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Home The Hampshire College Student Handbook Norms for Community Living and Policies Formal
Conduct Process

Conduct Meeting & Hearing Options

The flow chart below shows the typical process a conduct violation will follow and the
choices the respondent and administrator have in the process. In circumstances when an
Information Report is submitted and there is reasonable cause to modify the process,
including but not limited to prior to commencement when a student is a candidate for
graduation, the Dean of Students Office and Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and
Responsibilities will use their discretion to determine the appropriate process for resolution
while maintaining the rights afforded to all students in the conduct process.

If a Respondent leaves the College for any reason while the Formal Conduct Process is
underway, the Dean of Students Office and Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and
Responsibilities have the authority to determine whether or not the process should continue
or be held should the student return or be readmitted to the College.

Below the flow chart you will find links that further detail the various conduct meeting and
hearing types. Please note that while similar, the process for violations of the Sexual
Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy as it applies to student respondents
can be found listed in that policy.
Conduct Meeting

Community Review Board (CRB) Hearings

Sanctions-only Hearings

Formal Conduct Process up Conduct Meeting

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