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Idealism vs Societal Reality

The socioeconomic divide within nations and across the globe exists today on a

level that has been unprecedented in history. Upperward mobility, be it social, economic,

within ones lifetime, or from generation to generation, is the ultimate goal and yet this

dream is achieved only rarely to the extent at which people hope it to be achieved. Along

with this sense self-improvement, is the notion of societal progress. New technologies are

constantly being updated or reinvented and pushed back our into the global

marketplace for the pride upper class consumers. If society is not moving forward, living

conditions will, in theory, stabilize around the world, however material progress is not the

only factor to consider when determining the plausibility of Singers solution. In fact,

there are several fundamental ignorances if not flaws that can be identified on both the

receiving and giving ends of Singer theory.

To begin, individuals, first and foremost, are concerned for their own welfare and

that of their families and friends. In their minds, this desired standard of living is
constantly changing, increase indefinitely. Very few ever reach the tip of the curve,

where priorities have the potential to shift from a more personal sphere to a globalized

approach to charity that Singers solution entails, and altering this mindset would prove

biologically impossible. It is not only human nature, it is it the instinctual nature of all

life. Even those who choose to share their modest wealth with those less fortunate

maintain lifestyles that far exceed Singers ideals of simple necessity. When we look at

the charity and outreach that exists today that is directed toward bettering conditions and

providing for the food, clothes, shelter, and medicine of these undeveloped nations, we

find that in many cases these resource never even reach the hands of the peopleand the

culprit, the third-world receiving governments. Take for example the question of

medicine. Medicine in the 1900s was far from our modern standards of rapid emergency

responses, life-prolonging technology, and safe operations. Our society is moving

towards improvement, not only in means of luxury technology, transportation, etc., but

also in the things we now consider basic needs and thus if Singers solution inhibits the

progress of society, luxuries far more consequential than the newest I-phone or car will

be detrimentally affected. Even more concerning is that medical treatments like

HIV/AIDS antivirals and even common vaccinations, provided by the western world are

being increasing intercepted by third-world leadership as a source of profit. WIth a

society that seeks betterment at the hands of a wealthy class, a population of individuals

concerned instinctually with their own welfare, and a worldwide expanse of profit

seeking governments, regardless of the negative effects it has on their own citizens,

Singers solution is idealistic and best and entirely inconceivable at worst.

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