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EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template for SLO

(40 points)


Lesson Day Second day of informational writing, first day with assignment

Effective speakers prepare and communicate messages to address the audience

How will this lesson support the learning goal? and purpose.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) What is informational writing?
(1 point)

Objective(s) I can complete my must-dos of a graphic organizer to write about myself.

(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
(2 points)

Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the

objective(s) of this lesson that will support progress toward the
learning goal.

Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher will

do or accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be measured),
and target a specific outcome. Please refer to the SLO User
Guide for the ABCD method or I CAN statements that can be
used as a guide.

PA Standards (2 points) Standard - CC.1.4.2.A or Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

ISTE Standards (if applicable)

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 1

Technology Materials/ Resources I used multiple examples of graphic organizers of All About Me writing to
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) develop our classs graphic organizer.
(2 points)
The class will be given a 4x4 matrix of sentence starters of All About Me
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this writing. Every student will be required to fill in the four corners of
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning objective(s)? information. From there, their work is differentiated through highlighted
If appropriate, what educational technology will be used to must-dos specific to four levels.
support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How do the
resources support the learning objectives? The Recess Queen Alexis
Bad Kitty Nick Bruel
Cite publications and any web resources.

Anticipatory Set Class, what do we call the people who write books? [Authors]
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) How about who draws the pictures for books? [Illustrators]
(3 points)
Lets look at some examples.
__3__ minutes
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why todays To introduce the lesson I will pull two popular books, from our class library
lesson is important to them as learners? and flip to the about the author section. I will read both to the students and
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson highlight key items they included such as what they write and some details
topic? about their families.
How will you build on students prior knowledge?
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? Class, who in here is an author? [Everyone!] Who in here is an
illustrator? [Everyone!] We are all authors, we are all illustrators and now
Provide very detailed steps. its time to tell our readers about ourselves.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 2

Weve just started discussing informational writing with Mrs. Dzielawa.
Instructional Activities Review components of informational writing using the posters located on the
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; whiteboard. From what we just discussed, what do you think the topic of our
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) first informational piece will be? [Ourselves]
(15 points)
Next I will pull out a model graphic organizer underneath the document
_20___ minutes camera and read the sentence starters to the students. Then I will pull a model
graphic organizer with my name and several items highlighted. Each one of
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new concepts? you will have highlighted boxes on your sheet, these are our must dos and
How will you model or provide explicit instruction? You MUST what you should work on first. Model by filling out the birthday box for
include a teacher think-aloud using student-friendly language myself.
What questions do you have that I can answer for you?
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they Possible questions may include: Can we fill out the boxes without highlights?
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with What if I dont know what to write?
teacher support)?

Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these

concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you
monitor and provide feedback?

Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where


So what kind of writing are we starting? [Informational]

Closure Whats our topic? [Ourselves]
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
(2 points) Now that we have looked at model All About Me examples from some of our
favorite authors and we have a task to complete to help us get started, I can
_2__ minutes hand out of papers. When you get your sheet, head back to your seat and
How will students share or show what they have learned in this begin working. This is a silent, individual task. Raise your hand if you have
lesson? any questions.
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do so
and clarify key concepts? Lets get writing about the details of ourselves to start our informational All
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for About Me writing.
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson? Begin to pass out papers.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 3

(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) I really worked hard to differentiate this writing piece for each student. My
(2 points) first step in differentiation was pulling a variety of resources and evaluating the
value of each. I then used pieces of some and parts of others to build my
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose leveled questions. Students were required a defined number of must-dos . All
academic development is below or above the current grade level? students were required to complete the level one facts about themselves. I
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or chose the questions based on the task required. Level one questions were
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs identifying key known information about themselves with a creative
of all of your students? opportunity to showcase what they like to write. Level two questions were
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including identifying information and selecting a favorite they will later be asked to
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic, explain. Level three questions were broader to allow a variety of answers and
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their effort. Level four questions required evaluating skills and self-awareness that
learning? they will later be asked to explain.
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking and
inventiveness? Level one questions: My birthday is, I like writing, Members of my family
are, and I am in ___ grade at _____ Elementary School.
Level two questions: My teachers are, My favorite place is, My favorite
book is, and My pets at home are
Level three questions: I like to play, When I grow up I want to be, I like to
learn about, and One awesome fact about me is
Level four questions: I help others by, My hero is, I am special because,
and I am the only person in my family to

All students will use their graphic organizer, but some were allotted extra
Accommodations ** (see note below) paper for more space to write.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
(1 point)

What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to

increase curriculum access for students identified with special
education needs or 504?

Describe how these accommodations align with the current

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as
applicable (avoid using actual names of students).

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 4

I used leveled questions to modify the task for students.
Modifications**(see note below)
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) Level one questions, a requirement for all students, were for several students
(1 point) their only must-do. These questions were basic information about the student
such as birthday and grade level, as well as low-floor high ceiling questions
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance such as I like writing.
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the Level two questions were required for our two EL students, and several
participation of students identified with special education needs? moderate writers.
Level three questions were required for our on-target writers.
Level four questions extended thinking and were required for our advanced and
prolific writers.

Formative (Informal) Students were observed for attention to task and original
Assessment (Formal or Informal) thought.
(1f: Assessing Student Learning) Summative (Formal) Worksheets were reviewed for completion of their must-
(3 points) do tasks.

How will you and the students assess where the learning
objectives, listed above, were met?

Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is

aligned to the above objective(s).

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 5

What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students have met or
Reflection on Instruction are progressing towards the learning outcomes/objectives?
(7 points) The students graphic organizer serve as my evidence of focused work
during this lesson.
At the conclusion of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. View student work samples. What do they reveal about the students level of
The reflection should go beyond simply answering the question engagement and comprehension?
Was this a good lesson? Below are some questions to assist you Through this lesson, I got a new peek into their wonderful personalities.
in your reflective process (Danielson, 2008): Many students were engaged with task so much that they blew through
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your their must-dos and filled out the majority if not all of their graphic
students have met or are progressing towards the learning organizers. The students were excited to write about themselves, and had
outcomes/objectives? some very funny responses that gave us and them a good laugh. The
o View student work samples. What do they reveal about the sentence starter kept students focused. Reading the information before
students level of engagement and comprehension? breaking to work time allowed for questions to arise and be addressed in
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you the whole group.
teach this lesson in the future? What misconceptions, if What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if you teach this lesson in
any, do you need to clarify before teaching the next lesson? the future? What misconceptions, if any, do you need to clarify before teaching
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why? the next lesson?
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, After many students asked me how to spell their birth month, I wrote all
and your use of physical space. To what extent did these months on the board, as well as second grade and Fern Hill. Next time, I
contribute to student learning? would have this prepared ahead of time. I would also change the question
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional about My pets at home, a student rightfully asked- what do we do if
delivery (e.g., activities, grouping of students, we dont have any pets at home? I clarified with them that they may skip
materials/resources utilized). To what extent were they that box, or write about if they wanted a pet which they would want.
effective? Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and why?
At the end of the lesson I anticipated students moving right to Daily 5
without sharing their organizers with me in a conference. However, after
several students came to me to share, many others wanted to as well. It
turned out to be a great change because I got to discuss with students what
they were excited about. I also added more discussion about our final
product and purpose for the piece.
Comment on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and your use of
physical space. To what extent did these contribute to student learning?
Using the front carpet and document camera for whole group always keeps
them focused on what I am showing them, rather than starting their work
before all of the directions have been given. Their desks were the most
appropriate space for filling in their organizers, and I was sure to have them
clear their desk of all other materials before coming to the carpet. This
really keeps them focused from the start to the task at hand.
RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 6
Comment on different aspects of your instructional delivery (e.g., activities,
grouping of students, materials/resources utilized). To what extent were they

I am really proud of the organizer I made for the students, and how effectively my
differentiation worked. From here, even if students completed more than their
must-dos in the graphic organizer, we will start them on their writing piece with
their must-dos and require those elements to be included in their published piece.
From there they will be more than welcome to add other elements to their writing.
The graphic organizer with sentence starters and fill in the blanks was appropriate
for my students rather than questions. It moved them efficiently through getting
their thoughts on paper and allowed us to stay on schedule. Overall, I really loved
this lesson and cannot wait to see how the rest of the progression goes.

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general curriculum. Both are essential to consider
when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities. Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material but they do not
change knowledge content. With accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or express knowledge in
different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may include adaptations made to instruction
and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User Guide and SLO template for additional explanation.)

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material based on the accommodations or
modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plan. There should be a direct connection within the Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of the lesson
plan template.

RJM Fall 2017 SLO Lesson Plan Template 7

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