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Physics Uspekhi 40 (11) 1087 1116 (1997) #1997 Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Russian Academy of Sciences

REVIEWS OF TOPICAL PROBLEMS PACS numbers: 52.30.q, 52.35.Ra, 52.55.Fa

Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves

V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov

1. Introduction 1087
2. General remarks 1089
3. Hamiltonian formalism in continuous media 1090
4. Canonical variables in hydrodynamics 1092
5. Non-canonical Poisson brackets 1095
6. Ertel's theorem 1096
7. Gauge symmetry relabeling group 1098
8. The Hopf invariant and the degeneracy of the Poisson brackets 1101
9. Inhomogeneous fluid and surface waves 1103
10. Hamiltonian formalism for plasma and magnetohydrodynamics 1106
11. Hamiltonian formalism in kinetics 1109
12. Classical perturbation theory and the reduction of Hamiltonians 1111
References 1115

Abstract. The Hamiltonian description of hydrodynamic type problem of quantization. However, in the classical case too,
systems in application to plasmas, hydrodynamics, and magne- establishing that a given system is Hamiltonian allows one to
tohydrodynamics is reviewed with emphasis on the problem of hope (although this is not always a simple matter) to
introducing canonical variables. The relation to other Hamilto- introduce explicitly canonical variables, after which all the
nian approaches, in particular natural-variable Poisson brack- variants of perturbation theory are considerably simplified
ets, is pointed out. It is shown that the degeneracy of non- and standardized (cf., for example, Refs [1 4]). In particular,
canonical Poisson brackets relates to a special type of symme- this approach gives an opportunity to consider all nonlinear
try, the relabeling transformations of fluid-particle Lagrangian processes from the general point of view without fixing their
markers, from which all known vorticity conservation theorems, proper peculiarities connected with a given medium. The
such as Ertel's, Cauchy's, Kelvin's, as well as vorticity frozen- Hamiltonian approach also gives certain advantages when
ness and the topological Hopf invariant, are derived. The appli- approximations must be made. A classical example of this is a
cation of canonical variables to collisionless plasma kinetics is description of well-separated space or time scales, in parti-
described. The Hamiltonian structure of Benney's equations cular, of high-frequency and low-frequency waves (for
and of the Rossby wave equation is discussed. Davey Stewart- review, see the remarkable book of Whitham [5]). For
son's equation is given the Hamiltonian form. A general method continuous Hamiltonian systems the stability problem for
for treating weakly nonlinear waves is presented based on stationary solutions as cnoidal waves, solitons, vortices, etc. is
classical perturbation theory and the Hamiltonian reduction formulated more or less in the same manner and can be solved
technique. by studying the quadratic Hamiltonian for small perturba-
tions or by taking the Hamiltonian in combination with other
integrals (numbers of particles, momentum, etc.) as the
1. Introduction
Lyapunov functional if considering nonlinear stability (cf.,
The equations of hydrodynamics and their generalizations for instance, Refs [6 8]).
are among the most basic tools for the description of Besides hydrodynamics, equations of the hydrodynamic
nonlinear waves in macroscopic physics. In studying them, type are widely used for the description of various processes in
an important question is whether these equations, in the plasma physics as well as in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
absence of dissipation, have a Hamiltonian structure. This They combine the equation of medium motion and the
problem is primarily important in connection with the Maxwell equations for electromagnetic fields. These models
also play an essential role in solid state physics and nonlinear
V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, The problem of the Hamiltonian structure of the hydro-
ul. Kosygina 2, 117334 Moscow, Russia dynamic equations has a long history. There are two
E-mail:, traditional approaches to it. Firstly, one can try, for some
system or other, to directly guess a complete set of canonical
Received 5 June 1997 variables. Then the problem of calculating the Poisson
Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 167 (11) 1137 1167 (1997)
brackets between any physical quantities is automatically
Submitted in English by the authors; edited by A Yaremchuk
solved, and one also succeeds in writing down a variational
principle. Usually the Hamiltonian variables are expressed in
1088 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

terms of the natural variables (velocity, pressure) in a highly plasma, which had earlier attracted attention. A Hamiltonian
non-trivial fashion. description of magnetohydrodynamics was achieved by the
An alternative path is directly to find expressions for the authors of the present work in 1970 [33]. Canonical variables
Poisson brackets in `natural' variables. This does not enable in a two-fluid hydrodynamic model were introduced in Ref.
one to introduce a variational principle, but for many [34], and were used later in various papers describing non-
physical problems, including the problem of quantization, it linear processes in plasma (cf., for example, Ref. [35]). This
appears to be sufficient. The hydrodynamic type equations did not solve the question of introducing canonical variables
have the same degree of nonlinearity (quadratic in the in the collisionless kinetics of a plasma, although, after paper
velocities) as the energy integral. It then follows that the [31], it became clear that such variables must exist. In the
expression for the Poisson brackets must be linear with present survey we introduce such variables, using the
respect to the variables (velocity, density, etc.) that enter equivalence of the Vlasov equations to an infinite system of
these equations. It is easy to show that all such brackets are hydrodynamic equations. This equivalence, which was noted
brackets of the Berezin Kirillov Kostant type on certain by one of the authors (E A Kuznetsov), is established by a
Lie groups. This quite important fact was understood Radon transform, and was essentially used in Ref. [30], where
relatively recently, apparently first by V I Arnold [9, 10] (see it was shown that the Benney equations are equivalent to one
also, Ref. [11]) although Poisson brackets between velocity variant of the Vlasov equations.
components had already been calculated in connection with In the present survey we also give a systematic description
the problem of quantization in a paper by L D Landau [12]. of the result recalled above. In addition we discuss the
Also devoted to these notions were some papers by interesting question of the Hamiltonian structure for two-
I E Dzyaloshinskii and G E Volovik [13], and S P Novikov. dimensional incompressible hydrodynamics, and for the
For the equations of magnetohydrodynamics the non- Charny Obukhov Hasegawa Mima equation describing
canonical Poisson brackets were first calculated by Greene Rossby waves. In these systems, there has not yet been success
and Morrison [15] and for the Vlasov Maxwell equations for in introducing suitable canonical variables, although the
a plasma they were obtained by Morrison [16]. existence of a Hamiltonian structure is a proven fact.
As for canonical variables, for the ideal hydrodynamics of Recently Piterbarg [39], generalizing the results of papers
a homogeneous incompressible fluid they had already been [38], proved that the non-canonical Poisson brackets for such
found in the previous century by Clebsch (cf., for example, systems for arbitrary flows with closed stream lines can be
Ref. [17]). The topological meaning of these variables was reduced to the Gardner Zakharov Faddeev brackets
clarified in the paper by Kuznetsov and Mikhailov [18]. In appearing at first for the integrable equations [40] and
1932, H Bateman [19], and later independently B I Davydov suggested a constructive scheme for finding a canonical
[20], extended the result of Clebsch to a compressible basis. Finally we consider some general properties of
barotropic liquid. In 1952 for nonbarotropic flows of an Hamiltonian systems with a continuous number of degrees
ideal liquid, the variables were found by I M Khalatnikov of freedom.
[21]. Later this result was rediscovered in another set of The basis of this survey was a paper by the authors [1],
articles (see, for example, Ref. [22]). published in 1986 in English in a sufficiently rare journal and
From these results one can obtain the canonical variables therefore unknown to a wide audience, both Russian and
for an incompressible fluid of variable density, including abroad. The text of this survey has been revised and
fluids with a free boundary, as was done by Kontorovich, broadened significantly from [1]. First of all, the problems
Kravchik and Time [23]. However, the extremely important of the non-canonical Poisson brackets and their degeneracy
problem, from the point of view of surface waves, of the were revised and supplemented. For systems of the hydro-
Hamiltonian description of a fluid with free surface was dynamic type this degeneracy is connected with a hidden
solved earlier by one of the authors of the present work symmetry of the equations, in fact, the gauge symmetry. This
(V E Zakharov). The canonical variables were introduced symmetry has a Lagrangian origin; it relates to the group of
without proof in 1966 [24], and the complete proof was transformations relabeling the Lagrangian variables marking
published in 1968 in Ref. [25]. In these papers only potential each fluid particle. Evidently no changes in markers may
fluid flows were considered. A partial transfer of the results to influence the system dynamics. This fact was first understood
the case of non-potential flow was accomplished by Vorono- completely by R Salmon [41] in 1982 although Eckart in 1938
vich [26] and Goncharov [27], who also solved the problem of and then in 1960 [44] and later Newcomb [46] understood the
the Hamiltonian description of internal waves in the ocean. A role of this symmetry. In particular, all known theorems on
presentation of these results can be found in the monograph vorticity conservation, i.e., the Ertel theorem about the
by Yu Z Miropolskii [28] as well as in a recent book by existence of the Lagrangian (material) invariants [42] (see
Goncharov and Pavlov [29], both written entirely from the also Ref. [54], p. 31), the Cauchy theorem of frozenness of
point of view of Hamiltonian formalism. vorticity into a fluid [17] and the Kelvin theorem about the
Of especial interest is the Hamiltonian formalism for the conservation of the velocity circulation (see, for instance,
Benney equations, describing non-potential long waves on [54]), as well as the conservation of the topological Hopf
shallow water. The system of Benney equations is completely invariant [56, 57] characterizing the flow knottiness, are a
integrable [30, 31], and the Hamiltonian formalism for them consequence of this symmetry. This symmetry is also
was formulated (in the language of Poisson brackets between connected with introducing the canonical Clebsch variables
moments of the longitudinal velocity) in a paper by Manin and their gauge symmetry.
and Kupershmidt [32]. One should note that introducing canonical variables of
Canonical variables enabling one to calculate Poisson the Clebsch kind into systems of the hydrodynamic type
brackets between any quantities were found for the Benney allows one to find expressions for all the non-canonical
equations in Ref. [30]. This question unexpectedly turned out Poisson brackets known up to now, starting from the
to be related to the question of the Hamiltonian description of canonical one. This fact was first demonstrated [47, 1] by the
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1089

authors of the given survey for the equations of ideal covered by some system of maps. We assume that on the
hydrodynamics and for the kinetic Vlasov Maxwell equa- manifold G there is a given symplectic structure a
tions for plasma. However, passing to the opposite direction, nondegenerate closed two-form O. This means that at each
i.e., finding canonical brackets from non-canonical brackets, point a twice covariant anti-symmetric tensor Oij Oji is
entails some difficulties in the general situation, connected defined. Suppose that xi are the local coordinates at some
with the degeneracy of non-canonical brackets. point. The closure condition implies that Oij obeys the system
In this survey we consider all these questions for the of equations
hydrodynamic equations in more detail. Here we don't
discuss the role of this symmetry for other models, except qOij qOjk qOki
0 2:2
the MHD equations (about this subject see the recent paper qxk qxi qxj
[48]). Now this question for systems of the hydrodynamic type
is far from well studied and requires additional investigations. with det Oij 6 0.
In our opinion, it has a principle meaning for understanding A system of differential equations defined on G is said to
many nonlinear phenomena which take place in fluids and be Hamiltonian if there exists a function H on G such, that in
plasma. First of all these are the processes of reconnection of the neighborhood of each point identified by xi one has
vortex lines for fluids or magnetic field lines in plasma, qH
namely, the processes which change the system topology. Oij x_ j : 2:3
It is easy to see that under the changes of coordinates
2. General remarks
xi xi ~ x1 ; . . . ; x~N , for which the Jacobian qx1 ; . . . ; xN 
We recall some elementary facts. The most naive definition of x1 ; . . . ; x~N 1 6 0, equation (2.3) remains invariant. In
a finite-dimensional Hamiltonian system reads as follows. this case the matrix O transforms as follows:
One considers a system of an even number of differential
equations for the time-dependent functions qk t, pk t ~ lm qxi Oij qxj :
k 1; . . . ; N, having the form q~
xl q~

qH qH A manifold with an assigned symplectic structure is said to

q_ k ; p_ k : 2:1
qpk qqk be symplectic. It necessarily has even dimension (otherwise
det Oij 0).
Here Hp1 ; . . . ; pN ; q1 ; . . . ; qN , which is a given function of Within each simply connected region Eqn (2.2) can be
the variables, is the Hamiltonian. integrated to read
The definition presented here is far from being always
satisfactory, since it assumes implicitly that the domain of qAi qAj
Oij ; 2:4
variation of the pi and qi (the phase space) is a domain in the qxj qxi
real vector space R 2N . However, for the case of the
mathematical pendulum, where the generalized coordinate is where Ai x are the `potentials' of the form Oij . If the solutions
an angle, one must identify its values that differ by 2p. Thus of the system (2.3) do not extend beyond the limits of this
the phase space of the pendulum is a cylinder, which is region, the variational principle dS 0 is valid, where
extremely significant, since functions defined uniquely on
the cylinder must be periodic functions of the angular S Ai x_ i H dt : 2:5
coordinate. The situation becomes even more complicated
when we consider a spherical pendulum or the motion of a
rigid body with one point fixed. All of these examples deal It has been noted that the variational principle (2.5) exists
with the next class of Hamiltonian systems in degree of non- globally only if the form Oij is exact, i.e., if relation (2.4) can be
triviality, where one can, with a sufficient degree of definition, continued to the whole manifold G. Generally speaking, the
distinguish two groups of variables: generalized coordinates Ai are multivalued functions on G, that acquire a non-zero
q1 ; . . . ; qN and generalized momenta p1 ; . . . ; pN . The separa- addition in going around any cycle not homologous to zero.
tion is based on the fact that the generalized coordinates give a Locally, in each simply-connected region one can, by a
point on an arbitrary N-dimensional manifold (configuration suitable change of variables, bring the system to canonical
space) M, while the momenta can have arbitrary values in the coordinates, i.e., to form (2.1) (Darboux's theorem). How-
vector space of momenta R N . In this case the phase space of ever, globally (over all G) this is generally not possible, even if
the system, G T  M; is the tangent bundle of the manifold differential form (2.4) is exact. Due to the assumption of the
M. Hamiltonian systems of this type preserve the basic nondegeneracy of the form Oij , Eqn (2.3) can be written in the
properties of `naive' Hamiltonian systems. In particular, the form
variational principle in the Hamiltonian form is valid and one
can go over to a Lagrangian description. qH
x_ i Rij : 2:6
Only systems of this type are usually described in the qxj
standard textbooks of theoretical physics.
It is important, however, to consider Hamiltonian systems Here Rij Rji is the matrix reciprocal to Oij ; such as
of a more general form, in which it is impossible to make a R1 O: It is then easily verified that the relations (2.2) are
unique separation of variables into coordinates and equivalent to the relations
momenta. Such systems are conveniently described in terms
of generalized coordinates, that are generally speaking not q q q
Rim Rjk Rkm Rij Rjm Rik 0 : 2:7
canonical. Let G, the phase space of the system, be a manifold qxm qxm qxm
1090 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

Next, by means of the matrix R one defines the Poisson From condition (2.7) it now follows that the eij; m are
brackets between any functions A and B given on G: subject to the relations
X qA qB eik; m ejm; l eji; m ekm; l ekj; m eim; l 0 ;
fA; Bg Rij : 2:8
qxi qxj i.e., they are the structure constants of some Lie algebra L.
Calculating the brackets between quantities xi , xj , it can be
From the antisymmetry of Rij it follows that checked that

fA; Bg fB; Ag ; fxi ; xj g Rij eij; m xm : 2:12

Thus, the space G itself is now a Lie algebra L.
while the relations (2.7) guarantee that the Jacobi identity The matrix Rij is in general degenerate. However,
   relations (2.10) are always integrable. Consider the algebra
fA; Bg; C fB; Cg; A fC; Ag; B 0 2:9 L , dual to L, and the corresponding Lie group l  . Here the
algebra L forms the co-adjoint representation of the group l  .
is satisfied. Because of the non-degeneracy of the matrix Oij , Relations (2.10) are invariant under the action of the group l  ,
in each coordinate system the matrix Rij is also non- and so conditions (2.12) hold, and define the orbits of the
degenerate. The matrix R is called the symplectic operator, action of the group l  on L. On these orbits (cf. Kirillov [36],
and it plays the same role as the metric tensor gij in Euclidean Kostant [37]) a fully valid Hamiltonian mechanics exists.
geometry. The condition (2.7) is analogous to the vanishing of If the Hamiltonian is polynomial in its variables, then the
the curvature tensor for Euclidean space, and, respectively, equations are also polynomials in the canonical coordinates,
the canonical form and they have a nonlinearity that is one degree lower. If the
  degree of nonlinearity of the investigated system coincides
0 I with the degree of nonlinearity of the Hamiltonian, then the
I 0 matrix is linear in the coordinates, and the symplectic
manifold G is the orbit of some Lie group in its co-adjoint
has the same meaning as representation. This currently happens for equations of the
hydrodynamic type.
Another interesting case is the situation when the Poisson
in Euclidean space. structure R depends on the coordinates xi quadratically. In
The next step for generalizing a Hamiltonian system is to this case it can be regarded as the classical R-matrix which
drop the requirement of nonsingularity of R. This variant of plays an important role in the theory of Hamiltonian systems
Hamiltonian mechanics is called Poisson mechanics. integrable by the inverse scattering transform. This theory,
If det Rik 0, then a return to form (2.3) is impossible. however, is far from a scope of this survey and we shall not
Suppose that vectors xia a 1; . . . ; k form a basis of the co- further touch this question.
kernel of the operator Rij (i.e., xi Rij 0). Then, from Eqn
(2.6), it follows that the relations
3. Hamiltonian formalism in continuous media
xia x_ i 0 ; a 1; . . . ; k 2:10 The introduction of a Hamiltonian structure for conservative
nonlinear media is essentially a generalization of the
hold. In a simply-connected domain in which the rank of the Hamiltonian formalism for systems with a finite number of
matrix R is constant, due to the Frobenious theorem, Eqns degrees of freedom to systems with a continuous number of
(2.10) can be integrated: degrees of freedom. We shall basically understand this to give
a description of the dynamics of waves evolving in a
f a x1 ; . . . ; xn const ; a 1; . . . ; k : continuous medium by means of canonical variables. There
are no general recipes for the introduction of canonical
In turn, these relations are connected with the vectors xai by variables in continuous media. To solve this problem it is
the evident formulae: sometimes useful to make use of a Lagrangian with con-
qf a straints, which one takes in the form of some equations of
xia : motion. This method, which apparently arose in the work of
B I Davydov [20], is justified when the expression for the
The constants f a are called Casimirs. Moreover, the Frobe- Lagrangian without the constraints comes directly from
nious theorem and relations (2.7) guarantee that all these k mechanics or field theory. Such a procedure, in particular,
invariants are functionally independent. They are evidently applies to the hydrodynamic type systems that will be
integrals of motion for our Hamiltonian system. These considered in this survey, and is widely used for describing
integrals split G into manifolds invariant under system (2.6) nonlinear waves in plasma, in hydrodynamics and magneto-
(symplectic leaves). On each of them one can introduce the hydrodynamics. For this purpose, we shall find the canonical
usual Hamiltonian mechanics. From our remarks it is clear variables for all of these systems.
that the possibility of introducing Poisson brackets implies Suppose that the medium is described by a pair of
the system under consideration to be Hamiltonian in the canonical variables the generalized coordinate qr; t and
weakest sense. the generalized momentum pr; t, whose evolution is given by
Of special interest is the case where the metric elements Rij the Hamiltonian equations:
are linearly dependent on the coordinates as follows:
qp dH qq dH
; : 3:1
Rij eij; m xm : 2:11 qt dq qt dp
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1091

Here the Hamiltonian is some functional of p and q. Formally under reflection [i.e., Br Br], one obtains
it can be written as a series in powers of the canonical
variables: B2k 0 ; o2k Ak Ck B21k :

X n
1 X
H Gnk r1 ; . . . ; rk ; rk1 ; . . . ; rn We further carry out a canonical transformation
n0 k0
pk Uk ak Uk ak

Uk Uk ;
 pr1 . . . prk qrk1 . . . qrn dr1 . . . drn : 3:2 q k Vk ak Vk ak

Vk Vk 3:5

This expansion, in the absence of external forces, begins from the variables pk and qk to normal variables ak and ak , in
with quadratic terms in p and q. For spatially homogeneous which the quadratic Hamiltonian is
media the structure functions Gnk are functions of the
differences (ri rj ). In particular, for such media the quad- H0 ok ak ak dk ; 3:6
ratic term H0 in the expansion has the form

1  and the equations of motion have the form
H0 Ar r 0 pr pr 0 2Br r 0 prqr 0
 qak dH
Cr r 0 qrqr 0 dr dr 0 ; 3:3 i  : 3:7
qt dak

whose diagonalization solves the problem of stability of a Here ok denotes one of the functions o1;2 .
homogeneous medium against small perturbations. Substituting the transforms (3.5) into Eqn (3.3), and from
To solve it we first carry out a Fourier transformation in a comparison with Eqn (3.6) we get a system of equations for
the coordinates: determining Uk and Vk . By requiring that this transformation
is canonical, we get
pr pk expikr dk ; pk pk ;
2p 3=2 Uk Vk Uk Vk i ;

qr qk expikr dk ; qk qk : and find from this system
B1k io0k
Uk i p expijk ;
As a result, equation (3.3) is rewritten in the form 2Ak o0k
1   Vk i expijk :
H0 Ak pk pk 2Bk pk qk Ck qk qk dk : 2o0k

The Fourier transforms of the structural functions that enter In the above expressions o0k is the quantity
2 1=2
here have the following properties: signAk Ak Ck B1k , and jk is an arbitrary phase
factor, which we shall set equal to zero from now on [this
Ak Ak Ak ; Ck Ck Ck ; corresponds to a simple redefinition of ak : ak ! ak expijk ].
Bk B1k iB2k B1k iB2k : Let us now explicitly consider the complete frequency

In the k-representation Eqns (3.1) then take the form ok B2k signAk Ak Ck D21k 1=2

qpk dH qqk dH that is the dispersion law for the waves. It is essential that the
 ;  :
qt dqk qt dpk sign of the frequency coincides with the sign of the wave
energy in the nonlinear medium{. Accordingly all waves can
The equations for small perturbations are obtained from this be divided into two big classes: waves with positive energy and
by varying the Hamiltonian H0 . Analysis of these equations waves with negative energy. All well-known waves (gravity
shows that waves with frequencies and capillary waves on a fluid surface, acoustic and electro-
q magnetic waves, and so on) belong to the first class. Waves
o1;2 B2k  Ak Ck B21k with a negative energy typically appear in media with some
current (it may be electron or ion beams in plasma, or flow of
can propagate in the medium. The medium will be stable with
one fluid with respect to another, etc.) and in this case the
respect to small perturbations if
origin of a negative frequency is connected with the Doppler
effect. One should say that there is no principle difference in
Ak Ck B1k > 0; 3:4 the nonlinear interaction between waves within their respec-
tive classes. This arises for the interaction between waves with
and unstable in the opposite case. The latter case, for instance, positive and negative energies.
can be realized in a cold plasma with a monochromatic
electron beam when the plasma electrons and beam electrons
can be considered as two independent fluids. { Here we assume that the nonlinear interaction is weak so that the energy
In the following we shall assume that the stability sign of the nonlinear medium coincides with the sign of its quadratic
condition (3.4) is satisfied. For media that are invariant Hamiltonian.
1092 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

In order to classify the nonlinear interaction between It can be checked that the equation set (4.1) and (4.2) can be
waves, let us consider the next terms in the expansion in represented in the form of the Hamiltonian equations:
powers of a and a  , which can be obtained after substitution
of Eqn (3.5) into (3.2). In particular, the cubic term H1 has the qj dH qr dH
; :
form qt dr qt dj

H1 Vkk1 k2 ak ak1 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 Thus the density r is a generalized coordinate, and j is the
generalized momentum.
1 This result can also be obtained from a Lagrangian
Ukk1 k2 ak ak2 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 ; 3:8
3 approach. In this case one makes use of the well-known
expression for the Lagrangian of a mechanical system,
where the matrix elements U and V have the following generalized to the continuous case, supplementing it by the
symmetry properties: constraint
Ukk1 k2 Ukk2 k1 Uk2 k1 k ; Vkk1 k2 Vkk2 k1 : qr
div rv 0 :
Among the fourth-order terms, we shall be interested in qt
the term of the form
Y Then the action is
Tk1 k2 k3 k4 ak1 ak2 ak3 ak4 dk1 k2 k3 k3 dki : ( 2  )
i rv qr
S L dt er j div rv dr dt :
2 qt
Each term in the expansion of H in powers of a and a  has
a simple physical meaning. The equation of motion in the Its variation with respect to the variable v leads to the
form (3.7) is the limit of the corresponding quantum potential condition for the flow, v H j, and variations with
equations for the Bose operators in the case of a classical respect to the variables r and j lead to Eqns (4.1) and (4.2).
wave field, where the variables a  and a appear as analogs of Here the transition to the Hamiltonian form is accomplished
the creation and annihilation operators. Thus the cubic term by the standard formula
in the expansion of the Hamiltonian describes three-wave
processes (the first term in H1 is responsible for the processes qr
H j dr L
of decay of one wave into three waves, the second corresponds qt
to the simultaneous creation of three waves), the next term
describes four-wave processes, etc. and leads us to Eqn (4.3).
It is necessary to say that a calculation of matrix elements We give the expression for the coefficients of the
in this scheme assumes a pure algebraic procedure that Hamiltonian expansion. The diagonalization of
consists in a substitution of the transformation (3.5) into the  
corresponding Hamiltonian, a forthcoming simplification 1 dr2
H0 Hj2 c2s
r0 H dr
and a symmetrization of the final result. 2 2r0
For a medium described by several pairs of canonical
variables and when H0 is diagonalized, several wave branches can be made by the transformation
can appear, with dispersion laws oi k and amplitudes ai k.  
In this case a summation over all types of waves in each term i ok 1=2 
jk ak ak ;
of the expansion is needed. k 2r0
In the next sections we show how both canonical variables  1=2

are introduced and matrix elements are calculated on concrete drk k ak ak : 4:4
examples. 2ok

Here ok kcs refers to the eigenfrequency, dr r r0 is the

4. Canonical variables in hydrodynamics
deviation of the density from the equilibrium r0 ,
As a first example we consider the equations of potential flow cs qp=qr0 1=2 is the velocity of sound. Substitution of this
of an ideal compressible barotropic fluid, in which the transformation into the next term H1 of the expansion,
pressure p is a single-valued function of the density r. These  
equations can be written in the following form: 1 dr3
H1 drHHj2 c2s g 2 dr ;
2 2r0
div rH
Hj 0 ; 4:1
gives the following expression for Ukk1 k2 and Vkk1 k2 :
qj HHj2 
wr 0 : 4:2 1 kk1 k2
qt 2 Ukk1 k2 Vkk1 k2 3gc2s
16p r0
3 ok ok1 ok2 1=2
Here j is the velocity potential, or qe=qr is the enthalpy,    
ok ok1 1=2 kk1 ok ok24 1=2 kk2
where er denotes the internal energy density. These k1 k1
equations conserve the energy ok 2 kk1 ok 1 kk2
  ok2 ok1 k2 k1
rHHj2 k : 4:5
H er dr : 4:3 ok k2 k1
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1093

The equations describing nonlinear sound waves in media (4.11). Multiplying Eqn (4.11) by the differential dr (for a
with dispersion belong to the same type of system as (4.1) and fixed time t), we get a relation
(4.2). These equations can be derived when considering the
internal energy of the system E in as a functional of the density. l l0
dj dm dj 0 dm 0
This functional can be represented as a power series in H r: r r
E in er H Hr2 . . . dr : 4:6 between the new and old variables, or
Classical hydrodynamics corresponds to keeping only the l l0
df  dj j 0 dm dm 0 : 4:14
first term in the above series. If we now include the second r r
term, we get the Boussinesq system:
The last relation shows that j 0 j is the generating function
qr f of a gauge transformation, depending on m and m 0 . The old
div rH
Hj 0 ;
qt and new canonical coordinates are then expressed in terms of
qj 1 dE in the generating function by means of the formulae [21]
H wr nDr :
qt 2 dr qf qf
l r ; l0 r ; 4:15
The Hamiltonian in this case coincides with the total energy qm qm 0
of the system, i.e., with a sum of kinetic energy and internal
energy given by Eqn (4.6), while r and j remain the canonical determining the non-uniqueness in the choice of Clebsch
conjugated variables. variables.
Introduction of canonical variables is possible also when Substituting the velocity v expressed in terms of the
we include vortex motion in an ideal fluid [17, 19, 20]. To this variables l, m and j directly into the Euler equation (4.8),
aim we must start from the full Euler equations of hydro- we verify that
l qm q l l
qr H vH
Hm H m vH
div rv 0 ; 4:7 r qt qt r r
qj v2
qv H pr H Hj wr 0 :
Hv H
Hwr : 4:8 qt 2
qt r
Thus this equation is satisfied if Eqns (4.12), (4.13) are
We know that, for the Euler equations in accordance with also imposed. If it is so the system of equations of hydro-
the Kelvin theorem, the circulation of the fluid velocity dynamics can be said to be equivalent to the system (4.7),
around any closed contour moving together with the fluid is (4.9), (4.12), and (4.13). This is based on the uniqueness of the
conserved. In other words, in such a system there is a certain solution of the Cauchy problem for the original system and
scalar function mr; t which is convected by the fluid and that obtained (that is, rigorously speaking, an assumption). In
described by the following equation: doing this we must in addition, by means of the velocity v
  given at the initial time, construct some set of functions l0 , m0
dm q
H m 0: 4:9 and j0 , appearing as initial conditions for the system (4.9),
dt qt
(4.12), and (4.13).
Therefore, in formulating the variational principle we should Now changing to a Hamiltonian description, we get
include this equation as a constraint which implies setting
qr dH qj dH
 2     ; ;
rv qr qm qt dj qt dr
L er j div rv l vHHm dr :
2 qt qt ql dH qm dH
4:10 ; ; 4:16
qt dm qt dl
The variation of L with respect to the variables v, r and m where the Hamiltonian
leads to the following equations:  2 
l H er dr
v Hm Hj ; 4:11 2
coincides with the total energy of the system. For potential
qj v2 flows l m 0 we again arrive at a pair of canonical
Hj wr 0 ;
vH 4:12
qt 2 variables r; j.
ql The canonical variables for the equations of relativistic
div lv 0 : 4:13 hydrodynamics,
Here the first equation is the well-known change to the div rv 0 ;
Clebsch variables l and m; the second represents the general-  
ization of the Bernoulli equation to the non-potential flows q
H p mH Hwr 0 ;
and the last governs the dynamics of a new variable l. The qt
choice of l and m for a given value of v is not unique.  
v2 1=2
Let us consider two sets of potentials l, m, j and l 0 , m 0 , j 0 , p mv 1 2 ;
giving the same value for the velocity v with the help of Eqn
1094 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

are introduced in analogy to Eqn (4.11). In this case of each fluid particle, so that the coordinate of the particle at
p l time t will be
Hm Hj :
m r r ra; t : 4:18
Just as in the preceding example, the variables l; m and
r; j form pairs of canonically conjugate quantities, sub- More simply, and most frequently, the vector a is related to
jected to Eqns (4.16), with the Hamiltonian the origin of the particle coordinates:
r 2 2 2 1=2 a ra; 0 :
H m c p c er dr :
Hence it becomes clear that originally there are three
A natural generalization of the Clebsch formulation (4.8) independent Lagrangian invariants,
is the introduction of canonical variables for nonbarotropic
flows [22], when e depends on the density r as well as on the a ar; t ;
entropy S. For this the equations of motion (4.9) and (4.11)
are supplemented by the equation for the entropy advected by that are the inverse map to (4.18). All other Lagrangian
the fluid, invariants are functions of a. If we now assign the equations
q da qa
H S 0 ;  vH
Ha 0
qt dt qt
and the thermodynamic relation for a as constraints{ in the Lagrangian for the fluid we
immediately come to three new pairs of the canonical
de rT dS w dr
variables ll ; al , l 1; 2; 3 with the velocity in the form
with T as the temperature. In this case the transition to the
new variables is accomplished by the formula v ul H al : 4:19
l b
v Hj Hm HS : 4:17 Here ul ll =r and the density r is expressed through a by
r r
means of
For such flows j; r, l; m and S; b are pairs of canonically r0 a
conjugate quantities: r ;
qr dH where r0 a is the original density, J det J^ij is the Jacobian
div rv ;
qt dj of the mapping (4.18), and J^ij qxi =qaj is the Jacobi matrix
qj dH v2 (for more details, see Sections 5, 6). The vector u in this
Hj w ; formula is expressed in terms of the velocity components vi by
qt dr 2
ql dH u J^T v ;
div lv ;
qt dm
qm dH where the superscript T means transpose.
Hm ; Representation (4.19) is the most general. In particular, all
qt dl
the changes of variables presented above follow from this
qb dH formula. It can be simplified although remaining general.
div bv rT ;
qt dS Let us consider reversible smooth changes of variables:
qS dH a a~
a :
qt db
  Under these changes representation (4.19) remains invariant,
where H rv2 =2 er; S dr. The equivalence of these
v u~l H a~l ;
equations to the equations of hydrodynamics is verified by
direct substitution of the velocity into the Euler equation but the vector u transforms as
(4.8). Thus, in comparison with the barotropic case the qak
number of canonical variables increases by two. u~l uk :
Now let us ask the natural question: what is the minimal
number of canonical conjugated pairs for describing any If we now require that one of the components, say u3 , is equal
flow? As we saw above, introducing new canonical variables to 1, representation (4.19) becomes (compare with Ref. [49])
in the framework of the Lagrangian approach was connected l1 l2
with the addition of new constraints into the Lagrangian. For v Hf H m1 H m2 : 4:20
r r
example, for the Lagrangian (4.11) they were the continuity
equation for the density and the equation for the Lagrangian If now in this equation we put the entropy S for m2 , then we
(material) invariant m advected by the fluid. In the nonbaro- come back to the transformation (4.17). Note that such a
tropic case a new Lagrangian invariant, i.e, the entropy S, was reduction is possible if the family of surfaces of constant
added. entropy, Sr; t const; are homotopic, say, to the family of
To describe the fluid in terms of the Lagrangian (material) surfaces a1 r; t const. Hence, in particular, it follows that
variables it is enough to give three values a1 ; a2 ; a3 a
which, in the simplest case, coincide with the initial positions { These constraints are often called Lin's constraints [51].
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1095

in the barotropic case it is enough to take two pairs of the brackets [14]:
Clebsch variables in order to describe any fluid flow. One pair    
of Clebsch variables, as we will see later, describes a partial dF dG dG dF
fF; Gg r H ; H ; dr
type of flows. Nevertheless, locally any flow can be para- dr dp dr dp
meterized by one pair of Clebsch variables [17].     !
dG dF dF dG
p; H H dr : 5:4
dp dp dp dp
5. Non-canonical Poisson brackets
Now let us consider how one introduces a Hamiltonian Using Eqn (5.4) to calculate brackets between components of
structure into hydrodynamics in terms of the natural p and r, we find that
physical variables. To do so, it is sufficient to construct   
Poisson brackets that satisfy all the necessary requirements. pi r; pj r 0 pj r 0 H
Hi0 pi rH
Hj dr r 0 ;
The simplest way of constructing such brackets is to convert 
pi r; rr 0 rHHi dr r 0 : 5:5
the Poisson brackets expressed in terms of canonical variables
to an expression in terms of the natural variables. Note that in In accordance with Eqn (2.12), these relations give a Lie
this case the arising symplectic operator appears to be local in algebra, which coincides with the algebra of vector fields [58,
those variables. As an example we carry out a conversion of 14] in this case.
the formula for barotropic flows of an ideal fluid. The The brackets (5.4) and (5.5) can also be obtained in other
calculations for other models can be done in exactly the ways. The simplest method is to regard the Poisson brackets
same way. as the classical limit of the corresponding quantum commu-
According to (4.16), the Poisson brackets are given by the tators, which were first calculated for hydrodynamics by
expression: L D Landau [12]. Another method for calculating the
    Poisson brackets for hydrodynamic models, proposed by
dF dG dF dG dF dG dF dG G E Volovik and I E Dzyaloshinskii [13], is based on the
fF; Gg dr :
dr dj dj dr dl dm dm dl fact that p and r are the densities of the generators of
5:1 translations and gauge transformations.
For the sake of completeness we give the expressions for
Here the velocity is expressed in terms of l, m and r, j by the the Poisson brackets for the hydrodynamic equations of ideal
formula fluids for an arbitrary dependence of the pressure on both the
density and the entropy [15]:
v Hm Hj ; dF dG dG dF
r fF; Gg H ; H ; dr
dr dv dr dv
by means of which one can calculate the variational rot v dF dG
;  dr
derivatives of F with respect to r, j, l and m: r dv dv
dF dF lH
Hm dF dF dF H S dF dG dG dF
; div ; ; dr : 5:6
dr l dr v r dv dj dv r dv dS dv dS
  We want to repeat once more that the introduction of the
dF H m dF dF l dF
; div : 5:2 Poisson brackets to a system means that such systems possess
dl r dv dm r dv
a Hamiltonian structure in the weakest sense. For example,
In these formulae the variational derivatives on the left-hand for the above equations of ideal hydrodynamics it is reflected
sides are taken with fixed l, m, r, j, and those on the right- in the fact that the brackets expressed in terms of natural
hand sides for constant r and v. Substitution of these relations variables are degenerate, i.e, there exist annulators (Casimirs)
into Eqn (5.1) leads us to the brackets [15] of these Poisson brackets which, as we will see in the next
    sections, are connected with a specific gauge symmetry of the
dF dG dG dF hydrodynamic equations, providing, in particular, the con-
fF; Gg H ; H ; dr
dr dv dr dv servation of fluid velocity circulation. Besides, it means that a
   direct conversion, i.e., passing from Eqn (5.3) or (5.6) to the
rot v dF dG
;  dr ; 5:3 canonical basis is impossible in general. For this case at first
r dv dv
we need to resolve all our constraints (Casimirs). A typical
the Jacobi identity (2.9) being satisfied automatically. example just consists in introducing Clebsch variables. This is
In terms of these brackets, the continuity and Euler all the more interesting as, so far, we have not explicitly
equations have the form known what these Casimirs look like.
Of particular interest is the introduction of a Hamiltonian
qr structure for an incompressible fluid. In this case r is no
div rv fr; Hg ;
qt longer an independent variable, and can be eliminated by
qv using the relation div v 0. Thus in the limit of the
v; H v H wr fv;Hg ; incompressible fluid there is only one pair of canonical
  variables l and m, and the Poisson brackets in this case take
where H rv2 =2 er dr. the form
The brackets (5.3) have a more obvious meaning if we go  
over to the new variable p rv, the momentum density. In dF dG dF dG
fF; Gg dr :
these variables these brackets are changed to the BKK dl dm dm dl
1096 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

By means of relations analogous to (5.2), one can derive are given analogously by [1]
dF H m dF 1 dF qdF=dO; dG=dO
; H div ; fF; Gg O by dx dy ; 5:13
dl r dv D dv qx; y
dF l dF 1 dF while the Hamiltonian H is still defined by the earlier
div H div :
dm r dv D dv expression

As a result, we arrive at the equation H H Hc2 dx dy :
dF 1 dF One should add that the Poisson brackets (5.11) and (5.13)
fF; Gg rot v; H div
dv D dv for flows with closed stream lines can be reduced to the
 ! Gardner Zakharov Faddeev brackets used in the theory of
dG 1 dG integrable equations [40]. Details of such a consideration can
 H div dr : 5:7
dv D dv be found in the original papers [38, 39].
Thus, introducing non-canonical Poisson brackets on the
(Here we put r 1.) This expression shows that the manifold basis of canonical ones represents the most simple way to find
G coincides with the algebra of vector fields Ar for which them. Moreover the Hamiltonian structure given by means of
div A 0. These brackets are expressed in a more compact these brackets is the weakest Hamiltonian formulation of the
form using X rot v [18], to read equations. In this formulation, in particular, it is impossible
   to write the variational principle explicitly. On the other
dF dG hand, as will be shown later, the representation of the
fF; Gg X ; rot  rot : 5:8
dX dX hydrodynamic type equations by means of the non-canonical
Poisson brackets can be written for arbitrary flows. However,
As a result, the Euler equation for X, the arbitrariness is paid for by the brackets degeneracy, i.e.,
qX by existence of Casimirs annulling non-canonical brackets.
rot v  X ; 5:9
6. Ertel's theorem
becomes the Hamiltonian equation [9, 18]
qX In this section and those after we show, mainly by following
fX; Hg ; results expounded in Refs [41, 43], that for perfect fluids with
arbitrary dependence of pressure on the fluid density and
where entropy, Ertel's theorem as well as Kelvin's theorem on the
conservation of velocity circulation are a consequence of the
v2 specific gauge symmetry connected with the relabeling of fluid
H dr :
2 particles. We also discuss the role played in the Hamiltonian
structures by this symmetry.
The brackets (5.8) also give a Hamiltonian structure for Ertel's theorem [42] for a perfect fluid says that the
two-dimensional hydrodynamics. In this case X has a single quantity
component, which is conveniently expressed in terms of the XH
stream function c: IL 6:1
qc qc
O Dc ; vx ; vy : is a Lagrangian invariant. Here X rot v is the vorticity, v is
qy qx
the fluid velocity which satisfies the Euler equation,
In the two-dimensional case the equation of motion (5.9) and qv Hp
the Poisson brackets (5.8) have the following form: vH
Hv ; 6:2
qt r
qO qO qc qO qc qO; c and S the specific entropy advected by the fluid:
fO; Hg  ; 5:10
qt qx qy qy qx qx; y
qdF=dO; dG=dO vH
HS 0 : 6:3
fF; Gg O dx dy ; 5:11 qt
qx; y
The density r is defined from the continuity equation
H H Hc2 dx dy : qr
div rv 0 : 6:4
2 qt
A Hamiltonian structure is introduced analogously into We omit a proof of this theorem, the validity of which can
the Rossby equation, which differs from (5.11) in having the be checked by direct calculations (see, for instance, Ref. [54]).
additional term bqc=qx entering [1]: The invariance of IL means that it depends only on the
Lagrangian coordinates a, and does not change in time
q qc qDc; c moving together with a fluid particle.
Dc b : 5:12
qt qx qx; y As was mentioned before, the choice of the Lagrangian
variables is arbitrary: they label each fluid particle. Therefore
It is then easy to see that the change O ! O by reduces this these coordinates are often called the Lagrangian markers.
equation to (5.11). Thus, the Poisson brackets for Eqn (5.12) Usually the Lagrangian coordinates are chosen to coincide
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1097

with the initial positions of the fluid particles, rjt0 a. Thus, that in the component notation has the form
a transition from one (Euler) description to another d qaa qaa qvj
(Lagrangian) one is accomplished by means of a change of : 6:12
dt qxi qxj qxi
The metric tensor is defined by means of the distances
r ra; t ; 6:5
between two adjacent Lagrangian particles,
with a being the label of each fluid particle. The velocity of a
particle at point r is given by the usual formula dxi 2 gik dai dak ;

vr; t r_ ; 6:6 and equal to
gik J^li J^lk :
where the dot means a derivative with respect to time t. In
terms of the Lagrangian variables, the solution to the The invariant IL is local in Lagrangian variables. There-
equations (6.4) and (6.3) can be written as fore if one takes its convolution with an arbitrary function
ra fa, then one can get the infinite family of conservation laws
rr; t ; Sr; t S0 a ; 6:7 in the integral form:
where J det J^ij is a Jacobian and Ii IL a f a da : 6:13
J^ia To begin with, we show that for barotropic fluids (when
pressure p depends only on the density r) Kelvin's theorem
is a Jacobi matrix of the mapping (6.5), which is assumed to be follows from this relation. Notice that in this case there is one
one-to-one. Further we will suppose J 6 0 everywhere, that additional freedom: the entropy S has no link with the
guarantees the existence of the mapping inverse to (6.5). pressure and therefore instead of S in Eqns (6.1) and (6.7)
The Jacobi matrix plays the basic role. Knowing this we can take an arbitrary function of Lagrangian markers a.
allows the determination of not only the main flow para- Also one should note that in the first equation of (6.7),
meters but also its geometrical characteristics, in particular without any loss of generality, one can set r0 a 1 {, so that
the metric tensor. The equation of motion for the Jacobi 1
matrix follows directly from the definition of the velocity rr; t : 6:14
(6.6). Consider the vector dr connecting two adjacent fluid
particles: Substitute Eqn (6.1) into (6.13) and integrate once by parts.
Accounting for Eqn (6.7) and J da dr, we get
dr ra da; t ra; t :

Ii v; HHf  H S dr : 6:15
Using definition (6.6) it is easy to get the equation for this
ddr Here the gradient is taken with respect to r, but the functions f
dr; H v : 6:8 and S are functions of a ax; t. Therefore we come back
again to the integration with respect to a. As a result of simple
Expanding then dr relative to the small vector da, algebra we arrive at the expression

dxi J^ik dak ; 6:9 qaa qab qfa qS0 a
Ii x_ i JEijk da :
we arrive at the equation of motion for the Jacobi matrix, qxj qxk qaa qab
d ^
J UJ^ ; 6:10 Taking then into account the identity
containing the matrix elements qaa qab qxi
JEijk Eabg ; 6:16
qxj qxk qag
Uij :
qxj the integral is transformed into

The symmetric part of U, qxi
Ii Aj ax_ i da : 6:17
B U U T ;
Here the vector function Aa reads:
is a stress tensor, and its antisymmetric part corresponds to
the vorticity, Aa H
Hf  H S 0 : 6:18

1 It has zero divergence:

O U U T :
Hence the equation for the matrix inverse to J^ is diva Aa 0 : 6:19

d ^1
J J^1 U ; 6:11 { Corresponding to a change of variables b ba which eliminates r0 :
dt Jab r0 .
1098 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

Note that till now we have never used the fact that the If, instead of the contour in Eqn (6.22), one now takes the
fluid is barotropic, i.e., equation (6.17) is applicable for any fluid contour, then it can be seen that the Poincare invariant
equation of state including the general dependence of the will coincide with the velocity circulation
pressure on both the density and the entropy. For the
barotropic case the entropy S0 can be considered as an v dr ;
arbitrary function of a. Therefore Aa can also be consid-
ered as arbitrary with Eqn (6.19) the only constraint. and, thus, Kelvin's theorem becomes a direct consequence of
Let this vector function Aa be concentrated on some the conservation of the relative Poincare invariant.
closed curve: it is equal to zero everywhere outside this curve. This concept has been very useful for other hydrodynamic
We will parameterize the curve by the arc length s, systems, in particular, for some problems in plasma physics
[52, 51], when the motion of a fluid particle can be reduced to
a as; as l as ; 6:20 the Hamiltonian equation for a charged particle in a magnetic
field in the presence of a self-consistent potential. In such
where l is the curve length. cases the analog of Kelvin's theorem is simply a consequence
It is then easy to check that the function of the conservation of the relative Poincare invariant.
A d a as ds 7. Gauge symmetry relabeling group
0 ds
In this section we consider how the conservation of the Ertel
satisfies all the necessary conditions: it concentrates on the invariants follows from the variational principle.
curve a as and has zero divergence. Substituting this To begin, we make two remarks.
formula into integral (6.17), after simple integration, we Firstly, let Il I1 ; . . . ; In be a set of Lagrangian invar-
come to Kelvin's theorem for a barotropic fluid: iants, each moving with the fluid:

 dIk qIk
IK vr; t; dl : 6:21 vH
HIk 0 :
C dt qt

Here the contour C, moving together with the fluid, is the Then any function of Il will also be a Lagrangian invariant.
image of the closed curve (6.20). Thus, we have shown that To construct an Eulerian conservative density from the given
Kelvin's theorem is a direct consequence of Ertel's theorem Lagrangian one it is enough to be convinced that the quantity
applied to the case of barotropic fluids. Ieu rIk obeys the continuity equation
Kelvin's theorem is also valid for an arbitrary dependence
pr; S. This property is not widely known in the literature, qIeu
div Ieu v 0 :
for instance, it is absent in the Landau Lifshits course. qt
Curiously, the answer in this case will have the same form as
(6.21). The only difference will be connected with the choice The equations of ideal hydrodynamics, as we saw above, have
of contour. For the barotropic case, as we saw before, the only two Lagrangian invariants, i.e., the Ertel invariant IL given by
restriction was connected with condition (6.19) which Eqn (6.1) and s{. Both these integrals generate the conserva-
provides the closure of the contour. For the general tion law
dependence p pr; S, in addition to Eqn (6.19), one needs
to satisfy the condition (6.18). According to the latter the lines Ii r fIL ; s dr ; 7:1
of the vector field Aa must lie on the surfaces of constant
entropy S0 a. Therefore if we choose the closed contour lying with fIL ; s being an arbitrary function of its arguments.
on this (fluid!) surface we immediately arrive at Kelvin's Secondly, the Euler equation (6.2) in terms of the
theorem (6.21). Thus, Kelvin's theorem in the general case Lagrangian variables is nothing other than the Newton
says that the velocity circulation is conserved
 in time if the equation for a fluid particle,
fluid contour lies on the surface S ar; t const advected Hi p
by the fluid. xi : 7:2
At the end of this section we examine an interesting
interpretation of Kelvin's theorem. According to Ref. [11] Multiplying this equation by the Jacobi matrix J^ we get
conservation of the velocity circulation can be considered as a
consequence of the conservation of the relative Poincare qxi 1 qpr; s
xi : 7:3
invariant qak r qak

p dq : 6:22 This equation in the form (7.2) or (7.3) is closed by means of
Eqns (6.7) and (6.14).
For the barotropic flows one can relate to each fluid particle The action in terms of the Lagrangian (material) variables
the Hamiltonian is written in the same form as in classical mechanics [17],
p2 x_ 2
h wr ; S dt L dt dr r i er; s ; 7:4
2 2

where p r_ , and the enthalpy w plays the role of its potential { To avoid confusion in this section only we denote the entropy as s,
energy. elsewhere the entropy retains the previous notation S.
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1099

where e is the internal energy density connected with the The equations of hydrodynamics, as was first shown in
enthalpy w by means of the thermodynamic relation Ref. [41], have an additional non-trivial symmetry connected
with the arbitrariness in the possible choice of the Lagrangian
de rT ds w dr ; 7:5 markers. Nothing should depend on this choice: the fluid
dynamics as well as the equations of motion remain the same.
with T denoting temperature. From all possible relabeling transformations, the action
Let us now check that varying the action, dS 0, is invariance requirement restrains some certain class. In the
equivalent to the equation of motion (7.3). case of barotropic fluids the action appears to be invariant if
At first let us pass from integration over r to a in Eqn (7.4). the transformations b ba are incompressible, i.e., for
As a result, the action can then be transformed as follows: which the Jacobian is equal to 1:
x_ qbi
S dt da i ~er; s : 7:6 J det 1: 7:8
2 qaj

Here the time derivative of x is taken for fixed a, ~e e=r is the All these transformations form the group of diffeomorphisms
function of r and s which are defined with the help of relations preserving the volume. (It is interesting to note that the same
(6.7) and (6.14). Because only r in the internal energy ~e group governs the motion of an incompressible fluid.) This
contains the dependence on x through the Jacobian (6.14), symmetry, in accordance with the Noether theorem, gener-
the main difficulty with a variation will be connected with the ates new conservation laws. To find them it is enough to
second term in Eqn (7.6). consider infinitesimal transformations. In the given case those
Using both the identity (6.16) and the formula are defined by
1 qxi qxj qxk b a da ;
J Eijk Eabg ;
6 qaa qab qag where the function da a satisfies the condition

one can get qai a

0; 7:9
xi dxi r2
dS dt da  dJ
qr which is a direct consequence of Eqn (7.8).
    For the general equation of state p pr; s the invar-
1 q q~e qxj qxk
dt da  r2 Eabg Eijk dxi iance of the action implies that the transformations should
2 qaa qr qab qag
    preserve the surfaces s0 a const, being simultaneously
1 q q~e qaa incompressible. As a result, we have one additional con-
dt da 
xi r2 dxi 0 ; 7:7
r qaa qr qxi straint on the function aa:

or H
Hs  a 0 : 7:10
1 q q~e qaa If in the first case Eqn (7.9) can be resolved by introducing
xi r2 :
r qaa qr qxi the vector potential

Hence it is seen that the resulting equation coincides with the a rot f ;
equation of motion (7.3) if one puts
for example, with the Coulomb gauge div f 0, then in the
q~e general case both equations (7.9) and (7.10) are satisfied if one
pr; s r2 :
qr puts

[The last equality is a direct consequence of the thermo- a H

Hs  H c :
dynamic relation (7.5).]
Thus, we have proved that the equations of motion of an Here c is a scalar function and the gradient is taken with
ideal fluid in the Lagrangian form follow directly from the respect to a.
variational principle. Omitting all the intermediate derivation of the conserva-
The simplest conservation laws, i.e., the conservation of tion law (it is a standard procedure, for reference see, for
momentum instance, Ref. [80]) we present only the final answers:
(i) For a barotropic fluid the conservation law has the form
P x_ da rvr; t dr ;
Ha x_ i  H a xi 0 ;
and the conservation of energy,
 2   2  or it gives the whole conserved vector
x_ rv
E ~er; s da er; s dr ;
2 2 Ha x_ i  H a xi :
IL H 7:11

follow as a result of the invariance of the action relative to two This integral has been known since the last century: it was
independent symmetries, translations in space and time. found by Cauchy [17] (see also Refs [44, 45]).
1100 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

The matrix notation of equation (7.11) has the form one can get
J^tT J^ J^ T J^t O0 ; 7:12 IL :
where the index T means transposition, and the matrix O0 is This integral is the Ertel invariant (6.1). Thus, the conserva-
expressed through the vector invariant IL with the help of the tion of the Ertel invariant as well as Kelvin's theorem about
formula the conservation of the velocity circulation are a consequence
of a specific gauge symmetry the relabeling group.
Oij Eijk IL k : It is interesting to follow how all the above formulae
transform in two dimensions. In this case the Ertel invariant is
Recently this matrix representation of equation (7.12) was identically equal to zero, due to the orthogonality of the
used by the authors of paper [62] to construct a set of exact vectors X and H s. Therefore non-trivial answers appear only
three-dimensional solutions to the Euler equation for for a barotropic fluid.
incompressible fluids. Applying the identity
Returning to the Euler description and using identity
(6.16) this vector integral can be transformed into the form qxi qxj
Eab Eij J
qaa qab
r0 a
IL JX; H a  X; H a : 7:13
to Eqn (7.11), it is easy to get that the Cauchy invariant
Here a is considered as a function of r and t. If a are the initial transforms into the well-known Lagrangian invariant:
coordinates of fluid particles, then the vector (7.13) can be
expressed through the initial distributions X0 a and r0 a as O
consta :
follows: r

IL X0 a : It is important to note that, unlike the three-dimensional case,

this relation does not contain the Jacobi matrix.
From (7.13) it follows immediately for the vector B X=r Let us turn to incompressible fluids. In this case the
that obtained formulae are simplified. For example, relation
(7.13) in three dimensions is written in the form
^ 0 a :
Br; t JB
IL X; H a : 7:15
Thus, the Jacobi matrix becomes the evolution operator for
the vector X=r. In formula (7.15) IL coincides with
The invariants (7.13), indeed, are well-known in hydro-
dynamics but in a slightly different form. Let us write down X0 a rota u ;
the equation of motion for the fraction X=r which directly
follows from Eqns (6.2) and (6.4): where the vector u is defined by means of Eqn (4.19). This, in
d particular, means that the transverse part of the vector u is
B B; H v : 7:14 conserved (being the Lagrangian invariant), and its temporal
variation is due to its longitudinal part. Moreover, as pointed
Here d=dt  q=qt vH H. Comparing this equation with out in the fourth section, the choice of this vector is arbitrary
equation (6.8) for dr one can see that both the quantities B due to the arbitrariness in the choice of Lagrangian markers.
and dr obey the same equation. This means that the vorticity The same applies to the vector X0 a. If one performs the
is frozen into a fluid, a well-known statement in hydrody- contact transformations b ba under the condition
namics. Sometimes this property is called as the frozenness of qb1 b2 b3 =qa1 a2 a3 1, then the vector X0 a will be
the vorticity into a fluid. Then, multiplying Eqn (7.14) from transformed as
the right by J^1 and Eqn (6.11) from the left by X=r, after
summation of the obtained results we arrive at the conserva- ~ 0i b qbi O0j a :
O 7:16
tion of the vector invariant (7.13). These integrals are the qaj
mathematical formulation of the frozenness of the vorticity
into a fluid. The corresponding equation for the vector field B This is a transformation of the gauge type, being the
is called the frozenness equation. generalization [45] of the gauge transformations for the
(ii) In the general case (for an arbitrary dependence of Clebsch variables (4.15){.
pressure on both density and entropy) the only scalar that Let, as a result of these transformations, the vector
survives from this vector invariant is a projection of IL onto ~ 0 b have one nonzero component, say, a z-component,
the vector H s: equal to 1:
 ~ 01 X0 H a b1 0 ;
Ha x_ i  H a xi :
IL H a s0 ; H O 7:17
~ 02 X0 H a b2 0 ;
O 7:18
Here all derivatives are taken with respect to a. Passing to the ~ 03 X0 H a b3 1 :
Eulerian variables and using the identity O 7:19

qxi qxj qxk

Eabg Eijk J ; { Another approach to gauge transformations in hydrodynamics was
qaa qab qag developed in Ref. [81].
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1101

These relations within the given `vorticity' X0 a represent the 8. The Hopf invariant and the degeneracy
equations to determine the dependence ba. These are the
of the Poisson brackets
linear differential equations of the first order, which allow the
application of the method of characteristics. The equations So far we have not discussed the question of which classes of
for characteristics are the same here for all three equations of flows are described by the canonical variables introduced in
the system (7.17) (7.19), the preceding sections.
To begin with, we consider this question for the example
da of an ideal incompressible fluid.
X0 a ;
ds Let a flow be parameterized in terms of Clebsch variables
in a simply-connected domain:
that define the `vortex' line for X0 a. (Here s may be
understood as the arc length of the `vortex' line.) Equations v lH
Hm H j :
on the characteristics (for the components of b) are then given
by Take some point inside this domain and draw through this
point some closed curve. Starting from this point and
db1 constructing continuously Clebsch variables on each piece
0; 7:20
ds of this curve we come back to the original point. Generally
db2 speaking, the Clebsch variables will take different values.
0; 7:21 Thus, the Clebsch variables will be multi-valued functions of
space coordinates. One partial case of fluid flows with multi-
1: 7:22 valued Clebsch variables allows the following geometrical
ds interpretation.
The first two components b1 and b2 are constant along the Consider a compact oriented two-dimensional manifold
characteristics. Therefore b1 and b2 can be chosen as two M 2 and suppose that l and m are local coordinates on this
independent integrals c1 and c2 of the system for the manifold.
characteristics, and the third component is a linear function The gauge transformations associated with the non-
of the arc length s. It is important to notice that a solution to uniqueness of the choice of Clebsch variables lead to the
the system (7.20) (7.22) can always be found, at least locally, appearance of a whole family of gauge-equivalent manifolds
in the vicinity of some nonsingular surface supplied with a obtainable from one another by continuous deformations
coordinate system given, say, by the invariants c1 and c2 . preserving the surface element:
Rigorously speaking this is not a global solution as it is usual
when one uses the method of characteristics. dl dm dl 0 dm 0 :
Hence, by using the equation rotb ~ uX ~ 0 b, one can
reconstruct the velocity ~ u: It is therefore sufficient to select one representative from each
such family. For example, among the surfaces of genus zero
qf having the same area, it is natural to select the sphere S 2 .
u~1 ; 7:23
qb1 It is easy to understand that the inverse image of any point
qf of M 2 in R3 is a closed curve coinciding with a vortex line.
u~2 b1 ; 7:24 This follows directly from the expression for the curl of the
u~3 : 7:25
qb3 X rot v H l  H m : 8:1

After substitution of these expressions into equation (4.19) we The vortex line is the intersection of the two surfaces
come back to the Clebsch representation with one pair of lr const, mr const. If the variables l and m are
canonical variables (for more details, see Ref. [44]) which single-valued functions, then the manifold M 2 cannot be a
yields closed surface of genus g. Then the flows given by such
variables have no knots. This fact can also be proved
v b1 H b2 H f : differently.
It is known [56, 57] that the degree of knottiness of a flow
So, the vorticity Xr; t takes the form is characterized in ideal hydrodynamics by the conserved
Hb1  H b2
Xr; t H b; t : 7:26
qb3 I v; rot v dr : 8:2

The last equality is a direct consequence of the fact that The conservation of this integral follows immediately from
transformation b br;t is a diffeomorphism preserving the Kelvin's theorem. In order to illustrate this statement,
volume. It is easy to check that expression (7.26) with r following [57] we consider two closed vortex lines
replaced by b also satisfies the system (7.17) (7.19). In this
case the first equation of the system becomes the equation X k1 n1 d r l1 s1 ds1 k2 n2 d r l2 s2 ds2 ;
qb1 b2 b3 =qa1 a2 a3 1.
Thus, locally any flow of incompressible fluid can be
parameterized by one pair of the Clebsch variables. In the where n1;2 are the tangents and ds1;2 the arc elements of these
general situation one needs two pairs of such variables. curves.
1102 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

Calculating the velocity circulation around the contours n; s q s3 q ; 8:4

r l1 s1 and r l2 s2 , we find q 1 irs1 irs1 ;

v; dl1 mk2 ; v; dl2 mk1 ; where s are the Pauli matrices.
In toroidal coordinates, one has

where m is the linking number of these two curves. Multi- sinh U sin a
x iy expia ; z
plying the first equation by k2 and the second by k1 , and cosh U cos b cosh U cos b
adding the results, we get the integral I: 0 4 U < 1 ; 0 < a; b < 2p ;

v; k1 dl1 k2 dl2 v; rot v dr 2mk1 k2 : and Eqn (8.4) reads
arctan a b; nz 1 2 tanh2 U :
This formula is generalized without difficulty to a vortex,
and then to a continuous distribution. The conservation law These formulae show that the flow looks as follows: the
(8.2) is valid not only for an infinite region but for a finite one whole space is sliced up by the tori U const, while any
when the vorticity lines are tangent to the boundary. vortex line coils up on a torus, making one loop. Thus any
This integral is thus identically equal to zero for a flow vortex line links once. The expressions for X and v, calculated
with trivial topology, in particular, for flows parameterized in from Eqn (8.4) are not a solution of the stationary Euler
terms of single-valued Clebsch variables. equations, and can therefore be used as initial conditions for
We shall show that the Clebsch variables in the formula- (5.9). It is obvious that the evolution of such a distribution
tion (8.1) describe knotted flows, and illustrate their topolo- does not take the solution out of the given class with Hopf
gical meaning. invariant N 1. The evolution of the vector field n is
Suppose that the variables l and m are local coordinates determined from the equation
on S 2 . In this case l and m are expressed in terms of the polar
nt vH
Hn 0 ; 8:5
and azimuthal angles, y and j, so that
  which is equivalent to the evolution equation for the variables
X 2A H cos y  H j ; l and m. Equations (8.5) are also Hamiltonian,
where A is a dimensional constant. Now the Clebsch variables dH
nt 2A n  ;
are no longer single-valued functions, and on a contour dn
enclosing the z axis the angle j acquires an addition 2p. It is
also convenient to go over, in the expression for the vector and differ from the familiar Landau Lifshits equations only
field O, from the angles y and j to the n-field n2 1 [58]: by the choice of the Hamiltonian H.
 The Poisson brackets in this case coincide with the BKK
Oa eabg n; qb n  qg n : 8:3 brackets (2.8), (2.11):
dF dH
We shall limit our considerations to the flows for which n fF; Gg 2A n;  dr :
dn dn
tends sufficiently rapidly at infinity to a constant vector n0 .
For this class of flows R3 is isomorphic to the three- When we go over in these brackets from the n-field to X
dimensional sphere S 3 . Thus the classification of the flows is according to formula (8.3) we get the Poisson brackets (5.8). It
a problem of classification of smooth mappings S 3 ! S 2 . is important to note that brackets (5.8) are degenerate with
Such mappings are characterized by the homotopy group respect to the invariant I: fI; . . .g 0, which again shows its
p3 S 2 Z, i.e., any class of flows is characterized by the origin. On one side, it is connected with its topology, on the
linking number that coincides with the winding number of other, with Kelvin's theorem. One should recall that the latter
any two lines nr n1 and nr n2 n1;2 const. The is a sequence of the gauge symmetry of the Lagrangian
index N for smooth mappings is called the Hopf invariant markers.
[59]. One can show that the Hopf invariant coincides with the As we shall see below, the question about the degeneracy
integral I up to a constant factor [60]: of the Poisson brackets for an arbitrary equation of state is
directly connected with the gauge symmetry.
I v; X dr 64p2 NA2 : Let us discuss in more details this question for the
hydrodynamic Poisson brackets. For this aim, we consider
The derivation of this relation is based on the well-known the most general form of the brackets for ideal hydrody-
formula of Gauss for the linking number of two curves. namics, namely, for non-barotropic fluids. The brackets in
It should be mentioned that in the quantum case, this case have the form of Eqn (5.6):
according to Ref. [60], A h=2m. The remaining manifolds    
are of secondary interest from the point of view of topology. dF dG dG dF
fF; Gg H ; H ; dr
Say, a manifold M 2 , which is a surface with boundary, is dr dv dr dv
homotopic to a bouquet of circles. Therefore its homotopic   
rot v dF dG
group p3 is trivial. The groups p3 are also trivial for closed ;  dr
surfaces of genus g 5 1. Topologically non-trivial situations r dv dv
occur only for surfaces with zero genus.   
H S dF dG dG dF 8:6
We now give an example of a non-trivial mapping with ; dr:
N 1 (the Hopf mapping): r dv dS dv dS
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1103

By substituting integral (7.1), Ii r fIL ; S dr, into this The first term in this expression corresponds to the work in
expression one can verify that this integral commutes with lifting a fluid element to the point z from the equilibrium point
any functional: z 0 , determined from the condition for equality of the
equilibrium density r0 z 0 and the density of fluid at the
fIi ; :g 0 :
given point:
In accordance with the definition of Section 2, this integral
represents a Casimir of the brackets (8.6). r0 z 0 rr? ; z :
One should recall that the conservation of the integral
(7.1) is a consequence of the special gauge symmetry of the This relation gives z 0 as a function z 0 z 0 r of density. The
ideal hydrodynamics equations, which, as we see, is respon- second term in Eqn (9.2) corresponds to the potential of the
sible also for the degeneracy of the Poisson brackets. Archimedean force.
In order to transform from these brackets to the canonical Variations of the Lagrangian with respect to v and j lead
brackets it is necessary to resolve integral (7.1) by introducing us to the equations [26]
new coordinates. We have already found one answer to the
question of how to do it. If we take expression (4.17) for the rv H j aH
Hr 9:3
velocity and put the Ertel invariant IL instead of m then
integral (7.1) transforms into the dynamical conservation law and
with respect to the canonical brackets  
    div r1 H
Hj aH
Hr 0 ;
dF dG dF dG dF dG dF dG
fF; Gg
dr dj dj dr dl dIL dIL dl giving the connection between the new and old variables.
  Varying with respect to variable r, we get an equation
dF dG dF dG
db ds ds db qa v2 qU
vH 0
so that qt 2 qr
fIi ; Hg 0 :
for the potential a with qU=qr gz z 0 .
We can also remark that, as was shown by van Saarlos Next, substituting Eqn (9.3) into the Euler equation (4.8)
[53], the transition from the Lagrangian description in terms and using the equations of motion for a and r, we obtain an
of the action (7.6) to the canonical variables is determined expression for the pressure p up to a constant, analogous to
through the change (9.11) or (4.20). the Bernoulli integral:
v2 q
9. Inhomogeneous fluid and surface waves p r rgz z 0 vH
H j const :
2 qt
In this section we introduce canonical coordinates for the
description of nonlinear waves in an ideal fluid of variable The Hamiltonian is formed in the standard way and
density. Here one distinguishes two types of waves. The first coincides with the total energy
type refers to the so-called internal waves, propagating in a  2 
continuous medium with a smooth inhomogeneity. The v
H r Ur; r dr ;
second type refers to the situation where the density gradient 2
changes sharply over the size of the wave length, and in the
limit represents simply a jump. In this limit we talk about while the variables a and r happen to be canonically
surface waves. Canonical variables can be introduced in both conjugate:
cases within the framework of the scheme developed in the
preceding sections. qa dH qr dH
; :
Consider an ideal fluid of varying density in the presence qt dr qt da
of a constant gravitational field g anti-parallel to the z axis.
The fluid is assumed to be locally incompressible. This means The parameterization, presented here, for the velocity in
that the density is convected along the fluid and is therefore a terms of the density r and a imposes strong restrictions on
Lagrange variable: the form of the initial distribution. As we see from Eqn (9.3),
qr the curl of the mass current at all times, including the initial
Hr 0 for div v 0 : time, is orthogonal to the density gradient. Such motions are
the analog of potential motions in a homogeneous fluid. This
These two equations therefore appear in the Lagrangian as scheme can be considerably improved if one includes `non-
constraints: potential' motions. As far as the non-canonical Poisson
 2    brackets are concerned, they were introduced in paper [63].
v qr If one needs to consider weakly nonlinear oscillations in a
L r Ur; r a vH
Hr j div v dr : 9:1
2 qt stratified fluid one should expand the Hamiltonian in powers
of a and dr. In particular, the well-known Boussinesq
Here Ur; r is the density of potential energy in the presence approximation is obtained if the density in the kinetic energy
of the field g, given by the expression is replaced by some averaged constant quantity:
r0 v2
Ur; r g rr? ; zz z 0 r0 z 00 dz 00 : 9:2 HB Ur; z dr :
z0 2
1104 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

Now let us consider one important limiting case of a The second arises when we consider variations of v and j not
stratified fluid, when the stratification is only due to a free caused by the change in shape of these functions, for example,
First we look at potential motions. Here the Lagrangian qj
dj jz dZ jz dZ :
has the same form as before, in which the density r should be qz
regarded as constant throughout the volume of the fluid, i.e.,
 Therefore the contribution to dLv of this variation has the
r r0 y z Zr? ; t : form
Here yz is the Heaviside function, and Zr? ; t is the qj
dr? vn 1 H HZ2 dZ :
deviation of the free surface from the horizontal plane z 0. qz
 2 1=2
The element dsn dr? 1 H HZ of free
1=2surface and the
vector normal to it, n H HZ 1 H HZ2 , are expressed Collecting all the terms together we finally get
in terms of the function Zr? explicitly, as is the potential
energy qc HZ
r0 gZ s div q
 hq i 1 H HZ2
r0 gZ2
U s 1 H HZ2 1 dr? ;  q 
2 r v2 qj
0 vH Hj vn 1 H HZ2 : 9:7
2 qz zZ
in which we have taken into account the surface tension with
coefficient s. The Hamiltonian H, as before, coincides with the total energy
It is easy to see that the continuity equation in the present of the system,
case becomes the kinematic condition Z
r H
dZ q H dr? dz 0 U;
vHH Z vz : 9:4 n 2
dt qt
while the Hamiltonian equations have the form [25]
In accordance with this, the Lagrangian expresses
qZ dH qc dH
Z  2  ; :
r v qt dc qt dZ
L dr? dz 0 j div v
h 2
 q  Let us now consider the expansion of the Hamiltonian H
qZ in powers of the canonical variables. In the coordinate
c vn 1 H HZ2 dr? U : 9:5
qt representation each term in this series is a non-local func-
tional of Z and c; the reason for this is that at each step of the
Here iteration we must solve the Laplace equation. After applying
Fourier transformation with respect to the coordinates in the
vz vH HZzZ horizontal plane and successive approximations, one can get
vn q
1 H HZ2
1 1
H g sk2 jZk j2 dk kcjck j2 tanhkh dk
2 2
is the normal component of the velocity and c ar0 the
Lagrange multiplier given on the free surface. 1
Lkk1 k2 ck ck1 Zk2 dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 . . . ; 9:8
The variation of L with respect to v within the bulk leads 2  2p
to the potential equation r0 v H j, where j is determined
from the solution of the Laplace equation Dj 0. The where
variation of L with respect to v on the boundary (for fixed Z)
gives the boundary conditions for the Laplace equation: 1
Lkk1 k2 k2 k21 k22 kk1 tanhkh tanhk1 h
r0 1 :
j c : 9:6

The variation of the Lagrangian with respect to Z is non- The expansion in Eqn (9.8) is performed with respect to
trivial. For this it is convenient to rewrite all the terms in (9.5) the parameter kZ, having the meaning of a characteristic angle
containing v in the form of a volume integral which we of inclination of the fluid surface.
designate as Lv . Then, taking Eqn (9.6) into account, we have In the limit kh ! 0 of shallow water the above expression
Z  2  reduces to
r0 v
Lv dr? dz vH
Hj :
h 2 Lkk1 k2 ! kk1 ;

The variation dLv for a change in Z is composed of two terms. i.e., the cubic term of the expansion H1 becomes local in the
The first is caused by the volume change: variables c and Z:
r0 v 1
dr? vH
Hj dZ : H1 Hc2 dr1 :
ZH 9:9
2 2
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1105

In particular, the transition to the known Boussinesq model The bracket represents a combination of the Zakharov's
(cf., for example, Ref. [66]) is accomplished if we take bracket [24, 25] for potential flow and the bracket (5.7):
Eqn (9.9) for the interaction Hamiltonian, and include the   
terms proportional to h3 in H0 : dF dG
fF; Gg rot v;  dr
dv dv
qZ h3 dH  
Hc D2 c
hDc div ZH ; dF dG dG dF
qt 3 dc ds : 9:13
S dS dc dS dc
qc Hc2
H dH
gZ sDZ :
qt 2 dZ
Here F and G are functionals of the velocity v div v 0 and
Here the free surface S; ds is a surface element. The variational
derivatives dF=dv and dG=dv are divergence free. The
1  2 
H HZ2 hH
gZ sH Hc2 h3 Dc2 ZH
Hc2 dr? : potential part of the velocity is introduced by the unique
2 velocity decomposition (for more details, see Ref. [65])

In the limit of deep water, Lkk1 k2 behaves like v w HF ;

Lkk1 k2 ! kk1 kk1 : where w is divergence free and tangential to S. The potential F
is determined by the equations
The transition to normal variables is given by the formulae
 1=2 DF 0 ; vn :
Zk ak ak ;
2g sk2
  In Eqn (9.13) c is the limit of F on the free surface S.
g sk2 1=2 
ck i ak ak ; The equations of motion
qv qS
 1=2 v; H v H
Hp ; vn
where ok kg sk2 tanhkh is the dispersion law for qt qt
surface waves.
In the same spirit as this was done in Section 4, one can with two additional conditions
include the contribution from non-potential flows [1]. For

this it is necessary to involve an additional constraint in the div v 0 ; p sk ;
where k is the mean curvature of the free surface, by means of
qm the brackets (9.13) can be written in the form
Hm 0 ;
qv qS
fv; Hg ; fS; Hg :
so that the Lagrangian takes the form qt qt
r0 v2 Note that it is also possible to arrive at the brackets (9.13) by
L dr? dz j div v lmt vHHm
h 2 recounting the brackets, expressed through the canonical
 q  variables l and m, c and Z, using transformation (9.11).
qZ Several other means of introducing `surface' canonical
c vn 1 H HZ2 dr? U : 9:10
qt variables were shown in Ref. [23].
Exactly as in Eqn (9.11), the canonical variables are
With such a choice for the Lagrangian v is given, as in Section introduced in a stratified liquid, considering the `non-
4, in terms of the Clebsch variables l and m: potential' variables l and m. There is also no difficulty in
introducing canonical variables for the description of inter-
r0 v lH
Hm H j : 9:11 acting internal and surface waves. For this case the Lagran-
gian is a combination of the Lagrangians (9.1) and (9.5).
Evolution of l and m is given by Eqns (4.9) and (4.13). The We would like to mention the interesting paper [69] where
function c, as for a potential flow, has the same meaning: the canonical Hamiltonian approach was developed for the
description of the interaction of surface waves and vortex

j c : 9:12 filaments. The canonical variables introduced in this paper
can be extracted from the general non-canonical Poisson
brackets (9.13) by the corresponding limit to the vortex
The equation for this value takes the form of (9.7) where the filament.
velocity v is replaced by the expression (9.11). The introduction of canonical variables for internal and
Another way to introduce `surface' canonical variables is surface waves is also possible for more complicated systems,
given in Ref. [15]. In a similar way we can introduce canonical for example, for a dielectric fluid in an external electric field or
variables into a stratified fluid, taking into account the `non- a ferro-fluid in a magneto-static field [68]. For these systems
potential' variables l and m. the Hamiltonian coincides with the free energy in the external
Non-canonical Poisson brackets for the case of arbitrary electric (magnetic) field, and the canonical variables remain
flows bounded by a free surface were introduced in paper [64]. the same as in the absence of the field.
1106 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

10. Hamiltonian formalism for plasma Here E in is the internal energy, equal to the sum of the
Hj2 dr and the thermal
electrostatic energy E es 1=8p H
and magnetohydrodynamics
energy of the electron gas
The simplest hydrodynamic models of a plasma are of the   
type of (4.1) and (4.2). Let us consider the hydrodynamics of Te ej ej
ET r0 1 exp 1 dr :
electrons interacting with a potential electric field in a plasma M Te Te
without magnetic field:
Calculating the variational derivative of E in with respect to
qr the ion density r, we get
div rv 0 ;
  dE in 1 djr 0 e2 r0 ej djr 0
qv e 3T jr 0 D exp dr 0 :
Hv HH j dr ; 10:1 dr 4p drr M Te drr
qt m mr0
On the other hand, by varying the Poisson equation we have
Dj 4pe ; dr r r0 : 1 djr 0 e2 r0 ej djr 0 e
m D exp dr r 0 :
4p drr M Te drr M
Here e and m are the electron charge and mass, and T is the
temperature. Comparing the two expressions, we arrive at
The internal energy of such a system is composed of the
electrostatic energy dE in e
dr M
1 e2 drrdrr 0
E es Hj2 dr
H dr dr 0
8p 2m2 jr r 0 j From this it follows that the system (10.3) also belongs to the
type of (4.1) and (4.2).
and the gas-kinetic energy We note that for long-wave (such, that krd 5 1, where
rd Te =4pn0 e2 1=2 is the Debye radius) oscillations of small
3 T amplitude, the system of Boussinesq equations follows from
ET dr2 dr :
2 mr0 Eqn (10.3). It is easy to see that in this limit the potential is
determined from the Poisson equation:
It is obvious that  2
ej dr 1 dr dr
e e2 drr 0 dE es  rd 2 D :
j 2 dr ; Te r0 2 r0 r0
m m jr r 0 j dr
Substitution of this expression into Eqn (10.4) leads to the
3T dE T following form for the internal energy [cf. Eqn (4.6)]:
dr : 10:2
mr0 dr " 
r0 c2s dr 2 1 dr 3 2 dr 2
E in rd H dr ;
Formula (10.2) shows that system (10.1) belongs to the 2 r0 3 r0 r0
type of (4.1) and (4.2) with E in in the general form (4.6). The
diagonalizing transformation for H0 in this case has the form Te
c2s :
(4.4), in which one should set o2k o2p 3k2 T=m M
(o2p 4p0 e2 =m2 ) while the coefficients U and V are deter-
mined from formulae (4.5), in which we should take g 0. We now go over to a consideration of the relativistic gas
Now let us consider the hydrodynamics of slow motion of dynamics of electrons, interacting with an arbitrary nonpo-
a non-isothermal plasma, whose electron temperature Te tential electromagnetic field:
significantly exceeds the ion temperature. By slow motion
we shall understand wave motion with phase velocities o=k qr
div rv 0 ;
much smaller than the electron thermal velocity vTe , but large qt
compared to the ion thermal velocity. In this case we can q e dr
assume that the electrons are distributed according to vH
H p eE v  H 3T H ;
qt c r0
Boltzmann's law, re r expef=Te , while the thermal ion
motion can be neglected. Then 1 qH
rot E ;
c qt
qr qv e
div rv 0 ; vH
Hv H j ; 4p er 1 qE
qt qt M rot H v ;
  c m c qt
4pe ej
Dj r r0 exp ; 10:3 dr
M Te div E 4pe :
where M is the ion mass. For the electromagnetic field we introduce the scalar and
This system also conserves the energy vector potentials j and A, where we choose for A the
2 Coulomb gauge, div A 0.
rv We know that in the Coulomb gauge the vector potential
H dr E in : 10:4
2 is a canonical variable, if we change from ordinary momen-
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1107

tum to generalized momentum of order v=c. Thus, for example, in the MHD approximation
e we should neglect the contribution from the electric field
p p1 A [E  v=cH] compared to the corresponding contribution
from the magnetic field.
determined from the equation We also pay attention to one important consequence of
Eqns (10.6) following which the magnetic field is frozen in a
qp1 dr plasma [70]. It is that the vector H=r moves together with the
H m2 c4 p2 c2 1=2 v  rot p1 eH
Hj 3TH
H :
qt r0 fluid particles. In other words, each magnetic field line is
displaced together with the particles that are on it. This fact
The canonical conjugate of A is the vector allows one to regard the magnetic field H and the density r as
  generalized coordinates.
1 1 qA E Thus the Lagrangian in the MHD approximation includ-
B Hj :
4pc c qt 4pc ing the constraint has the following form:
The other variables are introduced by analogy with the rv H2 qH
L er S rot v  H
Clebsch variables: 2 8p qt
p1 l qr
Hm Hj : j div rv c div H dr :
m r qt

Here l; m, r; j, and B; A are canonically conjugate Varying L with respect to the variables v, r and H, we get
rv H  rot S rH
Hj ; 10:7
ql dH qm dH qr dH qj dH
; ; ; ; qj v 2
qt dm qt dl qt dj qt dr Hj or 0 ;
vH 10:8
qt 2
qA dH qB dH qS H
; ; v  rot S H c 0 : 10:9
qt dB qt dA qt 4p

with the Hamiltonian From this we see that the undetermined Lagrange multipliers
  enter as generalized momenta. The appropriate transition to
r 2 2 3 dr2 1 these variables is accomplished using formula (10.7), and
H p c m2 c4 1=2 T rot A2 dr
m 2 mr0 8p their evolution is determined from Eqns (10.8) and (10.9). The
  gauge function c that enters these equations is chosen for
2 2 1 convenience. For the natural condition div S 0 we have
2pc B cBH Hj jDj dr ; 10:5
c D1 div v  rot S c0 ;
coinciding with the total energy of the system if the Poisson
equation is satisfied identically. where c0 is an arbitrary solution of the Laplace equation
We note that canonical variables are introduced analo- Dc0 0. In particular, for finite motions of the plasma in a
gously for the two-fluid model of the plasma. A more detailed magnetic field H0 , it is convenient to choose the quantity S so
presentation of these results can be found in papers [34, 35]. that S ! 0 for r ! 1. It is then obvious that
Another widely used model in plasma physics is the set of
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, describing low- H0 r
c0 :
frequency (hydrodynamic) motions of the plasma as a whole. 4p
These equations, in particular, can be obtained from the
equations of the two-fluid model. The equivalence of the system of equations obtained here and
For barotropic flows, the equations of MHD have the the MHD equations is verified by a direct substitution of the
form velocity in the equation of motion (10.6).
Now changing to the Hamiltonian description, we get [33]
div rv 0 ;
qt qr dH qj dH qH dH qS dH
; ; ; ;
qt dj qt dr qt dS qt dH
qv de 1
Hv H
H rot H  H ; 10:6
qt dr 4pr
where the Hamiltonian
qH  2 
rot v  H : rv H2
qt H er c div H dr
2 8p
For this system, just as for the equations of hydrody-
namics, the transition to canonical variables is accomplished has a value that also coincides in value with the total energy of
using the Lagrange approach. For this we shall start from the the system.
well-known expression for the Lagrangian of a fluid interact- Another way to introduce canonical variables in MHD
ing with the electromagnetic field in the MHD approxima- was suggested in Ref. [71]. In this paper both the velocity and
tion. This means that in the Lagrangian we drop small terms the magnetic field are parameterized in terms of the Clebsch-
1108 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

type potentials: The integrals (10.13), however, are only one of the possible
sets of the Eulerian integrals of motion. There exist recurrent
v H f r1 mH
HL ; formulae for the construction of such integrals which can be
H Hl  HL : obtained from the Lagrangian invariants I, the frozen field B,
the density r and the field of the Lamb momentum p [74, 29].
So doing the quantities l and m, L and M, r and f form pairs These quantities are defined by the corresponding equations
of canonically conjugated variables. It is possible to show that of motion:
the given parameterization for H and v can be reduced by
appropriate gauge choice to the change (10.7). qI
HI 0 ; 10:15
For an incompressible fluid the canonical variables are H qt
and S: the potential j can be eliminated using the continuity qB
equation, vH
Hv ; 10:16
1 qp
Dj div H  rot S ; vH
Hp pH
Hv p  rot v 0 : 10:17
r0 qt

while the Hamiltonian takes the form The recurrent procedure for the construction of Lagrange
  invariants consists of several steps.
r0 v2 H2 At first, it is easy to verify that the definition of the fields B
H c div H dr :
2 8p and p by means of Eqns (10.16) and (10.17) remains without
changes if one first multiplies them by I:
For barotropic flows the variables r; f and H; S
determine the canonical Poisson brackets: B 0 IB ; p 0 Ip : 10:18
dF dG dF dG dF dG dF dG In other words the new fields B 0 and p 0 obey the same
fF; Gg dr :
dr dj dj dr dH dS dS dH equations as those for B and p.
10:10 At the next step for the given I, p, B we construct a new set
of quantities I 0 , p 0 , B 0 , which possess the same properties:
These brackets, as in the hydrodynamic case, allow recalcula-
tion to the natural variables, i.e., to the velocity v, the density 1 1
p 0 HI ; B0 rot p 0 ; I0 div rB : 10:19
r and the magnetic field H. As a result, the non-canonical r r
brackets become a combination of (5.6) and the additional
term containing the variational derivatives with respect to the At the third step, by substituting Eqn (10.18) into (10.19),
magnetic field [15]: we obtain
dF dG dG dF 1 1
fF; Gg H ; H ; dr I 0 vB ; B0 p  p0 ; B 0 H
HI  H I 0 :
dr dv dr dv r r
rot v dF dG
;  dr
r dv dv
     Further recursion gives the following relations:
H dF dG dG dF
; rot  rot  dr: 1 
r dH dv dH dv p rB  B 0 ; I HI 0  H I 00 ;
p; H
1 0 
Without the barotropic constraint these brackets acquire the I HI 00  H I 000 :
H I H 10:21
additional term (compare with Ref. [15]) r
H S dF dG dG dF Because an arbitrary function of Lagrangian variables is
; dr : 10:12
r dv dS dv dS again a Lagrangian invariant, this in combination with Eqns
(10.18) (10.21) sets the prescription of the Lagrangian
The brackets (10.11), (10.12) are, as in the pure hydrodynamic invariant reproduction. For example, the Lagrangian invar-
limit H 0, degenerate. iants of the first generation, consisting of the quantities r, p, B
The simplest annulators of these brackets were probably and the three Lagrangian invariants given initially plus a lack
found in the paper [73]: constructed by means of Eqns (10.18) (10.21), can be
  2  represented in the following form [29]:
C r f S; S; S; . . . dr : 10:13 1 
r r I00 p  B ; Iik0 HIi  H Ik ;
It can be verified by the direct calculations that the
Lagrangian invariants which generate integral (10.13) are Ik0 BH
HIk ; I0 H I1 H
HI2  H I3 : 10:22
written in the form r
HHH n Using this procedure sequentially one can get the
In S: 10:14
r subsequent generations of Lagrangian invariants.
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1109

Of particular interest is a question about Lagrangian In the case of barotropic flows the given recursion
invariant construction in the two-dimensional case. Here to changes. At first, one should exclude the entropy S as a
construct an infinite hierarchy of invariants it is enough to quantity not entering into the equations of motion. Therefore
have two input invariants. As was shown in Ref. [82] in the 2D from the set Ii (i 1; 2; 3) of Lagrangian invariants of the first
case the whole set of conserved quantities forms a highly generation, explicitly expressed in terms of H and r, only the
complicated Lie algebra, which contains very interesting invariant I2 AH=r remains. With its help all the series of
subalgebras, e.g., a loop algebra with a layer in the algebra the integrals of motion is written as follows [48]:
of area preserving diffeomorphisms of a plane.  
Let us apply this approach to the MHD equations. HHH
C r f I2 ; I2 ; . . . dr : 10:24
In the MHD case with an arbitrary equation of state r
p pr; S one should take entropy S for I, H=r instead of
the vector field B, and the field p should be changed by the Furthermore, in the barotropic case a new integral should be
vector potential A of the magnetic field H rot A, impos- added. This is the topological invariant
ing the gauge [72]
Ct v; H dr ;
v  rot A H vA  vH
Hv rot v  A :
characterizing the degree of cross knottiness of the magnetic
It is easy to see that for MHD the transformation (10.19) field and velocity lines.
reads as follows: It is possible to show that all the integrals presented above
are the Casimirs relative to the brackets (10.11) and (10.12).
A0 H S ; B0 ; I0 0: Thus, we demonstrated how canonical variables are
r introduced for hydrodynamical models of plasma. These
variables to some extent generalize the Clebsch variables for
The first equation reflects the gauge freedom of the vector ideal hydrodynamics. They differ in that, firstly, the number
potential, the second formula in this case is the definition of of canonical variables increases, so that the electromagnetic
the frozen field. field itself is an additional canonical variable, and, secondly,
If now in the third formula of Eqn (10.19), instead of B, due to this fact the Hamiltonian structure of the equations
one takes its transforming value from Eqn (10.18), then as a changes (becomes more complicated), especially for MHD.
result one can get the second (after S) Lagrangian invariant:
HS 11. Hamiltonian formalism in kinetics
I2 :
r In this section we introduce a Hamiltonian structure into the
self-consistent type collisionless kinetic equation. We con-
Its structure is similar to the Ertel invariant for hydrodynamic sider the simplest example that has sufficient contents from
flows. Multiple use of this transformation leads to the the point of view of generalization: the Vlasov kinetic
invariants (10.14): equation for the distribution function f describing potential
  (electric field E H
Hj) oscillations of electrons relative to a
HH H n homogeneous background of ions with density n0 :
In S:
qf qf
H f H j 0;
Transformation (10.20) generates another Lagrangian invar- qt qv
Dj 4p f dv n0 e m 1 : 11:1
I3 :
Kinetic equations of this type should also be regarded as
Integration of I3 with the help of formula (6.1) results in the hydrodynamic type systems. In the phase space r; v
integral Eqn (11.1) describes the motion of an incompressible `fluid',
whose density is convected together with the `fluid'. The
Ik AH dr behavior of the system here is in many ways similar to the
situation which holds in a stratified fluid. In order to
transform to canonical coordinates, we introduce the
of motion, which characterizes the degree of knottiness of Lagrange coordinate x, which we determine from the
lines of the magnetic field H [57]. condition that the distribution function f be equal to the
The representation of the three invariants I1 S, I2 and equilibrium distribution function f0 x, not necessarily
I3 , and also of the magnetic field H and its vector potential A Maxwellian:
permits, by use of the formula (10.22), all the sets of
Lagrangian invariants to be found together with the Eulerian fr; v; t f0 x or v Vr; x; t :
Such a representation can be expressed in integral form:
C r fI1 ; I2 ; . . . dr 10:23
fr; v; t Fr; x; td v Vr; x; t dx : 11:2
of motion.
1110 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

Substitution of Eqn (11.2) in (11.1) leads to the following W Wr; z is the vertical component of the velocity, and
system of equations: g 1. We first show that the system (11.6) (11.8) can be
reduced to an infinite system of two-dimensional hydrody-
qF namic equations.
div FV 0 ; 11:3
qt We introduce a coordinate x 0 < x < l which enumer-
qV ates each layer of the fluid in equilibrium along the direction z.
Hj ; 11:4 Then the coordinate of each layer at time t will be given by the
Dj 4p Fx; r; t dx n0 : 11:5
z zr; x; t; hr; t zr; l; t :
The internal energy
It is clear that the equations expressed in terms of this
E in HHj2 dr function are similar to Eqn (9.4):
   dz qz
1 Fx; r dx n0 Fx 0 ; r 0 dx 0 n0 UH
Hz W : 11:9
dr dr 0 dt qt
2 jr r 0 j
Setting x l we see that Eqn (11.6) follows from Eqn
of this system is a functional of the `density' F, and therefore, (11.9). Derivatives taken for constant x and z are linked by the
according to the classification of Section 4 belongs to the type following formulae:
of Eqns (4.1) and (4.2).    
Canonical variables for Eqns (11.3) (11.5) are intro- q q zt q Hz q
; Hz H
H Hx : 11:10
duced in the standard way. For potential `flows' V H F qt z qt x Z qx Z qx
and the equations of motion are of the Hamiltonian form [1]
In addition we have
qF dH qF dH
; ; q 1 q
qt dF qt dF ; 11:11
qz Z qx
2 where
H dx dr E in : qz
2 Zr; x; t :
Thus, the Poisson brackets have the canonical form Differentiating relation (11.9) with respect to x and using
  formulae (11.10) and (11.11), we easily obtain the equation
dS dT dT dS
fS; Tg dx dr : qZ
dF dF dF dF div ZU 0 : 11:12
They can be expressed in terms of the distribution function f
[1]. By using Eqn (11.2), together with simple transforma- (Here and everywhere below the derivatives are taken at
tions, one can get brackets which were first obtained in Ref. constant x.)
[16]: Applying the same formulae to Eqn (11.7), we find, after
q dS q dT q dS q dT
fS; Tg f dr dv : qU
qv df qr df qr df qv df UH
HU H h 0 ; 11:13
Canonical variables are introduced analogously in the where h and Z are connected by the relation
Vlasov Maxwell equations, where the canonical Poisson l
brackets may be transformed into the brackets of Ref. [16], h Zr; x; t dx : 11:14
which locally depend on the distribution function and the 0
electromagnetic field.
In concluding this section we mention another similar The system (11.12) (11.14) is similar to that considered
important example, in which there is an analogous construc- above and differs from it only in the consistency condition
tion. This is the Benney equations, describing surface waves in (11.14). Therefore, the canonical variables for potential
the approximation of `shallow' water, where the flow of the U H j flows (in the x; y plane) remain the same [30]:
fluid is not assumed to be potential: qj dH qZ dH
h ; : 11:15
qt dZ qt dj
ht div U dz 0 ; 11:6
0 Here

qU 1 1
HU W Hh 0 ; 11:7 H Hj2
dx dr ZH dr h2 :
qz 2 2
qW If the flow depends only on x, the Hamiltonian structure
div U 0 : 11:8
qz can be given in terms of the variables Z and U:

Here h hr; t [r x; y, 0 < z < h] is the boundary of the qZ q dH qU q dH

; :
free surface of the fluid, U Ur; z is the horizontal velocity, qt qx dU qt qx dZ
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1111

It should be added that for one-dimensional flows another Consider a transformation from the variables ak to new
method for introducing a Hamiltonian structure was devel- variables ck in the form of an integral power series:
oped in paper [32]. One can show that the Hamiltonian
structure introduced in Ref. [32] is equivalent to the structure ak ck Lkk1 k2 ck1 ck2 dkk1 k2 dk1 dk2

At the end of this section we would like to pay attention to
one more paper [76] where, in fact, the same idea as for the Mkk1 k2 ck ck2 dk2 kk1 dk1 dk2
Vlasov and Benney equations was used. In Ref. [76] Virasoro
supposes to describe flows of stratified fluid by the use of a Nkk1 k2 ck ck1 dkk1 k2 dk1 dk2 . . . 12:4
mixed, Lagrangian Eulerian representation. For two-
dimensional flows the horizontal coordinate x and the
Lagrangian coordinate b, labeling the levels of density r, We require such a transformation to eliminate the third
serve as independent variables. In the case of two-dimen- order terms from the Hamiltonian and to be canonical. The
sional hydrodynamics, when the suggested scheme can also be last item means that
applied, one of the coordinates (of the Lagrange type) labels
the vorticity levels O and the other coordinate may, for fck ; ck 0 g dkk 0 ; fck ; ck 0 g fck ; ck 0 g 0 :
example, be the Cartesian x. Virasoro, from the very
beginning, comes from the variational principle in the From these two requirements, after simple algebra, we can
Lagrange form (7.6), and then performs a transformation to find that
new variables, by introducing the generating function of this
Vkk1 k2 ck1 ck2
transformation. This function in the Lagrangian plays the ak c k dkk1 k2 dk1 dk2
role of the generalized coordinate. ok ok 1 ok 2
Approximately the same ideas occur in papers [38, 39]
Vk2 kk1 ck ck2
where for equation (5.12), describing the Rossby waves, the 2 dk kk1 dk1 dk2
ok2 ok ok1 2
Gardner Zakharov Faddeev brackets are derived from
non-canonical Poisson brackets. Ukkk2 ck ck1
dkk1 k2 dk1 dk2 . . . 12:5
ok ok1 ok2
12. Classical perturbation theory
Here the first two integral terms guarantee the cancella-
and the reduction of Hamiltonians
tion in H1 of the second two terms, while the last term gives
If in the previous sections we dealt with introducing the the cancellation of the other two, proportional to a  a  a  and
Hamiltonian structure, then further we will suppose that we aaa. These two transformations (eliminating both pairs from
were able in some way to introduce canonical variables H1 ) are independent and can be carried out separately. This
together with the normal variables diagonalizing a quad- procedure for successive elimination of perturbation terms in
ratic part of Hamiltonian. In this section we turn to the the Hamiltonian expansion by means of canonical transfor-
classical perturbation theory for the wave Hamiltonian mations is called classical perturbation theory. In construct-
systems which is based on an assumption about the ing such a theory we quickly come up against the problem of
smallness of wave amplitudes. The difference of the wave `small denominators', related in the present case to the
systems from the finite-dimensional systems is that the appearance of non-integrable singularities near the manifolds
application of the perturbation theory to the wave systems
leads to the appearance of resonant denominators not at ok . . . oki oki1 . . . okn 0 ;
separate points, as for finite-dimensional equations, but on
whole manifolds. By their classification, we arrive at the k . . . ki ki1 . . . kn 0 ;
whole set of standard Hamiltonians and corresponding
equations. In particular, many well-known equations such which give the condition for an nth order resonance. The
as the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, the KdV equation, simplest manifolds already appear in the elimination of the
the KP equation, etc. are among them. three-wave Hamiltonian (3.8), when [cf. Eqn (12.5)]
Suppose that in a medium there is one type of waves with
dispersion law ok and amplitudes ak, whose evolution is ok ok1 ok2 0 ;
determined by Eqn (3.7): k k1 k2 0 12:6
qak dH
i  : 12:1 and
qt dak
Here ok ok1 ok2 0 ;
k k1 k2 0 : 12:7
H H 0 H1 . . . ;
Satisfying the first condition is possible if waves with
H0 ok jak j2 dk ; 12:2 negative energy exist in the medium, and then one of the
frequencies ok must be negative. Such a situation, as a rule,
occurs in unstable media, for example, in a plasma with a
H1 Vkk1 k2 ak ak1 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2
current. If there are no waves with negative energy in the
medium, then the terms proportional to a  a  a  and aaa can
Ukk1 k2 ak ak2 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 : 12:3 be eliminated from H1 by a canonical transformation, and in
this sense they are unimportant (non-resonant).
1112 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

The possible existence of solutions of the system (12.7) In describing a system of nonlinear waves by means of
depends on the form of the functions ok. For isotropic some standard interaction Hamiltonian, we are naturally
media, in which ok depends only on jkj, there is no solution assuming that the level of nonlinearity, characterized by the
if o0 0 and o 00 k < 0. Such a situation is realized, for wave amplitude, is small. Despite these limitations, the
example, for surface gravitational waves. For capillary waves resulting phenomena are quite rich. Many of them can
the resonance conditions (12.7) are satisfied. already be understood starting from the simplest models
If the conditions (12.6) and (12.7) have no solutions then that arise from the reduction of the standard Hamiltonians.
the three-wave terms can be eliminated. Among the fourth As a first example let us consider the interaction of three
order terms the important contribution to the Hamiltonian is spectrally narrow wave packets with wave vectors lying near
of the form k1 , k2 and k3 . Such an interaction is resonant if, for
Y instance,
H3 Tk1 k2 k3 k4 ak1 ak2 ak3 ak4 dk1 k2 k3 k4 dki ; 12:8
ok1 ok2 ok3 ;
for which the resonance condition
k1 k2 k3 :
ok1 ok2 ok3 ok4 0 ;
k1 k2 k3 k4 0 For this case ak may be represented in the form

may be satisfied for any form of ok. Here the three-wave ak a1 k a2 k a3 k ;

interaction leads to a renormalization of the vertex Tkk1 k2 k3 in
Eqn (12.8) (see Ref. [83]): where a1 , a2 , a3 are the amplitudes of the waves in the packets.
 The characteristic width ki of the each packet is assumed to be
0 Uk2 k3 ;k2 k3 Ukk 1 ;kk1 small compared with jki j. For such an interaction, a canonical
Tkk1 k2 k3 Tkk1 k2 k3 2
okk1 ok ok1 transformation reduces the Hamiltonian Hd given by Eqn

Vk2 k3 k2 k3 Vkk Vkk2 kk2 Vk3 k1 k3 k1 (12.10) to
1 kk1
2 2
okk1 ok ok1 ok3 k1 ok1 ok3  Y
Hint 2 Va1 k1 a2 k2 a3 k3 c:c:dk1 k2 k3 dki :
Vk1 k3 k1 k3 Vk2 kk2 k Vk1 k2 k1 k2 Vk3 kk3 k
2 2
ok2 k ok ok2 ok3 k ok ok3
Now using the narrowness of these packets, we set
Vkk3 kk3 Vk2 k1 k2 k1
2 : 12:9 qo
ok2 k ok1 ok2 ok1 j oki j vi ; vi
Thus, we arrive at a sequence of standard interaction
Hamiltonians: the Hamiltonian in H0 and make the change of variables:
ci x ai k exp ioki t :
Hd Vkk1 k2 ak ak1 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 ; 12:10

As a result,
is responsible for the process of decay 1 ! 2 and the inverse X
process of fusion 2 ! 1; the Hamiltonian H!H oi jci j2 dj :

Hex Ukk a  a  a  c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 ; 12:11
1 k2 k k1 k2
3 Taking the inverse Fourier transform of this Hamiltonian,
using the formula
describes the so-called explosive instability, in which three
quanta of the wave field are created simultaneously from 1
ci x ci j expij r dj ;
vacuum 0 ! 3, the Hamiltonian 2p3=2
Hsc Tkk1 k2 k3 ak ak1 ak2 ak3 dkk1 k2 k3 dki ; 12:12 we obtain the well-known equations for resonant interaction

is responsible for the process 2 ! 2, etc. qc1 iV

v1 H c1 c2 c3 ; 12:14
If several types of waves exist in the medium, the list of qt 2p3=2
standard Hamiltonians is greatly increased. We give one of
them, responsible for the interaction of high-frequency and qc2 iV 
v2 H c2 c1 c3 ; 12:15
low-frequency waves: qt 2p3=2

Hint Vkk1 k2 bk ak1 ak2 c:c:dkk1 k2 dk dk1 dk2 : 12:13 qc3 iV 
v3 H c3 c2 c3 : 12:16
qt 2p3=2

A Hamiltonian of type (12.13) describes the interaction of In a similar fashion one gets the system of equations for
light and sound in dielectrics, Langmuir and ion-acoustic describing the explosive instability of three wave packets. In
waves in plasma, etc. this case the interaction Hamiltonian for the packets arises as
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1113

the result of reduction of the Hamiltonian (12.11): coincides with s. This means that the character of the
 interaction in the transverse and longitudinal directions are
qc1 iU different and depend on the signs of Z and s. If Z > 0, then in
v1 H c1 c2 c3 ; 12:17
qt 2p3=2 the transverse direction the attraction takes place and the
packet has to be compressed due the nonlinear interaction. In
qc2 iU  the opposite case, Z < 0, the nonlinearity helps the diffrac-
v2 H c2 c1 c3 ; 12:18
qt 2p3=2 tion broadening. The same situation arises for longitudinal
motion. If sZ 1, then the compression takes place along the
qc3 iU 
v3 H c3 c2 c3 : 12:19 group velocity direction and respectively the repulsion in the
qt 2p3=2 opposite case sZ 1. There exists the only variant
s Z 1, when simultaneously the nonlinearity leads to
The following example refers to the reduction of the packet compression in all directions. In this case wave
Hamiltonian (12.12) for a single spectrally narrow wave collapse is possible (for a review see Ref. [84]).
packet. Suppose that the center of the packet is at k0 : Then Thus, depending on s and Z, there exist four canonical
setting forms for the NLSE:

ak ck expiok0 t ; k k0 k ; ict Dc jcj2 c 0 ; 12:23

2 ict D? c cxx jcj c 0 ;2
H ! H ok0 ck dk ;
ict Dc jcj2 c 0 ; 12:25
1 q2 o 2
ok ok0 k ok0 kvg ka kb ; ict D? c cxx jcj c 0 : 12:26
2 qka qkb
All these equations belong to the Hamiltonian type; they
we get the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE) can be written as
oab q2 c T dH 2 2 Z 4
ict vg H c jcj2 c 0 12:20 ict ; H jH
H? cj sjcx j jcj dr :
2 qxa qxb 2p3 dc  2
for the envelope cr, where
In deriving Eqn (12.20) we have assumed that the kernel
q2 o Tk1 k2 k3 k4 is a continuous function of its arguments [the vertex
oab :
qka qkb appearing in Eqn (12.9) is the value of this kernel at ki k0 ].
However, this situation is not typical, in particular if
Equation (12.20) describes the self-interaction of a o0 0. At the same time, according to Goldstone's
spectrally narrow wave packet in a nonlinear medium. In an theorem (cf. Ref. [78]) the matrix element Vkk1 k2 vanishes if
isotropic medium, when the tensor oab is of the form one of the wave vectors k, k1 or k2 is zero. Thus, in expression
  (12.9) for the matrix element T, there are indeterminacies
vg k when ki k0 . To remove them we must calculate a limit of the
oab dab na nb o00 na nb n ;
2k0 k type

this equation simplifies to jVk0 ; k0 k; k j2

lim :
k!0 ok kvg
vg o 00 T
ict vg cx D? c cxx jcj2 c 0 ;
2k0 2 2p3 For example, for surface waves of infinite depth
Vkk0 k0  k3=4 ; ok  k1=2 ;
where the x axis coincides with the direction of the group
velocity. In this equation the second term is responsible for and all the indeterminacies vanish. For finite depth one has
the propagation of the wave packet as a whole with the group Vkk0 k0  k1=2 , ok  k, so that this limit is finite in each
velocity vg (this term can evidently be excluded by passing to direction, while the quantity Tk0 k0 k0 k0 remains undetermined.
the system of reference moving with vg ); the next term Indeterminacy of this type is related to the excitation of forced
describes the diffraction of the packet in the plane transverse motion of the medium as a whole. Such a situation occurs for
to vg , the fourth term corresponds to the dispersion of the all waves whose dispersion laws ok become linear as k ! 0. In
broadening along the x-direction, finally, the last term in Eqn addition to the surface waves considered above, such waves
(12.21) accounts for the nonlinearity. include ion-acoustic waves in a plasma, sound waves in a
After performing rescaling transformations in this equa- solid, etc.
tion, the NLSE can be written in the canonical form: In this situation one needs separate equations for
describing induced low-frequency motions. This problem is
ict D? c scxx Zjcj2 c 0 : 12:22 a special case of a more general question: the interaction of a
spectrally narrow high-frequency wave packet with a low-
Here s signo00 vg and Z signTvg . This equation can be frequency acoustic type oscillation. The Hamiltonian for such
considered as the Schrodinger equation for quantum particle an interaction can be constructed from general principles,
motion in self-consistent potential U Zjcj2 with a positive based on the classical notion of an adiabatic invariant. [Of
transverse mass and a longitudinal mass, the sign of which course, there is also a direct method of calculation, based on
1114 V E Zakharov, E A Kuznetsov Physics Uspekhi 40 (11)

the reduction of the Hamiltonian (12.13).] We recall that for For isotropic media the resulting system of equations
an oscillator with frequency o there is the following described in a coordinate system moving with the group
remarkable relation between the energy E and the adiabatic velocity goes over into the Davey Stewartson equations
invariant I:  
vg o00 qo k0 c2s
E ict D? c c drc
I: 2k0 2 xx qr0 r0 vg
T k0 qo
the present case the adiabatic invariant is the quantity jcj2 c 0 ; 12:33
ck 2 , so that 2p3 r0 vg qr0
2 q k0 2 qo
H0  ok0 ck dk ok0 jcj2 dr : vg dr jcj D c2s dr jcj2 ; 12:34
qx vg qr0

A nonlinear interaction with low-frequency motions does not which were first obtained for gravitational waves on the
destroy the adiabaticity, so surface of a fluid of finite depth [80].
In this system Eqn (12.32) or (12.34) represents a
Hint dojcj2 dr ; constraint for dr, j and jcj2 , and the Hamiltonian for
(12.33) is constructed taking these constraints into account.
where do is the change in frequency due to variations of the An explicit expression for it is easily obtained if we represent
local characteristics of the medium, namely, the density dr the constraint equations in the form
and velocity v:
dH dH
vg H dr ; vg H j
qo dj dr
do dr k0 v :
with H Hc given by Eqn (12.31). Then the Hamiltonian
(The second term corresponds to the Doppler effect.) HDS for the Davey Stewartson equation is obtained from Hc
Setting v H j and remembering that dr and j are by the rule
canonically conjugate functions for a compressible fluid, we
get the equations [66, 79] HDS Hc drvg H j dr i c  vg H c dr ;
oab q2 c
ict vg H c
2 qxa qxb and the equations have the form
qo T dHDS
dr k0 H j c jcj2 c 0 ; 12:28 ict :
qri 2p3 dc 
dr r0 Dj k0 H jcj2 0 ; 12:29 If vg > cs , then in Eqns (12.29) and (12.30) we cannot
replace q=qt by the operator vg H no matter what the level
qj qo 2 of nonlinearity is. This is easily understood if we rewrite Eqns
r0 c2s dr jcj 0 ; 12:30
qt qr0 (12.29) and (12.30) in a Fourier representation. If we carry
this out, we are confronted by a resonance denominator of the
where T is the regular part of the matrix element T~k0 k0 k0 k0 form
without singularities.
kcs kvg ;
The Hamiltonian of this system is a combination of the
Hamiltonians for Eqns (12.20) and (4.3): which corresponds to condition (12.7) for the decay of a high-
 frequency wave into high-frequency and sound waves. Under
1 qc qc  the condition vg 4 cs , corresponding, for example, to the
Hc ic  vg H c oab
2 qxa qxb interaction of light and sound in dielectrics, the contribution
  to do because of the Doppler effect is weak compared to the
dr k0 H j jcj2 scattering by long-wave fluctuations dr of the density (the
 relative parameter is cs =vg ). In this case Eqns (12.28) (12.30)
1 T 4 2 dr
H simplify to the following form:
jcj cs r0 dr : 12:31
2 2p3 2r0 2  
o00 vg qo T 2
ict cxx D? c dr jcj c 0;
Depending on the ratio between the group velocity vg and 2 2k0 qr 2p3
the sound velocity cs , Eqns (12.29) and (12.30) permit various   
simplifications. If vg < cs and vg Dk 4 Tjcj2 , where Dk is the q q 2 qo
vg c2s D? dr Djcj2 :
width around k of the high-frequency packet, we can replace qt qx qr0
q=qt by vg H in Eqns (12.29) and (12.30):
Among the simplest reductions one should also include
vg H dr r0 Dj k0 H jcj2 0 ; the reduction of the Boussinesq equation to the KdV
qo equation. For the Boussinesq model the dispersion law is
r0 vg H j c2s dr jcj2 0 : 12:32 close to linear. This means that in the Hamiltonian H1 with
coefficients of the form (4.5) one should keep the terms
November, 1997 Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves 1115

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