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As the witty quotation by Martin Luther King Jr. goes: We are not makers of history.

We are
made by history. We came to this earth bearing the original sin we inherited from our ancestors,
Adam and Eve, and we all know that thats the reason why we need to be baptized, and the hard
thing is, we cannot do anything about it because we are made by history.

Jesus Christ humbly descended into this earth not to show how omnipotent He was, but to save
us from our sins. He can be born in a palace and became a King, but he was born in a manger
and was raised as an ordinary man, as I may say, to teach us that even the greatest King of kings
can be humble and be like an ordinary person just like Him. For those who exalt themselves will
be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted (Matthew 23:12). And when He
died, it shows that death is inevitable no matter how wealthy or powerful you are. It may be a
clich but we know that death is the greatest leveler. As stated in Ecclesiastes 3:20 All go to
the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.

There was a story that He even went down to hell to redeem the lost souls of our first parents,
Adam and Eve, despite of disobeying Him for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil and other mortal and venial sin committed being an imperfect human beings. He showed
that even our sins are great, His love for us is greater.

The above-mentioned teaching is in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Bible, and with
respect to other religions, it is faith which unites us. Faith is believing even without seeing. Faith
is the eye of our soul. That despite I do not see God, I still believe that He exists. That He is the
creator of all things and I give interpretation to the good things that happen to me and believe
that it is a miracle or a deed done by Him. Even in my religion, Islam, we also believe the same

Just like Mother Teresa, who is already a Saint now, who keeps on striving to give a helping
hand to other even she felt that God had abandoned her. And Don Quixote who did not judge but
rather believed that there was goodness in a prostitute and that she, the prostitute, was capable of
changing her way of life. Both of them restore humanity in our abused society. Their story is an
eye-opener for me to set as an example of a person who can see goodness in other people who
are being despised, just like what Douglas Horton said Thinking good thoughts is not enough,
doing good deeds is not enough, seeing others follow your good example is enough.

I strongly believe that all of us is battling with our own challenges in life, and by that, I learn
how to respect other peoples perspectives and actions. Even if I am against of someones
perspective and/or actions, I always clung to my thought to do good even if they do not do the
same to me, and I think that is the gift of faith. That despite of our differences whether in
religion, age, gender, and other status which may divide us, it is how we deal with other people
and how we let God to use us as an instrument to help other people is what unites us. It is true
that a better question to ask is when is God? rather than where is God? for our body is the
temple of God and we are made in the appearance of God, ergo, we should act in accordance
with the will of God.

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