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Topic Approval Form

Student Name: _____Alyssa Tidwell___________________________________ Period: _____2__

Topic Statement (full sentence): Limited space, entry fees, and euthenization in animal shelters are harming
dogs and making them unadoptable.

Answer the following about your topic:

1. What is your prior knowledge about this topic?
I only knew there were animal shelters that do not euthenize pets and those that do give the dogs about 2
weeks to be adopted before being put down. I was also aware that pound puupies have socialization problems
due to them being confined for long periods of time.
2. What problem(s) could you attempt to solve/address in connection with this topic?
I would like to raise awareness to just how many dogs are turned away or harmed in shelters and encourage
people to buy from shelters instead of breeders and for owners to fix their dogs to stop overpopulation.
3. How can you attempt to solve one of these problems at Poly or in the local community (not
globally)? What type of product do you anticipate completing (see ideas for final product).
I would make a seminar to showcase to Poly students as well as try to advertise an adoption day at our local
animal shelters. In addition i would volunteer and ask for donations for dog toys so the animals can assimilate
4. Explain how you might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the
community working toward this solution.
I would volunteer at the shelter to gain an understanding and connection with the animals and would like to
interview the staff there to get their opinions.
5. Explain how you might provide evidence of your work throughout the experience.
I would capture my work with photographs of my visit as well as entering journal entries/vlogs of the progress
Ive made.
6. Explain any obstacles you might encounter in your attempt to address this problem.
Organizing an adoption party might prevent some difficulties when it comes to getting people to engage in the
event but I am hoping to gain their attention with flyers all over campus and putting it on afternoon

Your topic is Approved __________ Your topic is NOT Approved ________

Your next step is to complete the research questions. Recommendations:

Remember, if you change your topic, you must
resubmit this form for your NEW topic.
You will need to revise your topic and resubmit this
form BEFORE you begin work on the research

Teachers Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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