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Rajjo16 | July 13July 13 | 1,573 Views

We assume we have all our Prerequisites. That is Blog Authors

suppose we have java, openssh server and hadoop.
Also hdfs is working fit and fine. Now suppose we Rajjo16
Recent Updates want to perform some mapreduce jobs like
wordmean, calculating Pi value etc.Hadoop
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installation delivers example MapReduce jar file.This amri94
Members jar file contains the implementation of wordmean and
other some basic programs. To perform this we need
to follow some steps: SohiniAcharya
Step-1:Creating an input file
In this step we create the data file that is to be analyzed.We 1 - 3 of 7 authors
Bookmarks create it in a ".txt" format.
Blog In my test case,I have created a text file under the name of
"wordmean.txt" at my Desktop and added some random letters.


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Step-2:Starting the Hadoop
Start all Hadoop daemons using the following command:


Step-3:Creating a input directory

Then Create a input directory input in your hdfs.To creat a input
directory use the following command:

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /input

(Remember this directory is in your hdfs not in your linux file

In the following example(screen shot),I have created a directory

with the name of 'rajashree' and then created another directory
'input' in it,you can just creat one.
Step-4:Putting the input file in
the input directory
To put the input file(saved in ubuntu) to the input directory(HDFS
server) we have to use the following syntax:
$ hadoop fs -put <path of the text file>/<nameofthetextfile.txt>
<input directory>
In my case,I have used the following command:
$ hadoop fs -put /home/rajashree/Desktop/wordmean.txt

You can check it from your browser that is worked properly or not
using Web UI.

STEP-5:Executing Wordmean
To execute wordmean program we need to associate the hadoop-

syntax of the executing command will be like this :

$ hadoop jar <location of hadoop mapreduce examples jar file>

wordmean <input directory of hdfs> <output directory of hdfs>

I will execute this command :

$ hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-

2.7.0.jar wordcount /rajashree/input /rajashree/output

After successful execution output file will be generated.

N.B:you don't have to create the output directory separately,it
will automatically be created during the execution time.



The mean value will be showed immediately on the terminal.

To get the further details,we have to go to the output
directory through the browser(http://localhost:50070 and go
to the utilities)
Then download the output file 'part-r-00000' and open it.It will
contain the word count and the total length.


Modified on July 13July 13 by Rajjo16

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