM, and path
coverage respectively. Any combination of coverage can be enabled simultaneously
using the + sign e.g. -cm cond+line enables conditional and line coverage.
-cm_line contassign: monitor continuous assignments for line coverage
-cm_cond allops+anywidth+event: monitor non-logical operators, of any width, and
always block sensitivity expressions for condition coverage
-cm_noconst: try to automatically ignore constant expressions and unreachable
for line and condition coverage
+lint=all: turns on all verilog warnings
+v2k: tells VCS to handle Verilog-2001 features, include this option if you are using
those features
-PP: turns on support for using the VPD trace output format
-debug_all option allows to run the interactive DVE tool and use steps to debug the
-l file_name: logs the compiler messages to given file name
-f file_name: tells VCS to read source files from the given file

Few optional arguments

-sverilog: include this options if system verilog source files are also present. This
enables compilation for system verilog source files.
-v: use this flag to indicate which verilog files are part of the library and thus be
compiled if needed.
-timescale: can be used to specify how the abstract delay units in their design map
into real time units e.g. -timescale=1ns/10ps

During compilation a subdirectory named csrc is created to store the files generated by
compilation. This directory includes:

Makefile for the compilation process

Object files from the compilation. These object files are linked to create the simv
Intermediate C or Assembly source files.

Incremental Compilation
The source files are compiled on module-by-module basis. Incremental compilation means
that if we run the vcs command again, only the modules that have changed after the last
compilation are recompiled. VCS compares the modules in the source file to the descriptor
information in the generated files from the last compilation, if a modules contents are
different from what VCS recorded in the last compilation, VCS recompiles the module.

Compile time options that affect incremental compilation all begin with -M.
Running the Simulation
For text based output use:


For debugging with DVE GUI use:

./simv -gui

For Generating code coverage information run as:

./simv -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+assert+path

Generating code coverage reports using VCS URG

For generating code coverage report in html form use the following command

urg -lca -dir simv.vdb

To generate code coverage report in text form add the extra options as

urg -lca -dir simv.vdb -show text

A directory named urgReport will be created in current directory. This directory contains all
the generated reports.

Successful Mixed language code coverage with VCS
VCS Quickstart
VCS User Guide

Author: Gaurav Tewari

Simple View all posts by Gaurav Tewari


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