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An Expose and Appeal by Derrick Gillespie

* First Edition- December 2017
"Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus...Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only
shalt thou serve." (KJV Bible)

"...let us [SDAs] consecrate to Him ["the Lord" our God] all that we are, and all that
we have, and then may we all unite to swell the song, Praise God, from whom all
blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye
heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, *AND Holy Ghost.
---E.G. White, Review and Herald (SDA periodical), January 4, 1881

"...the Creator is the only Being worthy to receive worship....God is worshipped

because He is Creator; and God means the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; for all are mentioned as having part in creation."
---The Present Truth (SDA periodical), Vol. 29, No. 48. Nov. 27, 1913, p. 757

The three quotes on the cover of this presentation from the Bible and the pens of the SDA
pioneers before 1915 should be enough to settle the issue as to what is the real/true SDA
doctrine on the matter of worship (i.e. who to worship and why), but it is my intention to flesh
out the issues in a fulsome and reasonable way to demonstrate more clearly the issues at stake.
In response to the new (2017) dissident "PROTEST" being staged by anti-Trinitarian SDAs (and
being dubbed "the final protest") against the worship of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
as the three living persons of the Godhead, I decided it fitting to present this free booklet
from my ministry on the question of who should true SDAs worship?? It will simply use the
words of our own SDA pioneers and backed by the Bible (the ultimate authority) and supportive
commentary to rescue this doctrine of true worship from the grip of dissident and anti-
Trinitarian errors within the SDA ranks, and (hopefully) silence once and for all the "protesting"

As the dissident "protest" among the misguided SDA anti-Trinitarians continues and
intensifies --- "protesting" and denying the Trinitarian history of the Christian Church before
the Papacy arrived after the fourth century, "protesting" and denying the Trinitarian culture
of their own SDA Church history after 1888 and before 1915, including certain of the
expressions of their own pioneers, and even that of that of Mrs. White, and ultimately
"protesting" and denying certain teachings of the Bible itself when Scripture is compared
with Scripture --- the time has come for true SDA members to recognize and DEFEAT all error
with truth, and to know the difference between the COUNTERFEIT doctrines of Christendom,
as opposed to the genuine article being counterfeited!! And that includes determining the
true "threefold" worship (as affirmed by even Mrs. White herself) as opposed to the close
counterfeit!! This free booklet is aimed at contributing to precisely that reality for SDA

For years the anti-Trinitarian dissidents have dominated the discussion in the wings, and have
misled many, but the time has come for them to be fully answered, and for misconceptions to
be made plain (whatever those misconception may be), and to show why they have DENIED
their own historic Adventism as it gradually developed its doctrines. It is the case that the
dissidents have totally missed the truth that after 1888 and before 1915 the SDA pioneers re-
discovered the true Biblical Trinity being counterfeited by the faulty Papal version resident in
Christendom (click the link for the clear proofs) and just as they had vociferously opposed the
Roman Catholic Trinity in earlier years (they always did, as a matter of fact), they also were
vociferous in proclaiming the true biblical version (a threefold Godhead) which was being
counterfeited, and hence were able to proclaim while Mrs. White was still alive:

"Paganism, popery [the Papacy], and infidelity fail entirely to either rightly know or truly
represent the ever-living God. It is left for pure Protestantism to proclaim to the world the
true God consisting of three persons but of one spirit and aim."
----The Signs of the Times, Vol. 26, No. 24, June 12, 1911; p. 371.372
"For many centuries the beast, or papal power, required the world to observe Sunday, the
first day of the week, in place of the seventh day of the week, as commanded in the fourth
commandment. Sunday was bequeathed to the papacy from paganism, and later was
adopted by Protestantism. In obeying the Sabbath commandment as handed down from
paganism, instead of the fourth commandment of the law of God, one worships the power
that changed the law, and by so doing he also worships the dragon which gave power unto
the beast." It is a threefold worship, A COUNTERFEIT OF THE WORSHIP OF THE FATHER,
THE SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST [!!!] The dragon (paganism) is the father of it; the beast
(papacy) has given it to the world; while the image (apostate Protestantism) is the power
whose world-wide influence helps to induce everyone to worship this man-made institution.
Those whose names are in the book of life are the only ones who will refuse this worship, and
will receive the seal of the living God."
--- The Youth Instructor, Vol. 49, No. 8, .Feb. 21, 1901, pg. 62.

One leading dissident anti-Trinitarian online, Nader Mansour, in one of his protest videos
asked (at the video marker 22:11) the question passionately how can the God of the beast [the
Papal power] and the God of Remnant be the same God?, clearly failing to see that he is
dealing with the matter of the true and its close counterfeit in contention (both appearing as if
they are the same but are not); a reality which will involve a principle of threefold worship in
both cases (not worship directed to just one person). Notice carefully that the SDA pioneers
(including Mrs. White herself) recognized that even in the final contest between true worship
and the opposing false worship in the very end of time (see Rev. 14:6-12), the matter of true
worship of Revelation 14:6, 7 is a threefold worship (despite it says worship him, God, who
made heaven and earth), and false worship seeks to counterfeits it as well. As one of my
previous free booklets showed clearly, and in the process acquitting LeRoy Froom of so-called
introducing the Trinity to Adventism (click the link to see the irrefutable proofs), before 1915
the SDA pioneers had come to believe in, accept and worship three [separate] beings of the
Godhead, in contrast to the Papal version of the Trinity proclaiming otherwise (i.e. one
undivided substance of non-individuals). Heres a simple pre-1915 reminder from the pioneers
themselves (including from Mrs. White, the Churchs leading pioneer):

---Review and Herald, Vol. 87, No. 50, December 15, 1910, p. 8
---Review and Herald, Vol. 78, No. 1, Jan. 1, 1901, p. 2

You are born unto God, and you stand under the sanction and the power of the three holiest
beings in heaven, who are able to keep you from falling When I feel oppressed and hardly
know how to relate myself toward the work that God has given me to do, I just call upon the
three great Worthies, and say: You know I cannot do this work in my own strength. You must
work in me, and by me, and through me And this is the prayer that every one of us may
offer. [Keeping in mind that its only to who is our God we should pray to]
---E.G. White, Manuscript, 95, 1906

The Trinity. the Godhead is composed of three personal beings, and these three are
one. The oneness of the Godhead must, then, consist not in personality, but in some other
kind of oneness. Let us apply the Bible idea of oneness of individuals to the Godhead, and see
if it will contradict the possibility of three or more individuals being called one.
We have two visible institutions in this world that are Bible illustrations of God's idea of
oneness, marriage and the church. Of marriage, Christ said, "For this cause shall a man leave
father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh." Matt. 19 :
5. Of the church, Christ said, through the mouth of his inspired apostle Paul, " So we, being -
many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Rom. 12: 5. Christ
compares the unity Of the church to the oneness of the Godhead in his last recorded prayer.

Here we clearly see a unity of thought among many SDA pioneers (and especially as affirmed by
Mrs. White herself) regarding the three beings of the Godhead before 1915 and we also see
the reality of these three beings being worshipped as such (much more evidence will be given
hereafter). But despite this inescapable historical reality in historic Adventism, today there is a
serious problem today among many in Adventism as it concerns the doctrine of true worship
and the progress of our mission of giving the three angels message as a Church!


A rather curious situation has developed in Seventh-day Adventism as it concerns our
proclaiming the "three angels message" of Revelation 14:6-12 that the SDA Church is noted for.
As a result of escalating internal infighting, as it were, over who really is to be worshipped and
given glory as "him who made heaven and earth"-- an infighting developed partly as a result of
dissident SDA groups unendingly debating who God is and who is to be worshipped, and partly
as a result of mainstream SDAs neglecting certain key Godhead truthsthe sad state of affairs
is that many (not all) SDAs are 'stuck on the first angel', as it were, and only stuck on a
certain part of its message that is to be given to the dying world about the hour of ongoing
judgment. This is simply because of protracted internal debates among some over the issue of
the Godhead and true worship, and so the messages of the other two angels (and even part of
the message of the first angel) are being largely neglected by many as a result. Its time to
correct that 'stuck on the first angel' controversial quagmire many of us are in, which seems to
be the plan of the Enemy to get us diverted, distracted and delayed as a Remnant Church in
giving the full three messages of warning to the world. And I am convinced that if both sides
of the divide in the debate listen to each other more, to see the valid points on both sides of
the divide, and, more importantly, accept the God-given parable of the image of God seen in
the threefold family of Man in Gen. 1:26-28, our eyes would be opened rather quickly to the
real truth as to who is to be worshipped, and who really made heaven and earth.


Let's get back to basics, by studying Gen. 1:26-28 with Romans 1:19-20 to see how Man as a
family depicts the threefold Godhead (i.e. Man as an image of the original specie of
divinity) that we as a people can get over all the Godhead-related and worship-related
controversy, and move on to the full giving of the three angels messages in full! First of all,
when one reads Genesis 1:26-28, and if one accepts all it says, in light of the rest of the
scriptures, we would realize rather quickly, if we just humble ourselves, that both sides of the
debate on Godhead issues in Adventism have probably neglected aspects of the full story of
how God's image in Man reflects the Godhead. Hear me out, dear reader. Put aside any
preconceived ideas and presuppositions and just allow the Bible to speak to you. There is no
way one can appeal to the image of God in the family of Man, and refuse to accept all of what
the image in Man reveals about God's eternal nature in general principles, as Rom. 1:19-20
makes clear. To do so (cherry-picking only the aspects we like to countenance or agree with)
is kind of hypocritical, and is the reason for much of the seemingly endless debates in the first
place (with both sides rejecting aspects of the full story). Notice carefully that:

1. Man is a collective term in Genesis 1:26-28, and includes the head of the group and all who
come from his being called man ("adam" in Hebrew) as well...that is, all together bearing one
name, or that of the head of the group. And together they all fill the earth, as commanded to
Man initially (not just the head of the group and his wife alone, but their manifold human seed,
or all humanity), and together they all rule over lesser beings, or the animals, birds, fish, plants,
etc. The head of the group of man could not by himself literally accomplish all that, without the
union among himself and all of who is called Man from him. Read the passage again, dear
reader, slowly and prayerfully, and see that the *threefold family of Man (i.e. the head, his
help meet, and his manifold seed from them both, filling and ruling over the entire earth) is
what God deemed "the image" of the Godhead in Man. Mrs. White made plain for SDAs that
this collective nature of Man (called a singular he) is a reality we cant escape. Notice:

Man came from the hand of his Creator perfect in organization and beautiful in form. The
fact that he has for six thousand years [i.e. all of humanity] withstood the ever-increasing
weight of disease and crime is conclusive proof of the power of endurance with which he was
first endowed. --E.G. White, Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene

So Man is NOT a term related only to Adam, the male, or even to the first couple (Adam and
Eve; see Gen. 5:2), since our first parents did not live for six thousand years, but rather the
term Man applies to the entire family of humanity (which is a threefold reality of two parents
and their manifold seed or offspring). See again Psalm 8:4-8 and compare it with Deuteronomy
32:8 that all of humanity are indeed the family of adam. And notice that all of Man as the
image of God is collectively called he. This now sets the stage for my second major point.

2. God gradually revealed the Godhead's nature to man in the scriptures, beginning in the Old
Testament and culminating fully in the New Testament, yet all along he (i.e. all of Man called
"he"; Gen. 6:3, 5-7; Ps. 8:4-6) was already a living parable of the Godhead. The parallels are

[a] Both Adam and Eve, separate beings, were together called "Adam", and together called "the
Man" as a *specie in Gen. 5:2 and Gen. 3:22-24 (though they were not literally one person), and
despite Adam, the male, was the original true man or prototype of humanity, and Eve came
directly from his substance on the same day (the sixth day), thus they are both the same age.
All humanity together ever since can and have been called "he" and him, but as centered in
and taken from the head of the specie or the man (as seen in Gen. 6:3, 5-7 and Psalm 8:4-6).
All of this perfectly depicts Jehovah the Father called the one true God, with Jesus his only
begotten Son, called "God" and Jehovah just like him --- a separate being who was brought
forth of his substance from all eternity past (just as Eve came from Adams substance to share
in his substance or one flesh)--- and they are both described the same way in the Scriptures
in terms of the duration of their existence, that is, both are "from everlasting" or are
"eternal", or are both "the first and last" (not the first and second; but BOTH are the
first and the last). Sadly both sides of the controversy cherry pick aspects of this truth to
accept and to deny and, which is what causes much of the impasse between the combatants.

[b] Man was immediately introduced in Genesis as the entire specie of humanity who was to
fill the earth and rule over it, and the three aspects of the threefold family of Man was
completely expressed in one go; with the introduction of, first, Adam, then Eve (on the same
day), and then their manifold seed (channeled through Eve) later filling the earth, and bearing
the features of them both, and thus allowing Adam's mandate from God in Genesis 1:26-28 to
be fulfilled (resulting in God's image in Man being made complete). Likewise, we see similar
patterns, in the original blueprint, as God is gradually revealed in his Word, starting from in the
Old and culminating in the New Testament. The head of divinity was revealed first (i.e. God,
the Father; the one true God), but immediate and cryptic references was made to an us and
an our corresponding with the them of all of humanity. Later on the Son of God was made
manifest partially, then fully (see Prov. 30:4; Rom. 16:25-26; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:25-26). And then
through Jesus (from the Father) their personal Holy Spirit was revealed as the Fathers seed
of life, as it were (1 John 3:9), which metaphorically flows out of Jesus belly as living
waters, as it were, and which not only fills the entire universe, but even lives in us; that
*person of the omnipresent Spirit who bears equally the features of both the Father and Son.
Now, I know that at the primary level God's "seed" is his Word abiding in the heart of the
Christian (see Psalm 119:11), but at the highest spiritual level it involves Jesus, "the living
Word", abiding in the soul via the REPRESENTATIVE person of the Holy Spirit living within. God's
Spirit is the omnipresent person (the numeric third person of three persons of the
Godhead) who REPRESENTS Jesus and the Father, and he abides within us on their behalf. This
now leads me to my third point.

3. Just as Adam and all of humanity (from him and named after him) was to own and rule over
lesser created beings (Genesis 1:26-28 with Psalm 8:4-8), so does God the Father and all of
divinity from him and named after him (i.e. his Son and their omnipresent Spirit; Matthew
28:19); they all together created us, all together own us humans, and all together are our
God; i.e. the Trinity we are being reconciled to (explaining why we baptize in their name to
show their equal ownership of us). And they all together rule over all lesser beings (angels and
humans) in the entire universe (including ruling in our hearts as humans via the Spirit living
within and controlling us). This reality the SDA pioneers fully understood and taught long
before 1915!


----Signs of the Times (Australian), 1906, Vol. 21, No. 29, pg. 364
---The Present Truth, Vol. 29, No. 48., Nov. 27, 1913, p. 757)

God directly addressed only the two authority figures of Man in Genesis 1:26-28 to have
dominion over all the earth, but it was effectively applicable to all of the family of humanity
(not just the two beings called Adam and Eve), and likewise, worship and praise in the Bible is
seen addressed to the two authority figures seated on the throne in heaven (Father and Son),
and yet it is impossible to worship them and not worship their Spirit representing them all
over the universe. And thats why SDAs have always understood that in worshipping the
Father and Son, the Spirit is always in the picture as well; evidenced by the SDA doxology of
praise from the 1840s down to the present making plain, and affirmed in the words of E.G.
White (the Churchs leading pioneer):

"...let us [SDAs] consecrate to Him ["the Lord" our God] all that we are, and all that we have,
and then may we all unite to swell the songs, Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son,
*AND Holy Ghost. ---E.G. White, RH January 4, 1881

This was the Churchs doxology of praise even BEFORE it was understood and taught that the
Spirit is (to quote Mrs. White) a distinct personality among three living personalities (ever
keeping in mind that a distinct personality to the SDA pioneers meant a separate individual).

By the late 1890s to the early 1900s the pioneers themselves started to correct the earlier
restricted view they had (of the Spirit not accepted as a third personal being), and despite
resistance from some, the continuing appeal was made to correct that view and the doctrinal
change became gradually evident (see hereafter examples of the appeals made to correct the
pioneering errors of the past, in addition to Mrs. Whites own appeal in 1899 that we [SDAs]
need to realize that the Spirit is a person as much as God is a person):
--The Present Truth, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. 7, 1897, pg. 8

Do the Scriptures warrant praise to and worship of the Holy Sprint? the formula for
baptism, the name Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, is associated with that of the Father and the
Son. And if the name can be used thus, why could it not properly stand as a part of the same
*TRINITY in the hymn of praise, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
-- Uriah Smith (U.S.), In the Question Chair, Review and Herald, 1896, Vol. 73, No. 43, pg.

--Uriah Smith (U.S.), In the Question Chair, Review & Herald, 1896, Vol. 73, No. 43, pg. 685
--COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR; Vol. 16, No. 27, July 5, 1911, p.6

--- Review and Herald, Vol. 77, No. 3, JANUARY 16, 1900, p. 35

The foregoing pioneering quotes from SDAs pioneers, all from before 1915, are quite revealing.
For the Spirit to be eventually deemed by the SDA pioneers as the co-equal of the Father and
the Son, just as they (Mrs. White included) eventually deemed Jesus to be the co-equal of the Father,
this means all three are separate from each other (as captured by the notion of co-equality
and three living persons), all three deserve the same level of honor, and thus they must all be
real personal divine beings to be equally praised as God would be praised. After the SDA
pioneers (many; not all) started to accept (only after 1888) that the Spirit was a REAL separate
person as God is a person (E.G. White; 1899), or he was a third personal divine being, and
that he was *numerically the third of the three persons of the Eternal Godhead, and is
equally worthy of praise as such, Mrs. White subsequently made even plainer for SDA

When we have accepted Christ, and in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit have pledged ourselves to serve [i.e. reverence, honor, worship and obey; see
Joshua 24:15; Psalm 100:2] God, the Father, Christ, *AND the Holy Spirit --the three dignitaries
and powers of heaven--pledge themselves that every facility shall be given to us if we carry
out our baptismal vows to "come out from among them, and be . . . separate, . . . and touch
not the unclean thing. ----E.G. White, Manuscript 85, 1901

"As the saints in the kingdom of God are accepted in the beloved, they hear: Come, ye
blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
world. And then the golden harps are touched, and the music flows all through the heavenly
host, and they fall down and worship the Father and the Son *AND the Holy Spirit."
---E.G. White, Manuscript 139, 1906.

Keep in mind that this is the very same E.G. White which many of the dissidents keep
misrepresenting the true meaning of her words that its only the Father and Son who should be
exalted, or worshiped. But she herself debunk them many times over by saying that him that
we should serve, worship, praise, pray to, etc., involve all three simply because they are one
in the Godhead. It was the same Mrs. White who called Jesus the only true God and called
Jesus the Lord our God of the Old Testament and she also made plain that Christ alone
should be exalted (click the links to see much more on this) and yet by no stretch of the
imagination would this mean it excludes the Father of Jesus. Why? Because all members of the
Godhead are spiritually one and what applies to one applies to all. See much more from Mrs.
White at this link on the matter of Jesus alone to be exalted; a reality which does not exclude
the Father or their Spirit. This reality perfectly explains how a praising of him who made
heaven and earth (Rev. 14:6-7) results inevitably in a threefold worship. With the heavens
and earth being made through the Son and their Spirit (Heb. 1:1-3; Psalm 104:30), that worship
CANNOT be properly done by the true Remnant Church without united praise and worship to
all three (i.e. to HIM and whom he is united with in action). This was the confession of the
SDA pioneer S.N. Haskell in 1908, when he made plain:

" John who fell before him [Gabriel] to worship he said, 'do it not [instead 'worship God' ;
Rev. 19:10]...Gabriel was only an angel, upheld by the same Power that sustained John, and
he would not for one moment allow John to be deceived by thinking he was a part of the
great *TRINITY of heaven, and worthy of the worship of mankind.

S.N. Haskell, The Story of Daniel the Prophet, 1908 edition, pg. 132

Here in 1908, S.N. Haskell published his above quoted book, and on page 132 he admitted that
the God or "Power" (singular) which Gabriel admonished John to worship in Rev. 19:10 was
the great *Trinity of heaven" (!!!) who is deemed "worthy of the praise of mankind"!!! One
year before (1907), in another publication the same pioneer S.N. Haskell made plain:
---The Bible Training School, No. 6, Nov, 1907, p. 93

He clearly knew (just like the other pioneers like Uriah Smith) that to apply the term the
Trinity (the great Trinity of heaven) to the God of Rev. 19:10 or to the Godhead, this
immediately is an irrefutable admission to three persons involved. S.N. Haskell was
personally lauded by Mrs. White (!!!), of all persons, for his work as a bible teacherproving
he was no heretic drifting off into spiritualism as some dissidents would want to accuse him
of (i.e. for admitting worship as acceptable for the great Trinity of heaven in the context of
Rev. 19:10). But more importantly, notice now how Mrs. White herself, even before lauding
Haskell (the same S.N. Haskell who had identified the Godhead as "the great Trinity of
heaven" whos worthy of the worship of mankind), she herself in 1901 had deemed the
Godhead of Rev. 19:10 as the "great THREEFOLD POWER" (singular); emphases in bracket are

"God says, [notice after this whom she means says this] "Come out from among them, and be
ye separate, . . . and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father
unto you [notice hereafter who is speaking as I and the Almighty here], and ye shall be my
sons and daughters, saith [or pledges] the Lord Almighty." [Now notice carefully] This is the
pledge of [not one person, but] the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit [i.e. the *pledge to
receive and be a Father to you]; made to you if you will keep your baptismal vow, and touch
not the unclean thing In order to deal righteously with the world, as members of the royal
family, children of the heavenly King, Christians must feel their need of a power, which comes
only from the [three] heavenly agencies that have pledged themselves to work in man's
behalf. After we have formed a union with the great THREEFOLD POWER [singular; collective],
we shall regard our duty toward the members of God's family with a sacred awe.
---E.G. White, Signs of the Times, June 19, 1901

It is that same singular but threefold POWER she repeatedly ascribed praised to, even while
over and over deeming the Father of Jesus as the one true God, and as a distinct personality
from His only begotten Son Son and their personal and distinct Holy Spirit. CONCLUSION?
Both sides of the debate in Adventism have certain valid points on their side which each are not
seeing, and it is time to identify, accept, and unite around the *valid truths being insisted on
by both sides, so that we wont remain stuck on just debating part of the first angels message,
but we can with one voice give the other two messages with clarity before time changes into


To delve more into the issue of how the family of Man reflects or images the family of the
Godhead (and believe me you should), feel free to download and see these above-described
BIBLICAL realities fleshed out in greater detail in this free booklet:

And, don't fail to miss the deception of Lucifer seen in 2 Thess. 2:4; complex and multi-layered
in nature but tailored to differing groups he uses to oppose and trample on the truth about the
Godhead. Note carefully:

1. To those who believe in the Trinity or the threefold Godhead being God, he gives them
the counterfeit version via the Papacy, so as to eclipse the true biblical version, and trample on
the worship of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit via the counterfeit version.

2. Those who accept that Jesus is rightfully our God (John 20:25-29), he sits in the temple or
church of God via the Pope seeking to be God, and via him being the "vicar of the Son of God",
he eclipses the true "vicar of Jesus", the Holy Spirit his REPRESENTATIVE; " the third person
of the Godhead " of "three persons", and trample on his role as God, in the role of the

3. For those opposed to the counterfeit Trinity of the Papacy, he causes them to deny any
existence of a trinity, (throwing out the baby with the baby water), a feat which he almost
accomplished fully with the SDA pioneers, until they gradually saw the difference between the
counterfeit version and the true "bible doctrine of the Trinity" (since supportively publishing
Spear's 1889 Trinitarian article), and so they accepted the true version before 1915.

Today Lucifer continues his opposition to the true Trinity via the anti-trinitarians of varying
denominations in Christendom, including the dissidents and renegades in Adventism, and so
tramples on Jesus' right to be our God alongside the Father, and also he tramples on the truth
of the Holy Spirit being a person to be worshipped as such, and thus ultimately resulting in
the denial of the Son and the Father himself when the Spirit is denied. See the astounding
nature of the mystery of iniquity unfolded in 2 Thess. 2:4, dear reader, where it makes plain
that Satan is opposed to ALL that is called God (a plain Scripture using the collective word
ALL for obviously more than one person)? And do you see that Lucifer is most effective in
his opposition against ALL that is called God or that is [legitimately] worshipped by having
people denying the true Godhead, as a result of him setting up a close counterfeit; a
counterfeit which they are so incensed over that they even throw out the baby with the baby
water? Time for eyes to discern between the true and the false, and worship the true!!
Worship the Father, who made heaven and earth through the Son and their Spirit, and hence
the logical outcome will be this for true SDA members:
"...let us [SDAs] consecrate to Him ["the Lord" our God] all that we are, and all that we have,
and then may we all unite to swell the songs, Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son,
*AND Holy Ghost. ---E.G. White, RH January 4, 1881

To protest the inescapable is a waste of time. BOTTOM LINE? If in the end one must worship
Father, Son and Spirit while worshipping him who made heaven and earth (i.e. God the
Father), then to try to 'escape' from and "protest" against what is the logical outcome in the
end seems silly and a grand waste of time!!

See much more at this link regarding the differences between the false and true Godhead, and
which version the SDA pioneers worshipped (and hence we should do the same today as SDAs):


We CANNOT be Christian "children" of the "one
God" (the Father; 1 Cor. 8:6) without His Son and
the Holy Spirit being part of the divine family
unity which created us in the first place, just as
we CANNOT be a child of Adam without his help-
meet and associate, Eve, and his "seed" from
them both being part of the earthly family unity
which brought us here in the first place; a "threefold" unity in both instances, with the earthly
one being the image of the heavenly (the original blueprint of unity).
One of the primary reasons "the Trinity" or "threefold Godhead" is hated and opposed so
intensely by so many, or is caricatured, parodied and counterfeited by Satan in so many
various false religions of the world, is simply because in the battle over the Trinity is seen a
fierce war between the true as well as the false depiction of the Godhead, depending on
which version is being adhered to!! This reality true SDAs begun to realize, first by way of its
pioneers after 1888, and secondly even today, by way of the growing battle in Adventism over
the very same issue of which is the correct version of the Godhead to be worshiped. And notice
that in both instances there is a "threefold" unity and threefold worship seen in fierce
It is the case that there is absolutely nothing about the true religion of God that Satan has not
sought to counterfeit, and when one recognizes that the perfect counterfeiter of all of God's
truth is the entity called the "man of sin", or the Papal system, referred to as "the mystery of
iniquity" revealed, then we will realize that its counterfeit "Trinity" cannot be too far
different from the true Trinity in nature, since the true cannot be counterfeited and be
different in too many details from the caricatured version, or else there would be no sense in
counterfeiting it in the first place. All SDA dissidents who seek to preach that Bible religion is
being counterfeited in every way by Satan, but seek to present the most fundamental aspect
of all of true religion as not being counterfeited too, are living in a fool's world, and are
inconsistent in their own theology. A threefold counterfeit of Satan, would not be a true
counterfeit for a Godhead "duo" which the dissidents are desperately seeking to pass off as
the genuine Godhead, when commonsense tells us that the counterfeit can't counterfeit
what's not the true reality in the first place!!
The contest between the false bible with its Apocrypha, and the true Protestant Bible of 66
books, between the false "man of sin" and the true "Son of man", between the false
Decalogue and the true Ten Commandments, between the false version of Mary in Papal
religion, and the true biblical Mary, between the false service of the Mass, and the true
celebration of the Lord's Supper commemorating his once and for all atoning death, between
the false "Lord's day" and the true "day of the Lord" (or the weekly Sabbath), for instance,
are all part and parcel of the same program of Lucifer to counterfeit Bible religion, which
extends to the Trinity as well. That's precisely why the SDA pioneers first rejected the false
Trinity of the Papacy, but later came to accept the genuine article close to that counterfeit
Trinity, but different in key areas as well. It is the case that BOTH are called "the Trinity, just
as both the false and genuine articles are both called "the Bible", or "Mary", or "the
Decalogue", or "the Communion", or "the Lord's day" (or "the Sabbath"), etc.!!
Deep down those SDA dissidents who study the system of Satan's counterfeits in the book of
Revelation, do know that all that was explained throughout the few pages of this booklet is the
truth of the matter, and is more potent than many realize (since a Satanic trio or trinity or
"Fraudhead" would never be counterfeiting a Godhead "duo" which the dissidents seek to
teach as only what true Christians should worship).

Praise ye the Spirit, Comforter of Israel, Sent of the Father and the Son to bless us. Praise ye
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Praise ye the Eternal Three!
---No. 296 (Praise ye the Father) in the SDA Christ in Song pioneering denominational
hymnal of 1900 (verse 3).
**Note: The 1908 version of the "Christ in Song" pioneering hymnal (vetted by GC pioneers
themselves) had songs of praise listed under the title "Praise to THE TRINITY" on page 6 under
"Contents" (left column). See the photocopy below, and much more on this issue at this link:
That's the ORIGINAL pioneering "1 Cor. 8:6 Movement" (as some of the dissidents are calling it
online these days) telling it like it is, as they came to fully understand the issues of true
worship!! The pioneers of the 1863-formed 1 Cor. 8:6 movement did come to realize that if
Deut. 6:4 says The LORD our God is one Lord, and 1 Cor. 8:6 speaks of Jesus as the one
Lord it is actually proof of the divine Godhead persons being together the one Lord and the
one God of the Bible (not two or three Lords, or two or three Gods). It is the case that
Jesus as the one Lord does not exclude the Father as being our Lord, just as the Father being
the one God does not exclude Jesus from being our God, since they are one in function and
nature (not the same in person). And thats why the SDA pioneers themselves did not refrain
from saying before 1915 (as seen quoted on the very cover of this booklet):

"...the Creator is the only Being worthy to receive worship....God is worshipped

because He is Creator; and God means the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; for all are mentioned as having part in creation."
---The Present Truth (SDA periodical), Vol. 29, No. 48. Nov. 27, 1913, p. 757





"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." ---Jesus,
Matthew 4:10
"When he [God the Father] bringeth in the firstbegotten [Jesus] into the world, he
saith, And let all the angels of God worship him." ---Hebrews 1:6
"Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they [his disciples] came and held him by
the feet, and worshipped him." ---Matthew 28:9
"Of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord
Christ." -- Colossians 3:24
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in
earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
the Father." --- Philippians 2:10-11
"And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth,
and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and
honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne [the
Father], and unto the Lamb [Jesus] for ever and ever." --Revelation 5:13
"2 Cor. 3:17 The Lord [i.e. either Jesus or the Father] is the Spirit: and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." [see Acts 5:3-5; 2 Sam. 23:2-3]"

Here is the KEY question people need to consider:

If God the Father appears in 'bodily' form on his throne in heaven, but also
visits us in person via the person of the Holy Spirit "sent" away from his
throne to our bedroom as we pray, and if he also visited us for 33.5 years on
earth via the person of the human Messiah in flesh (i.e. as God with us;
2 Cor. 5:19), which manifestation of divinity is not God
(or divine) enough to be worshipped?

-the Father on his throne in heaven?

-the Father in invisible presence here on earth via the personal Holy Spirit who
represents him everywhere?
- Or the visible Son of God who represents God in flesh?

To reject any of the above listed as worthy of worship presents a serious

dilemma, folks!! And this dilemma is easily proved in the Bible with Scriptures
galore. How can one worship God who is a spirit and is "THE Holy Spirit" (2 Sam.
23:2-3; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18) yet refuse to worship the very Holy Spirit which brings
him in REPRESENTATIVE but personal invisible presence to Church? Its like
saying you will worship God but you refuse to worship him REPRESENTED in flesh
via Jesus the human Messiah ( whos God with us); the very Jesus who was
worshipped by the angels, higher beings than us humans (Heb. 1:6)!! A rather
IMPOSSIBLE notion indeed!!

Each time we worship God, we automatically worship God as the "eternal

Spirit" (Hebrews 9:14; John 4:24; 2 Sam. 23:2-3; Acts 5:3-5). And if God reveals
that he can be bodily on his throne in heaven, and here invisibly in the form of
the personal Spirit whos sent to represent him or his very presence (Psalm
139:7-10), how can one refuse to worship him as the Holy Spirit? And
remember that the very fact that God REPEATEDLY lists the Spirit separately
but also alongside himself and His Son, tells us we MUST accept the Spirit both
as one with him (1 Cor. 2:9-11) and also distinct from him, but equally bearing
his own name (Matthew 28:19; Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 12:4-6, 11)!! Thus what is due
God is likewise applicable to his Spirit who represents him in invisible essence

All true SDAs know, by the biblical evidence which became plain overtime (and
backed by confirmation through Mrs. Whites prophetic ministry), that we
cannot worship God (as Rev. 14:6-7 demands) and not worship His Son and His
Holy Spirit as a "distinct personality" among "three persons" of divinity!!


As I close, I cannot but point out to you, dear reader, the sad traits observed in many (not
all) of the SDA dissidents who daily act as accusers of the brethren and are now
protestors against the plain truth. Many of the dissidents sadly display the following traits
(*quote from Lazarus Castang)

Lets pray for them that God will humble them and release them from the chains of self-
deception that they have allowed themselves to be in. I am certainly doing so myself (i.e.
praying for them and myself), even as I do what Isaiah 58:1 calls me to do, i.e. lift up my
voice like a trumpet, and, speaking fearlessly and frankly, but with the deepest love for all
concerned, show my people in Zion where they are going wrong.i.e. living in denial and
refusing to accept historical and biblical truth when it becomes evident!!! I also pray that
those of us on the Trinitarian side recognize the much-neglected and denied truth about the
only begotten Son who was brought forth from all eternity of the Fathers own substance,
since many of us on the other side of the debate are as stubborn those on the other side to
accept all truth when it becomes plain.

---THE END----

Derrick Gillespie is a trained teacher in the Social Sciences, History, and Geography, and remains a
member of the SDA Church in Jamaica and a lay evangelist for SDAs.
(Contact Info: OR

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