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Chapter 3

Conformal Mapping Technique An Overview

3.1 Introduction

The conformal mapping method is invaluable for solving problems in engineering and
physics. By choosing an appropriate mapping function, the analyst can transform the
inconvenient geometry into a much more convenient one. This conformal mapping
technique (CMT) is equivalent to a coordinate transformation and its application to
planar and non-planar transmission lines is described in this chapter.

Coplanar lines and their modifications are widely used in modern MIC and MMIC [105],
and high-speed integrated circuits [43]. Rigorous analysis of waveguiding properties of
these lines - characteristic impedance (Z0), effective relative permittivity ( eff ) and losses

( ), is carried out by using one of the well-known full-wave analysis techniques [119].
Calculations of Z0 and eff of coplanar lines by CMT were first presented by Wen [27].

Although his analysis leads to simple analytical expressions for the line parameters, they
are valid only for the case of infinite substrate thickness and infinite dimensions for the
two side ground strips. Several numerical methods such as the relaxation method, method
of moment etc are developed to calculate line parameters taking into account the effect of
finite substrate thickness and finite line dimensions. These methods do not provide
closed-form expressions for line parameters, useful for the CAD applications [23].
However the refined CMT methods [107] lead to compact closed-form expressions for
impedance, effective relative permittivity and microwave losses [48, 74,104] in terms of
finite line dimensions and substrate thickness. The CMT has also been used to get the
analytical expressions for electric-field distributions in simple CPW structures used in the

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

integrated optical (IO) modulators [96]. The CMT is further extended for modeling of
characteristic impedance, effective relative permittivity [19-20,66-67,86,91], conductor
and dielectric [47-48,84-85] losses and also for charge and field [33] distributions in
multilayered planar and non-planar transmission lines. The analysis is based on the
partial capacitance technique [33] that assumes the magnetic-wall approximation at the
dielectric/dielectric interfaces. The good agreement of results for the line parameters
(Z0, eff , ), obtained from the CMT based analytical expressions, has been observed

against the results of measurements, simulations and field-analysis [74,107].

In this thesis, the application of CMT is extended to obtain closed-form analytical

solutions of eff and Z0 for single-layer and multilayer planar and non-planar CPW, CPS

and slotline structures. We present below a summary of the CMT.

3.2 CMT of Complex Variable

The determination of the distributed capacitance and inductance of a transmission line

requires a solution of Laplaces equation in two dimensions. For the planar transmission-
line structures, it is difficult to construct solutions for Laplaces equation. The conformal
mapping method maps the boundaries of the complex geometry into a simpler
configuration for which solutions to Laplaces equation are easily found.

3.2.1 Mapping

The analytic function F(z), describing the geometrical shape in the complex z-plane,
transform the shape to other shape in the w-plane. The process is shown in Fig.(3.1). The
transformation is described by

w = F(z) = u(x, y) + jv(x, y) (a) (3.1)

z = x + jy (b)

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

where, z is defined in the complex z-plane (x-y plane), shown in Fig. (3.1a) and w is
defined in the complex w-plane (u-v plane), shown in Fig. (3.1b).

3.2.2 Properties of Conformal Mapping

The conformal mapping, or transformation of two intersecting curves from the z-plane to
the w-plane, preserves the angles between every pair of curves; that is, if two curves in
the z-plane intersect at a particular angle, the corresponding curves will also intersect at
the same angle, although the transformed curves in w-plane may not have any
resemblance to the original curves. Any conformal transformation would, therefore,
transform parallel or orthogonal curves in the z-plane into parallel or orthogonal curves in
the w-plane respectively. This is the most important property of the conformal
transformation that is achieved only by the analytical function, as mentioned above.
Some more properties of the conformal mapping transformations are summarized below
[38, 138].

Our z-plane i.e. the (x, y) coordinate system is an orthogonal one. For an analytical
function, satisfying Cauchy-Reimann condition, the w-plane i.e. the (u, v) coordinate
system is also orthogonal. We have the following useful and interesting consequences of
orthogonality of (u, v) coordinate system:

Laplaces equation remains invariant on the transformation from the (x, y) to the
(u, v) coordinate systems.

The electrostatic energy in both (x, y) and (u, v) coordinate systems remains invariant.
Consequentially, the capacitance of a system of conductors remains the unchanged on
the transformation of arrangement of conductors from the (x, y) to the (u, v)
coordinate systems. Thus, under the conformal mapping transformation from the (x,
y) to (u, v) coordinate system there is a change in the geometrical shape of the

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

conductors arrangement without any change in the capacitance. This is a very

important property for the computation of the transmission line parameters.

The CMT is a geometrical process not a physical process involving changes in the
material properties like electrical, thermal etc. Thus the physical nature of boundaries
of any region formed by curves or lines remain unchanged on their transformation
from (x, y) to (u, v) coordinate system. However, the electrical boundaries, i.e. the
electric wall with its boundary condition, as well as the magnetic wall with it
boundary condition, remain unchanged in the conformal mapping transformation,
even if their geometrical shapes are changed. The property of a medium, described by
the permittivity, permeability and conductivity remains unchanged in such

In an electrostatic system, the coordinate u represents the electrostatic potential ( )

and the coordinate v represents electric flux ( ) that corresponds to the charge on a
conductor. The coordinates u and v can equally represent the electric flux and
potential respectively.

3.2.3 Applications of Conformal Mapping

Conformal transformation has been employed frequently to determine the characteristics

of transmission lines and discontinuities in them. The advantage of this approach is that
the analytical solution based on conformal transformation leads to design equations.
Also, an open geometry like that of planar lines is transformed into a closed geometry.
The limitation of this method is that it provides solution for the static fields only, which
may be used at best for the quasi-static cases. A series of conformal mappings are
performed to obtain the characteristics for a range of different geometric parameters [27].

Conformal mapping method has also been used in the field of medical physics such as
brain surface mapping [140]. The CMT is used in scattering and diffraction problems too.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

However the conformal mapping approach is limited to problems that can be reduced to
two dimensions and to problems with high degrees of symmetry.

3.3 Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation

The Schwarz-Christoffel (SC) transformation helps to solve an important class of

boundary value problems that involve regions with polygonal boundaries. This
transformation is useful technique for the analysis of planar transmission lines.

(a) (b)
Fig.(3.1): Schwarz-Christoffel transformation: (a) z-plane; and (b) w-plane.

w = F ( z ) = A ( z' x1 ) (z' x 2 ) k .........( z' x N )
k1 k N
dz' + B (3.2a)

where k 1 + k 2 + k 3.... .........k N = 2 , and B is an arbitrary constant that determines the

position of the polygon. The size and orientation of the polygon can be controlled
through the magnitude and angle of A, respectively. The inverse SC-transformation
corresponding to equation-(3.2a) is given by
z = F (w) = C (w' w1 ) (w' w2 ) K .........(w' w N )
dw' + d (3.2b)

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

where K 1 + K 2 + K 3.... ......... K N = 2 (3.2c)

The SC transformation given above maps a given polygon in the wplane, Fig. (3.1b)
into the line segments along the real axis in the z-plane, Fig. (3.1a) [38,138]. In the
process of the geometrical transformation, the interior space of the polygon in w- plane is
transformed to the upper half space in the z-plane. The role of the z- plane and the w-
plane can be interchanged. Therefore, the SC- transformation also transforms the line
segments in the w-plane along the real u- axis into the polygon in the z-plane.

3.3.1 Elliptic Sine Function

Determination of the analytic functions from the SC- transformation involves definite
integrals that may not have solutions in term of the standard algebraic and trigonometric
functions. Often the integrals involved in the SC- transformation are treated through a
function known as the elliptic sine function [37-38]. The transformation

z = sn ( w , k ); z = x + jy (3.3a)

is an important mapping function in the study of planar transmission lines [38]. The
elliptic sine function sn ( w , k ) transforms the boundary of a rectangle in the w-plane onto
the real axis of the z-plane, and the interior of the rectangle is mapped onto the upper half
of the z-plane. The inverse transformation is given by

w = sn 1 ( z , k ) (3.3b)
It transforms the x-axis into a rectangle in the w-plane. The rectangle may represent a
parallel plate capacitor.

The elliptic sine function is a generalization of the sine function to the complex domain
and is periodic along both the axis. The periodicity of the elliptic sine function is 4K(k)

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

along the u-axis and 2K(k) along the v-axis. The parameter k is called the modulus. The
function K(k) defines the inverse elliptic sine function over the range 0 z 1 :

K( k ) = = sn 1 ( 1, k )
(1 z )(1 k z )
2 2 2

The complex function [K (k ) + jK (k )] defines the inverse elliptic sine function over the
range 0 z 1 k :

1/ k 1 1/ k
dz dz dz
K ( k ) + jK' ( k ) = = + (3.5a)
0 (1 z )(1 k z )
2 2 2
0 (1 z )(1 k z )
2 2 2
1 (1 z )(1 k z )
2 2 2

where K' ( k ) = (1 z )(1 k z )
2 2 2

The integral in equation - (3.4) may be expressed in a standard form by substituting

z = sin ,
K( k ) = = F k, (3.6)
0 1 k sin

It is called the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Similarly, substituting
k 2 (z 2 1) = (1 k 2 )cos 2 in equation-(3.5b) gives

K' ( k ) = = F k' , = K ( k' ) (3.7)
0 1 k' sin
2 2

where k' = 1 k 2 . The approximate expressions can be used to evaluate the elliptic
integral [38,104,136]. The ratio of complete integrals K (k ) K (k ) occurs very commonly

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

in the design of planar lines. Fortunately, this ratio can be determined accurately to 1 part
in 105 using the following simple expression [136]:

1 1 + k
ln 2 , for 0 k 0.7
K (k ) 1 k
= (3.8)
K (k ) 1 1 + k
ln 2 , for 0.7 k 1
1 k

3.4 Quasi-Static Analysis of Planar/Non-Planar Transmission Lines

In this section, we obtain the closed form expressions of the characteristics of different
configurations of single-layer and multilayer CPW, CPS and slotline with the use of
CMT, in which quasi-static solutions of the effective relative permittivity and
characteristic impedance of the structures are derived and calculated for their use in the
CAD applications.

3.4.1 Coplanar Waveguide

CPW on Finite Thickness Substrate and Infinite Ground Plane

A CPW with finite thickness substrate h and relative permittivity r is shown in

Fig.(3.2a). Both the ground planes are infinite in width that is not a practical situation.
This will be discussed in the next section.

An exact conformal mapping of the structure shown in Fig.(3.2a) involves mapping of

the dielectric and air interface in the lower half-space. Such transformation is difficult.
However, based on following assumption we can obtain an approximate conformal
mapping [23].

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The total line capacitance p.u.l. of a CPW structure, shown in Fig.(3.2a) on a substrate of
thickness h is equal to the line capacitance p.u.l. of the CPW line on the air substrate
(both upper and lower half- spaces) + the line capacitance p.u.l. of the lower half- space
of a CPW on the infinitely thick substrate of relative permittivity ( r - 1). The
conformal mapping is achieved in two steps. The first transformation, shown in Fig.(3.2c)
converts half of the original structure shown in Fig.(3.2b) to a conventional CPW on the
infinitely thick substrate having relative permittivity ( r - 1). It is achieved by
following mapping function that transforms the structure Fig.(3.2b) from the z-plane to
the t-plane, shown in Fig.(3.2c)

t = sinh (3.9)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. (3.2): Conformal mapping of CPW with finite substrate thickness (a) Original structure, (b) z-plane,
(c) t-plane, (d) w-plane

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The second CMT, shown in Fig. (3.2d), is achieved by using the SC- transformation that
transforms the strip located on the real x-axis of the t-plane, Fig. (3.2c) into a rectangle in
the w-plane with the aspect ratio

t sinh( a / 2 h )
k1 = 1 = k1 = 1 k12 (3.10)
t2 sinh (b / 2 h )

If C1 is the line capacitance p.u.l. of one half of the structure on the substrate with relative
permittivity ( r -1) then

K (k1 )
C1 = 2 0 ( r 1) (3.11)
K ( k1 )

The line capacitance p.u.l. of upper half of the structure is

K (k0 ) a
C0 = 2 0 where k0 = , k0 = 1 k02 (3.12)
K ( k0 ) b

Based on our initial assumption, the total line capacitance p.u.l. of a CPW on the finite
thickness substrate is

CT ( r ) = C0U + C0 L + C1 (3.13)

where C0U is the line capacitance p.u.l. of upper half of the CPW on the air- substrate

and C0 L is the line capacitance p.u.l. of lower half of the CPW on the air- substrate. In

the present case C0U = C0 L = C0 . The total line capacitance of CPW p.u.l. on the air
substrate is

C0T ( r = 1 ) = 2C0 (3.14)

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The eff and Z0 of the present form of the CPW is obtained from

CT ( r ) 2C + C1 1C ( 1 ) K (k1 ) K (k0 )
eff = = 0 = 1 + 1 = 1 + r (3.15)
C0T ( r = 1) 2C0 2 C0 2 K( k1 ) K( k0 )

30 K (k 0 )
Z0 = (3.16)
eff K ( k 0 )

CPW with Finite Ground Planes

In previous section, the ground planes have been considered to be of infinite width.
However, in practice the ground planes have to be of finite widths as shown in Fig (3.3a)
for the CPW on a finitely thick substrate. The sequence of CMT is shown in Fig.(3.3).

The finite extent of the ground planes modifies the aspect ratio. Thus after modification,
( k0 ) and ( k1 ) become ( k0 ) and ( k1 ) respectively, for the infinitely and finitely thick
substrates with finite width ground planes

2 2
where, F1 = 1 ( b / c )
k0G = k0 F1 = F1 (a) (b) (3.17)
b 1 ( a / c )

sinh( b / 2h ) 2 2
sinh( a / 2 h ) sinh( c / 2h )
k1 = k1 F2 = F2 (a) where, F2 = (b) (3.18)
sinh( b / 2h ) 2
sinh( a / 2h )
1 sinh( c / 2h )

In both cases for c (infinitely wide ground planes) F1 1 and F2 1.

Firstly the conductor strips are located on the infinite air substrate in the upper half- plane
and secondly they are also located at the finite thickness substrate on the lower - half

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

plane [47]. Both the cases should be treated separately. The sequence of conformal
mapping of the CPW structure of finite ground planes on the finite substrate thickness is
shown in Fig. (3.3). Fig. (3.3b) shows the first quadrant of the original structure. Its upper
part on the infinite air substrate is mapped into the upper half of the t-plane shown in Fig.
(3.3c) by using following function

t = z2 (3.19)

Fig. (3.3d) shows that the conducting strip (electric wall, EW) and the dielectric interface
(magnetic wall, MW) are mapped as a rectangle in the w-plane by following SC-

u + j v = w( t ) = t (t t )(t t )(t t ) (3.20)
t0 1 2 3

The mapping starts from location (4) to (5-6) to (1) such that a parallel plate capacitor
is formed. The above integral can be transformed to a standard elliptic integral of the first
kind by change of variables which results in the aspect ratio of the CPW on the infinite
substrate with finite extent coplanar ground planes:

(c 2 b 2 )a 2 = a (c 2 b 2 )
k = k 2 = k0G =
(c 2 a 2 )b 2 b (c 2 a 2 ) (3.21)

The aspect ratio, k0 = a/b is for the infinite width ground planes and F1

= (c 2 b 2 )/ (c 2 a 2 ) is the correction factor due to the finite width of the ground


Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.3): Conformal mapping of CPW with finite ground width (a) Original structure, (b) z-plane, (c) t-
plane and (d) w-plane

The line capacitance p.u.l. of a CPW on the air substrate is

K( k2 )
C0 = 2 0 (3.22)
K ( k 2 )

To compute the line capacitance of lower half of the plane shown in Fig (3.4a), the
dielectric and air interface are replaced by a magnetic wall and the relative permittivity
by ( r -1) of the infinite extent half-space. The transformation of region from the z-plane,
Fig.(3.3b) to the x-plane, shown in Fig. (3.4a) is achieved by following mapping function

x = cosh 2 (3.23)

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

(a) (b)

Fig.(3.4): (a) Transformation of region to x-plane, (b) Mapping to rectangle forming parallel plate

The mapped structure is shown in Fig (3.4a). It can be further mapped as a rectangle
forming the parallel plate capacitance shown in Fig (3.4b) in the w-plane. The SC-
transformation is

u + jv = w = (x x )( x x )( x x )( x x ) (3.24)
x1 1 2 3 4

The integral given above can be transformed to a standard elliptic integral of the first
kind, giving us aspect ratios:

cosh 2 ( c / 2 h ) cosh 2 ( b / 2 h ) cosh 2 ( a / 2 h ) 1

k3 = k1G =
cosh 2 ( c / 2 h ) cosh 2 ( a / 2 h ) cosh 2 ( b / 2 h ) 1

sinh 2 ( c / 2 h ) sinh 2 ( b / 2 h ) 2 sinh( a/2 h)
= (3.25)
sinh 2 ( c / 2 h ) sinh 2 ( a / 2 h ) sinh( b/2 h)

It gives us the correction factor F2 of equation-(3.18b). The line capacitance p.u.l. of

lower half of the CPW with dielectric layer is
K (k 3 )
C1 = 2 0 ( r 1) (3.26)
K ( k 3 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The total line capacitance p.u.l. of a CPW is

K (k 2 ) K (k 3 )
CT = 2C0 + C1 = 4 0 + 2 0 ( r 1 ) (3.27)
K ( k 2 ) K ( k 3 )

The eff and Z0 of the present form the CPW is

CT ( r ) 1 K (k 3 ) K (k 2 )
eff = = 1 + ( r 1) (3.28)
C0T ( r = 1) 2 K ( k 3 ) K ( k 2 )

30 K (k 2 )
Z0 = (3.29)
eff K ( k 2 )

Asymmetrical CPW

The conformal mapping of the asymmetrical CPW (ACPW), shown in Fig. (3.5a), is
similar to the that given in [47]. The total capacitance p.u.l. of ACPW is equal to the sum
of the air-filled line capacitance in the absence of substrate C1 and the capacitance of the
substrate C2, assumed to have dielectric ( r 1 ).

CT ( r ) = 2C1 + C 2 (3.30)

First in order to obtain the air capacitance C1, assuming the ACPW without the substrate,
the upper half plane in Fig.(3.5b) is transformed in to the rectangular region in w-plane
by means of the mapping

w= (3.31)
( t t1 )( t t 2 )( t t 3 )( t t 4 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.5):Conformal mapping of ACPW of finite thickness substrate (a) Original structure, (b) z-plane,
(c) t-plane, (d) w-plane.

In this case, the air capacitance p.u.l. of the line is given by

K( k4 )
C1 = 0 (3.32)
K ( k '4 )

1 + [( w1 + w 2 ) / s ]
where k 4 = (a) k 4' = 1 k 42 (b) (3.33)
[1 + ( w1 s )] [1 + ( w2 s )]

Second, in order to compute the dielectric capacitance C2, the dielectric region in
Fig.(3.5b) is transformed into the lower half region in Fig.(3.5c) by using equation-
(3.9).Then, the lower half plane in Fig.(3.5c) is transformed into the rectangular region in
w plane for which t-plane transformation is not needed . The locations z1, z2, z3, z4 in the
z-plane can be directly transformed to w-plane by using the above mentioned SC-
transformation to form the rectangle in the w-plane, i.e.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

t1 z 1 , t2 z2 , t3 z3 , t4 z4

s s s s
where, z1 = w1 + , z2 = , z3 = , z4 = + w2 . (3.34)
2 2 2 2

The line capacitance of the ACPW for the case of lower half space filled with infinite
extent ( r 1 ) dielectric medium is

K ( k5 )
C 2 = 0 ( r 1) (3.35)
K ( k 5' )

2 sinh sinh ( s + 2 w1 ) + sinh ( s + 2 w2 )
4h 4h 4h
k5 = (a) (3.36)
s s
sinh 4h ( s + 2 w1 ) + sinh 4h sinh 4h + sinh 4h ( s + 2 w2 )

k5' = 1 k5 (b)

The total capacitances of ACPW with finite extent substrate in the lower half space and
air medium in the upper half space are

K( k4 ) K ( k5 )
CT ( r ) = 2 0 + 0( r 1) (a)
K ( k '4 ) K ( k 5' )

K( k4 )
C0T ( r = 1 ) = 2 0 (b) (3.37)
K ( k '4 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The eff and Z0 of the ACPW on the finite extent dielectric substrate is

CT ( r ) 1 K ( k '4 ) K ( k 5 )
eff = = 1 + ( r 1) (3.38)
C 0T ( r = 1 ) 2 K( k4 ) K( k' 5 )

60 K ( k '4 )
Z0 = (3.39)
eff K ( k 4 )

Non-Planar CPW

We present four CPW structures on non-planar surfaces, shown in Fig. (3.6) :

i. Elliptical CPW (ECPW)

ii. Circular Cylindrical CPW (CCPW)
iii. Semi-Ellipsoidal CPW (SECPW)
iv. Semi-Circular Cylindrical CPW (SCCPW)

Fig. (3.6a) shows cross section of the elliptical CPW (ECPW). The structure is formed by
two confocal ellipses. Their semi major axis and semi minor axis are a1, a2, a3, b1, b2 and
b3, respectively. The 2nd ellipse is the inner side of the strip conductor and 3rd ellipse is
the outer side of the strip conductor, not shown in Fig. (3.6a). The dimensions a3 and b3
accounts for the finite strip conductor thickness. The central arc strip width is 2 and the
gap between the strip and the ground plane is ( ) . For ECPW and circular cylindrical

CPW (CCPW), ground plane width is (2 2 ) .In Fig. (3.6a), the conductor thickness

for semi-major and semi-minor axes are (a 3 a 2 ) and (b3 b2 ) , respectively. Moreover,

the dielectric substance thickness for the semi-major and semi-minor axes are (a 2 a1 )

and (b2 b1 ) , respectively. The relative dielectric constant is r in both the cases.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.6): CPW on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical CPW (ECPW) ,(b) Circular Cylindrical CPW
(CCPW), (c) Semi-ellipsoidal CPW (SECPW) and (d) Semi- circular cylindrical CPW (SCCPW).

With the help of conformal mapping method [85], ECPW is first transformed to the
CCPW. The CCPW is then transformed to the planar CPW line on the finite thickness
substrate. Finally the planar CPW, with the help of SC- transformation, is transformed to
the parallel plate capacitor. Due to the invariance of the electrostatic energy, the
capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor gives the line capacitance of the ECPW [38, 59,
106]. Based on the partial capacitance approximation, the overall capacitances per unit
length of the both structures are considered as the sum of the capacitance in free-space
(upper region) and dielectric layer. C0 and C1 capacitances stand for the free-space
capacitance and the dielectric layer capacitance, respectively. For the calculation of total
unit length capacitance, the partial capacitances C0 and C1 can be obtained using
successive conformal transformation steps [47,131]. So, the overall capacitances per unit
length of both the structures are given by,

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

CT = C0U + C0L + C1 (3.40)

where the air-region capacitances can be expressed as:

K( k0 )
C0U = C0L = 20 (3.41)
K( k0' )

k0 =
2 2 2 ) k0' = 1 k02
( ) (i ) ( ii ) (3.42)
2 2 2

In the above equation, K(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Similarly, the
capacitance of the dielectric layer is,

K( k1 )
C1 = 20 ( r 1) (3.43)
K( k1' )
where the related modulus can be expressed as;

x2 x2 x2 )
k1 =
( ) k 1 ' = 1 k 12
(i ) ( ii ) (3.44)
x2 x2 x2


x =
exp 2 H 2 ) 2

,1 <

exp H + 2
2 H (3.45)

exp (H ) 2

x = 1 ,0 < <1 ( ii )
exp (H ) + 2 H

The parameter H is dependent on dimensions of ECPW and CCPW. It is expressed by,

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

r a + b2
H = ln 2 = ln 2 (3.46)
r1 a 1 + b1

x and x are found using the relations given below:

F (arcsin (x / x ), x ) = K ( x ) (i)

F (arcsin ( x / x ), x ) = K ( x )
( ii )

where F (, k) is the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind in Jacobis notation.
Equation (3.47) is evaluated by means of using the approximate formulations given in

Finally, the eff and Z 0 of ECPW and CCPW, using the conformal mapping method, are

written as:

r 1 K( k0 ' ) K( k1 )
eff = 1 + (3.48)
2 K ( k 0 ) K ( k 1' )

30 K ( k 0 ' )
Z0 = (3.49)
eff K ( k 0 )

The cross-section of the original elliptical cylinder, shown in Fig.(3.6a), is located in the
-plane. The focal distance between three confocal ellipses is

c = a1 b1 = a 2 b2 = a 3 b3
2 2 2 2 2 2

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The confocal elliptical cylinders are transformed into the circular cylinders in the z-plane
on using the following mapping function [85,144]

z = m ( 2 c 2
] (3.51)

The above mapping function provides us the concentric circular cylinders of radius r1, r2
and r3:

a1 + b1 a2 + b2 a3 + b3 (3.52)
r1 = (i ) r2 = ( ii ) r3 = ( iii )
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3

The CPW on the concentric circular cylinders is transformed into the planar CPW using
the following mapping function [85,144]

u = j ln + (3.53)
r2 2

(a) (b)

Fig.(3.7): Cross sectional view of non-planar CPW with finite ground plane width: (a) (2-2) and
(b) (-2).

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The above mapping function provides us the following conducing strip width (s), slot
width (w), substrate thickness (h) and strip conductor thickness (t) of the transformed
ECPW into the corresponding planar CPW.

r r
s = 2 (i) w = ( ii ) h = ln 2 ( iii ) t = ln 3 ( iv ) (3.54)
r1 r2

When a1 = b1 = a, a2 = b2 = b, a3 = b3 = d i.e., c = 0, h becomes h = ln (b/a) and t

becomes t = ln (d/b), then equation- (3.52) gives the structural parameters for the CCPW,
as shown in Fig. (3.6b).For the ground plane width ( 2 ) , the CPW structure on the
semi- ellipsoidal (SECPW) and semi-circular cylindrical surfaces (SCCPW) are obtained.
It is shown in Fig.(3.6c) and (3.6d) respectively.

On applying conformal mapping, the modulus k0 and k1 and their complementary

modulus k 0' and k1' involved in the complete elliptic integral of the first kind are defined,
in terms of the structural parameters, as follows:

2 2 (2 )2 )
k0 =
( (2 ) ) k0' = 1 k02
(i ) ( ii ) (3.55)
2 2 2

( 2 2
x2 x 2 x )
x (x x )
k1 = ( i ) k 1' = 1 k12 ( ii ) (3.56)
2 2 2


exp 2 2 H 2 ) 2

x 2 =
exp 2 2 H + 2 ) ,1 <
< (i )
exp (2 H ) 2

x 2 = 1 ,0 < <1 ( ii )
exp (2 H ) + 2 2H

x and x can be found using the relations given below;

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

( (
F arcsin x / x 2 , x 2 = ) ) 2

K x 2 ) (i) (3.58)
( (
F arcsin x / x 2 , x 2) ) =

K x( 2 ) ( ii )

On substituting the above equations to equation-(3.48) and (3.49), eff and Z 0 of SECPW

and SCCPW are obtained.

Multilayer CPW

a. Planar CPW
The conformal mapping of the multilayered CPW structure is based on the partial
capacitance technique [110]. The partial capacitance technique is based on splitting the
multilayered substrate into several single-layer substrates with modified dielectric
constants, as shown in Fig.(3.8), assuming magnetic walls at the dielectric/dielectric
interfaces. Although this is an approximation, its general validity may be explained by
the fact that the total electrostatic energy in the CPW, Fig.(3.8a), is equal to the sum of
electrostatic energies in the partial capacitances. The capacitance of each of the single
layered substrates is evaluated using conformal mapping technique [23,47] and the
total capacitance is the sum of the partial capacitances. However, capacitance is
computed w.r.t. the height of the layer from the central capacitance. The p.u.l.
capacitance of any of the single-layer substrate CPWs in Fig.(3.8) can be written as

K ( ki )
C i = 2 0 (ri ) where i = 1 ,2 ,3 (3.59)
K ( k i' )

1r = r1 - r2 (i ) r2 = r2 1 ( ii ) 3r = r3 - 1 ( iii ) (3.60)

while in the case of free space, p.u.l. capacitance is obtained from equation-(3.12).

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

Fig.(3.8): Splitting of a three-layered substrate CPW according to the partial capacitance technique.

The total p.u.l. capacitance is the sum of all partial capacitances and can be written as

CT = C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 (3.61)

As a result, eff and Z 0 of multilayer CPW can be written as:

r1 r 2 K ( k 0 ' ) K ( k 1 ) 1 K ( k0 ' ) K ( k 2 ) r 3 1 K ( k 0 ' ) K ( k 3 )

eff = 1 + + r2 + (3.62)
2 K ( k 0 ) K ( k 1' ) 2 K ( k0 ) K ( k 2 ' ) 2 K( k0 ) K( k 3' )

30 K ( k 0 ' )
Z0 = (3.63)
eff K ( k 0 )

where modulus ki (i=1,2,3) and k 0 along with their complements can be computed using

equation-(3.10) and (3.12) respectively. The substrate thickness h in equation (3.10)

will be replaced by hi (i=1,2,3) accordingly.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

b. Non-planar CPW

The cross sections of multilayer non-planar CPW on elliptical, circular cylindrical, semi-
ellipsoidal and semi- circular cylindrical surfaces are shown in Fig.(3.9). The structures
encircle two dielectric substrates with dielectric constants r1 and r 2 respectively. At
the upper side there is another dielectric layer with dielectric constant r 3 . The arc of the
central elliptical strip of CPW is 2, the gap between the strip and the ground plane
is ( ) and the ground plane width is (2 2 ) . The transformation of MECPW into a
multilayer cylindrical CPW (MCCPW), in the z-plane is done using equation-(3.51).
Thus, five confocal ellipses in the -plane are mapped into circles in the z-plane with their
radii obtained using equation-(3.52). Then MCCPW is transformed into multilayer CPW
with a finite ground plane using equation-(3.53) which gives the structural parameters:

s = 2 (i) w = ( ii ) t = ln 4 ( iii )
r3 (3.64)
r r r
h1 = ln 3 ( iv ) h 2 = ln 3 (v) h 3 = ln 5 ( vi )
r2 r1 r3

The total capacitance CT p.u.l. of the multilayer CPW is the sum of the capacitances of
three CPWs and the free space capacitance. It can be written as

CT = C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 (3.65)

where C0 is the free space capacitance after removing the dielectric layers and C1 is the
capacitance of dielectric material of thickness H1=h1 and equivalent dielectric
constant ( r 1 r 2 ) . Also C2 and C3 are the capacitances of dielectric layers of thickness
H2=h1+h2 with dielectric constant ( r 2 1) , and of thickness H3=h3 with dielectric
constant ( r 3 1) , respectively, as explained in [4]. Based on this method, the relation of

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

the free space and dielectric capacitance is given by equation-(3.41) and (3.43)

As a result, eff and Z 0 of MECPW and MCCPW using the conformal mapping method

can be obtained using equation-(3.62) and (3.63) respectively. When ground plane width
is ( 2 ) , the multilayer CPW on the semi- ellipsoidal (MSECPW) and semi-circular
cylindrical surfaces (MSCCPW) is obtained as shown in Fig.(3.9c) and (3.9d). Using
equation-(3.53) to (3.58), the modulus and their complementary can be obtained which
can be substituted in equation (3.62) and (3.63) to obtain eff and Z0 of MSECPW and


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.9): Multilayer CPW on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical CPW (MECPW) ,(b) Circular Cylindrical
CPW (MCCPW) ,(c) Semi-ellipsoidal CPW (MSECPW) and (d) Semi- circular cylindrical CPW

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

3.4.2 Coplanar Strip Line

CPS on Finite Thickness Substrate

A CPS with finite thickness substrate h and relative permittivity r , shown in

Fig.(3.10a), is a complementary structure of the CPW structure i.e. the slots and
conductor strips of the CPW are replaced by the conductor strips and slot to get the CPS

structure. The product of Z 0CPS and Z 0CPW is a constant and is expressed as [106]

2 2
Z 0CPS = Z 0CPW = = (3.66)
4 eff
4 eff

where is the intrinsic impedance of the medium and is equal to 120. However, the
complementary model of CPS fails w.r.t. the CPW structure on the finitely thick substrate

The conformal mapping is achieved in two steps. The first transformation, shown in
Fig.(3.10b) converts one half of the CPS with electric wall (1)-(6), that is treated as the
perfect conductor; to the coplanar strip on the infinitely thick substrate having relative
permittivity ( r 1 ) by using equation (3.23). The mapping function transforms one-
half of lower part of the CPS with the electric wall into conducting strip in the t-plane.
The second CMT, shown in Fig.(3.10c), is achieved by transforming coplanar strip
structures located in the t-plane into a rectangle in the w-plane using the SC-

w = u + jv = = K ( k 5 ) + j K ( k 5' ) (3.67)
( t t 6 )( t t1 )( t t 2 )( t t 3 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The line capacitance C0 p.u.l for the upper half of the CPS structure with air medium
( r = 1 ) and line capacitance C1 p.u.l of the CPS on the ( r 1 ) substrate are

0 K ( k 0' ) 0 ( r 1 )K ( k 6' )
C0 = (a) C1 = (b ) (3.68)
2K ( k0 ) 2K ( k6 )

The modulus k0 and complementary modulus k 0' are given by equation (3.12), whereas

the modulus k6 and complementary modulus k 6' are given by

tanh( a / 2h )
k6 = , k' 6 2 = 1 k 62 (3.69)
tanh( b / 2h )

(a) (b)


Fig. (3.10): Lower half space conformal mapping of CPS with finite substrate thickness (a) z-plane,
(b) t-plane, (c) w-plane.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The total line capacitance of the CPS on finite thick substrate is

K ( k 0' ) 0 ( r 1 ) K ( k 6' )
CT ( r ) = 2C 0 + C1 = 0 + (3.70)
K( k0 ) 2 K( k6 )

The total line capacitance of CPS on infinite air substrate is

K ( k0 ) '
C0T ( r =1) = 0 (3.71)
K ( k0 )

Finally the eff and Z 0 of the CPS on finite thick substrate are

eff =
CT ( r )
= 1+
( r 1) K ( k 0 ) K ( k 6' )
C 0T ( r = 1 ) 2 K ( k 0' ) K ( k 6 )

120 K ( k 0 )
Z0 = (3.73)
eff K ( k 0' )

Asymmetrical CPS

The asymmetrical CPS (ACPS) structure is shown in Fig. (3.11a). It has two strip
conductors of width w1 and w2 separated by the slot gap s. The conducting strips and slot
edges in the z-plane, shown in Fig. (3.11b) are marked by points , , , such that
> > > . The total line capacitance C0T p.u.l. for ACPS in the free space is :

K ( k 7' )
C 0T = 2 0 (3.74)
K( k7 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The modulus k7 and complementary modulus k 7' are given by

s(w1 + w2 + s )
k7 = (a) k 7' = 1 k 72 (b) (3.75)
(s + w1 )(s + w2 )

The line capacitance of the ACPS for the case of lower half space filled with infinite
extent ( r 1 ) dielectric medium is

K ( k8' )
C1 = 0 ( r 1) (3.76)
K ( k8 )

The total line capacitance of the ACPS line is

K ( k 7' ) K ( k8' )
CT ( r ) = 2 0 + 0 ( r 1) (3.77)
K( k7 ) K ( k8 )

(a) (b)


Fig.(3.11): Conformal mapping of ACPS of finite thickness substrate (a) Original structure, (b) z-plane,
(c) w-plane.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The eff and Z0 of the ACPS on the finitely thick substrate is

CT ( r ) 1 K ( k 7 ) K ( k8' )
eff = = 1 + ( r 1) (3.78)
C 0T ( r = 1 ) 2 K ( k 7' ) K ( k8 )

60 K ( k 7 )
Z0 = (3.79)
eff K ( k 7' )


exp (w1 + w2 + s ) 1 exp 2 (w1 + s ) exp 2w1

h h h
k8 = (a) (3.80)
(w1 + s ) 1 exp 2 (w1 + w2 + s ) exp 2w1

h h h

k8' = 1 k8 (b)

Non- Planar CPS

Fig.(3.12) shows the following four CPS structures on the non-planar surfaces:

i. Elliptical CPS (ECPS)

ii. Circular Cylindrical CPS (CCPS)
iii. Semi-Ellipsoidal CPS (SECPS)
iv. Semi-Circular Cylindrical CPS (SCCPS)

In Fig. (3.12a), the angle subtended by the arc of strip conductor and the gap between the
two strips at center are and 2, respectively. For elliptical CPS (ECPS) and circular
cylindrical CPS (CCPS), ground plane width is (2 2 2 ) . Again, based on the

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

partial capacitance approximation, the overall capacitances per unit length of structures
are considered as the sum of the capacitance in free-space C0 and dielectric layer C1. For
the calculation of total unit length capacitance, the partial capacitances C0 and C1 can be
obtained using successive conformal transformation steps [47,131]. So, the overall
capacitances per unit length of both the structures are given by,

CT = C 0 + C1 (3.81)
where the air-region and dielectric layer capacitances are obtained from equation - (3.68).
The related modulus can be obtained from equation-(3.42) - (3.47) after replacing with
+ .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.12): CPS on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical CPS (ECPS) ,(b) Circular Cylindrical CPS (CCPS) ,
(c) Semi-ellipsoidal CPS (SECPS) and (d) Semi- circular cylindrical CPS ( SCCPS ).

As a result, eff and Z 0 of ECPS and CCPS using the conformal mapping method can be

written as:

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

r 1 K ( k 0 ) K ( k1' )
eff = 1 + (3.82)
2 K ( k 0 ' ) K ( k1 )

120 K ( k 0 )
Z0 = (3.83)
eff K ( k 0 ' )

The confocal elliptical cylinders are transformed into the circular cylinders in the z-plane
and then into the planar CPS using the equations-(3.50) (3.53) [85,144]. This provides
the following conducing strip width (w), slot width (s), substrate thickness (h) and strip
conductor thickness (t) of the transformed ECPS into the corresponding planar CPS:

r a + b2 r a + b3
w = ( i ) s = 2 ( ii ) h = ln 2 = ln 2 ( iii ) t = ln 3 = ln 3 ( iv ) (3.84)
r1 a1 + b1 r2 a 2 + b2

When c = 0 equation- (3.52) gives the structural parameters for the CCPS, as shown in
Fig. (3.12b).When ground plane width is (-2-2), the CPS on the semi- ellipsoidal
(SECPS) and semi-circular cylindrical surfaces (SCCPS) is obtained as shown in
Fig.(3.12c) and (3.12d). On applying conformal mapping, the modulus k0 and k1 and their
complementary modulus k 0' and k1' involved in the complete elliptic integral of the first

kind can be obtained using equations-(3.55) and (3.56) after replacing with
+ [130]. On their substitution to the equation - (3.82) and (3.83), the eff and Z 0 of

SECPS and SCCPS are obtained.

Multilayer CPS

a. Planar CPS

A CPS sandwiched between multilayer dielectric substrates is shown in Fig. (3.13a). The
method of superposition of partial capacitances is used to determine the capacitance p.u.l.

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

of the structure. Hence the total p.u.l. capacitance is the sum of all partial capacitances
and can be written as

CT = C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 (3.85)

The configuration of these capacitances are similar to that shown in Fig.(3.8). The p.u.l.
capacitance of free space can be obtained from equation (3.68a) and capacitance of any
of the single-layer substrate CPSs can be written as [130]:

0 (ri )
K ( k i' )
Ci = where i = 1,2 ,3 (3.86)
2 K ( ki )

(a) (b)

Fig.(3.13): Multilayered CPS according to the partial capacitance technique.

The expressions for (ri ) (i =1, 2, 3) can be obtained from equation (3.60). As a result,

eff and Z 0 of multilayer CPS can be written as:

r1 r 2 K ( k 0 ) K ( k1' ) r 2 1 K ( k 0 ) K ( k 2 ' ) r 3 1 K ( k 0 ) K ( k 3' )

eff = 1 + + + (3.87)
2 K ( k 0 ' ) K ( k1 ) 2 K( k 0' ) K( k 2 ) 2 K( k 0' ) K( k3 )

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

120 K ( k 0 )
Z0 = (3.88)
eff K ( k 0 ' )

where modulus k0 and ki (i=1,2,3) along with their complements can be computed using
equation-(3.12) and (3.69) respectively. The substrate thickness h in equation (3.69)
will be replaced by hi (i=1,2,3) accordingly.

b. Non-planar CPS

The cross sections of multilayer non-planar CPS is shown in Fig.(3.14) which encircle
two dielectric substrates with dielectric constants r1 and r 2 respectively, and at the
upper side there is another dielectric layer with dielectric constant r 3 . The
transformation of MECPS into a MCCPS, in the z-plane is done using equation-(3.51).
Thus, five confocal ellipses in the -plane are mapped into circles in the z-plane with their
radii obtained using equation-(3.52). Then MCCPS is transformed into multilayer CPS
using equation-(3.53) which gives structural parameters as:

s = 2 (i) w = ( ii ) t = ln 4 ( iii )
r3 (3.89)
r r r
h1 = ln 3 ( iv ) h 2 = ln 3 (v) h 3 = ln 5 ( vi )
r2 r1 r3

The total capacitance CT p.u.l. of the multilayer CPS is the sum of the capacitances of
three CPSs and the free space capacitance. It can be written as

CT = C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 (3.90)

The expressions of the free space and dielectric capacitance are given by equation-(3.68a)
and (3.43) respectively. As a result, eff and Z 0 of MECPS and MCCPS using the

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

conformal mapping method can be obtained using equation-(3.87) and (3.88)

respectively. Using equation-(3.55) to (3.56) after replacing with + , the modulus
and their complementary for MSECPS and MSCCPS can be obtained which can be
substituted in equation (3.87) and (3.88) to obtain eff and Z 0 of the structure.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.14): Multilayer CPS on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical CPS (MECPS) ,(b) Circular Cylindrical
CPS (MCCPS),(c) Semi-ellipsoidal CPS (MSECPS) and (d) Semi- circular cylindrical

3.4.3 Slotline

Standard Slotline

The slotline, shown in Fig.(3.15a), of the finite width conductors could be viewed as the
CPS that supports the quasi-static TEM mode. The quasi-static nature of the slotline is

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

mentioned by Cohn and others [32,67,112]. The structure is analyzed for the computation
of the eff and Z 0 with the help of conformal mapping method combined with some

semi-empirical modeling [67]. The dielectric layer is assumed to be homogenous and

isotropic, and the strips are assumed to have negligible thickness.

Firstly, the properties of slotline on air substrate are computed and then on a dielectric
substrate. In accordance with basic slotline theory [74,112], the analysis is made on the
assumption that the main part of electromagnetic field with significant influence on
slotline parameters is concentrated only on the virtual distance h0 below and above the
slot. It is achieved by following mapping function that transforms the structure from the
z-plane to the t-plane [67]:

z dw 1 1
t = tanh (a) = (b )
2 h ds K ( k 0' ) ( 1 s 2 )( 1 k 02 s 2 )

+1 t 1
where the complex variable s2 = 0 (c)
2 t 0

and the parameters on air and dielectric substrate are

w w
0.0133 2
0 = tanh ( d ) 1 = tanh ( e ) h0 = h 1 + 0 (f) (3.91)
2 h r +1 h

where, 0 is the free space signal wavelength. The structure is transformed from the z-
plane in Fig.(3.15b) and Fig. (3.15d) via the t-plane into the final form in the w-plane in
Fig. (3.15e).

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Fig. (3.15): Conformal mapping of slotline with finite substrate thickness (a) Original structure, (b) z-plane
without dielectric substrate, (c) t-plane, (d) z-plane with dielectric substrate, (e) w-plane.

K(k0) and K( k 0 ) are complete elliptic integrals of the first kind and can be computed by
the approximate expression from equation-(3.8). Their modulus k0 and complementary
modulus k0 are given by

k 02 = 2 k 0 = 1 k 02
(a) (b) (3.92)
1+ 0

On dielectric substrate, modulus k1 and complementary modulus k1 are given by

k12 = 2 (a) k1 2 = 1 + k12 (b) (3.93)
1 + 1

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

The eff and Z 0 of the standard slot line structure shown in Fig.(3.16) due to conformal

mapping is given by [67]:

r 1 K ( k1' ) K ( k 0 )
eff = 1 + (3.94)
2 K ( k1 ) K ( k' 0 )

60 K (k 0 )
Z0 = (3.95)
eff K (k 0 )

The expressions are applicable for range: h/ 0.01, 0.02 w/h 1 and 2.22 r 20
with accuracy within 2%.

Non-Planar Slotline

Fig.(3.16) shows the following four slotline structures on the non-planar surfaces, located
in the -plane:

i. Elliptical Slotline (ES)

ii. Circular Cylindrical Slotline (CS)
iii. Semi-Ellipsoidal Slotline (SES)
iv. Semi-Circular Cylindrical Slotline (SCS)

The angle subtended by its slot gap at the center is 2 and r is the relative dielectric
constant of the substrate. For ES and CS ground plane width is (2 2 ) and for SES
and SCS ground plane width is ( 2 ) . For this transmission line, the same method, as
mentioned above, can be used. Assuming that only TEM modes exist, the confocal
elliptical cylinders are transformed into the circular cylinders in the z-plane and then into
the planar slotline using the equations-(3.50)-(3.53) [83].This provides the following

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

center slot gap (w), substrate thickness (h) and strip conductor thickness (t) of the
transformed ES into the corresponding planar slotline:

r a + b2 r a + b3
w = 2 ( i ) h = ln 2 = ln 2 ( ii ) t = ln 3 = ln 3 ( iii ) (3.96)
r1 a1 + b1 r2 a 2 + b2

After applying CMT and substituting above equation in equations (3.91) - (3.95),
related modulus, their complementary, eff and Z 0 of the non-planar slotline structure

can be obtained.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.16): Slotline on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical Slotline (ES) ,(b) Circular Cylindrical Slotline
(CS),(c) Semi-Ellipsoidal Slotline (SES) and (d) Semi- Circular Cylindrical Slotline (SCS).

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

Multilayer Slotline

Two multilayered forms of slotline had been investigated by Svaina et. al. [67] using
CMT: a double-layer sandwich slotline and a slotline on a double-layer composite
substrate. However, only composite substrate slotline is discussed here as it has been
used for further study of characteristics of multilayered slotline in this thesis.

a. Planar Slotline

A slotline on a double-layer composite substrate is shown in Fig.(3.17). For the virtual

distance h0, the following expression has been found by modification of equation-(3.91f)
and empirical modeling:

0.0133 0

h0 = h2 1 + (3.97)
+ ( ) h1 + 2 h2
r2 r1 r2

Fig.(3.17): Multilayered Slotline: composite substrate.

By this treatment, similar to Fig. (3.15e), eff of a composite substrate slotline is

computed from

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

r1 r 2 K ( k1' ) K ( k 0 ) r 2 1 K ( k '2 ) K ( k 0 )
eff = 1 + + (3.98)
2 K ( k1 ) K ( k' 0 ) 2 K ( k 2 ) K ( k' 0 )

i s
where, k i2 = 2 (a) k i 2 = 1 + k i2 (b) i = tanh [i =1,2] (c) (3.99)
1 + i 2 h i

k0 and k 0 are computed from equation (3.92). However, for computing 0, we use

equation (3.97) in equation (3.91d). The Z 0 of the multilayered planar slotline is given
by equation-(3.95) with equation (3.91) taken into consideration.

b. Non-planar Slotline

The cross sections of multilayer non-planar slotline are shown in Fig. (3.18).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.(3.18): Multilayer Slotline on the curved surfaces: (a) Elliptical Slotline (MES) ,(b) Circular
Cylindrical Slotline (MCS),(c) Semi-Ellipsoidal Slotline (MSES) and (d) Semi- Circular
Cylindrical Slotline (MSCS).

Conformal Mapping Technique: An Overview

In these structures, non-planar slotline encircles two dielectric substrates with dielectric
constants r 1 and r 2 respectively. The ground plane width is (2 2 ) for multilayer
ES (MES) and multilayer CS (MCS) and is ( 2 ) for multilayer SES (MSES) and
multilayer SCS (MSCS). The transformation of MES in the -plane into a MCS in the z-
plane and then into the planar slotline is done using equation - (3.50) - (3.53) [83], which
give structural parameters as:

r r r
w = 2 (i) t = ln 4 ( ii ) h1 = ln 3 ( iii ) h 2 = ln 3 ( iv )
r3 r2 r1 (3.100)

After applying CMT and substituting above equation in equations (3.97) - (3.99),
related modulus, their complementary, eff and Z 0 of the multilayered non-planar

slotline structure can be obtained.


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