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5. This activity has to be solved in English.

Bearing in mind the idea that you developed in the first

guideline, answer these questions:

It is important to implement the Rabouins 4 is model (iluminar, ilustrar, integrar e

impartir) in the field of entrepreneurship?

From the perspective embodied in the model Rabouin 4i, provides the outlook with which it is
intended to generate a leadership example and be guided by a correct way. All aspects point to a
servant leadership style surrounded by passion for the things that take place every day, in addition
to good teachings convey the way to being a leader.

As we all know, the first item allows us as humans provide our quality to enlighten and guide
others along the right path towards developing tasks effectively. This step is important since it
allows to see a generality that occurs in our environment. The second item is a continuous process
of teaching and transmitting knowledge in an appropriate manner with effective means with
which ensures that the receiver of knowledge to absorb and internalize learning. The third step in
a leadership style aims to integrate harmoniously a set of variables that occur in the company such
as resources, people, personal and collective skills and of course, creating a work environment
conducive to the development of activities . Finally, the imparting comprises connecting establish
a logical order so wise and balanced the different aspects in the company.

Thus our leadership team is focused on efficient productivity in a responsible and shared way,
always thinking teamwork that basically aims to develop wellness everyday situations to users of
our transportation system. Each of the members from their different points of experience provides
input to the business idea that focused on effective and efficient service to the customer.

How can you develop a policy of Corporate Social Responsibility? Provide adetailed
description of such policy.

In a first step, as a group we are interested in defining a vision and mission with which to identify a
specific purpose and a reason for the company.

Therefore, our idea would Mission provide a better quality of life in a dignified manner by intact
and suitable for the work staff, supported by vehicles adapted to the technical and technological
means to develop economic activity. The Vision of our company seeking to be recognized in
Bogot in a term not exceeding five years as the first leading company providing multimodal
transportation services for people who have some kind of difficulty in mobility.

A special topic is to establish corporate values that allows us to day to day actions of intelligent,
honest and helpful way for this case can think of values such as:

Solidarity: promote collaboration of personal talents and expertise to support the growth
of the company and its members.
Respect: We recognize and accept differences to achieve an exchange of ideas and
coexistence in an atmosphere of harmony.
Honesty: ensure the realization of truth in each of our actions and practice, showing
consistency and respect for the community.
Responsibility: making moral or rational decisions that meet the own behavior.

The next step in the development of a social responsibility to evaluate both the competitive
environment as the same environment of the company, at this point it is important to establish
the level you have in relation to other competitors in the market for lead out an internal power
retro with the sole purpose of adding value through strategic actions.

Once assessed the own environment as the competition is relevant to establish the degree of
achievement that the same strategy to conduct business policy. Then you need to measure in a
manner appropriate to where the company is willing to reach, and also far society, laws, rules and
allow you to reach different strata. From nano to this step is importate set duration in the
execution of each and every one of the different strategies.

To carry out the various strategic actions needed designate responsible for each process that very
likely establish procedures, roles and contingency plans that can be put into practice. With this
fact is to find a sense of belonging and commitment to develop the activities proposed in the given

Corporate social responsibility is embodied in the actions put into practice, this ensures that the
above plans, which can carry important topics as identifying those responsible for making things
happen are implemented, the authority they have for their embodiment, resources used, stages,
deadlines and priorities to be pursued.

Finally, there must be some way of assessing the social responsibility plan, and the plan can be
evaluated in the light of specific and measurable goals set at the beginning. At this point it is
proposed to develop a model of feedback that leads to proper assessment and remediation
process bullets.

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