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Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on

new ruthenium diphenyl carbazide complexes

Hashem Shahroosvand a,*, Leyla Heydari a, Sara Tarighi b,

Mohammadreza Riahi c, Babak Nemati Bideh a, Babak Pashaei a
Chemistry Department, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
Faculty of Petrochemicals, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran
Physics Department, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Kavianst, Mojtabaeest, Shariatist, Tehran, Iran

article info abstract

Article history: The major challenge of the operation of every solar cell based on dye including water
Received 18 January 2017 splitting solar cell (WSSC) and dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is the using organic solvent
Received in revised form medium which causes to decompose the solar cell structure, resulting environmental
19 April 2017 impact. Here, we synthesized and characterized two new ruthenium complexes with ni-
Accepted 21 April 2017 trogen and oxygen donor ligands for DSSC application which show good stability on TiO2
Available online xxx surface in water solvent. Interestingly, the DSSC based on [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]Cl, where
dcbpy ¼ 4,4-dicarboxilic acid 2,2-bipyridin and DPC ¼ diphenylcarbazide, was shown better
Keywords: efficiency in water than methanol dye loading as well as N3 as a benchmark sensitizer in
Dye-sensitized solar cell the same condition. The DPC-based exhibited open circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.63 V, short-
Rutenium circuit current density (Jsc) of 2.5 mA/cm2 and fill factor (FF) of 70%, resulting an overall
Diphenyl carbazide power efficiency of 1.12%. The incident-photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE)
NO donor ligand value is also reached to 45% for [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]Cl in the same condition It is proposed
that the ruthenium complex containing nitrogen and oxygen donor ligands is more sta-
bility on TiO2 and prevent the decomposition of TiO2 porous under water solvent condition.
© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Nowadays, many renewable energy processes use sunlight as bearing a low overpotential for water oxidation. Ruthenium-
the source of energy to produce the fuel, promising the based complexes have shown promising catalytic properties
replacement of fossil fuel by affordable solar energy [1]. H2 due to interesting photophysical and photochemical proper-
molecule can also act as an effective source of energy which ties which facilities the efficient electron transfer process. One
molecule H2O splits to oxygen and hydrogen molecules [2]. of the first examples of a ruthenium-based catalyst capable of
Light-driven water oxidation or water splitting has been per- water oxidation was the so-called “blue dimer”, prepared by
formed by the direct electrolysis of water by photovoltaic cells Meyer and co-workers in the early 1980s [6]. Moreover, it is
based on semiconductor electrodes [3,4]. The catalytic sys- well known that [Ru(bpy)3]3þ and its derivatives are capable of
tems are usually based on transition-metal photosensitizers oxidizing water to O2 in the presence of colloidal and bulk
and metal oxide water-oxidation catalysts [5]. In contrast, heterogeneous catalysts [7]. The mechanism of the light-
light-driven water oxidation by molecular catalysts has rarely driven water oxidation by molecular catalysts is as follow:
been reported, mainly due to the lack of suitable catalysts the excitation of the sensitizer attached onto the TiO2 surface

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Shahroosvand).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Shahroosvand H, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on new ruthenium diphenyl car-
bazide complexes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e7

by light absorption produces the excited sensitizer, then the to obtain cells demonstrating sufficient durability, efforts
excited sensitizer injects an electron into the conduction band must be devoted to ameliorate the bonding between dye
of the TiO2 and is therefore oxidized which is subsequently molecules and TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) [14].
reduced by electron donation from colloidal and bulk het- There are other types of DSSC using water such as
erogeneous catalysts. Finally, the oxidized catalysts oxidize Quantum-dot DSSC (QDSSC) which attracts great interest due
H2O to O2. In fact, the dye-catalyst colloid replaces the visible to their stability towards water and tunable bandgap. Because
light-absorbing sensitizer of a dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC), of the limitation of CdS cell based on Fe(CN)3/4
6 [15], poly-
and water replaces iodide as the electron donor [8]. sulfide (S2/Sn2) is the only most commonly used electrolyte
Similarly, the operation of a water splitting solar cell for water QDSSCs [16].
(WSSC) and DSSC is analogous, except catalyst in WSSC con- Despite all these achievements and ongoing research,
verts H2O to O2, while in DSSC excited dye generates electricity however, stable and rapid molecular and homogeneous cat-
in circuit. The great challenge between DSSC and WSSCs is the alysts for H2O oxidation and O2 generation have yet to be
solvent medium which both devices work. For DSSC, the polar achieved. Thus, the need to develop highly active and stable
solvent such as methanol or dimethylformamide (DMF) are H2O oxidation catalysts remains of considerable importance.
suitable while in WSSC an aqueous solution is necessary [9]. Here, for first one, as our knowledge, we synthesized and
Interestingly, it must be noted that the first generation of characterized two new ruthenium complexes which DSSC
DSSC developed in the 1980e1990 decade were intended to based on complexes were fabricated in water solution. Inter-
operate with fully aqueous electrolytes [10]. In the recent years, estingly, the power conversion efficiency of fabricated cell
the research is again focused on more deeply investigating the based on new N^O donor (abbreviated as DPC) as ancillary
influence of water in DSSCs, the final challenging aim being the ligand is greater than N3 as benchmark sensitizer in aqueous
full replacement of the traditionally used organic solvents solution. Our findings can provide useful insight to design new
which are dangerous for human and environment. O'Regan dyes which operate in WSSC to produce H2. Fig. 1 shows a
and coworkers in 2010 progressed the fundamental contribu- graphical comparison between the operation of DSSC and
tion for the scientific community in this context [11]. However, WSSC.
a large number of photoelectrochemical device with molecular Considering above advantages, two new ruthenium com-
Ru polypyridyl catalyst assembled via different modified mol- plexes were synthesized according to sensitizer pattern in
ecules on a dye-sensitized nanostructured semicounductor as DSSC which named [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]Cl and [Ru(DPC)(dcb-
anode has been successfully investigated to split water into O2 py)(NCS)2]NEt3, where dcbpy and DPC are 4,4ʹ dicarboxylic
and H2 driven by visible light [12]. acid 2,2 bipyridin and diphenylcarbazide, respectively (Fig. 2).
However, DSSC based on aqueous electrolyte is more Full experimental procedure is explained in electronic
explored than fabricated DSSC in aqueous dye loading condi- Supplementary Information (ESI. S1.1 and S1.2).
tion [13]. Thanks to their broad absorption spectra and excel- In the IR spectra of the complexes, a broad band at
lent light harvesting ability, Ru complexes would represent the ~3500 cm1 related to antisymmetric and symmetric stretch-
sensitizer of choice for aqueous DSSCs. Nevertheless, in order ing of OeH as well as NeH bond at ~1630 cm1. The absorption

Fig. 1 e The graphical comparison of operation of water splitting solar cell (WSSC) and dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC).

Please cite this article in press as: Shahroosvand H, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on new ruthenium diphenyl car-
bazide complexes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e7 3

Fig. 2 e The molecule structure of two synthesized sensitizers.

bands in the region 390e500 cm1 assigned to stretching vi- shows the pH dependency of DPC ligand. Notably, the molar
brations of RueO and RueN bonds were observed in the FTIR absorbance coefficient (ε) of absorption band in visible region
spectra of these compounds. Stretching vibrations of carbonyl of DPC ligand (27,000 M1 cm1) in basic media (pH ¼ 11) is
groups of C]O and C]S bonds of NCS ligand are also higher than benchmark sensitizers such as N3 and N719
observable in ~1700 and 2108 cm1 frequencies, respectively (>15,000 M1 cm1) [19]. Therefore, DPC ligand can be a very
[17]. 1H NMR tool is a useful method to investigate the NeH good candidate for light harvesting device such as WSSC and
bond because of the significant signal at obvious region DSSC.
(4e6 ppm) between aromatic and aliphatic regions. For both The electronic absorption spectra of [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)(NCS)]
two complexes, there is a signal around 5.6 ppm which was NEt3 and [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2]Cl recorded in methanol and water
assigned to the NeNHeC (phenyl) of DPC ligand which con- respectively are shown in Fig. 2. Interestingly [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2]
firms the coordination of DPC to metal [18]. In addition, a Cl complex was soluble in all solvents even water. The high-
crystal structure of coordination of DPC ligand to Zn metal energy absorption band of the Ru(II)-bipyridyl complex is
was also accessible which shown the mode of coordination of contributed by two components including metal-to-ligand
DPC to metal (details of results are also given in ESI. S2. 1). charge transfer (MLCT) transition and pi-pi transitions of
The DPC ligand having four acidic protons is a pH depen- the ancillary bipyridyl ligand [20]. The absorption spectra of
dent ligand which creates interesting optical properties. Sur- both sensitizers display the characteristic MLCT bands
prisingly, DPC has a relatively intense broad band in visible appearing at 414 and 587 nm (ε ¼ 1.36  104 M1 cm1)
region (about 550 nm) which was rarely seen in aromatic in [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)(NCS)]NEt3 and 374 and 555 nm
ligand because of its only intraligand charge transfer. Fig. 3 (ε ¼ 7775 M1 cm1) in [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2]Cl (The progress of
reaction was monitored by UVevis, please see ESI. S2. 2 and S2.
3). The red shift of absorption band in visible region up about
580 nm and their good overlapping with solar radiation region
are remarkable properties of DPC complexes.
Cyclic voltammetry of complexes (CV) was measured in
DMF solution using dye concentrations of 103 M and 0.1 M
tetrabutylammonium perchlorate as a supporting electrolyte.
Complexes of [Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] and [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]
presented irreversible oxidation wave with potential about
0.8 V vs. g/AgCl, attributed to the RuII/RuIII oxidation. The
broad and structureless of waves in negative region can be
attributed to the redox behavior of polypyridyl ligand [21].
The results also indicated that the redox potential of I/I
3 is
favorable negative than the high occupied molecular orbital
(HOMO) indicating that the sensitizer can be easily regener-
ated by accepting electrons from the electrolyte [22]. The
Fig. 3 e The UVevis of DPC ligand in pH of 8, 10.5 and 11.5. location of the HOMOs and low unoccupied molecular orbitals

Please cite this article in press as: Shahroosvand H, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on new ruthenium diphenyl car-
bazide complexes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e7

Fig. 4 e UVevis spectra of [Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] in DMF

and [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)] in H2O at 10¡5 M. The spectrum of
solar radiation is also shown. The green box shows the Fig. 6 e I-V of DSSC based on [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]Cl dye in
overlap of visible region of absorption band of complexes methanol (red line) and water (black line) immersion (15 h).
and the spectrum of solar radiation. (For interpretation of The mediator is I3/3I¡. (For interpretation of the references
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
referred to the web version of this article.) web version of this article.)

(LUMOs) in these complexes were calculated using B3LYP-DFT The short-circuit photocurrent density (JSC), open-circuit
methods (ESI. S2.2 and S2.5). The delocalization of charge voltage (VOC), fill factor (FF) and power conversion efficiency
density of HOMO on DPC as ancillary ligand and LUMO on (PCE) of devices are tabulated in Table 1 and were compared to
carboxylic acid moieties prepared the compatible condition N3.
for convenient regeneration and prevent recombination The value of 70% of FF for dye in water is among the best FF
processes (Figs. 4 and 5). in DSSC. To determine the coordination of dye into TiO2 in
In order to study the influence of substituent DPC on the during dye loading, the FT-IR of complexes after absorbing
DSSC device performance of dyes, photovoltaic experiments on dye were recorded (ESI. S2.6 and S2.7). FT-IR results showed
were conducted. The devices were fabricated using a layer of that the complexes were posited on TiO2 surface and were not
TiO2 film sensitized with these dyes and in conjunction with decomposed during loading onto TiO2. To determine the
3 electrolyte. Fig. 6 shows the photocurrent densityevolt- photoresponsibility of complexes, incident photon to current
age curves of the devices using [Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] and efficiency (IPCE) of complexes were also recorded (Fig. 7).
[Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)] under AM 1.5 G simulated sunlight. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 7 and given in Table 1, although
the PCE of [Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] in DMF is higher than
[Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)] in water, nevertheless the IPCE value is
reverse. This evidence also confirms the good conversion
properties of light to photon of which can be attributed to the
high molar absorbity of complexes in visible region.
For more discussion about above interesting results, we will
give more comparisons and literatures in following. Miyasaka
and coworkers assembled two DSSCs based on N719 and N3
sensitizer molecules in water electrolyte which adsorbed onto
the surface of the TiO2 layer [23]. As summarized in Table 1, in
the presence of a truly aqueous electrolyte (KI 0.50 M and I2
25 mM), efficiencies of 0.6% and 0.5% were obtained using N3
and N719 dyes, respectively. These obtained values are clearly
lower than dyes based on DPC ancillary ligand in our study.
Moreover, the left time which dyes and TiO2 in water is in
contact is more than DSSC based on water electrolyte solution.
This outstanding behavior can be attributed to adsorption
strength of the DPC dyes at the TiO2 surface; in fact, being more
hydrophilic than N3, N719. Moreover, the high solubility of
Fig. 5 e Cyclic voltammetry of [Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] and DPC in water can be responsible for high adsorption of dye
[Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)] in DMF solution. Insert:Survey of onto TiO2 through carboxylic acid anchoring groups. The
diffusion current in [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]. four eCOOH groups of the [Ru(dcbpy)2(DPC)]Cl dye molecule

Please cite this article in press as: Shahroosvand H, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on new ruthenium diphenyl car-
bazide complexes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e7 5

Table 1 e Photovoltaic performances of DSSCs sensitized with [Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2]þ[Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2], radiant power:

88 mW cm¡2 (AM 1.0 direct); redox electrolyte, LiI (0.1 M), I2 (0.05 M) and 4-tertbutylpyridine (0.5 M). Foe N3 and N719, PV
parameters (Pin ¼ 1 sun) of DSSCs assembled with electrolytes based on water and/or ethanolewater mixtures recovered
from industrial effluents.
Dye Solvent Jsc (mA/cm2) Voc (V) FF (%) h (%) (±0.1) IPCE (±1) Reference
[Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2] Methanol 1.5 0.58 0.61 0.53 42 Current work
[Ru(DPC)(dcbpy)2]þ H2O 2.5 0.63 0.71 1.12 45 Current work
[Ru(dcbpy)(DPC)(NCS)2] DMF 7.5 0.65 0.4 2.3 40 Current work
N3 H2O 2.7 0.37 0.6 0.6 e [19]
N719 H2O 2.0 0.40 0.63 0.5 e [19]

ensure a more efficient electronic interaction at the oxide Of course, the procedure of electrolyte replacement is
interface which, as a result, guarantees a much stronger much easier and safe when an aqueous system is envisaged
adsorption at the interface with the active material particles, than an organic volatile one that carries around severe envi-
thus improved stability under water was achieved. ronmental hazards. With the advent of DSSCs in 1990 decade
As another comparison, the first exotic redox couple for [8], organic solvents replaced water, and cells operating in an
aqueous DSSCs was a cerium based compound which was aqueous environment were no longer investigated for the
proposed by Teoh and coworkers in 2008 [24]. Ce(NO3)3, 0.10 M following 10e15 years. Nevertheless, to the best of our
and Ce(NO3)4, 50 mM were dissolved in a 35:65 of EtOH:H2O knowledge, no scientific group has undertaken dye loading
mixture. This electrolyte was coupled with a variety of com- onto TiO2 in water path so far.
mercial and natural sensitizers. Although, the PCE is very low, The attractive dye stability on TiO scientists to follow such
their simple preparation techniques, wide availability and low N^O dyes to other water based applications such as WSSC for
cost, make them as the best option for an aqueous and truly H2 production.
eco-friendly solar cell device. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a water soluble Ru
The composition of ruthenium component in our study is sensitizer based on diphenylcarbized (DPC) which can convert
very similar to water splitting device to produce H2. Therefore, sun light to electricity more efficient than N3 and N719 in
a link between DSSC and WSSC can be occurred through using water electrolyte medium. The easiness of DPC synthesis high
cerium nitrate composition in water solution media. Recently, light harvesting in visible region due to remarkable ε value
Graetzel et al. unveiled aqueous dye sensitized solar cells (23000 mol1 L1 cm1) as well as high solubility in both protic
based on new composition of I/I 3 -based redox mediator, and aprotic solvent makes it as attractive ligand for antenna
which thoroughly investigated the speciation of ions, the ef- effect. Therefore, the power conversion efficiency of 1.12%
fect of the concentration of the redox mediator and the type of was achieved in water dye loading condition, which is among
counter-ion. The most PCE was achieved about 0.81% when the highest values which are reported for water DSSCs. The
the concentration of [I], [KI] and [I2] controlled at 5.5, 12 and stability of this complex containing N^O donor ancillary ligand
50 mM, respectively [25]. in water onto TiO2 during dye loading process (16 h) also
promises to new good water soluble candidate for other water
based solar cell devices such as water splitting solar cell.


Authors thank the University of Zanajn, Iran Polymer and

Petrochemical Institute and K. N. Toosi University. Authors
also wish to thank professor Mohammad Mahdi Najafpour for
proof reading of water splitting section and his useful

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data related to this article can be found at


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Please cite this article in press as: Shahroosvand H, et al., Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell based on new ruthenium diphenyl car-
bazide complexes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),

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