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Megan Casselberry
a. Heads up Seven Up!

b. Sources:
Great Group Games. (2010). Heads up seven up. Retrieved from:
Rockbrook Camp for Girls. (2017). Play heads up. Retrieved from:
WikiHow. (2017). WikiHOW to play heads up seven up. Retrieved from:
(2010, June 11). How to Play Seven Up. (Youtube). Retrieved from:
(2013, Jan 8). heads up seven up. (Youtube). Retrieved from:

c. Equipment:
Tables and chairs (or desks)
A group of at least 14 children
If no tables, students could just sit pretzel style on floor.

d. Activity Description:
1. Activity director will randomly choose seven students to be it.
2. These seven participants will then get up and stand in front of the remaining students.
3. Participants sitting down will have the chance to see who they are playing the game with,
the it players.
4. The participants sitting at their desks will all put their heads down and close their eyes so
they cannot see the it players.
o The participants will choose one hand to put their thumb up on the desk.
o The participants will have their thumb up so it is easily reachable for the it
o Director may demonstrate proper hand placement so everybody is aware.
5. The it players will walk around the room
o Each it player will select ONE student sitting down and touch their thumb.
o Instructor must note the importance of only selecting ONE student.
o When the thumb has been touched by an it player, the student must put their
thumb down, closing their fist.
o Putting their thumb down will signify to other it players that this student has
already been touched.
6. Once all seven it players have touched a thumb, they will gather in the front of the
7. Together, they will say Heads up Seven Up!
8. All the players will put their heads up and open their eyes
9. If theyre thumb has been touched, they stand up out of their chair.
10. If theyre thumb has been touched, they will take turns choosing which it player
touched their thumb. Each student will only get one guess.
o If the student is successful in guessing which it player touched their thumb, they
will switch spots so that player will now be it.
o If the student is not successful, the it player gets to be it again.
11. The It students will then reveal who they touched after everybody had a turn to guess.
12. The game will restart and students will play as directed above.
To Note: Director will be watching participants play so they will not be able to cheat.
Director will be aware of who touched who so students will not be able to lie about whos
thumb they put down. Also, number of it players may be modified if playing with a bigger
group, that way more students will get involved.

e. Primary interaction pattern(s)
o Unilateral
o See bottom for analysis

f. Adaptations:
I chose to modify this activity for children with brain injuries. I think that this modification
would work well in a long-term care unit because I think that it will help the students build
relationships with one another. The first adaptation I made was that the group of it students
would have to come together, with the instructor and decide a reason to pick the other
players. For example, they would all gather in the hallway and decide that they had to pick
somebody whos first name started with the same letter. So, if I was it I would have to pick
another student with an M name, since my name is Megan. This promotes thinking between
the children and they can make a plan of who will be picking who. A few other ideas were,
somebody with the same color shirt as you or same number of syllables in your first name.
These topics are up to the students and they can get more and more challenging as the game
goes on. This will get the students thinking.
When it is time for the students to go pick whos thumb theyre going to knock down,
they will already have a plan in place. The game will continue and then the sitting students will
be able to guess who picked their thumb, if they were chosen this round. The students whose
thumb was touched will all stand up. Before they guess, the group of It students must go over
their names by saying a noun, then their first name. (Ex: Alligator Alison or Mango Mark). This
will help the group of children get to know each others names and be more familiar with one
another. One by one, they will guess who touched their thumb. However, they will be able to
work as a team. If somebody is catching on to the pattern, they can speak up and say, oh I think
that they have to have the same first initial as you! or something along those lines. If the
opposing team can guess the picking pattern, they will all be able to become it. If only some
students randomly guess their picker correctly, they will only switch. The game will continue and
the picking patterns can get more complex as the game goes on.
Adapting the game like this will promote more critical thinking between an individual and
their peers. The children will be able to think as a group and come up with the picking pattern
for the round. This will also allow children to get creative and build ideas off one another. It will
also promote team building skills, help the children get to know more another and gain a sense
of comfortability around each other.

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