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Kaylee Llerena



December 10, 2017

Child Abuse

Every day all over the world there are children being abused, either sexually, emotionally,

physically etc. most of the time people dont notice and those poor children dont get any type of

help. Can you imagine all those poor little children suffering from child abuse? its extremely

important to help them, create awareness of what is going on and show people the way they can

help. Now a days people dont seem to notice what going on around of them maybe because

they are too busy dealing with life problems and thats mostly why children suffer for not having

attention, nobody to talk to and when are being abused or bullied nobody too help them and

make them feel protected. Children are innocent and sometimes they are being abused since they

are little and they even get to a point that think its a game or something fun which is not and

thats when later on in their life they think abusing its fun and games and they do it to other

people. Children are made to love, educate, and show them how amazing is life by taking them

to parks, Disney, travel etc. they are not made to be sexually abused , to hit , and to scream on

whenever things are not going right, put yourself on their shoes they just want to be happy they

want to play , study etc. not cry and have pain in their bodies because they are being abused

being innocents .

Lets begin by talking how now teachers can help this innocents children who are being

abused at home, school or anywhere. A teacher who sees a child with either a red eye, or any

type of bruises can get to help and protect that innocent child. Teachers are being allowed to
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testify for child abuse, now whenever a teacher sees a child being abuse she has the right to go to

court and do something to help that kid. Most of these examples are based on a trial that

happened where a teacher was able to participate to help a three-year-old kid that was being

abused. On newspapers and TV news we see a lot of dead children because their parents abuse of

them and others that go to jail for mistreating the poor child. As said on the article Kendall,

Brent. 2015. "U.S. News: Teachers Allowed to Testify in Child-Abuse Cases the Supreme Court

on Thursday made it easier for prosecutors to bring child-abuse cases without young children

having to testify, allowing jurors to hear from teachers whose students told them they were

abused. This is extremely important because every child tells his friend whats going on with

him, if someone abused him etc. and any teacher who hears any of these types of conversation

can interfere and go help. There are times when a parent has a belief of whats going on with

their child but they have no proof and there are children that because the pain is bad they dont

talk about it and rather grow old scare and felling unsafe then to tell an adult what is happening

to them. On this article, they talk about a case of child abuse and how the teacher was able to

help the children because of what she heard. in school is where most of the things that are going

on each child is heard, children always tell their bestie whats happening and maybe the bestie

told someone else and it just going on and in that going on millions of people can help and also

teachers because they are usually listening to what children say. Here we see another example of

how a teacher was able to help a little angel who was being abused and couldnt speak up by

himself. The case centered on Cleveland defendant Darius Clark, who was convicted after a

trial in which preschool teachers testified the alleged victim a 3-year-old known in court

papers. (Kendall, Brent 1) On this case the parent went to jail and the case got solved and
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mostly because of the teacher because on this case the only proof they have are the bruises of the

child and maybe someone else who decided to help.

Many investigations have been opened to find help and find ways to protect the children

being abused, but those investigations dont seem to help. Because all this investigation doesnt

seem to be helping many acts have been passing on to protect the children. Scientist have

interviewed families for several years to see how children get affected and how they can help

them. There are so many ways to help children get protected from child abuse, they are campaign

for this cause and a lot of people who are always willing to help. The amount of child abuse goes

up and many people dont notice it because they are so focused on their own life and their own

problems that they stop caring about others and what children with no fault have to go through

on a daily basis. All these children being abused live in a constant fear of when I may be going to

get abused again and by who this time. As mention on this article Bakalar, Nicholas. "Child

abuse investigations didn't reduce risk, a study finds." New York Times, 12 Oct. 2010.Child

Protective Services investigated more than three million cases of suspected child abuse in 2007,

but a new study suggests that the investigations did little or nothing to improve the lives of

those children. Some investigations are not working and they dont find a way to help children

thats why they keep looking for other ways to help them. Investigators are going to children

house and talking to the parents to see what the problem could be like this can help and solve this

horrible thing that is going on. In New York, for example, there are now Child Protective

Services offices in every county, paid for in part with federal funds. Researchers examined the

records of 595 children nationwide, all at similar high risk for maltreatment, tracking them from

ages 4 to 8. (Bakalar, Nicholas 1) As we can see from this article there are places researching

and finding ways to help, and by doing all this they realize how bad the situation is because

people dont really realize how bad thigs are until they see a number and facts. On this article, it
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also says that Child Protective Services investigated the families of 164 of these children for

suspected abuse or neglect. The scientists then interviewed all the families four years later,

comparing the investigated families with the 431 families that had not been investigated...

(Bakalan, Nicholas 1) As stated they continue investigating and going to houses to see how they

can help but still the number of children is so big that is not enough and no matter how many

houses they visit and they go to still more cases come up. Child abuse is not a joke is not

something that will disappear with time just because parents get bored of abusing. Child abuse

has been going around for a while now and if people dont stand up and help and like New York

is doing and research and find ways to help these adolescents are not going to get justice and

they are going to continue suffering.

Lets say that sadly now a days when parents are pissed , have had a bad day and dont

feel good they get all their anger with children . It gets to a point where children feel that they

area pouching bag . As shown in figure 1 kids cry and suffer when their parents hit them . This

figure shows how childrens are choked and pulled by people hand full of letters but those letters

tell us that those people are stressed with work , social life and they are just miserable and get put

all their anger on the children . Organizations need to help to stop all these abuses but there also
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(figure 1) need to be ways to help parents because thats

where most of the problems begin at. People are needed to support these innocents children

there needs to be laws to protect them.

A study finds that 1 in 8 U.S. kids will become a victim of serious mistreatment. children can

be abused in many ways and it can happen in any age, they get mistreated because of their color,

the way they look and where they come from. Children get abused no matter what color they

are , where they come from , child abuse is worldwide is not something that happens on a certain

religion ,country or with people of a certain color . Is really sad to imagine a child being sexually

abused or hit just because the adults are not happy enough. Child abuse has gotten so bad that

even little kids are being abused, now is not for older kids also babies of months get killed

because they are not strong enough to hold abuse. As mention on the article Kaplan, Karen.

"Child Abuse, by the Numbers; A Study Finds 1 in 8 U.S. Kids Will Become a Victim of Serious

Mistreatment." African American children were found to be the most at risk, with 20.9% of

them projected to suffer abuse or neglect by the time they turned 18. As we can. See on this

article even African Americans are being abused, until the age that they are 18, at this age kids

are old enough to defend themselves but because they have been abused all their life they are too

scare to stand up thats why people need to help no matter how busy they are there is always time

to help those children in need , the ones who cant live a normal live and suffer and cry every

night because of how scare they are . Also on this article it says Native American children have

a 14.5% cumulative risk of abuse or neglect. They were followed by Latino children, with a 13%
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cumulative risk, the researchers found. An estimated 10.7% of white children will suffer

maltreatment before reaching adulthood slightly below the nationwide average. (Kaplan, Karen

1) All this numbers of children who are abused are incredible and its so sad that they cant receive

the help that they need , they are all hoping that one person helps them , just one that can stop the

To accomplish this cause, its fundamental to understand whats going on all over the world

with so many innocents children. this is all prove that there needs to be awareness and people

should use a little bit of their time and decide to help, and always be alert, if anyone sees a child

being abused or buying its important to try to help not continue walking and ignore the situation.

Many families and kids will appreciate the help, many of them are being sexually abused but

because they are afraid of people judging them they dont speak up and they suffer, others are

being bullied or mistreated by parents, friends or teachers and they cant tell. All this purpose is

why is so important to create mindfulness and show the world whats going on with children.

The world need to know that millions of children suffer everyday , cry and scream of pain

because they have people abusing them physically , sexually , and mentally . The have the proof

of pain on their body , a way of always making them remember everything they went through

this gets as a mental pain , always being reminded of what happened with the fear and living

their life because they think what if this happens again and its extremely hard for them to move

on .It only takes one person to stand up and show the world that if we all get together we can

help stop child abuse . Children cant stop their abusers because they are not strong enough and

the fear they have is too big for them to face it and thats why people are the ones who need to

help. There are millions of ways to help , whenever someone see a child with bruises , or a red

eye , or a broken finger or anything that looks like child abuse why not try to help , approach the

child and see if he is ok and if there is anything you can do . organizations are needed for
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children to attend and get mental help , organizations to teach parents that children are made to

love and organizations to protect the children who are being abused on a daily basis and nobody

is brave enough to stand up . Children are like little angels scare of the world that they are facing

and they need attention, and love not suffering and trauma because then they grow up with fear.

Works Cited ...

Bakalar, Nicholas. "Child abuse investigations didn't reduce risk, a study finds." New York Times,

12 Oct. 2010, p. D3(L). Academic OneFile,



%7CA239143871&asid=b94e6658cbb9ea76c6c689aa93ea1c38. Accessed 25 Nov. 2017.

Kaplan, Karen. "Child Abuse, by the Numbers; A Study Finds 1 in 8 U.S. Kids Will Become a

Victim of Serious Mistreatment." Los Angeles Times, Jun 09, 2014, US News stream,
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Kendall, Brent. 2015. "U.S. News: Teachers Allowed to Testify in Child-Abuse Cases. Wall

Street Journal, Jun 19. accountid=45761

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