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YOU ARE NEAR Dan Schutte, S.J. Am7Am7/G G D/FE & Cie, Am7- Am7/G 1. Lord, you have saarched my heert, and you know when | stand. Your hand is up — on me pro~ tect ing me Am7 slowing Am7/G___D/FS tard. 1 run from your lave? Am7 slowing Am7/@ DIFR ritard, D.C. sul a find you there. (Ant) 3. You know my heart and its ways, you who formed me be— fore 1 was born in secret of | dark— ness be- fore 1 saw the sun Am7 slowing Am7/G __D/FS ritard. pe. jin my moth ~ er’s womb. (Ant) 4, Mar— vol~ ous to Lord, E — ven ‘Am? _ slowing ‘you would ‘me are your works; how pro found are your thoughts, my if 1 could count them, they num— ber as the stars, Am7/G__D/FE ritara De. still be there, (anty ic ica iia Ai iis inating

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