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chick development

1. if polonaise movement is disrupted, what do you think will happen to the brain region?
( will it form or not? if so, in which region of the blastoderm?)
Polonaise movement is a circular movement of epiblast bring them to the posterior midline and then
anteriorwards during primitive streak formation. It Depends on Wnt-PCP pathway. In the early chick
blastoderm, Prospective region for all the axial structures lies in the posterior part which means
Prospective Head also lies in extreme posterior while Prospective posterior & lateral regions lie in
anterior part. Around Stage X, polonaise movement occurs, and this shifts the Prospective Head to lie
in extreme anterior while Prospective posterior and lateral regions to lie more posterior in
blastoderm. If polonaise movement is to be disrupted, the brain and neural regions will still form,
however, it will form on the posterior region of the blastoderm.

2. what is the significance of the isthmus? removal or ablation of the isthmus may result
to what embryonic defect?
The isthmus holds the isthmic organizer, which induces the development of the midbrain at its
anterior, and the cerebellum at its posterior. If the isthmus is removed by knocking out the gene of
its inducing factors, Wnt1 and En1, the midbrain and cerebellum will fail to develop.

3. how significant is vg1 in chick development?

Vg1 is an inducing factor during mesoderm induction
o Maternal determinant in xenopus
o Expressed in PMZ region that shows streak-inducing activity
Wnt + Vg1 (cell pellet) in anterior pellucidamimics PMZ action Streak induction Induce
expression of NODAL (in adjacent area pellucida)
Vg1 pellet graft laterally streak induction suppress host streak (prevents multistreak

4. how important is the isthmus in brain development of the chick?

It is very important in brain development because it holds the isthmic organizer, which directs the
development of the midbrain at its anterior, and the cerebellum at its posterior, thus separating the
two brain vesicles.

5. what are the key steps in the development of the right and left symmetry in the chick?
The presence of cilia together with its asymmetric nature is one of the key steps in the initial breakage
of the bilateral symmetry. This is then eventuated by the NODAL expression, which is primarily found
on the left side of the embryo that then induces the distribution of the response in the lateral plate
mesoderm as well as its effect in the heart displacement and gut loop formation

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