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conectar-se com pessoas do mundo inteiro

facilitar a sua vida hoje em dia

Um desses motivos a obrigao que as pessoas tem de ser felizes s para mostrar aos outros,
a especialista refere que " muito comum o utilizador no estar num bom dia e ao abrir o seu
perfil, encontrar vrios textos onde as pessoas mostram como esto felizes. criado um
cenrio onde a sensao que se tem a de obrigao em ser feliz...".


So uma ferramenta importante nas relaes distncia, pois permitem que exista um
contacto visual com a outra pessoa, mesmo que seja pelo ecr do telemvel.

- Oferecem a possibilidade de encontrar pessoas com gostos semelhantes aos seus e

podem tornar as amizades virtuais em amizades reais.

- O facto de partilhar fotografias, textos ou vdeos, faz com que consiga expressas os
seus sentimentos e pensamentos de uma forma saudvel.

- Aumentam e estimulam a criatividade, uma vez que acaba por perder tempo procura
de novos contedos.


Acabam por lhe oferecer relaes superficiais, onde no consegue revelar os seus
verdadeiros sentimentos.

- Acaba por utilizar todo o seu tempo disponivel agarrado ao telefone, perdendo a
conscincia das horas e dos minutos.

- desperdiada energia e tempo ao ver o que outros fazem, em vez de se focar em si e

na sua vida.

- Muitas das fotografias e vdeos partilhados acabam por ser de bons momentos, como
por exemplo festas, viagens, jantares, entre outros, o que pode levar a que se desperte
uma certa inveja, que no entanto no precisa de ser encarada como negativa.

- No caso das pessoas mais tmidas estas acabam por se expor mais nas redes sociais,
acabando por ser esta a nica forma de interagir com os outros.
Not everyone in the 21st century thinks about the negative effects of having social
networking accounts - but simple things like not setting your privacy settings properly
or liking someone's photo can have bad results.

Cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact that there is no
one who can effectively stop the bullying when it happens, due to everything being
performed behind a screen. The only way for a bully to be stopped is if they are reported
and victims may be too intimidated to do it.

Social networking can also ruin relationships as people may get jealous if they find out
their boyfriend or girlfriend is exchanging messages with other people.

It can also be a waste of time as people can visit a site to check on thing and end up
spending the whole day 'behind the screen' and as a result, not doing anything useful
with their lives.

Social networking has lots of good points

You can express yourself, showing off your favourite song lyrics or posting pictures of
your new outfit. It is a lot harder to feel embarrassment over the internet than in person,
so people find it easier to vent their feelings on sites like Facebook.

In fact, it has become so much a part of people's lives that you can learn someone's life
story just by checking their page. Their friends, likes and dislikes, relationship status,
phone number, addresseverything.

You can share your feelings and your mental stresses - and it is a great way to entertain
yourself after a busy daily routine.

It also makes it a lot easier to keep in touch with family and friends, especially if they
live far away. But you can also make new friends by connecting with friends of friends
that you might not know.

Social networks help the businesses in a variety of ways. Traditional marketing

mediums such as the radio, TV commercials and print ads are completely obsolete now
and demand for thousands of dollars. However, with social media the businesses can
connect with their targeted customers for free, the only cost is energy and time. Through
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social site you can lower your marketing cost
to a significant level.

2. The increasing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, social
networks has gained attention as the most viable communication choice for the
bloggers, article writers and content creators.
3. These social networking sites have opened the opportunity for all the writers and
bloggers to connect with their tech savvy clients to share your expertise and articles.
Your audience will further share your articles, blog or expertise in their social circle
which further enhance your networks of the followers.

4. Social networks have removed all the communication and interaction barriers, and
now one can communicate his/her perception and thoughts over a variety of topics.
Students and experts are able to share and communicate with like-minded people and
can ask for the input and opinion on a particular topic.

5. Another positive impact of social networking sites is to unite people on a huge

platform for the achievement of some specific objective. This is very important to bring
the positive change in society.

Negative Effects of Social Media

1. One of the negative effect of social media or network is it leads to addiction.
Spending countless hours on the social sites can divert the focus and attention from a
particular task. It lowers the motivational level of the people, especially of the teenagers
and students. They mainly rely on technology and the internet instead of learning the
practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life.

2. Kids can be greatly affected by these social networking sites if they are allowed to
use them. The reason is that sometimes people share photos on social media that
contains violence and sex, which can damage the behavior of kids and teenagers. It put
the negative impact on overall society as these kids and teenagers involve themselves in
crime related activities.

3. Another downside of the social media is that the user shares too much information
which may pose threats to them. Even with the tight security settings your personal
information may leak on the social sites. Downloading your videos or pictures and
copying your status is an easy task and can be done within few clicks.



One of the worries with an article like this is that people will focus on the bragging or
name dropping rather than on the message. Thank you in advance for pointing out

what a jerk I am, and you are welcome

The fact is I owe a great deal to my friends, contacts and extended network. If you get
anything out of this article I want you to understand that every single new friend or
contact you make is worth their weight in gold.
There is a danger that some people will take from this that they should go out with a
gimme gimme frame of mind. Thats not what I am talking about. My hope is that you
will see that while the impact might not be immediate, the compound effects of
networking are significant and long lasting.

1. Driving Word-Of-Mouth Recommendations

This is the essential reason for networking. The more people you know who know what
you do the more recommendations you will get. Successful businesses are built on

2. Encouraging Mentors

Networking helps you to find people with lots of business experience who are often
very willing to share their knowledge with you. Successful business people are usually
generous with advice particularly with people open to listening.

3. Finding Suppliers

Networking is a great way to find the best suppliers and to build value-for-money
relationships. Whatever sort of supplier you are looking for, whether it is an
accountant, copywriter, recruiter, web designer, or insurance broker you will come
across them all in your networks. Finding suppliers that network often provides
opportunities for two-way business.

4. Understanding Market Opportunities

Networking is a great way to broaden your thinking and to find new ideas to find
potential clients or see different target markets that you hadnt thought of. People you
meet networking often can help you to identify new market opportunities you might not
have thought of. Some people you meet may offer synergies with what you do.

5. Getting New Ideas and Innovations

Meeting other business people and talking about business is a fantastic way of learning
new ways to do business. Every business is different and all business people have their
own ideas. Finding out how people in other industries, other markets or with different
products get business helps you to generate new ideas and perhaps adapt other peoples
innovations to your own business.

6. Finding Inspiration

Entrepreneurs share a common energy. Mixing with people who have to rely on their
own resources to survive and who have to think outside the square to get the edge on
their competitors is always an inspiration. Meeting business people who have the same
difficulties but are willing to share their solutions is a great encouragement.
7. Improving Your Communication

Getting out there and introducing yourself and your business to strangers soon teaches
you the best way to get your message across. At first it can be very hard but practice and
familiarity soon makes it second nature. I have seen some people transform from shy
beginners to confident crowd-players as their experience builds.

8. Making Great New Friends

Although we focus on business, networking can also bring you wonderful new friends.
It cant fail to! You share your ideas, your goodwill and your enthusiasm for business
with like-minded people. Strong friendships combined with strong business alliances
are very powerful forces in building your network.

Purple Lightbulb is a business advisory firm working with small businesses and not for
profits to support them in the areas of strategic development, marketing, business and
client relationship development, and operations. Purple Lightbulb acts as an extension
of a team on a short- or long-term basis to enable business owners to focus on what
they do best, whilst also building their business smartly and confidently.

By Melanie Joy Douglas,

Six degrees of separation. Anything is possible. Everyone wants to meet

someone. As a general rule, there are never more than six people between you
and the person you want to talk to. Networking is a way to access otherwise
inaccessible people.

Get a job. Networking is the number one way to get a job. 60-80% of jobs are
found through some form of networking. A personal connection to a hiring
manager is the best way to get your resume on the top of the pile. Think about
ten of your employed friends. How many of them got their job through a form of
networking? How many of them used the traditional application process?
Enough said.

Develop your current career. Broaden your professional horizons. Networking

keeps you sharp, current, and in touch with your industry. Your career should
never be stagnant.

Obtain referrals or sales leads. Even if you plan on staying in a given job
indefinitely why not make your business the best and the busiest?

Explore new career options. Before making a leap into another career, what
better way than to talk to people who know.

Low risk of false pretences. When youre talking to a friend of a friend, its
unlikely that the friends friend is going to lead you on or tell you half-truths.
You can more or less expect to get the full story. If youre talking about a job
opportunity youll hear about the hours, the boss, and the coworkers.
Its all very simple

A good network is really just a circle of friends. Its a two-way street of

helpful relationships.

Remember three things: in every social situation youre in, make sure people
leave knowing who you are, what service/skills you provide, and how to get a
hold of you.

Karmic payoff. You help others, others will help you. Everyone likes people
who are helpful so good things will likely come toward those people.

1. Networking is Not Selling

Put that thought out of your head. In fact, its the opposite. Networking is about spotting
opportunities, so you want to spend time asking questions about the person you are
talking to and their business, to try to see whether they have any problems that you can
help with.

In fact, in a prime example of networking gone wrong I was on the receiving end of a
sell. It was at a PMI conference and I was chatting to Clark A. Campbell, author of
The One Page Project Manager. Another man came over. He talked about himself and
his work for what felt like a long time. When he excused himself Clark said to me,
That was a missed opportunity for him. He had had the opportunity to talk to Clark
an expert on project communication and reporting, and me an expert on collaboration
tools for project managers and although he knew who we were and what we had done
he asked us nothing beyond that. He didnt get anything out of the conversation (and
neither did we).

2. Networking Builds Relationships

And there is nothing project managers need more than good relationships with others at
work. Spending time on building a relationship could deliver results in the future,
Kintish writes. If you have been project managing for a while youll know how
important it is to cultivate relationships with stakeholders past and present, and my own
research for my book, Customer-Centric Project Management shows that good working
relationships improves the perception of project success as well.

3. Networking is Expected
This is my favourite reason. Even if your role isnt explicitly to bring in new business
or to market the company, Kintish writes, you are probably expected, as most people
are, to meet new people and understand the market place as part of your role.

This is definitely the case for project managers. You need to quickly pick up
information about the new project and how do you do this? Through talking to people.

4. Networking is Good For You

Kintish says that its a way to learn more about the business, understand the industry
better and hear about the challenges faced by your contacts. If youre managing project
stakeholders, this is important as you have to deal with the whats in it for me
approach that many of them will take.

5. Networking Can Further Your Career

Many, many jobs arent advertised, so if you want to be in with a chance of getting that
internal promotion or taking a role outside your company as a step up, you have to
network to find out about them. People recommend people they like, so while you
might not have met the person you will be working for in the future you might have met
one of their contacts who could put you forward for that dream job.

6. Networking is a Virtuous Circle

If done right, meeting more people leads to more business and career opportunities,
which leads to meeting more people and more business, and so on, he writes. It might
not feel like it now, but you never know what doors are going to open in the future, so
its worth operating as if that next useful contact is round the corner, as they probably

What are your experiences of networking? Let me know in the comments.

* This article contains affiliate links. They dont cost you any more, but commission
helps me keep this blog going.

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