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Advances inNon-pharmacological

Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. in

interventions 10,dementia

Non-pharmacological interventions
in dementia
Simon Douglas, Ian James & Clive Ballard

Abstract It is increasingly recognised that pharmacological treatments for dementia should be used as a second-
line approach and that non-pharmacological options should, in best practice, be pursued first. This
review examines current non-pharmacological approaches. It highlights the more traditional
treatments such as behavioural therapy, reality orientation and validation therapy, and also examines
the potential of interesting new alternative options such as cognitive therapy, aromatherapy and
multisensory therapies. The current literature is explored with particular reference to recent research,
especially randomised controlled trials in the area. Although many non-pharmacological treatments
have reported benefits in multiple research studies, there is a need for further reliable and valid data
before the efficacy of these approaches is more widely recognised.

Traditionally, cognitive problems have been the treatment, despite the modest evidence of efficacy
main focus of interest in treatment and research for from clinical trials where high placebo response
people with dementia. It is becoming increasingly rates are frequently seen (Ballard & OBrien, 1999).
recognised, however, that a number of common non- Inappropriate and unnecessary prescribing has
cognitive symptoms also provide problems not only become such a problem that more than 40% of people
for the person with dementia and the carers, but with dementia in care facilities in the developed
also in relation to clinical management. The most world are taking neuroleptic drugs (Margallo-Lana
obvious are agitation, aggression, mood disorders et al, 2001). The prescription of these medications
and psychosis, but other important symptoms without attempting other treatment options is of par-
include sexual disinhibition, eating problems and ticular concern because of the substantial adverse
abnormal vocalisations. These have been grouped effects associated with their use, especially in people
together under the umbrella term behavioural and with dementia. Side-effects such as sedation, falls
psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) by the and extrapyramidal signs are well-known, and more
International Psychogeriatric Association (Finkel recent work indicates that neuroleptic treatment of
et al, 1996). These symptoms are a common reason dementia leads to reduced well-being and quality
for institutionalisation of people with dementia and of life (Ballard et al, 2001) and may even accelerate
they increase the burden and stress of caregivers cognitive decline (McShane et al, 1997).
(Schultz & Williamson, 1991). Good clinical practice In this article we discuss the types of behavioural
requires the clinician first to exclude the possibility and psychological symptoms that are appropriate
that behavioural or psychological symptoms are the for intervention, and then examine the current use
consequence of concurrent physical illness (e.g. of non-pharmacological interventions. The article
infections, constipation), and second to try non- is intended to apply to all common late-onset
pharmacological approaches before considering dementias and to no subtype in particular.
pharmacological interventions. We carried out an extensive review of the literature
All too often in practice, however, pharmaco- on non-pharmacological treatments for dementia
logical approaches involving neuroleptic or other using Medline and other related searches, but this
sedative medication are used as the first-line is not intended to be a formal systematic review.

Simon Douglas is a clinical research nurse at the Wolfson Research Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne. He is currently coordinating
a number of studies, particularly on dementia in nursing and residential homes and providing input into a new trial of non-
pharmacological interventions for dementia. Ian James is a consultant clinical psychologist at the Centre for the Health of the
Elderly at Newcastle General Hospital and a research tutor at the Univeristy of Newcastle upon Tyne. His current interests are
in using interventions such as cognitivebehavioural and interpersonal therapy with elderly patients and their care staff to deal
with challenging behaviour. Clive Ballard (Wolfson Research Centre, Newcastle General Hospital, Westgate Road, Newcastle
NE4 6BE, UK. E-mail: has recently taken up post as Professor of Age Related Disorders at Kings
College London/Institute of Psychiatry, having previously been Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at the Univeristy of Newcastle
upon Tyne. Ongoing research programmes include forms of dementia, psychatric symptoms of dementia and the use of
sedative drugs in dementia.

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10. 171

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The nature of the behaviours challenging behaviours. More recently, positive pro-
gramming methodologies (La Vigna & Donnellan,
When reviewing this area, it is important to note 1986) have used non-aversive methods in helping
that there is an ongoing debate regarding the to develop more functional behaviours. Moniz-Cook
definitions and basic terminology for non-cognitive (1998) suggests that behavioural analysis is often
symptoms. The term currently favoured in the the starting point of most other forms of therapeutic
psychiatric literature is behavioural and psycho- intervention in this area. Furthermore, she suggests
logical symptoms of dementia, but most of the psy- that modern behavioural approaches can be wholly
chology community still use the label challenging consistent with person-centred care. Behavioural
behaviour (Emerson et al, 1995). Within these therapy requires a period of detailed assessment in
broader terms, further distinctions have been made which the triggers, behaviours and reinforcers (also
(e.g. Cohen-Mansfield et al, 1992; Allen-Burge et al, known as the ABC: antecedents, behaviours and
1999). Allen-Burge et al distinguish between consequences) are identified and their relationships
behavioural excesses (such as disruptive vocal- made clear to the patient. The therapist will often
isation or aggression) and behavioural deficits (such use some kind of chart or diary to gather information
as lack of social interaction or lack of self-care). about the manifestations of a behaviour and the
In Allen-Burge et als terminology, until recently sequence of actions leading up to it. Interventions
the main focus of treatment has been excessive are then based on an analysis of these findings.
behaviours, because of the disruption they cause Emerson (1998) suggests focusing on three key
both for the person with dementia and the carers. features when designing an intervention: taking
It is relevant to note that, in many currently used account of the individuals preferences; changing
approaches, the disruptive behaviours are often not the context in which the behaviour takes place; and
addressed directly, but are taken as an indication of using reinforcement strategies and schedules that
underlying distress or unmet need. For example, reduce the behaviour.
Cohen-Mansfield (2000) has recently produced an The efficacy of behavioural therapy has been
unmet needs model for agitation. Her model demonstrated in the context of dementia in only a
distinguishes three main functions of behaviours small number of studies (Burgio & Fisher, 2000). For
in relation to needs: behaviours to obtain or meet a example, there is evidence of successful reductions
need (e.g. pacing to provide stimulation); behaviours in wandering, incontinence and other forms of
to communicate a need (e.g. repetitive questioning); stereotypical behaviours (Woods, 1999). Meares &
and behaviours that result from an unmet need (e.g. Draper (1999) presented case studies testifying to
aggression triggered by pain or discomfort). This the efficacy of behavioural therapy, but they noted
model is particularly helpful in terms of therapy that the behaviours had diverse causes and
because the focus on the patients needs helps to maintaining factors, and advised that behavioural
target interventions more appropriately (e.g. the use interventions must be tailored to individual cases.
of pain relief, facilitation of communication).

Non-pharmacological Box 1 Non-pharmacological therapies

interventions Standard therapies
Behavioural therapy
An increasing number of non-pharmacological
Reality orientation
therapies are now available for people with dementia
Validation therapy
(Box 1). It should be noted that there are several areas
Reminiscence therapy
of overlap between these therapies and, in fact, each
approach is rarely used in isolation (Ballard et al, Alternative therapies
2001). It is therefore important for a clinician to have Art therapy
some knowledge of a number of these approaches, Music therapy
enabling a combination of treatments tailored to the Activity therapy
individual requirements of the patient. Complementary therapy
Bright-light therapy
Standard non-pharmacological therapies Multisensory approaches
Behavioural therapy
Brief psychotherapies
Traditionally, behavioural therapy has been based Cognitivebehavioural therapy
on principles of conditioning and learning theory Interpersonal therapy
using strategies aimed at suppressing or eliminating

172 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10.

Non-pharmacological interventions in dementia

Reality orientation and behavioural disturbance, produces positive

effects and provides the individual with insight into
Reality orientation is one of the most widely used external reality. It was, however, suggested that
management strategies for dealing with people with therapists could become too focused on confused
dementia (for a review, see Holden & Woods, 1995). communication and could fail to identify simple
It aims to help people with memory loss and explanations such as pain or hunger. Neal & Briggs
disorientation by reminding them of facts about (2002) evaluated validation therapy across a number
themselves and their environment. It can be used of controlled trials, employing cognitive and
both with individuals and with groups. In either behavioural measures. They concluded that despite
case, people with memory loss are oriented to their some positive indicators, the jury was still out with
environment using a range of materials and respect to its efficacy.
activities. This involves consistent use of orientation
devices such as signposts, notices and other memory Reminiscence therapy
aids. There is debate regarding the efficacy of the
approach, although Bleathman & Morton (1988) Reminiscence therapy involves helping a person
found that reality orientation sessions could increase with dementia to relive past experiences, especially
peoples verbal orientation in comparison with those that might be positive and personally
untreated control groups. However, it has also been significant, for example family holidays and
claimed that reality orientation can remind the weddings. This therapy can be used with groups or
participants of their deterioration (Goudie & Stokes, with individuals. Group sessions tend to use
1989), and Baines et al (1987) found an initial activities such as art, music and artefacts to provide
lowering of mood in those attending the sessions. It stimulation. Reminiscence therapy is seen as a way
has also been suggested that carers may experience of increasing levels of well-being and providing
further frustration at using the method and at having pleasure and cognitive stimulation. Few high-
repeatedly to try to orient individuals, with little quality studies have been conducted in this area,
noticeable long-term effect (Hitch, 1994). Despite and Spector et al (2002b) identified only two
these concerns, the debate concerning efficacy has randomised controlled trials. From their limited
been largely settled following Spector et als (2002a) data-set they concluded that there was little evidence
favourable review of the six randomised controlled of a significant impact of the approach. ODonovan
trials of this therapy. Indeed, on the basis of the (1993), however, stated that, although there is little
positive findings, the authors proposed that it was indication of cognitive improvement, there is some
time for a rehabilitation of reality orientation. They evidence suggesting improvements in behaviour,
had previously developed a pilot programme to this well-being, social interaction, self-care and motiv-
effect (Spector et al, 2001). ation (Gibson, 1994). It is also claimed that premorbid
aspects of the persons personality may re-emerge
Validation therapy during reminiscence work (Woods, 1999). The
therapy also has a great deal of flexibility as it can
Validation therapy was developed as an antidote to be adapted to the individual. A person with severe
the perceived lack of efficacy of reality orientation. dementia can still gain pleasure from listening to
It was suggested by its originator, Naomi Feil, that an old record, for instance.
some of the features associated with dementia such
as repetition and retreating into the past were in
fact active strategies on the part of the affected Alternative non-pharmacological
individual to avoid stress, boredom and loneliness. therapies
She argues that people with dementia can retreat
As in other areas of health care, alternative therapies
into an inner reality based on feelings rather than
are gaining currency in the treatment of people with
intellect, as they find the present reality too painful.
dementia. These therapies often still lack empirical
Validation therapy therapists therefore attempt to
evidence relating to their effectiveness (Marshall &
communicate with individuals with dementia by
Hutchinson, 2001), but this issue is gradually being
empathising with the feelings and meanings hidden
addressed. A review of some of the most popular
behind their confused speech and behaviour. It is
forms of alternative therapy is provided below.
the emotional content of what is being said that is
more important than the persons orientation to the
Art therapy
present. There have been relatively few empirical
studies assessing the efficacy of the validation Art therapy has been recommended as a treatment
approach, as noted by Feil (1967), Mitchell (1987) and for people with dementia as it has the potential to
Hitch (1994). Hitch noted that validation therapy provide meaningful stimulation, improve social
promotes contentment, results in less negative affect interaction and improve levels of self-esteem (Killick

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10. 173

Douglas et al/Woods

& Allan 1999). Activities such as drawing and healing, herbal medicine and aromatherapy. The
painting are thought to provide individuals with results of this survey have been reviewed by Wiles
the opportunity for self-expression and the chance & Brooker (2003). In terms of effectiveness, it was
to exercise some choice in terms of the colours and evident that careful consideration was needed to
themes of their creations. identify what was meant by effective (e.g. were the
therapies aiming to improve cognitive abilities or
Music therapy levels of well-being?).
In general, most of the complementary therapies
Several studies have reported benefits gained by have not received a great deal of empirical investi-
people with dementia from music therapy (Killick gation. An exception to this is aromatherapy, which
& Allan, 1999). The therapy may involve engagement is described in more detail below.
in a musical activity (e.g. singing or playing an
instrument), or merely listening to songs or music. Aromatherapy
Lord & Garner (1993) showed increases in levels of
well-being, better social interaction and improve- Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing of all
ments in autobiographical memory in a group of the complementary therapies (Burns et al, 2002).
nursing home residents who regularly had music It appears to have several advantages over the
played to them. Such improvements were not pharmacological treatments widely used for
observed in a comparison group engaged in other dementia. It has a positive image and its use aids
activities. Cohen-Mansfield & Werner (1997) interaction while providing a sensory experience. It
compared three types of intervention for people with also seems to be well tolerated in comparison with
abnormal vocalisations, and found that music neuroleptic or sedative medication. The two main
therapy significantly reduced the behaviour. More essential oils used in aromatherapy for dementia
recently, a study by Gerdner (2000) found a are extracted from lavender and melissa balm. They
significant reduction in agitation in people with also have the advantage that there are several routes
dementia who were played an individualised of administration such as inhalation, bathing,
programme of music as opposed to traditional massage and topical application in a cream. This
relaxation music. means that the therapy can be targeted at individuals
with different behaviours: inhalation may be more
Activity therapy effective than massage for a person with restless-
ness, for instance. There have been some positive
Activity therapy involves a rather amorphous group results from recent controlled trials which have
of recreations such as dance, sport and drama. It shown significant reductions in agitation, with
has been shown that physical exercise can have a excellent compliance and tolerability (e.g. see
number of health benefits for people with dementia, Ballard et al, 2002). [An article on the use of
for example reducing the number of falls and aromatherapy in dementia (Holmes & Ballard, 2004)
improving mental health and sleep (King et al, 1997) will appear in the next issue of APT. Ed.]
and improving their mood and confidence (Young
& Dinan, 1994). In addition, Alessi et al (1999) found Other therapies
in a small-scale controlled study that daytime
exercise helped to reduce daytime agitation and Two therapies worthy of mention in this section are
night-time restlessness. An interesting approach to bright-light therapy and multisensory approaches.
dance therapy is described by Perrin (1998), who Both of these have received some research attention
employed a form of dance known as jabadeo, which and have demonstrated positive outcomes. For
involves no prescriptive steps or motions but allows example, bright-light therapy has been increasingly
the participants to engage with each other in used in an attempt to improve fluctuations in diurnal
interactive movements. It is relevant to note that this rhythms that may account for night-time disturances
may also fulfil a need for non-sexual physical contact and sundown syndrome (recurring confusion or
which many people with dementia find soothing. agitation in the late afternoon or early evening)
in people with dementia. Three recent controlled
Complementary therapy trials have been published with some evidence for
improving restlessness and with particular benefit
The Mental Health Foundation recently conducted for sleep disturbances (e.g. see Haffmanns et al,
a study into the use of complementary therapies in 2001).
the field of mental health that included their use in Multisensory approaches usually involve using
dementia. From this work, it was evident that a a room designed to provide several types of sensory
number of different therapies were being employed, stimulation such as light (often in the form of fibre
for example massage, reflexology, reiki, therapeutic optics which can move and be flexible), texture

174 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10.

Non-pharmacological interventions in dementia

(cushions and vibrating pads), smell and sound. perspective is very suitable for people with dementia,
The use of these resources is tailored to the as many of the behavioural difficulties encountered
individual and therefore not all of the available emerge through one or more of the following
forms of stimulation may be used in one session. A cognitive features: cognitive misinterpretations,
description and discussion of multisensory therapy biases, distortions, erroneous problem-solving
in psychiatric care has appeared in an earlier issue strategies and communication difficulties. In other
of APT (Baillon et al, 2002). words, many of the challenges posed by people with
The use of such rooms with people with dementia dementia are due to their thinking style the very
has centred mainly on those with more severe thing that is addressed in CBT. Hence, CBT offers
symptoms. A study by van Diepen et al (2002) a framework within which to understand the
showed some positive effects on agitation, but the individuals distressing experiences, and this
results failed to reach significance. Burns et al (2000) understanding allows the clinician to target
have reviewed the increasing use of multisensory interventions more appropriately. In this sense, it is
rooms. They concluded that the area was worthy of argued that CBT is a person-centred therapy.
future research, but that the available evidence
lacked scientific rigour.
Brief psychotherapies Having reviewed many of the treatments currently
Cognitivebehavioural therapy available, it is worth noting their common features.
One striking thing is the move towards more person-
Over the past 10 years there has been an increasing centred forms of care (Kitwood, 1997). Within this
interest in applying some of the brief therapeutic approach, greater attempts are made to understand
frameworks such as cognitivebehavioural therapy the individuals experience of dementia and to
(CBT) and interpersonal therapy to dementia. For employ strategies to improve the persons quality of
example, Teri & Gallagher-Thompson (1991) life. A further shared feature is the systemic
reported positive findings from a clinical trial of perspective, that is, the need to work with systems
CBT with people in the early stages of Alzheimers (families, professional carers, organisations, etc.).
disease. Individual and group CBT has also been Indeed, care staff and families are usually integral
used by other researchers with some favourable to treatment strategies. They are essential in
results (Kipling et al, 1999). obtaining valid and reliable information and
constructing appropriate formulations. Also, they
Interpersonal therapy are key to conducting any interventions reliably. It
Interpersonal therapy, as the name suggests, is evident, therefore, that training of carers (both
examines the individuals distress within an professional and family) is an important part of most
interpersonal context (Weissman et al, 2000). In treatment programmes. In fact, one study study (Bird
this sense, there is a great deal of overlap with the et al, 2002) suggested that the most common
person-centred work of Kitwood (1997) and Stokes interventions for psychological and behavioural
(2000). It uses a specific framework in which the symptoms of dementia were not necessarily specific
individuals distress is conceptualised through one therapies but working with carers or nursing home
of four domains: interpersonal disputes; inter- staff to change the attitudes and behaviour of those
personal/personality difficulties; bereavement; and in their care. Despite the relevance of this issue, there
transitions/life events. Despite there being good remain relatively few high-quality studies in the area
empirical evidence of the success of this form of (e.g. Marriott et al, 2000). Clearly, training and
treatment with older people (Miller & Reynolds, support are important and worthy of further study;
2002), it has only recently been used with dementia future studies need to be large and also include
(James et al, 2003). follow-up methodologies.
The field of dementia care is expanding, with an
Limitations increasing number of articles on psychosocial
interventions; to that extent the future looks
Both CBT and interpersonal therapy have limi- promising. However, it is noted that there is a
tations, particularly with severe dementia. Never- fundamental weakness within the current literature
theless, owing to the fact that these therapies have that clearly requires addressing. This concerns the
relatively simple conceptual models underpinning limited attention paid to process issues (i.e. details
them, they have been shown to be helpful, even for outlining the mechanism of change underpinning
severe cognitive impairment (James et al, 1999; James, the interventions). The available studies have been
2001). For example, James believes that a CBT good at presenting the contents of intervention

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10. 175

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Stokes, G. (2000) Challenging Behaviour in Dementia. Bicester: 4 A person with dementia:
Speechmark. a can be offered a number of different forms of non-
Teri, L. & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (1991) Cognitive
pharmacological intervention
behavioural interventions for treatment of depression in
Alzheimers patients. Gerontologist, 31, 413416. b can only be helped in the early stages of the dementia
Van Diepen, E., Baillon, S., Redman, J., et al (2002) A pilot c requires a moderate degree of intellectual insight in
study of the physiological and behavioural effects of order to benefit from the non-pharmacological
Snoezelen in dementia. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, treatments
65(2), 6166.
Weissman, M., Markowitz, J. & Klerman, G. (2000) d can be helped by unmet needs analysis, in which the
Comprehensive Guide to Interpersonal Therapy. New York: Basic therapist identifies the patients potential needs
Books. e is unable to engage in the standard forms of
Wiles, A. & Brooker, D. (2003) Complementary therapies in psychotherapy (e.g. CBT, interpersonal therapy).
dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care, 11, 3136.
Woods, R. T. (1999) Psychological Problems of Ageing. Chichester:
John Wiley and Sons. 5 When employing non-pharmacological treatments:
Young, A. & Dinan, S. (1994) ABC of sports medicine. Fitness a carers and/or staff should be willing to work/help
for older people. BMJ, 309, 331334. with the treatment regimen
b they should be used as an adjunct to pharmacological
Multiple choice questions c carers and/or staff may require both training and
support in order to undertake the treatments
1 Non-pharmacological treatments for dementia: effectively
a can be effective d improvements may occur across a range of abilities
b should always be used as a second line of treatment (e.g. orientation, sleep, quality of life)
to medication e one should always try to orient individuals with
c aim to improve peoples cognitive abilities dementia to what is happening in the present, so that
d require the cooperation of staff they can engage in meaningful conversations and
e are becoming increasingly well researched. interactions with others.

MCQ answers
1 2 3 4 5
a T a T a F a T a T
b F b F b F b F b F
c F c T c F c F c T
d T d F d F d T d T
e T e T e T e F e F

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10. 177

Douglas et al/Woods

Non-pharmacological interventions
in dementia

In managing the behavioural and psychological Need for recognition of anxiety

symptoms of dementia (BPSD), clinical guidelines
(Howard et al, 2001) and good clinical practice
and depression as key challenges
recommend that pharmacological interventions in dementia care
be used only after other, non-pharmacological,
methods have been tried. In the real world, perhaps The authors comments on brief psychotherapies
especially in care homes, neuroleptic medication is serve as a reminder of the importance of responding
likely to be prescribed and continued, in many cases more actively to the well-documented high levels
indefinitely. This necessarily selective review by of anxiety and depression symptoms shown by
Douglas and his colleagues perhaps illustrates some people with dementia (Ballard et al, 1996a,b). It is
of the obstacles that must be addressed if the worthy an obvious step to apply well-established psycho-
intention to place less reliance on the illusory quick- logical therapies such as cognitivebehavioural
fix of the tranquilliser prescription is ever to become therapy for depression (Scholey & Woods, 2003)
a reality (Douglas et al, 2004, this issue). The authors and relaxation for anxiety (Suhr et al, 1999) to
have identified a mixed bag of therapies with, at people in the early stages of dementia who display
best, modest evidence for any efficacy, and which such symptoms; there is now no doubt regarding
raise many issues regarding the feasibility of their the feasibility of such an approach, and one study
widespread application. successfully utilised family carers as therapists
(Teri et al, 1997). More challenging are those people
with severe dementia who have comorbid anxiety
Need for clear treatment aims and depression; this is where some of the alterna-
tive therapies and activities may have most to
The various therapies described have a range of contribute.
therapeutic goals, not always explicitly stated by
those responsible for their development. Reality
orientation, for example, has had a clear focus on BPSD v. challenging behaviour?
cognition, particularly orientation. After falling
from favour, largely through insensitive appli- The difference in terminology noted by Douglas et al
cation, it has recently been adapted and revived as reflects a fundamental difference in conceptual-
cognitive stimulation (Woods, 2002). In a recent isation, which, if not addressed, could stifle the
trial, the changes in cognitive function were of the development of effective non-pharmacological
same order of magnitude as those reported in trials approaches. In general, clinical psychologists prefer
of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (Spector et al, (although they are not completely happy with this)
2003). In its new form, it is associated with to talk of behaviour that challenges, because of its
improvements in quality of life, but there is no implicit reminder that the problem lies in part with
suggestion that it would, or should, affect BPSD. our reaction to the behaviour, which of itself may
Reminiscence work has had a variety of aims, not present a problem to the person with dementia.
plausibly spanning both cognition (autobio- Challenging behaviour is a function of a particular
graphical memory) and mood. Validation therapy, care environment; in a different care setting, the
with its emphasis on the emotional content of behaviour in question may not be elicited, or may
communication, similarly should have its main not be viewed as a problem by those providing care.
impact on affect. The alternative therapies also The association between carer strain and difficult
have a range of potential aims, although the behaviour is often noted, but rarely is the possibility
putative impact of aromatherapy and music entertained that a stressed carer behaves in ways
therapy on arousal levels is of particular interest, that elicit more difficult behaviour from the person
if this is seen as a possible factor in behaviours with dementia (Woods, 2001). The implication is a
described as agitated. difficult one; rather than prescribing a therapy,

178 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10.

Non-pharmacological interventions in dementia

alternative or otherwise, some of our interventions et al, 1999; Ballard et al, 2002) or through the input
have to involve changes in the attributions, attitudes of a multidisciplinary team in a family care
and interactions of family carers and paid care- context (Hinchliffe et al, 1995). Further analysis,
workers. It is here, indeed, that a fuller under- development and evaluation of these intervention
standing of the carer s cognitions and affect models is required, if non-pharmacological inter-
regarding the person in their care, and also of their ventions are to take their proper place in the real
behaviour in relation to other members of the care world of dementia care.
system, will prove invaluable.
Need for individualised Ballard, C. G., Bannister, C. & Oyebode, F. (1996a)
Depression in dementia sufferers. International Journal of
formulations Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 507515.
Ballard, C., Boyle, A., Bowler, C., et al (1996b) Anxiety
disorders in dementia sufferers. International Journal of
Having identified symptoms such as agitation, Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 987990.
aggression, wandering and the like, it is tempting to Ballard, C., Powell, I., James, I., et al (2002) Can psychiatric
identify the most effective therapeutic approach for liaison reduce neuroleptic use and reduce health service
utilization for dementia patients residing in care facilities?
each. However, the same label may become attached International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 140145.
to quite different behaviours, requiring quite Brooker, D. J. R., Snape, M., Johnson, E., et al (1997) Single
different interventions. Add to this the persons case evaluation of the effects of aromatherapy and massage
on disturbed behaviour in severe dementia. British Journal
unique social environment, their particular profile of Clinical Psychology, 36, 287296.
of physical health, their life history and so on, and Douglas, S., James, I. & Ballard, C. (2004) Non-pharma-
it is clear that an individual assessment and analysis cological interventions in dementia. Advances in Psychiatric
Treatment, 10, 171177.
of each persons situation is needed. Even if two Hinchliffe, A. C., Hyman, I. L., Blizard, B., et al (1995)
people with dementia are both thought to be Behavioural complications of dementia can they be
showing agitation because of a high level of internal treated? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 10, 839
arousal, what helps one may be quite different from Howard, R., Ballard, C., OBrien, J., et al (2001) Guidelines
what helps the other. One persons relaxing and for the management of agitation in dementia. International
calming hand-massage may be another persons Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 714717.
Proctor, R., Burns, A., Stratton-Powell, H., et al (1999)
invasion of personal space and confinement Behavioural management in nursing and residential
(Brooker et al, 1997). Evidence-based practice in homes: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 354, 2629.
dementia care entails establishing what works for Scholey, K. A. & Woods, B. T. (2003) A series of brief cognitive
therapy interventions with people experiencing both
whom, rather than a standard approach; this may dementia and depression: a description of techniques and
require readiness to adopt a more empirical common themes. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,
approach, using simple single-case designs, with 10, 175185.
Spector, A., Thorgrimsen, L., Woods, B., et al (2003) Efficacy
the person as their own control. of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy
programme for people with dementia: randomised
controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 248254.
Implementing change Suhr, J., Anderson, S. & Tranel, D. (1999) Progressive muscle
relaxation in the management of behavioural disturbance
in Alzheimer s disease. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,
If it is indeed the case that effective non-pharma- 9, 3144.
Teri, L., Logsdon, R. G., Uomoto, J., et al (1997) Behavioral
cological interventions must be based on individual treatment of depression in dementia patients: a controlled
assessment and formulation, with an understanding clinical trial. Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological
of the role of the social environment in the Sciences and Social Sciences, 52, P159P166.
Woods, B. (2002) Editorial: Reality orientation: a welcome
development and maintenance of the problem, return? Age and Ageing, 31, 155156.
training alone, for family carers or for care-workers, Woods, R. T. (2001) Discovering the person with Alzheimers
will be of limited use. Input is also required from disease: cognitive, emotional and behavioural aspects.
Aging and Mental Health, 5 (suppl. 1), S7S16.
mental health professionals (including community
mental health nurses and clinical psychologists, as
well as psychiatrists) who have skills in dementia Bob Woods Professor of Clinical Psychology with Older
care and the ability to work at a systemic level. Some People, University of Wales Bangor (Ardudwy, Holyhead
models of how this might be achieved are already Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK. E-mail: b.woods@, Co-Director of the Dementia Services
being developed, for example through regular visits Development Centre Wales and Director of the Centre for
to a care home by a mental health nurse (Proctor Social Policy Research and Development.

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004), vol. 10. 179

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