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Rice is the most important grain with regards to human nutrition and caloric

intake, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by the
human species. It is the grain with the second highest worldwide production, after
maize (corn). Our very own country (Philippines) is one of the rice-eating
societies. Filipinos depend on rice almost every meal and we hunger after it if we
don't. We were used to eating rice, it is like a habit and so it is very hard to stop.

One of the organizations for rice research here in the Philippines is the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Their mission is "To reduce poverty
and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure
environmental sustainability through collaborative research, partnerships, and the
strengthening of national agricultural research and extension systems." Today,
there are approximately 7 billion people on earth and more than half of these are
rice-eaters. For the past decades, rice consumption increased drastically in
proportioned with the increase in population. And to face this challenge, we need
to increase rice production through the improvement of technological tools.

Here are some of the technological tools:

IRRI Axial Flow Pump is a low horsepower driven axial flow pump with a
capacity of up to 3000 liters per minute. Total suction lift is up to 4 meters. The
recommended operating speed is 3000 rpm.

Plow is a tool used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing
seed or planting. It has been a basic instrument for most of recorded history, and
represents one of the major advances in agriculture. The primary purpose of
plowing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the
surface, while burying weeds and the remains of previous crops, allowing them to
break down. It also aerates the soil, and allows it to hold moisture better.

Micro Rice Mill combines hulling and whitening of rough rice in one operation.

Drum seeder was developed for row seeding pregerminated seeds on puddled
soils. The machine seeds paddy in neat rows, enabling farmers to use push-type
mechanical weeders.

These four (4) technological tools are in general similar to each other because
they are all rice machines and they help for the production of rice. They are also
self-primming machines, easy to operate and user-friendly.They are all still used
today and still helpful for common farmers.

But, these four (4) technological tools also have differences. First of all are their
functions. IRRI Axial Flow Pump is for pumping, Plow is for cultivation of soil,
Micro Rice mill is for hulling and milling and Drum seeder is for row seeding.
Second, is there construction. Not all of these were constructed simply and each
tool has different parts. They can be portable but requires varied number of
carrier. And they may be used in distinct times.

A proverbial saying in Japan states: "The farmer spends eighty-eight efforts on

rice from planting to crop." This teaches the sense of mottainai and gratitude for
the farmer and for rice itself.

In the Philippines there is an expression "One grain of rice equals one bead of
sweat.". This saying may be seen in the context of the high level of labour
involved in the production of rice. It may be said that there is a psychological
element to this expression in encouraging people to appreciate the effort that has
gone into putting food on their plates and perhaps suggesting that they do not
waste food. This may be seen in a similar context to Christians who say Grace
before eating food.

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