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"Information wants to be free" is an expression that means that people should be

able to access information freely. It is often used by technology activists to
criticize laws that limit transparency and general access to information. People
who criticize Intellectual Property law say the system of such government granted
monopolies conflicts with the development of a public domain of information. The
expression is often credited to Stewart Brand, who was recorded saying it at a
hackers conference in 1984.[1]
Brand's attribution of will to an abstract human construct (information) has been
adopted within a branch of the cyberpunk movement, whose members espouse a
particular political (anarchist) viewpoint. The construction of the statement takes
its meaning beyond the simple judgmental observation, "Information should be free"
by acknowledging that the internal force or entelechy of information and knowledge
makes it essentially incompatible with notions of proprietary software, copyrights,
patents, subscription services, etc. They believe that information is dynamic,
ever-growing and evolving and cannot be contained within (any) ideological
structure.[citation needed]

According to this philosophy, hackers, crackers, and phreakers are liberators of

information which is being held hostage by agents demanding money for its release.
Other participants in this network include cypherpunks who educate people to use
public-key cryptography to protect the privacy of their messages from corporate or
governmental snooping and programmers who write free software and open source code.
Still others create Free-Nets allowing users to gain access to computer resources
for which they would otherwise need an account. They might also break copyright law
by swapping music, movies, or other copyrighted materials over the Internet.
[citation needed]

Chelsea Manning is alleged to have said "Information should be free"[9] to Adrian

Lamo when explaining a rationale for US government documents to be released to
WikiLeaks. The narrative goes on with Manning wondering if she is a "'hacker',
'cracker', 'hacktivist', 'leaker' or what".[10]

"Veacuri de-a randul, filozofii au sperat ca vor putea odata patrunde secretele
lumii. Astazi filozofii n-o mai cred, si ei se plang neputinta lor. Eu insa ma
bucur ca nu stiu si nu pot sa stiu ce sunt eu si lucrurile din jurul meu, caci
numai asa pot sa proiectez in misterul lumii un inteles, un rost si valori, care
izvorasc din cele mai intime necesitati ale vietii si duhului meu. Omul trebuie sa
fie un creator, de aceea renunt cu bucurie la cunoasterea absolutului.

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