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Timing, resources around us, and knowledge that has been revealed are all critical input

to the modification and improvement of hypotheses, theories and models. There are so
many multiples involved as to when these are ripe for change, or is it just our ability to
receive and understand the new information that has always been in existence beyond our
comprehension? Is it all dependant on our ability to understand because it is all already
before us? We are the weak link and must raise our own abilities before what always was
will be revealed to us. Einsteins theory of Energy equals mass times the speed of light
squared is a case in point.

Not to discount the importance of Plato and Socrates, Philosopher Aristotle (384B.C.-
322B.C.) began this all by stating all objects eventually come to a natural state of rest. He
stated what seemed obvious to him at that time and place. Aristotle had no understanding
of the properties of mass and energy and could not go further with his understandings.
Then by Galileo Galileis (1564-1642) figuring out how forces are related to acceleration,
and then by Newtons (1643-1727) theory that an objects energy was the product of the
objects mass times the objects velocity, mv, later expounded upon in great detail by
Voltaire (1694-1778), furthered the available knowledge. Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716),
German, believed mv but could not prove this because the resources and understanding
were not available to him at that time and place. By the experiments of Willem
sGravesande, Dutch, this theory was proved by dropping a steel ball into clay where
when it developed twice the speed, the ball traveled four times the distance into the clay,
but sGravesande did not have the mathematical foundation to support this finding.
Emilie de Breteuil (1706-1749), later to become du Chtelet by marriage, the lover of
Voltaire and worthy opponent, proved the mathematics of sGravesande experiments by
squaring Newtons equation, therefore Energy equals mass times velocity squared, still
believing Antoine Lavoisiers (1743-1794) closed system theory and the constancy and
conservation of mass.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867), although not credited for the discovery of energy,
according to Einstein, began the great revolution by his contribution of the fields of
electromagnetism and electrochemistry. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) proved
Faradays field theory surrounding a magnet or electric conducting wire.

Good ole Albert Einstein (1879-1955), a product of timing, came along and took this
same equation, Energy equals mass times velocity squared, and instead, proved the only
constant necessary to the equation was the speed of light, and that velocity was not a part
of the equation. Energy and mass transferred back and forth, one to the other, but nothing
could surpass the speed of light. Einstein, because the timing and resources were ripe, is
credited for the discovery of what always was, but only lacking in our own

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