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Kailee Harris

Lesson Title: Discover 10-Patterns in 5-Groups

Grade: Kindergarten

A. Standards
MDE grade level or CCSS
CC.K.OA.1: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations
CC.K.OA.2: Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
CC.K.OA.3: Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way,
e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation
(e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1).

B. Objectives/Targets and I CAN Statements

The students will (TSW) represent addition and subtraction with an equation.
I CAN write an addition/subtraction equation.

The students will (TSW) solve word problems within 10 by using an iPad to represent the
I CAN solve a story problem by adding and subtracting within 10.

The students will decompose the number 10 into pairs in more than one way by using their
iPads to show the two groups.
I CAN make partners of 10 using my iPad.

Formative Assessment
The students will show a visual representation of there understanding by creating
an equation, solving the problem, and representing it with a picture on their iPads.

C. Lesson Management: Focus and Organization

What positive strategies, techniques, and tools will you use?
What ideas for on task, active and focused student behavior?

Lesson Management:
Smart-Board opener (I do)
Student Participation (We do)
Use Drop Board app on iPads to practice (You do)
Show the teacher

Student Management:
Students will move to the carpet for group instruction and iPad work.

Active Student Participation-

Students will actively participate in the opening instruction while using the Smart-
Board. They will answer problems as a class and as individual volunteers. The
students will participate as they create pictures and equations that correlate with
the story problems presented to them by using their iPads. They will respond to
formative assessment questions, working in groups, and individually.

Classroom Management Focus-

Students will raise hands to respond to questions. The teacher will only call on
students who are raising his or her hand nicely and while sitting correctly. Students
who blurt out of turn will first be asked to remove their first smiley face on the
BLURT cart (warning). If the behavior continues he or she will then be told to
remove a second smiley that will be followed by time in the better choices chair.

D. Instruction: Creating Excitement and Focus for the Lesson Target

What will you do to generate interest?
How will you access prior knowledge?
What will you practice/review?

The Teacher will (TTW) generate interest by starting the lesson with a story
problem using the smart-board.
TTW demonstrate how to use 5-groups in a 10-pattern
TTW have student volunteers complete the story problem in front of the class using
the smart board.

E. Input: Setting up the Lesson For Students Success

Task Analysis:
What information does the learner need? If needed how will it be provided?
How is the lesson scaffolded?
o Show example problem on the Smart-Board
o TTW have students help creating partners of 10s on the Smart-Board.
o As we flip each ladybug over at a time, we will state how many ladybugs are
awake, how many are asleep, and how many there are all-together. (stating
the partners created).
o TTW Ask students how we could use the 5-groups within the 10 ladybugs to
help us count the groups.
o TTW show the students how they will do this individually with their iPads.
o The teacher will then tell the students story problems, using their iPads they
will show the number sentence and picture that correlates with the story.

o The students will show their iPad to the teacher when they have a complete
equation and picture, they will then wait quietly for everyone to finish.
o TTW go over each problem before moving to the next.
o Closure

Thinking Levels: Questions to engage students thinking

Remembering: How do we make partners of ten? How can we use 5-goups?

Understanding: How did you show the four cookies with sprinkles? Why did you cross of
three of your cookies?
Applying: Show the teacher your equation and picture on your iPad
Analyzing: why did you add more to this one? But you took away from that one?
Evaluating: What are three different ways to create 10-groups (partners of ten)
Creating: Make your own story using a 10-pattern.

Accommodations: Differentiating to meet student needs

1. Remediation/Intervention-
TTW will sit next to students who struggle in math so that she can assist the child
when he or she struggles.

2. Extension/Enrichment-
Students who excel in math will be asked to explain their thinking and try to find the
partner switch of their equation that they created on their iPad.

Methods, Materials, and Integrated Technology:

1. Materials and Integrated Technology

Prepared story problems
One-on-one iPads
Drag board app

F. Modeling: I DO
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input)
HOW/WHAT (Questioning and redirecting)
Model how to make 10 patterns (10 dots, create a group of 9 and 1).
Demonstrate how we can use the 5 groups to count how many are in each group.
Model how to write a corresponding equation (9+1=10).

G. Check for Understanding:

Samples of questions to be asked
Ways in which students will respond and be engaged
Formative assessment strategies to be implemented

Think of a different way that we could make a 10 pattern.
Have students turn and share with a partner.

H. Guided Practice: We Do
What do the teacher and student do together?
Complete a story problem together using the Smart-Board.
Have volunteers create different patterns (partners) on the board.
Have students write the correlating equation on the smart board.
Chart all of the different 10 patterns in a table.

I. Collaborative (You Do Together) and/or Independent Practice (You Do)

What practices will be demonstrated/modeled?
Students will create 10 patterns with their Ipads, The teacher will tell them story
problems and they will write the equation and create a corresponding picture
(showing the 10 pattern and how you can see/use the 5-group).
As students finish they will turn and share their work with a shoulder partner.

J. Closure:
How will the I can statement(s) be reviewed?
How will students be involved?
What connections to future learning will occure?
The teacher will restate the I Can Statements.
The students will share their equations to demonstrate an example of each lesson
The teacher will then indicate how todays lesson will help them in their next activity in the
We just worked on our partners of 10. I know that your math brains are ready to
work, so next we will be making partners of 6 and 8, do you think you can do that?

K. Assessment:
What evidence supports the objective(s) were met?
What do my students know, understand, and are able to do?
What formative assessments will be used to inform instruction?

If students create appropriate images to represent their equations, as well as correct

answer, then the teacher will know that the lesson objectives have been met.

Information will be collected to drive instruction for the next math lesson.

L. Reflection: (Done with field coordinator)

Ms. Harris has 10 ladybugs:

And they are all sleeping! But one woke up and wants to play! (draw a smiley face on one)

How many are awake? How many are asleep? And how many are there all together.
Hmmm. I know that there is one awake, and oh I see a five group, I can count on to find our
how many are asleep! 5-6-7-8-9! So my partner group is 1(awake)+9(asleep)=10 (bugs all

Do the next one and then have students participate.

Later that day, 3 of the lady buys flew away. If she had 10 ladybugs and 3 of them flew
away. How many ladybugs does Ms. Harris have left?

Ms. Harris has 10 cookies (use the red circles). 4 of them have sprinkles. Show how many
are plane, how many have sprinkles, and how many there are all together.

But then she wanted a few more to have sprinkles, so now 7 of them have sprinkles. Show
how many are plane, how many have sprinkles, and how many there are all together.

But then Ms. Harris gave 3 of her cookies away to her friends, if Ms. Harris had 10 cookies
and she gave 3 away, how many does she have left?

Then a few more wanted some of Ms. Harriss cookies, if Ms. Harris had 10 cookies and she
gave 5 away, how many does she have left?

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