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Aquatic Invasions (2008) Volume 3, Issue 1: 42-53

doi: 10.3391/ai.2008.3.1.8 (Open Access)

2008 The Author(s). Journal compilation 2008 REABIC

Special issue Invasive species in inland waters of Europe and North America: distribution and impacts
Sudeep Chandra and Almut Gerhardt (Guest Editors)
Research Article

The Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes: an invasive plant in the Guadiana

River Basin (Spain)

Trinidad Ruiz Tllez * , Elsa Martn de Rodrigo Lpez, Gloria Lorenzo Granado, Eva Albano Prez,
Ricardo Morn Lpez and Juan Manuel Snchez Guzmn
Grupo de Investigacin en Biologa de la Conservacin, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda. Elvas s/n. 06071
Badajoz, Spain
*Corresponding author

Received: 15 October 2007 / Accepted: 12 February 2008 / Published online: 23 March 2008


The recent invasion of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (C. Mart.) Solms (1883) in the Guadiana River Basin (Spain) is
described and the distribution of this Amazonian floating plant is analyzed from a geobotanical and chorological perspective.
Georeferenced locations of invasion in Spain and Portugal are presented and the relative growth rate (RGR) and doubling time
(DT) indexes defined by Gopal (1987) were calculated. The sexual reproductive cycles were determined in order to evaluate the
invasive capacity at these latitudes. Predictive models of the plant's potential distribution in the Guadiana River were constructed
based on expert knowledge and using a Geographic Information System, on the basis of the water's physico-chemical parameters.
Given the size of the potential area of distribution, it seems necessary to make provision for an important increase and
subsequent maintenance in the level of the means and logistics targeted at the prevention and control of this weed.
Key words: Eichhornia crassipes, GIS model, growth index, Portugal, Spain, Water hyacinth, aquatic weed

characteristics give rise to enormous amounts of

biomass that cover the water surface of a great
variety of habitats often interfering with the use
The water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes and management of water resources. Some of the
(C. Mart.) Solms (1883), (Liliales: principal problems are its interference with
Pontederiaceae, Figure 1) is an invasive plant navigation, water flow, and the recreational use
that is native of the Amazon basin (Barret and of aquatic systems, as well as the risk it poses of
Forno 1982) and whose capacity for growth and mechanical damage to hydroelectric systems. It
propagation causes major conservation problems is also responsible for drastic changes in the
with considerable socioeconomic repercussions. plant and animal communities of freshwater
It is a species of great ornamental value used in environments and acts as an agent for the spread
gardening because of the beauty of its foliage of serious diseases in tropical countries. The
and flowers but is on the IUCN's list of the 100 impact of E. crassipes on the physico-chemical
most dangerous invasive species and the TOP20 characteristics of the water in general are
of Spain's GEIB (Biological Invasion Specialist declines in temperature, pH, biological oxygen
Group). Most of the problems associated with demand (organic load), and nutrient levels (Rai
E. crassipes are due to its rapid growth rate, its and Datta Mushi 1979). Sometimes there is a
ability to sucessfully compete with other aquatic complete decline of dissolved oxygen, leading to
plants, and its ease of propagation. These the deaths of a great number of fish.

T.R. Tllez et al.

and Colombia, 1976 in Venezuela, and 1979 in

Chile. In Central America, it is cited in Mexico,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and El Salvador in 1965,
Panama in 1966, and Puerto Rico and the
Dominican Republic from 1971.
E. crassipes has spread over a great part of
tropical and subtropical Africa. The plants are
thought to have been introduced in Sudan into
the River Congo, and that tributaries of the
Congo may have extended the plant during
floods. Since the 1940s, the plant has infested
many African countries and has become a major
problem for this continent in terms of the
conservation of its aquatic ecosystems
(Mendonca 1958; GISD 2005).
It was introduced into Asia at the end of the
XIX century through Japan and Indonesia (Ueki
et al. 1975) and became naturalized in rice fields
in the south and gradually extending northwards.
In Indonesia, there are references to its
appearance in Bogor where it was grown as an
ornamental in the Botanical Gardens (Backer
1951). Today it extends from the plains up to an
altitude of 1600 m. In India, it first appeared in
Figure 1. Eichhornia crassipes from Badajoz (Spain). Photo Bengal at the beginning of 1890, and is now
by E.Albano. present throughout the country except in the
more arid western part of Rajasthan, in the
rugged regions of the north, and in Kashmir. It
Distribution has recently been cited in Taiwan (GISD 2005)
and mainland China (Jianquing et al. 2001).
The species was discovered in 1823 by the According to Parsons (1963), its introduction
German naturalist C. von Martius who was into Australia and Oceania occurred in 1890 near
studying the flora of Brazil. He named it Darwin (Northern Territories). Today, it exists in
Pontederia crassipes. Sixty years later, Solms the coastal areas of all the federated states of
included it in the Eichhornia genus as described Australia and has also appeared in many islands
by Kuntz in 1829. At the present time of the Pacific Ocean (Burton 2005).
E. crassipes is distributed across the tropics and In Europe it was possibly introduced as an
subtropics between 39N and 39S (Figure 2). ornamental in the first third of the XX century in
Man has clearly been the main agent of the Portugal, because the first reference to its
species' spread around the world, since its entry presence there dates from 1939. Since then, it
into Africa, Asia, Australia, and North America has spread over the central-west of the country
coincided with the arrival of the vessels of the through irrigation canals and currently exists in
first explorers or with historically documented the middle and lower Sado and Tagus Basins
human activities. (Guerreiro 1976; Figueiredo et al. 1984; Amaral
The first reference to E. crassipes in the and Rocha 1994; Figure 3 and Annex 1). In
United States was at the beginning of the XX Spain, the first documented cases date from
century on the occasion of the Louisiana 1989, appearing only sparsely and more or less
Purchase (Sculthorpe 1967). The spread sporadically between parallels 36 and 43N,
continued to Florida where there are many forming small localized populations that dis-
references to control the spread and infestations appeared when the ponds or wetlands in which
that occurred (Schardt 1984). It was also they had been detected dried out, or because of
introduced into North and South Carolina. In the the salinity of the habitat (GIC 2006).
countries of South America, there are reports of The greatest damage due to its fast expansion
its presence in 1902 in Brazil, 1942 in Argentina, has been in the middle reaches of the River
1959 in Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guadiana in the SW Iberian Peninsula. Detected

The Water Hyacinth in the Guadiana River Basin

Figure 2. World-wide distribution of Eichhornia crassipes based on GIC (2006) data.

We conducted studies during the infestation

and species removal period (2004-2006) and the
objective of the present work is to discuss the
factors that are involved in this invader's success
in the Guadiana, to analyze the risk of further
infestation, and to propose precautionary
measures to prevent its spread in the area.

Factors involved in the success of E. crassipes

in the Guadiana Basin

Abiotic factors

Figure 3. Location of Eichhornia crassipes in the Iberian

The plant's present area of distribution covers a
Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Guadiana River Basin, broad range of regimes in terms of physico-
green line. (see Annex 1). chemical parameters. The northernmost limit of
the area of distribution of E. crassipes is where
the mean January temperature is 1C, the mean
in the Autumn of 2004, it underwent a marked annual temperature is 13C, and the average
recession during the winter but in April 2005 lowest temperature in the year is -3C (Ueki et
there occurred a strong regeneration of the al. 1976). The optimal mean temperature for
fragments that had been left on the banks. By plant growth is between 25C and 27C
October and November it occupied an area of (Franois 1970). Experimental studies under
approximately 200 ha, covering 75 km of river, controlled laboratory conditions have shown that
and producing in that period a biomass of the number of daughter plants is greatest at
175 000 Tm. Due to it rapid expansion, certain levels of temperature and relative
mechanical extraction was carried out by the humidity (day/night temperatures of 25/20C to
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana (CHG) 40/25C, and relative humidity of 15/40% to
of Spain's Ministry of the Environment since the 75/95%) (Freidel et al. 1978). Also, growth stops
affected zone is an important area of irrigation if the water temperature falls below 10C or rises
farming and hydraulic works and this alien plant above 40C (Franois 1970). In 2005, the mean
weed provoked acute social alarm. temperature in the zones of infestation in the

T.R. Tllez et al.

River Guadiana ranged between 17.7C and tional dryland farming and livestock raising into
19C (datum taken by averaging the mean large areas of irrigation with the construction of
temperatures at several stations of the ICA very large hydraulic works. This led to agri-
Network Spain's nationwide water quality cultural practices of fertilizer use in which the
monitoring network selected to cover the input of nutrients is often non-sustainable and
affected section). Rather than a limiting growth, which have notably affected the water quality of
temperature is a factor favouring the plant's the Guadiana in its chemical composition.
growth in this part of the River Guadiana. With respect to luminance, E. crassipes is
Another determining factor for the growth of classified as heliophilous. Its fastest growth is at
E. crassipes is pH. This has to be between 6 and 240 000 lux, and its minimum requirement is
8. When the values move outside this interval, 24 000 lux, i.e., it can grow under a broad range
the plant can regulate pH of the medium within of light intensities (Franois 1980). In the River
this range with its growth frequently resulting in Guadiana, a good part of the riparian fringe that
the alkalinization of the water. Maximum growth would naturally exist along the banks (gallery
(number of plants and dry weight) is at pH 7, forest of black poplar, willows, alder, and ash)
with pH 3.24.2 being very toxic for the plant, has been lost. With the lack of shading these
4.24.3 inhibitory, and 4.34.5 possibly habitat are in direct sunlight thus the present-day
inhibitory (Berg 1961). The waters of the River conditions also favour the plant's propagation.
Guadiana have a pH between 7.25 and 8.1 (as The speed of the current must also be taken
measured with the multiparameter Seth Multiline into account. The floating form of the plant does
P4 meter), so that, as was the case with not take root so that it is exposed to the kinetic
temperature, the conditions are near optimal for action of the water current. To be able to
the growth and vegetative reproduction of constitute a stable population it requires the
E. crassipes. support of macrophytes or helophytes (rush or
With respect to nutrient concentrations, plants reed beds) on which to anchor. Since the current
growing where these are low are reported to take facilitates the dispersal of propagules and
on a paler hue of green and a purple colouration stolons, and hence the colonization of new areas,
in the roots (Lugo et al. 1979). Maximum growth it is an abiotic factor of considerable importance
of E. crassipes has been observed at N:21 mg/L, for the potential propagation of the infestation in
P:62 mg/L, and Fe:0.6 mg/L. Deficiency of N or a given territory. Indeed, in the present case this
P has less adverse effect than that of Ca. A lack factor was determinant in the plant's dispersal.
of Ca prevents the plant's vegetative reproduc- Our censuses of propagules in the Guadiana
tion (Desougi 1984), the minimum concentration (July-September 2005) found the greatest rate of
necessary being Ca:5 mg/L (Oki et al. 1978), propagule dispersal to be during September, with
with this element being essential for seed an average of 4.5 propagules in 15 minutes. The
formation (Talatala 1974). Nitrates are the main reason for the differences in dispersal rate in
nutrient responsible for the growth of this different months could be the highly variable
invading plant. Their concentration in the River flow regime of the Guadiana.
Guadiana in 2005 varied between 19.63 to 23.52 There have been interesting studies showing
mg/L in the zones of greatest infestation. that both the depth of the water and changes in
Phosphate concentrations were between 0.02 to water level are important for the growth of this
3.31 mg/L. Therefore, although the phosphate species. The plants have more roots when they
levels were not excessively high, nitrate levels are floating in deep water than in shallow water,
were optimal for growth of the water hyacinth in while the leaf area, and the summer growth of
this section of the infested basin. The mean the plant, are greater in the latter case (Oki and
calcium concentration was 48.58 mg/L (datum Ueki 1984). In rivers infested with E. crassipes
taken by averaging the mean calcium concen- and that are characterized by major fluctuations
trations at the aforementioned stations of the in water level, such as the Nile, there have been
ICA Network) 10 times greater than the some studies on the connection between
minimum required for the plant's vegetative variations in the populations and these ecological
reproduction. factors (Freidel et al. 1978). Major oscillations in
The presence of these nutrients in the river is its water levels are also a characteristic of the
linked to the intense agricultural activity in its Guadiana, not only because it is a Mediterranean
adjacent floodplain. These are fertile soils which river affected by strong summer droughts, but
in the 1960s were transformed from the tradi- also because of the great dams that have been

The Water Hyacinth in the Guadiana River Basin

constructed on its upper reaches (La Serena, As the geographical distribution is so

Cjara, Garca Sola, etc.) with the consequent widespread, and the species involved vary from
greater frequency of changes in flow. These country to country the list of plants accompany-
anthropogenically induced oscillations in flow ing E. crassipes is enormous. For this reason,
regime affect various environmental factors that some authors (Gopal 1987) are unwilling to
contribute to its spread. First, they can reduce affirm that this plant forms phytocoenoses sensu
the average water temperature. Second, they strictu. It often occupies the same niche as
increase water movement. Third, they lead to the rootless floating plants such as the cosmopolitan
possibility of seed-bearing plants being left genera Lemna (duckweeds), Spirodella, or
stranded on dry banks, with the consequent Wolffia (watermeals), or aquatic ferns such as
drying and wetting cycles subsequently the Azolla (mosquito ferns) or the Salvinia
favouring the seeds' germinative capacity. (water spangles) (Gopal 1987). Also, the floating
carpets of water hyacinth constitute a habitat that
Flora and fauna associated with E. crassipes is well-suited to the germination and initial
growth of the seedlings of many species.
The successful invasion of invasive plants is also In the case of the Guadiana infestation, the
due to the lack of predators and competitors. The accompanying vegetation consisted of beds of
water hyacinth in its native habitat is food for reeds and rushes dominated by Phragmites
manatees (Trichechus manatus) which maintain communis, Typha latifolia, T. angustifolia,
the populations in equilibrium. The lack of any T. dominguensis, and other smaller species such
equivalent aquatic fauna in the Guadiana notably as Polygonum persicaria, Echinochloa crus-
determines the success of the plant's populations galli, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Roripa
in this river. nasturtium-aquaticum, and Rumex conglo-
With respect to other types of relationships, meratus which found mechanical support in this
the stems and roots of the water hyacinth often invasive plant. There were also small free-
harbour microorganisms such as the nitrogen- floating aquatic plants such as Lemna minor and
fixing Azotobacter chroococcum (Purchase Azolla filiculoides and macrophytes such as
1977), and vertebrates and invertebrates with Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton crispus,
which it may not infrequently form symbiotic and P. natans and Myriophyllum spicatum which
relationships amphibians, bony fish, snakes, was less abundant.
rodents, annelids, and arachnids and other
Nevertheless, these associated species were
arthropods (Ultsch 1976; Achaval et al. 1979;
affected by the fast growth of the alien invader.
Leentvaar 1974; Auffenberg 1980; Godley 1982;
Costa and de Silva 1978; O'Hara 1967; At the beginning of the infestation when the
Moghraby 1975). On several occasions, moorhen patch was small in size, they co-existed with the
(Gallinula chloropus) were observed pecking at invader, but as E. crassipes expanded it
the aerenchyma of water hyacinths in periods of completely eliminated these associated aquatic
food shortage, as well as several representatives species from the habitat. Indeed, in other
of the insects taking nectar during flowering. countries too, various studies on the interaction
Our pollinator censuses (September 2005) between E. crassipes and competing species
showed the agent responsible for cross- (mainly of the genera Pistacia and Sesbania)
pollination at these latitudes to be the common have found that the competitor ends up being
honey-bee (Apis mellifera) unlike in the plant's excluded (Gay 1960; Chadwick and Obeid 1966;
natural habitat where the pollinators are the Little 1975).
long-tongued bee Ancyloscelis gigas and the The water hyacinth's competitive success seems
stingless bee Trigona sp. (Barret 1977). The also to be related to the levels of eutro-phication
existence of this vector plays an essential role in and the area occupied by the rest of the
the sexual reproduction of the water hyacinth vegetation present in the habitat (Morris 1974).
and in the sexual contribution to its propagation. Thus, the devastating capacity of E. crassipes in
Seed set in open and bagged flowers was the waters of the Guadiana is a result of the
estimated (GIS, 2005b, unpublished data), and nutrient levels that are near complete eutro-
seed germination ablility was proved so the phication and of the small proportion of the
species can reproduce sexually in the Guadiana water surface that is naturally occupied by native
River. aquatic vegetation.

T.R. Tllez et al.

Modeling the potential evolution of E. crassipes

in the River Guadiana

The measures put into effect by Spain's Ministry

of the Environment in 2005/6 have so far
managed to contain the infestation to a 75 km
section of the river. But in light of the risk
represented by the plant's capacity for repro-
duction and growth and the abiotic and biotic
factors that favour its success, we determined its
future distribution to plan and implement the
appropriate control of the weed in this area.
We used a GIS (Geographic Information
Figure 4. Plots of the relative growth rate and the doubling System) to construct predictive models of the
time in 3 experiments: (1) culture ex situ; (2) culture in
natural conditions; and (3) culture in experimental rafts. plant's potential distribution on the basis of the
water's physico-chemical parameters tempera-
ture, pH, conductivity, and nutrient concen-
trations (calcium, phosphates, and nitrates).
Reproductive capacity of E. crassipes Statistical models were not developed, for the
Together with the undeniable importance of the potential spread was validated by the expert
aforementioned external factors, the species' knowledge way.
genetic make-up which is responsible for its The physico-chemical data used in the GIS
reproductive strategy and capacity for growth is came from 200 stations of the ICA network (Red
also of great importance in contributing to the Integral de la Calidad de las Aguas) of the CHG
invasion. It is known that variations in the (Ministry of the Environment). After the
invasive potential of an alien aquatic plant selection and processing of the raw data, they
reflect its preference for the new habitat and the were subjected to a preliminary analysis
availability of propagules (Mandryk and Wein (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, ESDA). This
2006). In the present case, E. crassipes is a plant preliminary step is an indispensable requirement
that reproduces both vegetatively and sexually, for interpolation, since one must examine the
the former being the more important for the distribution of the data, identify local and global
plant's rapid expansion and colonization through outliers, look for overall trends, examine the
the formation of stolons. spatial autocorrelation and directional variation
E. crassipes has an extraordinary growth rate. of the data, understand the covariation between
This has been calculated in other countries to be the multiple variables, and transform the data if
an increase in biomass of 400700 tons per ha necessary (Moreno 2005).
per day, or an increase in water area coverage by First, the study area was digitized (Arcview,
a factor of 1.0121.077 per day. We conducted Esri) using as base cartography 1:25.000 maps
experiments to evaluate the growth rate of E. (National Geographic Institute) and orthophoto-
crassipes in the River Guadiana: Experiment 1 graphs (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and
(37 individuals), 2 (50 individuals), and 3 (80 Food). With this material, we created a vector
individuals) (for detailed methods see GIC polygon layer of the River Guadiana and some of
2006). Experiment 1 was made in experimental its tributaries, from the Orellana Dam (Spain) to
baths in August 2005, Experiment 2 in the river, Cheles-Alqueva (Portugal).
September-October 2005, and Experiment 3 July To construct the map inputs, values were
2006, in artificial lakes. Temperature of growth needed for the entire area of study. It was thus
and physicochemical parameters were measured. necessary to interpolate between the zones where
The results gave a daily relative growth rate the sampling stations were located. The
(RGR) (Gopal, 1987) that varied between 4 and interpolation technique used as being the best
6%, and doubling times (DT) (Gopal, 1987) of suited to the spatial characteristics and the data
between 10 and 60 days, depending on the was the inverse distance weighted (IDW) mean
experimental conditions (see Figure 4). These (Felicsimo 1994). The calculations were
results are similar to those previously published performed using the Geostatistical Analyst Tool
by the bibliography on this topic. of the ArcGIS program. A cross validation was

The Water Hyacinth in the Guadiana River Basin

Figure 5. Map of areas on risk of being recovered by Eichhornia crassipes in the Guadiana River Basin.

In Figure 5, we show the map that results from

dividing the level of risk of the sections of the
river basin studied into four categories: sections
where the risk of infestation is high, very high,
extremely high, and maximal. Figure 6 shows the
main Areas (Ha) and risks. In the study area,
therefore, there are no physico-chemical
conditions that would limit the distribution and
persistence of the plant indeed, this section of
the Guadiana Basin is extraordinarily vulnerable
to infestation. The area also showed favourable
Figure 6. Main Areas (Ha) and risks of the infestation by conditions for the plant's continued growth and
Eichhornia crassipes in the Guadiana River Basin.
expansion year after year, with the different
levels of risk never being less than highly
then performed obtaining different graphs and vulnerable. The highest level of risk (red) is
summaries of the measured and predicted values situated in the municipality of Guarea (38N)
(Moreno 2005). and in the zone of the mouth of the Brdalo
With the interpolated surfaces corresponding tributary (38N). Zones of extremely high risk
to the different physico-chemical variables, the (pink) correspond to Don Benito and the Ruecas
final maps were generated using the ArcGIS and river. The other zones of the Guadiana are either
ArcView programs. The interpolated surfaces at very high (orange) or high (yellow) levels of
were rasterized to layers with a resolution of 25 risk.
m. Using map algebra, we created an appropriate Consequently, it is foreseeable to expect
legend for each selected physico-chemical major infestations in the area that is presently
variable. From the values of the different colonized, both in population size and in spatial
variables favouring growth and the analysis of extent. Its expansion to areas that are presently
their cartography in the study area, we used free of infestation is also to be expected. These
overlay techniques to construct a map of the risk include the Vegas Bajas (Lower Floodplains,
of water hyacinth infestation. Levels of risk were between Mrida and Badajoz) area and the
defined based on expert published knowledge on Alqueva Reservoir in Portugal, of recent
the physicochemical parameters related to the construction and the largest reservoir in Western
higest growing levels. Europe. Given the size of the potential area of

T.R. Tllez et al.

distribution, it would seem necessary to make Acremonium zonatum and the attack of mites
provision for an important increase and (Charudattan et al. 1978; DelFosse 1976) and
subsequent maintenance in the level of the means weevils (Sanders et al. 1985), although it is
and logistics targeted at the prevention and unclear whether these arthropods are vectors of
control of this weed. the pathogens or the fungal spores are deposited
in the tunnels they create.
Management and control of the E. crassipes There are two pre-requisites for the
infestation integration of chemical control and the use of
insects and phytopathogens: that the concen-
Today there is a global agreement among tration of the chemical is sufficiently low to
scientists and managers that there is no totally leave the plant alive but with reduced vigour and
effective method to eradicate E. crassipes that the substance does not affect the insects, the
indicating the best option is integrated pathogenic agents, or their pathogenicity.
management and control of the weed. Each of Although there has been little attention paid to
the methods that have been studied and used the integration of chemical and biological
have their particular characteristics of time, control, Center et al. (1982) reported that in an
effort, cost, environmental consequences, and experimental study weevils were more effective
efficacy so that the combination of various in combination with a growth retardant. Great
agents has been proposed to best control the caution is needed in selecting which herbicides
plant (Gopal 1987). In the case of the infestation to use together with biological control. Roorda et
of the Guadiana, physical means have been used al. (1980) found that while 2,4-D amine, glypho-
to control the weed (i.e. mechanical removal). sate, and paraquat have very few effects on adult
The results have been positive although in no mites (mortality < 20% at concentrations of 500
sense has the possibility of the evolution of the 1000 mg/l) diquat, diazinon, endosulfan, and
populations been discarded. azinphos-methyl are toxic for both larvae and
At the end of World War II, chemical control adults.
was the main approach for controlling The present trend is the study of a broad
E. crassipes. In the 1960s, various research spectrum of aspects concerning the biological
articles reported on use of herbicides for the control of E. crassipes the effect of nutrients
control of infestations of E. crassipes. Since then on this control (Coetzee et al. 2006), the
various types of herbicides have come on the photosynthetic and biomass productivity of
market showing different degrees of plants affected by biocontrol (Ripley et al.
effectiveness and environmental consequences. 2006), and integrated control with insects and
Those most used have been amitrol, 2,4-D phytopathogens (Jimnez and Balandra 2007). At
amine, diquat, glyphosate, and paraquat (Gopal a general level, in countries where E. crassipes
1987). No chemical control agents have been infestation affects hundreds of thousands of
used in the recent infestation of the Guadiana hectares, integrated control may include several
since Spanish legislation does not presently different measures. For example, the pathogen
permit the use of any herbicide in natural water Cercospora rodmanii can be integrated into
courses. control programs with arthropods such as
The strategy that is presently the centre of Neochetina and sub-lethal doses of chemical
interest for dealing with alien plant weeds is herbicides (Charudattan 1985). In these
biological control. Indeed, Neochetina treatments, the chemical herbicide is used solely
eichhorniae and Orthogalumna terebrantis have to put the plant under slight stress, so that the
a sympatric distribution and a synergic relation- mites or other insects would not be affected as
ship (DelFosse 1977) in weakening E. crassipes. they would be with conventional treatments
They are therefore the most widely used and the (Wright and Center 1984). The arthropod
two species have similar temperature population is most likely to survive the herbicide
requirements. treatment, and will then cause even greater
Insects and other arthropods contribute to damage to the plant by affecting the new shoots.
increased incidence of diseases by damaging the This would also make the plant more susceptible
leaf tissues or by transmitting pathogenic agents. to diseases, which was the reason for the use of
In the case of E. crassipes, a strong correlation mycoherbicides such as C. rodmanii to maximize
has been observed between the presence of the stress on the plant (Charudattan 1985).

The Water Hyacinth in the Guadiana River Basin

Notwithstanding the different measures put type and the Zaragoza type, both designed
into practice in different countries around the specifically for the Spanish situation. The
world, the goal of controlling E. crassipes has Huelva-type barriers are placed diagonally
not been attained with much less the eradication across the channel. They are held to the banks,
occuring at present. For that reason, there have with 30-mm corrugated steel posts and welded
been attempts in the last few years to approach rings secured by padlocks and steel cables. They
the control of the plant by putting it to practical consist of elliptical cross-section floats, attached
use, which would also contribute to reducing the to a 40-cm deep wire mesh, with a weighted
cost of its elimination. In the United States of tether to ensure its permanent submersion. The
America, Australia, and South Africa, where the Zaragoza-type barriers are fixed. They are
plant is the cause of great environmental secured by two cast concrete blocks with anchor
problems, there are many centres that specialize rings. Their cylindrical floater design, gives
in its use, and there have been frequent practically null slew and fast vertical oscillation,
recommendations to integrate physical control providing an excellent guarantee of containment
with different forms of using the extracted at sites with a strong current. Altogether, two
biomass. thousand meters of the first and five thousand
Different applications have been found for and two hundred meters of the second have been
E. crassipes. It makes suitable feed for many used. The mechanized extraction techniques used
animals, and can be a source of protein for man. were crane trucks equipped with a grapple,
Its use has been recommended in farming as backhoes with bucket, and thirty five meters
fertilizer and compost for mushroom culture, and boom cranes. Sites of difficult access were
even to improve harvests of certain cereals. It cleaned by manual extraction from motor boats.
has been tested as source of pulp for the On the other hand (GIC 2006), to initiate pilot
production of paper, and there have been trials was recommended in order to investigate
descriptions of its potential for phytoremediation on its use as livestock feed, as fertilizer-compost,
in wastewater treatment (Zimmles et al. 2006; and as a source of energy. Given that the
Evel et al. 2006), including its subsequent use expectations of its use could indirectly
after having been grown in wastewater to encourage expansion of the plant, these pilot
produce biogas (Verma et al. 2006). trials must be performed by enterprises under the
For the case of the Guadiana the measures coordinated direction of organisms of Public
carried out to date by Spain's Ministry of the Administration and under controlled conditions.
Environment have managed to retain the The present situation can be described as
infestation within a seventy five km section of under control with no spread of the plant to the
the river. An urgent procedure plan of action Alqueva Reservoir in Portugal. The guidelines
was set up. This plan is based fundamentally on set out in the Convention on Biological Diversity
physical methods with manual and mechanized have been put into effect. These guidelines
extraction of the plant and the installation of require that once the establishment of an exotic
physical barriers to prevent the spread of the invasive species has been detected, the States
plague downstream. Environmental awareness involved individually or conjointly apply the
measures were also taken through various precautionary principle and adopt measures (i.e.
communications media to obtain the collabo- eradication, containment, and control) to
ration of citizens in preventing the plague. In mitigate detrimental effects.
synthesis, to the date more than two hundred of
thousand metric tons of biomass have been Acknowledgements
extracted, with notable maxima in the campaign
of 2005. This has meant an approximate total Authors wish to thank R. Chatwin for the translation of the
cost of more than eight million euros. original manuscript. This work was funded by Junta de
Extremadura, Consejera de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo
In order to prevent propagation, an important Tecnolgico (3PR05A099) and Convenio de Colaboracin
dam (Montijo) was drained dry through its de la Universidad de Extremadura y Confederacin
bottom gates, and the plants that were left Hidrogrfica del Guadiana, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
stranded were collected. Steel gratings of
minimal aperture were installed to prevent
propagation via the two large irrigation canals
leaving this reservoir, and barriers were put in
place. Two types of barrier are in use, the Huelva

T.R. Tllez et al.

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T.R. Tllez et al.

Annex 1.Presence of the natural populations of Eichhornia crassipes plants in the Iberian Peninsula.

Location coordinates
Location Habitat Dates of records Reference
Latitude Longitude

La Aljaima (River
3644'N 0440'W River Before 2004 GIC 2005
PN Doana (Almonte, Garca-Murillo et al.
3715'N 0631'W Wetland Before 2004
Huelva) 2004
River Algar (Altea) 3830'N 0010'E River July 1998 Piera et al. 1999
Bolulla 3840'N 0010'E Stream July 1988 Carretero 1989
Valverde de Mrida 3850'N 06 10W River October 2004 GIC 2005
San Pedro de Mrida 3850'N 0620'W River May 2005 GIC 2005
Valdetorres 3850'N 0630'W River May 2005 GIC 2005
Son Navata (Felanitx) 3928'N 0306'E Pond August 2005 Majol 2006
Mrida 3850'N 0600'W River May 2005 GIC 2005
Yelbes 3900'N 0550'W River May 2005 GIC 2005
Medelln 3900'N 0600'W River October 2004 GIC 2005
Villagonzalo 3900'N 0610'W River May 2005 GIC 2005
Partida de Patos 3950'N 0000'E River June 1992 Tirado et al. 1994
Navalmoral de la Mata 3950'N 0530'W Pond November 1997 Rico 2001
Talayuela (Arroyo
3960'N 0527'W Stream October 2005 GIC 2006
Fresnedoso & Santa Mara)
Ulls de lArispe (Ebro
4040'N 0035'E Wetland Beginning of 1990 Dana et al. 2004
Squia de la Plana 4000'N 0000'E River November 1992 Tirado et al. 1994
Laguna de Arnao Gonzlez Costales
4330N 0701'W Pond Beginning of 2004
(Castropol) 2006

Leziria 3820'N 0830'W Canals Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
River Sado 3820'N 0840'W River Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Comporta 3820'N 0850'W Ricefield Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Setbal 3830'N 0910'W Ricefield Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Canha 3840'N 0850'W River Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Alcochete 3840'N 0900'W Wetland Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Elvas, Torre de la Bolsa 3850'N 0710'W River Before 1960 Anthos 2006
Ribeira Estaao do Lauve 3850'N 0830'W Canals Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
River Soraia 3850'N 0850'W River Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005

Benavente 3850'N 0900'W Stream Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005

River Sto. Estvo 3900'N 0850'W River Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Vilafranca da Xira 3900'N 0900'W Canals Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Santarem 3910'N 0830'W Canals Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005
Chamusca, Vila Nova da
Barquinha River Xarrama, 3920'N 0830'W River Between 1939 and 1976 Moreira et al. 2005


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